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50 customer reviews of

Avoid at all cost, Bob Lucido Realty Group Ellicott City MD
Along with the ability to write reviews on line in the internet era there are bad reviews that go along with good, this is one of them. I would never recommend Geri Anderson or the Bob Lucido Realty Group. We entered into an Agreement with the Bob Lucido Group represented by Gerri Anderson on May 25,2017. We lowered the price to $650K when took the listing. After stating "with their marketing campaign we will sell your home in 30 days", they then again asked that we lower our home sale price to $619,900. It was always about lowering the price and flip the house so they absorb their quick $30K commission. When we received an offer to purchase our home for $619K we requested Ms Anderson to provide us with an estimate of net proceeds. Ms. Anderson forward to us in email a net proceeds sheet of $21,278. Based on her net proceeds statement, we agreed to enter into the contract to sell our property for the $619,000. Approximately one hour prior to settlement we received a call from one of their agents, Wendy Shapiro stating we needed to bring our check book to closing and write a check for $91.30 to close the sale. The buyer had asked if they could move in within 30 days. We jumped through hoops to accommodate and had movers in to move us out the day before settlement. We were now out of our home. Since we had already signed the Contract of Sale, we had no legal choice but to proceed to settlement and pay the $91.30 in spite of the fact that we had just been informed by the Bo Lucido Group that our net proceeds would be $21,278. As a "Real Estate Professional" The Bob Lucido Group had an obligation to correctly advise us in all aspects of the sale of our home from listing up to and including the settlement of our home. This would include an accurate estimate of our net proceeds of the sale when we received the offer. They clearly breached this obligation. A close analysis of the net proceeds statement showed that Gerri Anderson put the concession to the buyer in the wrong column. Realtors are obligated to stand behind their information as they are advisors and paid consultants to the sale of ones home. Gerri Anderson and Bob Lucido have not and will not even take ownership of their mistake. We made the decision to sell our home on their information, we made the decision to buy another home based on their information and they just walk away with their commission. Do not use this group unless you have the money to lose! At this point litigation will be the final determination point on having this matter addressed. Shame on them!

The new changes to are absolutely HORRIBLE! Please FIRE the person responsible for this upgrade/ implementation. I have never personally- as a consumer -experienced a worse "upgrade" EVER in 35 years in the business.


As a realtor who just signed on for inquiries to be sent to me@ over $50 each, I am now seeing how has consumers fleeing to competitor sites because their search app is unusable! Given the number of complaints saying the same thing, why is that company not ditching the bad software? Instead, their advertisers and consumers are having to ditch. Who runs these businesses that are so stubborn don't listen to repeated feedback? Self-sabatoging Corporations?
Update August 2016 --I have been caught in the back and forth disputing the charges. The arrangement I made with my rep Eltrya was for a one-time payment of $1290, for Exclusive Leads at 4x/monthly. Instead, I have been receiving varying charges of $180 to now $215 monthly--having to continuously dispute these. After receiving 2 leads over the last 2 months (the first being a $90k mobile home when avg sales price is low $200ks), and conflicting responses from customer service, I saw the writing on the wall and I cancelled. One email from the company stated the first lead was not exclusive, followed by other reps stating it was?! I liked doing business with them before all the changes that have occurred. Disappointing, since I was hoping to continue having a good arrangement like I did in past years. cheats Agents
When I signed up for leads in August of 2016 for ZIP 28273, my rep guaranteed me a minimum of 44-48 leads over the course of a year. He stated that would prorate and give me a refund for any leads under the minimum. Over the course of the year, I got leads with fake names and duplicate leads. At the end of the year, my account was going to auto-renew. I expressly told the rep I did not want my account to auto renew because I had not gotten the minimum number of leads promised. So the rep stated that he would add a month to the end of my contract period, and delay the auto-renewal until after I had gotten the minimum leads promised. But instead auto-renewed my account anyway!

When I called to complain, stated that there is nothing they can do to prevent the account from auto-renewing! Also, they said they could see that even after the free month, I had still only gotten 36 of the 44-48 "guaranteed" leads. They said they had changed their policy since I had signed a contract with them in 2016, and that now their new policy is that if they think the number of leads that you got is "close enough", then no refund is given for ANY leads under the minimum promised. So even tho they required that I pay UPFRONT for a minimum of 44-48 leads, they can shaft Realtors because they "changed their policy" since I signed up with them. What a racket!

Realtor.Com Is fraudulent and malicious. Even if you haven't posted your home on
I was thinking about listing my home for sale on a legitimate website only to find out that had maliciously without any authorization by the owner fraudulently mis-listed the house as being a single family property when in fact it is a legal multi family 3 unit property and has been so for over thirty years. Further blatantly had also put a picture of the house on their website without any authorization whatsoever from the owner. This caused a loss to the owner recently of two possible buyers who must have seen this fraudulent unreliable and inaccurate information.
I think these unlawful actions speak for themselves as to the caliber of
I have spent several days sending texts protesting these unlawful acts and also waiting for long periods on their customer service phone line to No Avail.
My rating for is a negative zero star rating.
I believe that governmental action should immediately also prohibit from indiscriminately publishing to the public their fraudulent property value estimates under the false heading of "property records."

Fraud: Tyler Carr and his staff Lie... Huge Scam
Tyler Carr and his staff at are simply rude, unprofessional and full of FRAUD, first get you on the phone to sell you supposed "great leads" and don't tell you, that you will be in a contract with them until its too late. They do not have you sign anything and when you ask for a copy of the contract they straight up say... you don't have a contract, then turn around and say it was a verbal contract... UGH SCAMMERS. Then when you call them because there leads are not any good and you would like to cancel, they start to bully you and lie to you and start accusing you of being unprofessional. They tell you they will not cancel your account no matter what. They promise you leads, yet do not provide leads, you call and ask them to cancel then they tell you that one: The leads are probably in your spam box and two: you had a verbal contract with them and you are now in a contract for a year. They continue to bill your account, we even canceled the card on file and they still billed our account telling us, that they have a way to bill through your bank account as a merchant account, even after you change the card. This is a total scam and the most unprofessional form of business we have seen in the Real Estate profession.

