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50 customer reviews of

All the reviews on here are correct! Stay away as an Agent!
After reading other reviews I feel like my experience is exactly the same.
I have called support to essentially just patch me from department to department for the past 3 days. I have left multiple messages and made attempts to get a hold of a sales rep regarding the misrepresentation on the quality of leads that I had purchased.

I was sold into signing a pre-authorization form to be able to get 29715 leads once became available. No one explained that there were different quality lead types ("shared with other realtors" and exclusive). I was miss guided and was under the understanding from the sales rep that they were exclusive leads.

I have had an upset lead because he was confused why multiple realtors were contacting him. This led me to the discovery that I was sharing the leads that I purchased. The moment I discovered this I called support and no one has been able to help me with this for the past 3 day's nor will they call me back.

The lack of customer service is unacceptable and extremely unprofessional. My time is valuable. I have lost many hours trying to get answers only to continue to be put on hold to be transferred to another answering machine.

I have put a block on my bank account due to misrepresentation, as this will not be tolerated any longer. I will not quit until it gets resolved. I will continue to go up the chain of command and spread the word on the internet. I have the executives phone numbers and I wont stop...

Wish there were an alternative (as a home-shopper)
What's most frustrating about is that it seems to waver between working pretty well and having major issues. One issue on their website today, ironically, is that the feedback link doesn't work. But the more important thing that's bugging me right now is that I keep entering notes for saved properties - and, yes, I'm clicking the 'save' button for each - then when I log out and log back in later they're gone or have reverted to an earlier version of the note I had. This has happened about three times this week. I've been using this website for probably 15 years and this is a new thing. I don't know if it's a syncing problem or what, but it shouldn't happen. There's always some new frustration. The prior one was when all my saved properties got deleted. That time, the feedback button worked. I was told had some software issue and eventually I got all my saved properties back. I've also deleted a number of saved properties only to continue to be told that I was at the max. This shouldn't be that hard. If they'd just stick to a design that works rather than continuing to change features all the time, I think they'd have happier customers.

Terrible! Dont do it!
My co-agent and I decided to give a try after speaking with the sales rep and telling him that we arent interested in a contract of any kind. He explained that we arent signing a contract but just hope we will stay in it and try it for a year. I said Id give it 3 months and reevaluate it since we arent signing a contract anyway. After 3 months of hardly any leads and the couple we got were bogus, we called the customer service number to cancel. The person we got on the phone said hes not able to cancel but someone in client care could help and someone would call us back. I told him I will stay on the line until he could get someone on the phone who could help. After 45 minutes we finally got to talk to the RUDEST guy and he said he wont cancel ourcontract. I asked him what contract? We didnt sign anything and to prove it otherwise. He proceeded to yell at me and told me he cant come over to my computer and show me how to use my email! He was trying his best to bully us and try and convince us we had to continue to pay. We didnt give up and he finally sent us a cancellation email because we had to not stop arguing with him. He tried to tell us we have a verbal contract and I told him to find the recording of my conversation because I never agreed to any contract. HORRIBLE experience and company! This business should be shut down. Do yourself a favor and dont use them. There are a lot better ways of getting clients

This company is full of LIARS!
I decided to give a shot after having Zillow and it wasn't effective. The Sales guy Rory was so nice and told me that weren't like Zillow and that I could sign up for 6 months and if I needed to cancel that all I would need to do is call Customer Service and it would be taken care of. When I told him the zip code I wanted, it wasn't available so I went with another zip code. After a week or two he calls me and says the zip code I had originally wanted was available and that he could give me a great deal. Also, that Top Producer would be "included".

Since signing up in October I have only gotten 3 leads which were crap leads. Yesterday, I decided I want to cancel my services so I called Customer Service and some guy named Mike was super rude and told me I couldn't. He also said that if I didn't pay that he would send me to collections. First thing, I never signed a contract, so I don't feel that they should be able to hold any Realtor/Agent to a contract without a signature. Second, I was informed that my 6 month contract wasn't a six month contract but that it is for 12 months. And this Top Producer is also a 12 month contract that I never asked for or wanted.