Realtors Beware - Lead Program is a scam- Time to fight back
Not even worth 1 star! Indeed, I have to confirm what several other Realtors have posted here regarding the Zip Code based Lead program that is sold by using the legitimacy of the NAR (who should be ashamed of allowing this scam to continue).

My story. Regrettably, I listened to a colleague who accepted the word of a newly minted Realtor friend in another State that the leads from were great (even this turned out to be wrong as she also came to the same conclusion after not getting any decent leads but 1 deal from an initial Lead... and this, we believe is part of their scam model). So, rather than take my typical skeptical approach, in Feb. 2017, I decided to "try" some exclusive (their FLEX program) Zip Codes in Austin, TX thinking that I would have a chance to cancel if did not produce according to what was represented by the Sales Rep/Account Manager, Christian Valiando.

The reality is that, as others have shared, claim to have you hooked on a 1 year contract once you "accept" (i. E., take) the first Lead that they send your way. And you never get to review any Contract from them. The Sales Rep is trained to get your credit card... and "wham" you are hooked and screwed. Yes, I will admit that I did receive some marginally "acceptable" Leads within the bunch that was sent the first couple of weeks. But after that ploy, it has been, as they say here in Texas, "Slim Pickens" at best. After hours of "going through hoops" to get to Christian or Customer Service, I was told that after 7 months had passed, I could have a "Lead Review". Why should one have to wait this long? Oh, I forgot, this program is only about making and its hedge fund billionaires money at our expense.

I could go on, but after being a big enough pain to Christian and others, I have received a couple of billing refunds, but the amount is small compared to the amount I have paid via credit card thus far. Furthermore, the promised level of Leads is not even close to what is promised in the billing summary/contract that I received when my credit card was first billed.

I join the other Realtor who said she would gladly join others being defrauded by this program in a collective lawsuit. Otherwise, I am going to try what another Realtor reviewed did and call my credit card company to see if I can get them to stop payment. However, my local Realtor friend (the one who I followed into this trap, and who has also had this same experience) advised me that will take actions to collect because of the "Contract" that we have technically assented to because of how they "fix the game" from the start.

Before I close, I have to just note that when I told my AM, Christian, that of those Leads that were not from the Seller themselves or another licensed agent, +95% were from folks thinking that they were entering their info in order to make contact with the Listing Agent, he said he had 'never heard that before'. I have a hard time believing this is true. Furthermore, my suggestion that place a note at the bottom of the area where folks type in their info and question/request that states "Your submission will not be directed to the Listing Agent for this property, but to another Realtor(r)" has obviously been disregarded (as I knew it would once I realized how this deal works primarily for the benefit of and its owners).

If there is a way to communicate on this site with others seeking full release and remedy from this "monster", I am eager to do so. This conduct is not acceptable given that the NAR and all other related trade groups that we Realtors are a part of is supposed to stand for the highest values and Code of Ethics that include Honesty, Integrity, Professionalism, and Fair Dealing, just name a few. So, how does manage to use the the good name of in ways that do not comport with these ethics when dealing with the Realtor(r) community?

False property valuations (similar to Zillow class action)
This site manipulates data. To the benefit of even down to one agent by falsely reporting a valuation with no data but with an agent's opinion which is biased, and unprofessional, as are not appraisers.

When confronted, says they do not guarantee the value or they'll say its not to be used for appraisal. They'll publish and lowball the number, but the buyers take it as gospel. This gives the area agent an upper hand and can also lead to area realtors artificially controlling prices, to a buyer's agent advantage. is more than happy to publish false numbers but won't stand behind them. Zillow was likewise accused by an Illinois real estate attorney of this, but the case was thrown out by a Liberal judge.

The end victim is the seller, and maybe the buyer in the opposite scenario. is controlled by Newscorp, one of the largest media groups worldwide.

The Sherman Antitrust Act is at play here and this would not be the first time a group of realtors, supported by were cited by the Federal Govt.
However the federal govt SHOULD do a complete review of practices and how this ties into the National Ass'n of Realtors.
Who by the way, is one of the biggest lobby groups in Congress.
One hand washes the other.

Review for Agents Buying Lead Contracts
Most of the leads I got either already had an agent or did not want your help and did not answer or told you as much. You only get credit for leads that are really other agents. make you pay based on an estimated number of projected leads which they never deliver. So, previous contract I played for a lower number of projected leads, did not get them and then oddly enough even though I did not get that many previous year projections I had to pay for higher projections the following year which I again did not get that many. They will do some calculations around the end of the contract, but watch out. The first year, I did get some reductions and because of that signed up for a new contract. They put me off 3 times towards the end of this contract. Finally, after they made sure to get end of contract period payments and no more leads to lay claim to, they are trying to tell me the credits I got, which were for the former contract, are for this one because the reductions were in the months of this contract. But, the months overlap because they won't give you any credits till the end and they don't refund, they take it off future payments!. I think this is intentional to be able to try to promise good and then pull this stunt. So, they are trying to get away with just getting me to take what they say for granted and not fight this! Now, FYI, I think in 2 years of about $211 month, I have had one lead close! I am in an area where most sales are under $250,000. You do the math. Just an update, they are now honoring a partial refund based on the lack of leads now, but I had to really fight for it and get past them trying to mislead me to thinking a I had already received more than enough compensation. Plus, I still spent a lot of money and not much results for the money. For a buyer, they love the site and do use it. I just think most of those already have agents or are not ready yet. I know that many of my own buyers send me copies of a house they found on the site.

Fraud, crooks, not what they used to be.
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Rated with 1 star
Crystal of Merrimack, NH
Verified Reviewer
Original review: March 6,2020
I have been an agent for many years and was my main lead source. used to sell leads of potential home buyers and sellers' information when people signed up to their site and had a question, or had seen a home had interest in. The leads were sold based on ZIP code per what they call shares and each share was 40 leads a year distributed over the course of a year, they determined a monthly price and that was what we paid per month. locks you into a contract for 12 months at a time with no option out other than to pay the year in full and who is going to pay a year in full for a service you will not receive?

In 2019 I had noticed a significant drop in volume of leads, was not delivering what was promised in terms of how many leads. Seriously being underdelivered and the leads that were coming in was either consumers whom either have an agent already, or are looking at a very low home price or not possible to convert, either bad information or not able to be financed. In October of 2019 I was approached by Opcity for our office to be an Opcity partner, Opcity is a company that has merged with Their services include taking leads from, calling the lead first before any leads are passed out to the agents that are paying and then upon that lead being good and being a consumer who wants help then handing it out to agents who participate in Opcity at 35% referral fee to Opcity upon a successful closing.

With all that said when Opcity approached me I was open to it as I figured it would help my agents potentially fill the void during the slow times. By November of 2019, one month into Opcity, I had realized that Opcity was the main reason for our loss of volume and creditable potential buyers and sellers from We were getting only the consumers and what was remaining after Opcity was through making the initial point of contact. Which means that every real estate agent that is paying and for this service is being lied to and fraudulently sold a product that is not being delivered in an ethical way. When you discuss this with they say, "Well you are getting leads," yes technically they are emailing the leftovers so I guess technically you can say you gave a lead but in all truthfulness they know that what they are doing is fraud.

In January of 2020 had to give me back a large credit due to under delivery over 50 leads that they sold me and tied up my money with that was never delivered to me. This will also be the same at the end of my term on other areas as well. When you try to address the issue and tell them you want relieved from the contract they tell you "if you do that then we would be required to pay the year in full". Well how can you require someone to pay for a service that they have not received. This brought me to fight with as what they are doing is pure fraud. The relationship between and Opcity and the agents that is collecting money from is double dipping. Of course their sales reps act dumb when you call, getting a person on the phone to be real and not getting a pre-rehearsed answer is next to impossible. has now released an email yesterday as of 3/5/2020 stating that they are proud to announce the merger of now as Opcity. Yet still won't let me out of my contract. I am not sure how a company can steal thousands of dollars from real estate agents and these business practices be acceptable. If has in fact merged they should let agents out of their contracts. is supposed to be supported by the NAR however if you ask if the NAR is aware of what they are doing they said that the NAR is in full support of this. What their company is doing to those of us in the business paying for a service that is not being delivered properly is purely unethical bad business behavior. I cannot believe that the NAR condones this and I cannot believe no one has taken this further in a court of law.

I had to fight for days and several sales reps to get any possible shortage on my contract. I just wanted out of the contract and they should let those of us that want to terminate. After all what we originally signed up for is no longer what the company stands for and we are not being treated as we once were. However even with their unethical behavior they would not relieve me from the contract. So I am forced to continue to spend a large sum of our office budget every month for potential business that is not able to be converted or people who already have agents mostly, because the people who are true home buyers and sellers are being vetted through Opcity.

However on another note there is no lack of good qualified leads coming out of Opcity, my office is getting them and converting them and assisting these people with their home buying needs. These people coming from Opcity are the leads we are technically paying for. The leads coming from Opcity used to be our leads, these are the people and the contact information we agreed to pay for and what we are still paying for, only for to provide them to Opcity first and then Opcity to the sell the good qualifying potential buyers and sellers back to our office at a 35% referral fee. It is disgusting and when our contract is done we will be no longer supporting this company as their ethics, service and product is a scam.

Russell Kellock Is Unprofessional And RUDE!
I recently came on with as an advertising agent. I was having problems with my account and called Russell Kellock who was the rep or account executive who assisted me with the sign up. At the time of sign up everything was unicorns and rainbows, he was kind and answered all questions I had. However, when I was not satisfied with the service and called to ask how to terminate my subscription Russell Kellock was beyond unprofessional he was very combative with me and ultimately did not assist me with the reason for the call. He over spoke me and raised his voice repeating that my contract was "not cancel-able". He told me that business didn't work that way, that contracts couldn't be cancelled whenever the buyer wanted out ant that I was ridiculous for trying to cancel. I told him that I understand business and that I was calling in to see what steps I needed to take per their policy to end my subscription. Instead of answering that very simple question, He went on and on repeating that it was not cancel-able. I told him I did not understand why he was being combative with me and that this was the first time I felt like I was being yelled out in a customer service setting "I am not in customer service, I am in Sales!" Russell Kellock responded to me. I told him that sales and customer service go hand in hand, which he disagreed. I can honestly say as a professional in the field of real estate that I cannot and will not in good faith recommend products to anyone knowing that the customer is not a priority to the consumer. will rope you in with false advertising and then try to belittle you for be dissatisfied with a sub par product.

They send phony leads
I tried them for one year. In theory, buyers on interested in a particular property ask for more information via email. forwards it to one of the agents in the queue who purchased this zip code who should contact the buyer within minutes. I always contacted the buyer within minutes. sent me about 3 or 4 leads a week.

98% of the time buyers would NOT answer the phone, nor would would return a phone call or email.

Of the people I spoke to, the vast majority were just 'lookey-loos' attracted by an impossibly low price; my area has many country clubs with required membership equity of anywhere form $40k-$100k (plus annual fees of over $25k) so many beautiful homes are languishing on the market at ridiculously low prices.