They will lie to you, so BEWARE! In the beginning they ALL are so helpful and nice, but after they reel you in they no longer care about you as a customer.

Biggest Rip-Off to REALTORS from their own national organization
NEW AGENTS - Don't be misled into thinking paying for leads from this corrupt organization will grow your business. have unscrupulous practices, auto-renewing a contract that you don't even know you have agreed to, and on top of that AUTO-RENEWING at almost double the cost of your present lead contract! I asked for a refund or at least a credit since I was told by one of the sales persons that my 6 month contract would end at the terms completion that it was not set up to auto-renew. Then I received an email asking for me to verify my contract. I thought by doing nothing that my contract would terminate since the sales person told me that. Now the manager of account services say I was supposed to opt out in order to avoid continuing the contract at a higher price. I ignored the email (opened and closed it) thinking I had to do nothing in order to have my contract end as I had been advised. Most of their leads' are not valid leads. Leads. For example, here are examples of some "leads" I received: a Realtor asking a question about a property that was not my listing; someone asking about renting on the lead request page; a person who was only interested in buying a boat in the boathouse of the listing they inquired about! All of these comments were written in the comments on the lead generation sheet. I was told that all the leads would be guaranteed to be more legitimate when compared to Zillow. This was not my experience, unfortunately, after spending about $4000.

This service is a joke! I was a brand new agent and when I received a call from, It all sounded great. asked my zip code and zip codes I would like to receive leads in. Instead I receive leads that are not in my zip code or the zip codes I requested. Also, I keep receiving leads on the same properties over and over again. None which are worth my time because of distance and potential pay off from the sale. When I called to talk to them about canceling, I was told there was nothing they could do and I still need to pay $168 a month, for a service that is worthless, for another 9 months. When I asked so your telling me I have to pay approximately $1512 for a service I can not use. The response was, "You can call back at the end of the 9 months (after I have paid $1512 for nothing) and let why you are unhappy with the service a they might give you a credit." Seriously! Well thank you for your amazing service and concern! On to the next naive and gullible agent... Bravo! You have built a business on crappy costumer service and unhappy customers.

Terrible Company.
If didn't need your money so bad, and if they were such a good company, they wouldn't have to tell you lies to suck you in to their evil scheme. I told them specific zip codes I wanted, and specific ones I did not want. I did this thorough email so it could be tracked. The sales rep told me to call him immediately, that they just added more openings for the area I wanted, so I called him, and I signed up, because the zip codes I asked for are in high demand. I told him I did not want to sign up immediately because I was going out of the country on vacation for a week, so he told me he would set me up and get all my info, but wouldn't start it or charge it until I got back, so just to hold the zip code spot so to speak. When I got back I signed up on my portal, and found out that the zip codes I specifically requested not to get were the only ones I got. I was livid so I called customer service, which they told me I only had 3 days to cancel and since it was past 3 days I had to wait a year. I proceeded to tell him my story of what happened and that this was the day after I got back so technically still in the 3 day period. He basically told me that I was lying to him and told me that I was screwed. I told him I had emails to prove everything and he made this bull$#*! story saying that he would have to read them, but he still couldn't do anything. Don't waste your time. I am now out $500 a month with my only inquiries of fake leads that lead to nothing and people inquiring about mobile homes.