In addition, I was receiving leads from other realtors who were also advertising with and, in this way moved themselves forward in the queue for referrals (the minute one gets a referral, they would submit a request for info on a property- often their own listings!)

At the end of the term I advised my customer rep that I was not renewing. From that moment on (even though I had another MONTH left on my subscription) I didn't receive another lead (as bad as they were).

You've been advised.

Deceptive Trade Practice's Threat
I signed up for a marketing package years ago. Back around 2007. Part of the program was large full color post cards that would go to certain streets within the zip code I purchased. The quality of the post cards was poor. Thin, flimsy not thick at all, would arrive tattered. Yes, I included my own address so that I would see the product that was going out on my behalf. I paid for the program for several months, don't remember exactly how long; I ended the contract pre-mature. Several of the leads must have been drinking wine at 2:00 a.m. as they did not remember filling out a form. I did in fact eventually get 1 client, which equated to 1 listing and 1 sale from the leads obtained at the time. My cost was in the mid three hundreds per month. The leads were typical leads you've got to work them a long time (typically years). It takes more than 3 or 4 phone calls. The overall package, the ease at which the plat form worked and the quality of the materials was not good enough. I eventually mailed a return receipt requested letter - I got out of my contract. My basis was "deceptive trade practices"... I think its wrong wrong wrong for NAR, or Move to sell leads back to agents. All leads should go to listing broker end of story. Ive committed since to never pay for another lead ever! I also believe that the plat form should be the same for all. I do not believe that agents should have the right to purchase better pages. is a national MLS for the public. It should all be the same and all of the leads should go to all of the listing brokers. This is a money making machine placed on the backs of hard working agents.

Nicole James Real Estate Group
My Husband and I never thought we would be able to purchase the home of our dreams; our forever home, until one day we were blessed to meet an awesome group of Angels from Nicole James Real Estate Group. The group consist of Tiffany Richardson, Gerald Richardson and Latonya Gilchrist. These individuals know exactly what it takes to sell and buy a home and are very passionate about what they do. This was the first time we encountered such a process and each time we became frustrated and stressed, they continued to encourage us, remind us that it was going to be ok and that the end result would be awesome. They were exactly right. A special thanks to Ms. Tiffany Richardson who although she is a business woman; has a "Heart of Gold" and to Ms. Latonya Gilchrist who took my Husband and me to view so many homes. Ms. Gilchrist did not ever complain, was extremely patient and treated us like royalty. I know that Realtors are in the business of making money but for this group it IS about making your dreams come true. They actually do work for you and yes, the end result is pure satisfaction. THANK YOU NICOLE JAMES REAL ESTATE GROUP! YOU ROCK!

Do Not use Jennifer Kelly of Re/Max Allegiance in Burke, VA
I found a home thru an online real estate site. I had no agent and Jennifer was recommended by my credit union association. Upon meeting her for the first time, she brought her minor daughter to the showing due to an "emergency". In addition, she seemed more like the sellers agent than mine.

When I requested closing costs be paid by the seller, Jennifer refused to present the seller with my offer and instead suggested a lower offer. As a 1st time homebuyer, I went on the advice of my agent. I later learned that she should have made an offer and let them counter it. When I brought this up, her smug response was, "Well you got the house didn't you."

Jennifer also called me all times of the day advocating for the seller to cut corners. There were repairs placed on the addendum that were relative to the inspection. Items that called for a licensed contractor. She said that the seller was a "pretty good handyman" and could fix some things himself. Furthermore, the inspection called for additional insulation in the attic to bring it to code. She called me at 8pm on a Tuesday (9 days before closing) to tell me that the seller "didn't want me to lose storage space" & "the additional insulation wouldn't reduce my electric bills" so I don't really need it. I told her I wanted it anyway. When I brought up my concern for her advocating for the seller her response was, "He was doing you a favor." If we were not under contract she would have been fired.

Closing day was supppsed to be my day. After the walkthrough, she selfishly tells me that me thinking she wasn't working on my behalf was "hurtful"... as if her feelings mattered the day of my closing. In the end, I closed with no congratulatory gift from her: not a keychain, not a shoe horn, not an ink pen.

I wondered why I couldn't find any reviews on her. Now I know. She did nothing but fill in the blanks for paperwork.

Great Realtors - Dinsmore Team
He Dinsmore Team was OUTSTANDING! recently sold our home for over the asking price. We could not have been more pleased with their level of customer service.

Sean provided objective guidance on the asking price. This was backed up with reasonable comparable data for homes that had recently sold. This attention to detail provided a level of trust and confidence in his ability to represent the sale of our home.

He also was extremely resourceful in helping us make decisions on home improvements for our consideration such as new landscaping, painting, bathroom "refresh" and other potential projects. He gave us objective suggestions and provided recommendations on vendors who could perform the work. His suggestion to stage our home really made a difference in marketing of the property. His collateral materials of our home, pictures and marketing was top notch.

This was an emotional move for us because we had lived in the neighborhood for 20+ years. He was always VERY PATIENT and responsive to our numerous questions.

His follow-up was EXCEPTIONAL. We have sold other homes and did not get this level of service with our other agents. He guided the process every step of the way. We would hear from him early in the morning and late at night. We appreciated his responsiveness.


Brian Bobik is Right Own with his claims of unethical practices
I just read the Inman News article about Brian Bobik's, past employee of Inc. defrauding Agents. I experienced everything Bobik states about the unethical manner in which Salespersons at Inc promise to Realtors.

It is disheartening, NAR, who owns, states are not getting involved in an internal employee dispute, but, I feel they should also state they will look into the defrauding and unethical practices of Inc. is doing to NAR's members, The Real Estate Agent. I also, received "fake" leads, "supposed" to have a 6 month contract and they continued to bill my credit card, although I cancelled 2 months in advance of the 6 month contract. I called after the payments kept going to my credit card, I was told they would stop, month after month, I was charged 4 times. I finally filed a dispute, sent my email confirming my 6 month contract with the contractual dates and my credit card company did correct the 6 months.

I thought it was just me, maybe, with the horrible deceptions, but reading about Brian Bobik in Inman News, confirmed it is a overall practice of doing business with unsuspecting, hard working Realtors. It makes me sad.

All real state companies!

This very sad but it's very true. All real states in Duchess County. No Communication unless you flash money in their faces. Agents pressures you into renting or buying a home dont care if it's a mistake in buyer part as long has their commission falls threw. They don't offer any guidance at all. To many wishy-washy people in real state. I think it's because to many people are going for real state licenses that shouldn't be. Their just plain arrogant, condescending and rude. I have gotten no ware for last couple of years no help at all.
This is a problem because its every agent and real state so what do I need to do, well need to stop wasting my time. But mean while how do I find a apartment that's going to be suitable for me and my German Shepard. Way to many bad agents out their. Am poor don't have enough money to flash in their faces. So, guess am stuck. I already had a bad experience with a really bad agent took three thousand dollars from me never moved into apartment. We all deserve good agents who will confidently advise us help us find a place to live. Are real state businesses only for the rich only for people who have a lot of money? I am not impressed at all with any of them. Where can I go for help now to find an apartment?

Windermere Real Estate Business practices and customer treatment
This review is directed at a Windermere Franchise and the Windermere Corporate West Coast Office has been notified and their only response was that do not control any Franchise office. Too bad because the Franchise uses the Windermere name and logo therefore it will reflect also on Windermere.

We are retired owners of a home recently purchase in 2015 and wanted to see what the home may be worth since not feeling this is the desired neighborhood for a retired couple. We were contacted by the Windermere Excellence office of 410 South Rampart Blvd, Suite 390 in Las Vegas, Nevada to meet and discuss possibilities. Below are the concerns that came about after the meeting. We have since March 5th requested to terminated the sale of our home and to this day (11 April) not received the correct form to terminate any business with the mentioned office. Please, If you wish to be treated like a valued customer do not have any business with this office.


Be advised we will be posting this Review of Windermer Excellence located at 410 s Rampart Blvd, Las Vegas Nevada on all internet review sites.

Reasons for Termination:

1.) Initially we were texted (which I have a copy of) by the Broker/Realtor and lead to believe that it would be a cash offer.

2.) We were then rushed into signing because the Broker/Realtor had mentioned there was a list of interested buyers waiting for this type of home.

3.) We were informed the contract/listing would only be for 180 days. Contract shows one year, which was never mentioned or agreed to.

4.) We were not given a copy of any signed documents at time of initial meeting, including the comps the broker/realtor was using to show the value of our home.

5.) Listing went out with pictures taken during the initial meeting (taken with cel phone), we were informed pictures would be done by a professional photographer.

6.) Broker/Realtor was willing to reduce her commission percentage but the contract shows the Realtor allowed to represent both seller and buyer which indicates she will get a percentage for both actions (seller and buyer). This she failed to explain.

7.) We received a call two days after meeting with Broker/Realtor that one of the owners parent had been hospitalized for health reasons (86 years old). We sent a request to cancel/terminate the selling of our home explaining our situation and since we were now going to put our attention, efforts and time toward dealing with this issue. This was not going to be easy since the parent was out of state (New Hampshire).

8.) We received the Withdrawal form 2 days later. We signed the form and later found out the Broker/Realtor had selected WC, without even explaining the form or why she had selected this Block, we trusted she understood what we meant by cancel. She never called
To explain or get any further information from us.

9.) The Office Manager responded stating that the contract cannot be terminated. We contacted the Nevada Real-estate office and were informed that the owner (seller) can submit the request to the Broker who can then sign the form and terminate the contract. So the contract can be terminated. The only reason it would not be terminated is if one of the parties does not agree to it. You would think the client/customers request be respected and done to keep a good customer client relationship and any future business.

10.) It appears the only interest the Broker/Realtor had was to keep us in contract and not allow us to take care of our concerns. The Broker/Realtor does not realize this failure to
Act as requested will affect any future dealings (selling and then buying), with Windermer.

If I had a crystal ball, I would have never hired this realtor
To Whom It May Concern, October 27,2015

After a long and arduous nine months, my wife and I sold our home and made closing on October 26,2015. But this was not without difficulties.

We contracted Kathy Lowe a licensed realtor of KeyPartners reality from Bloomsburg Pennsylvania. In the beginning we were excited and had high hopes of having a quick sale of our home. In fact we had two good offers within ten days but due to unfortunate situations we did not contract with these two buyers. The second buyer did not have a house to sell such as the first buyer did. But the second buyer become difficult to work with and was asking for unreasonable items with sellers assistance. We agreed to make repairs that were needed for functionality and safety which cost less than half that was suggested by the buyer. This is when we felt the first time when Mrs. Lowe did not step up to represent us and do her job.

As time passed we found it difficult to work with Mrs. Lowe. She became belligerent with us at times as well with one of our care takers who we depended upon for our dog. We also felt slighted and discriminated at different points during our contracted time. We had a signed contract with Mrs. Lowe as a seller's agent. But as time passed, we felt that she was more concerned about the needs of the buyer. She would badger my wife at work with setting appointments that were not within the agreed parameters of our contract. We had agreed to make time for possible buyers with a twenty four hours notice. Since my wife worked a full time job and I was away with my new employment, she would need to remove our dog from our home. We felt that this would be the best scenario to prepaid and accommodate for any showings.