Buyer Beware RUN
Buyer Beware, If this team contacts you run. My son was buying his first home which is a stressful process, He found a house and was contacted by Donna Brown, she set up a time to show the house but had her husband stand in for her because she had a conflict of interest where she would make more commission. We set up a time to see more houses with her the following Saturday and once again she couldn't be bothered and sent husband who drug along his sister. We decided to make offer on a house. He wrote up the contract wrong. She corrected told us to get financing, home owners insurance and gave a list of inspectors this was first week of January. had written in the contract that they wanted to close Jan 27 2016, we were told that a closing agent would contact us and walk through the process and that we would be closing in their office. We got financing and the bank wouldn't close until Feb 19 2016 due to appraisal hold up because the realty people couldn't provide comparative sales in the area. On Jan 23 she finally contacted to ask for Bank contact because the 19th was not good for her because she was going on vacation. We heard nothing else from her. She didn't respond to voice mail questions, did not respond to texted. On Feb 2 we emailed her to ask if she had heard anything about closing she said she had not even contacted and that maybe she should email them. We again heard nothing until Feb 12 we emailed and asked again she said yes we were closing Feb 18 at 10 am. We emailed again to ask where and no reply. Called from a different phone and she answered the phone. When asked where we were closing she did not know, when asked who to make cashiers check for closing costs she didn't know told us to contact bank and attorney. She said she would call next day and give info. Called next day had no info. In desperation I called the seller's realtor, he told me when the closing was, where to go and whom to contact. Tuesday Feb 16 we got call telling me I needed a septic tank inspection, when I asked why she didn't tell me she said she forgot. Terrible terrible service She will tell you she has 17 years experience but she can't answer the simplest of questions, she won't find you any answers and other then writing a contract you will be on your own. I have had 7 co workers ask me about my experience and I told them don't use my realtor. I would rate less then 0 if I could.

Most amazing hardworking real person in real estate!
Hello my name is Richard Macklin. I recently had my life turned upside down in multiple ways all at the same time... I needed to sell my home and had tried a team of agents that didn't work out so well. I tried selling on my own then decided that wasn't a good idea. So I began searching and interviewing different agents. Some never showed for appointment with me, some wouldn't return call even and others made me feel like I was locked in a closet with them, very stuffy I guess and almost none seemed authentic, sort of like it was a mask talking what thought I wanted to hear... I had gotten skeptical, and thought I'd never meet the right agent. Then I received a call from a lady asking if I would be interested in meeting the agent she assisted. I agreed, thinking this was another phony money hungry agent I was about to endure another interview with... When I got home to do this I noticed a little Kia sitting on the opposite side of the road with a little lady inside, I presumed she was looking at her phone or whatever and went in. Fifteen minutes pass and right on schedule the doorbell rings. I invite her in and my dog jumps on her and mouths her wrist, her reaction surprised me, hey you're a biter, ouch I'm gonna have to watch you. Hmm, OK understanding and not rude... 1 point already. She says she has dogs too and we go to sit down. In her arms she had prepared a pile of neatly organized paperwork about my house full of info and a list of every other home in my price category on the local market. She broke it down and said she will have no problem selling it if I decide to choose her as my agent. Well prepared and informed. 2points. We sat and just talked for a bit. 3points a genuine person eager to earn my business and doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. So then we do a tour of the home and property and I noticed the car was still there, I said was that you sitting out there? Yes I like to come early and try to get a feel for the neighborhood, the house, curb appeal, sellability she told me. There's point 4 Does her homework for your best interests. She said the house was nice and began talking to my teen son playing xbox., he don't talk much. And strange they were sharing a laugh. Points again wow. We learned a little about her and said our goodbyes. She was confident, knowledgeable, caring and surprisingly smooth and straight forward the whole time about everything. When she left my boys looked at me with half grins and I had a big smile they said well do you like that one dad, son says she's pretty cool in too cool tone. I felt like I just hung out with a old friend and said happily I do, I think I'm going to use her. So I didn't wait long to let her know I made my decision. She was so excited and was fully prepared on her end to get it moving. She said she would sell it fast. That was a understated claim, once I handled the things on my end she began her work. She had photos taken,(excellent choice of photographer)she has great connections. And the day after she began working had more showings in that day than the previous realtors brought in a month! I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of showings... but happy she was a hustler and bringing her A+game to the show... That day was over and I wasn't sure if anybody would want to buy it. She assured me it will happen. The next day there were already multiple showings scheduled every hour to half hour. She always kept me updated as I told her I was a hard client to have, I work. 50% more hours than the average american works per week and have children to Raise and a divorce in the works my brain gets a little scattered about so I need someone who got my back,, Deanna had and has still got my back she never leaves me in the dark or feel lost in the paperwork, she makes sure I'm on the right page at every turn with friendly reminders, I needed that big time... Deanna sent me a message letting me know that 2nd day that we had a very serious offer, I was pumped up and even moreso when she said the offer was for what I wanted and no out of pocket concessions. I was shocked. She immediately took to her work and made it the best possible terms for me. Deanna Gomes is the name of the most amazing hardworking real person in real estate in colorado springs. I am so happy with Deanna as a agent and a person that I've chose her to help me in buying a new home! She has found one like I said I wantand I am closing on that home the same day as the one I'm selling! Who can make that happen? Deanna Gomes. I highly recommend if you are buying or selling a home or in the market and don't know where to turn Deanna and the entire team at Pink realty Colorado Springs are the only choice, you will be impressed from the first time you meet everyone to the time you sign the papers... It is tuly a top notch experience using Deanna Gomes, she surprises me almost routinely now and she really does make it easy for her clients, she asks all the right questions to make sure you are taken care of. We're not thru with the sale and purchase yet, it's pretty much just dates and deadlines at the moment but I am extremely happy and inspired by her professional attitude and dedication to taking the best care of your interest as possible. Oh did I mention that they offer more perks to clients and a cheaper commission than all the other agancies and companies I researched. So the value is there, the talent and high quality staff and agents are right there, they are a world class team over at Pink realty and Deanna Gomes is the shining Star of Real estate. I been in the city for 36years, met lots of agents and always had the same thoughts of them, phony, in a hurry, too boring to be aggressive with negotiations, wimpy, unmotivated. Well Deanna Gomes is definitely not boring, phony at all, she's motivated and not a wimp, she has a talent for being aggressive in a very nice way, she gets what you need without much pushback. If you are a busy, skeptical person in the market you don't need to go to any other agent if I didn't know this to be true i would not put my name on it. She goes above and beyond what I ever thought a agent would do for a client. Monica Breckenridge has made an amazing company and I will back that statement up anytime also will say with complete confidence that Deanna Gomes is the best agent in Colorado. A real person with your best interest at heart and never judgemental about my scatter brainededness or any of my flaws as a client or a person. If you are like me and searching and interviewing agents, just stop now and call Pink Realty, you will thank me later for the hook. Sincerely and happily Richard Macklin. PS... Deanna is the best for real