It became evident that Mrs. Lowe was not working in our best interest. She seemed to always have more concerns about the prospective buyer and less interest in what we as sellers were going through. We contacted her broker, Mr. Conner who owns the real estate company and expressed our concerns and felt that she was not working out for us. Mr. Conner and I came to an understanding and at my request assigned a second realtor to our account. We felt that the choice we made was a good choice which was evident by the successful sale of our home. But during this process, Mrs. Lowe remained embedded on our account. We did not agree with this scenario but we felt that having the second realtor on board had improved our situation. I would communicate primarily with the new realtor by phone, text and email. At times I would copy Mrs. Lowe and Mr. Conner on some emails.

When we finally had a contract on our home we made all the arrangement to help expedite the sale of the house and to get the new homeowners in by a specific requested date. We made that scenario work. Even after we had to jump through some hoops to have repairs on minor issues around the house. Our second realtor helped us make these issue work.

When it came to the day for closing. My wife and I made the trip from Harrisburg up to the closing firm in Danville Pennsylvania. The appointment was for 8:30am and we expected it to last around an hour. When we got to the closing table we were uncomfortably told where to sit by Mrs. Lowe. When the lawyer who was closing our home arrived, he sat at the head of the table and we proceeded to sign documents. The buyers were not in the same room with us. We as well as the lawyer found this to be rather an unorthodoxed way of doing business. Mrs. Lowe's intrusive manner of dealing with business, told the lawyer that he would have to gather his papers and move to the other room where the buyers were and she proceed to scoop up the lawyers papers and aggressively pointed him in the direction of the door. At this time we were insulted and aggravated and told our second realtor that we felt that this was not being handle ethically and we were insulted. We wanted to know what was going on and we would not proceed until we could meet with the buyers. The second realtor left the room and returned with the buyers. We were able to complete the transaction and thank the buyers with a handshake. As it should be.

My wife and I have been homeowners for nearly thirty five years. We have bought and sold six house. Each one has had challenges. But we have never felt as uncomfortable and discriminated as we did in this last transaction. If we had a crystal ball we would have never hired Mrs. Lowe.


James M. Pezzuto, CCP, RT, MBA

Help getting out of a contract from fivestreet/
I've used a lot for articles and teaching I've never used them paid search for leads. Then I received an email from I assumed it was because I was looking on their site so often and updating my profile, to get a couple of zip codes that I wanted near my area. I signed up for two zip codes and was told by the account executive that I could call her anytime for help with my profile and setting up searches. The next thing I know my card is being charged and a contract is being emailed that is for one year when I never agreed to do anything for one year. When I asked them to cancel it said I was past my three-day window at 10 days after receiving the paperwork in my email. I have repeatedly asked them to cancel the contract and not charge my card for a second month. I also tested the site to see if I was an agent that came up on in the zip codes that I was paying for. I did not come up on the site after searching three different times. When I ask the representative about that they said I must have misunderstood how it worked and that I was not being advertised on What the heck did I sign up for then I thought it was for and now I see it's something from five Street I have no idea who five street is or what their scam is all about I just want out! Help has anyone ever had this problem and how did you get out of it?

Complete Disappointment
I signed up to for a zip code lead program where I heard all the same promises that have been described in the Bobik lawsuit ( The one key that I had is that the sales rep over-sold the program with too many promises. What started out to be a small investment to build leads soon became a $400 a month contract. When I received and reviewed the paperwork, I quickly called and emailed a cancellation of contract under the 3 day right to withdraw. Over the past month has continually tried to charge my credit card. After several calls I received a credit on the account and was assured that it was taken care of... and two days later another series of charge attempts. I have had to freeze that card and again complained to But as of today, another week later, it is still the same.

Save your money and put it to more directly controlled advertising. It might take a bit more work, but it is better than spending hours on the phone cleaning up the mess that has caused with no gain.

Beware Chestatee Real Estate of Dahlonega, GA: associated with
In case you are thinking of using Chestatee Real Estate-Chestatee Property Management (CRE-CPM) of Dahlonega, GA -- associated with -- to attempt to rent or sell your home or other real property, take heed and consider our experience before signing up with them. We signed up for rental of our former Dahlonega home early in 2017, after losing several months due to one of their agents having an accident of which we were never informed until those vital months were lost. We never got the full monthly rental amount we were told to expect, which seemed to be used to lure our business -- and then dropped. CRE-CPM pressed us to rent to college students and others whom we felt would be undependable as to paying rent properly and caring for our house. Finally, found a father-son team to whom we agreed to rent; but when the father died suddenly, CRE-CPM absolutely refused to re-write the lease to include only the son, which was likely an invalid lease causing our tenant to believe he could just stop paying rent -- which is just what he did, costing us thousands of dollars while he remained in our house. Meanwhile, their monthly rental statements were often in error.

Then, our CRE-CPM rental agent told us to evict him -- but she also told our tenant he was being evicted, which we had never authorized her to do, causing him to send us nasty emails claiming to justify his non-payment of rent. Then, our rental agent told us to cancel the eviction, which we did after paying for it -- but the damage was done. Our tenant stopped paying any rent at all, and CRE-CPM'S feeble efforts to collect it helped lead to his damaging our home and its contents (we had rented it furnished.) Meanwhile, CRE-CPM broke our property management agreement by doing a repair at double the allowed cost for unapproved repairs -- while not bothering to check if the former work was under warranty. Our original CRE-CPM rental agent was removed by the firm's owner around then.

After our tenant left, apparently taking some of our items, the owner of CRE-CPM claimed he had supervised the tenant's move -- but it turned out he had not even noted items which were missing or damaged, per our complete set of photos of our home prior to tenancy, photos in CRE-CPM's possession. Finally, when we asked that same owner to honor the balance of our property management agreement by re-renting the house, as he promised to do: no serious effort was ever made, not even a FOR RENT sign at the property, and no showings or advertisements or open-houses. When we complained about CRE-CPM's failure to honor the balance of our property management agreement, that same owner immediately got a lawyer who threatened us if we took any legal action. So, we lost thousands more rent dollars due to the firm owner's failure to make a promised serious effort to re-rent our property.

Finally, in desperation, we decided to sell our property, rather than risk another such horrendous rental experience.
{This is merely a summary of our own personal experience with CRE-CPM; make your own decision, but do beware!}

Scamers told me if I sign up for a month to month I could cancel at any time. To find out 3 weeks later when I tried to cancel (due to the fact your sharing same leads with other agents) that I was locked into a year "contract" and could not cancel. I told them I never signed up for a year contract and I will be canceling my service. I was never inform that I would be sharing leads with other realtors and most of my leads where coming in between 11pm-2am? Who's going to call a lead that late? They said in stuck with the contract and theirs no way out. How can you give false information and bind some one to a contract you never signed and had no knowledge of? They should be sued!

UPDATE 7/27/15

After posting this I decided to report them to the Better Business Bureau. I explained to them my problem with and they opened up a case. In about a week I was contacted by a representative from, which is the owner of She explained to me that it can be canceled at anytime, and that there reps should have never threaten me about how they can not cancel my service. I'm happy to say my service is canceled and I no longer have to deal with them again.

Scam, be aware.
Buyer Beware! I signed up with, boast and sell the product as if superior to all others. I was very happy for the first year, but then the gave me a price adjustment upon renewal. Automatically renewing they DOUBLED my feess. I called and complained spoke with Justin NannSykes who was very unpleasant and wants to tell you what YOU are going to do. Extremely passive aggressive. They decreased my # of referrals to NONE and continued to charge me the original fees. I realized that there have been no refunds and my services have been completely cut off, they were charging me and providing zero service. I called back to complain and they just sent me right back to Justin, who when he spoke to me started every sentence with "I told you when we last spoke." Completely unacceptable and completely unbelievable! There is nothing pleasant about being conned and ripped off by these referral companies. I wish we did not need them and I wish there was some way to regulate them. In addition to that they stated that they would refund the money they stole, it has been over a month and still nothing. This company is criminal as far as I can see and I hope they are audited as a result of this review and found to be unethical scammers! Extremely disappointed REALTOR... in my opinion this company is very unethical! :(

They are liars, plain & simple!
Promised me 4 leads a month, promised me i would be the only one to get leads on my own listings! All a lie and i have the proof several times over. I have also e-mailed my account manager for the last three weeks and ask him to call me. NO return calls. Then this past week i e-mailed him and asked for a contact for upper level management. It has been 6 days and again nothing! I have proof of everything i just typed. I had my son and wife go on to and request info on one of my listings and i did get the lead, HOWEVER also received e-mails & phone calls from other REALTORS about their listings in the general area of my listing. also sent them other homes to preview in the area! THEY ARE LIARS!
I have cancelled my credit card so they can't charge me anymore and i am sure i will have to get my real estate attorney involved before this is all over. This is the 2nd time in the last 10 years that i have tried to do business with them & the last! Run from them if they contact you & if you do any business with them, you had better RECORD the conversation because they will deny they said it! I have been in the business for over 30 years and these guys are the worst LIARS of all!

Beyond Unethical
Let me start by saying to all the realtors that called in and complained about bogus leads and not being able to cancel, I understand your frustrations. Im no longer employed with them and I have been waiting MONTHS to write this review. This is by far the most unethical job I have ever encountered. I was told that I couldnt disclose certain policies and procedures to realtors that were spending loads of money on leads. Now I can speak freely.

When you sign up for lead generation (zip codes) the Account Executives are going to fill your head up with lies because want that sale. If they tell you that you will get 3-7 leads a month that is not true! 1 full share projects 40 leads a year. A half share is 20 in a year.

The leads are not guaranteed. They will say they are. You are in a contract, they will say you can cancel anytime... that is not true!

You have a 3 day grace period, after that I guarantee you, your ability to cancel will be a nightmare!

Why? Because when you call customer care and you tell them you want to cancel youre going to be told youre in a contract. Youll say I didnt sign anything then they will say well I can start your cancellation request. Dont get too excited its just a nice way of saying, just because you asked doesnt mean it will happen. They will get you over to an account specialist. Which means youre going to get transferred to RETENTION thats if they can get a hold of someone over there.

A multi billion dollar company and theres only 6 people in retention... so the likelihood of you speaking to someone is rare. Youll be told that they have 72 hours to call you back.

Maybe youll get a call. Maybe you wont.

Youll call back in furious. They will be empathetic and try to reach the person your case was assigned to. Youll be on hold long periods of time. I used to tell realtors that if you can spare time (which I know is rare) I can keep trying to reach them. I would be on a call for two hours trying to get a hold of them. Youll ask to speak to a manager. They cant help you.

Theyll say we will get this escalated for you an escalation means that within 24 hours someone is supposed to call you back. Emphasis on supposed to. Remember there are only 6 people in the retention department.

Youll try to remove your card by calling in. They wont let you. You can cancel your card on file which is a headache in itself because now you have to call all the other places that had your card number and let them know you have a new card.

You can call in with your credit card company. This will not help you if they cant get you transferred to retention.

Theres no point in asking your account executive to cancel it for you. They dont have the ability and you will get the run around. Thats if you can even get a response from them. Account executives are rude and have absolutely no professionalism. Not the ones I talked to in the 4 months I worked there. Quick to take your money but after that? You are ignored.

Lead generation is a gamble. Are some people successful from it yes. Are all people? No. You will get spam leads. You will get a bunch of leads from other realtors asking you how the program works. This will count against your leads.

Account Executives will tell you that they will make up the bad leads. THIS IS A LIE! You will very rarely get a credit.

If you are looking to cancel remember you only have 3 days to do so. They have shared leads that rotate between two other agents or unshared leads. Fast is shared leads. Flex is unshared. Remember that if you so desire to get zip codes.

My advice get a prepaid credit card and dont give them a back up card number at all.

The only product that I ever recommended was advantage so that your listings are protected. If you have a listing on RDC and you dont have advantage you wont get the lead. Someone else will.

The best feature you can use is the free dashboard on RDC. Create your profiles, add your NRDS ID numbers (if you have them) network by getting reviews and recommendations. You can utilize the dashboard by updating listing photos or adding open houses if it doesnt or didnt pull over from the MLS.

Listing issues: the resolution department can take up to 72 hours to resolve your issues. Due to the new updates on the dashboard (realsuite) there are more glitches on the site and there are a lot of issues with the MLSs that are unable to syndicate properly on the sight. Countless emails are sent to employees every day about something not working.

This pretty much is my tell all review about what to expect when you call in. This call center has a very high turnover rate. Higher than most.

Theres a reason why there are class action lawsuits against them. Everything in the class action is correct.

Lastly customer care reps are very limited in what they can do. Customer care reps cant cancel. Cant make changes to your listings. You get transferred to another department for credit card updates. Customer care reps can help you with your dashboard and mapping issues and putting in cases. Please keep in mind to get an escalation on a case 72 business hours must have passed.

I sincerely hope this helps someone and can perhaps spare you a long hold time or a phone call.

Should you have questions Ill gladly answer.

Awesome Teamwork!
I decided to purchase a home and spoke with a few Realtor offices before deciding to sign with Keller Williams in Yuba City. From the beginning my gut feeling was of trust and loyalty. For me this meant a lot because it was my first home, it would be the home that my grandchildren will make memories with me, one that the children will enjoy. I wanted to have the secure feeling of trust and that is what I got plus more. I met with Kal Johal who did an excellent job of questioning me on exactly what was important in a home and what wasn't. She let me know I could call her anytime if I wanted to add something. She then sent me to Paimon who got started on my pre-approval (he did such an awesome job in letting me know what would be needed and that made my approval available in no time) I was then ready to start looking. I had Raul L as my agent (Kal made the perfect personality match in her meeting listening and reading my personality to match me with Raul) he started sending me homes through text, email, and were the features I was looking for so with his expertise it wasn't alot of wasted appts. Which I didn't have time for with my work hours. He made the showings happen Raul was available when I called and when he wasn't he would text back to let me know an approximate time he could call back. I felt because he was organized, prepared and planned his time frame with his clients, with Kal's list and the mindset of making me his priority, that as an agent he did an excellent job for me in showing me homes and finalizing the needed paperwork. I would definitely recommend the Keller Williams team for all your realty needs. Ask for Raul to show you the homes I am so happy with my purchase and for me the whole process took less that 3 months with this excellent team of people. Awesome customer service, Awesome teamwork!- Ramona S.

Realtors use sold homes to get you enticed to call on them
I was looking for at least three months on homes through, that said for sale, listed 3 hrs 20 hrs ago so forth. Each time I found a home I would contact a realtor in connection to it or call. Each time, oh the house is still available when do you want to see it? We set a time normally for the same day. SOOOO about, either an hour later OR right before we are set to leave, we get a call from the realtor. Each time say, the house JUST went under contract so we have to cancel the showing. I can show some we have available. Normally way more than I m looking at in price. So I got smart, or so I thought. I waited on a house we really liked, ready to make an offer even, for about four days. OK, fourth day still for sale. We called set an appointment to go see it, AND OF COURSE, Oh sorry it JUST went into contract. I have some you may like. I'll send a list. BSBSBS! This is like 2-3 times a week this has happened. AT first I thought things are just selling fast, reason I waited on this last one to see if was a slow mover. So I am done with the fraud, the fake listings, the fake realtors, the fake everything. I am going to go FSBO!

Weichert Realty agent problems
I should have found another agent, Tuny Hagie did not do a good job as a real estate agent for me. Things started out fine, however, as time progressed I realized Tuny was not looking out for my best interest. I have several specific examples. The home inspector found several electrical outlets had reversed polarity. I requested that this be repaired by the seller. At the final walk through I found an outlet in the den had not been repaired. Tuny told me that we only requested outlets in the upstairs bathroom and kitchen be repaired. I made no such limitations. She would reference a paragraph in the inspectors report and only repair the exact items it identified. A second example; I requested the hand rail on the stairs be tightened. Tuny again referenced the specific wording of the home inspection which stated the hand rail at the bottom of the stairs was loose. Therefore, on my final walk-through I found the handrail at the top of the stairs to still be loose. She stated we only requested the one at the bottom of the stairs to be fixed. A third example; at the final walk-through I found 2 crawl space vents to be unsecured in the front of the house and requested these be fixed. The next day she informed me that she had requested the vents in the back of the house to be repaired (even though there was no issue with those vents). I walked outside the house with her and removed the vent at the front of the house with my fingers and asked her why would she write that the vents at the back of the house needed fixed when the unsecured vents were at the front of the house. She had no answer. A fourth example of my real estate agent not actually working for me was when I found out that the crawl space on the house I was purchasing had flooded and requested that AFS come and evaluate the crawl space. She informed me that I was outside of my inspection period and could not bring AFS onto the property. Beyond these incidents, I had sent her a text message requesting that the house be treated for roaches, that the fireplace be repaired - and somehow neither of these requests made it into the actual request to the seller. I have learned a lesson from Tuny, I will never trust another real estate agent again.

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