Brian Brundage Exp Reality
In April of 2018 I entered into a contract with REALTOR Brian Brundage to purchase a house that he owned through his LLC and was flipping, in Derby, Kansas. My dream was to live out and enjoy my retirement years in my new home. However, my little, turn key home turned out to be my worst nightmare and Brundage had EVERYTHING to do with it! My problems began immediately upon moving in. Within the first few weeks of living there, I incurred $9,608.07 out-of-pocket expenses to fix things. There were too many issues with the house to list them all here so I will list a few of the main ones that I encountered.

Upon my inspection, prior to the closing, I discovered that the homes wood siding was at its end of life and needed to be replaced. I approached Brundage and ask that he replaced and repaint the siding but he refused to honor my request so I made arrangements to have it done for $6,500.

When the home was inspected, it was determined that there was only 3 in of insulation in the attic which was far under the recommended amount for efficiency purposes. In the amended contract I asked that additional insulation be added to bring the insulation up to code. However, after I moved in, I discovered that it had not been done. So once again, I incurred the cost of fixing something that should have been done before I moved in.

I also requested in writing that a licensed roofer evaluate and make all roofing repairs but Brundage failed to honor my request. I learned much later, that the home's roof needed to be replaced.

The property's basement foundation had I-beams that were designed to correct a structural foundation problem that existed when the home was owned by a previous owner, before Brundage's LLC bought the house as an investment property. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the I - beams had been improperly mounted. So I requested in writing, in the amended contract, that a licensed contractor mountain properly. Brundage made arrangements for a contractor to do what I had requested but after I moved in I discovered that the work done to mount the I-beams correctly still had not been done properly.

Within a few months after I moved in, in May of 2018, it became apparent that the house had very serious and costly foundation, structural and drainage issues. I hired a residential Structural Engineer to evaluate the problems and give me his recommendations regarding how to fix the issues. Then, I contacted 3 Basement/Foundation contractors and received estimates from each of them to repair the issues. Each of the bids we're similar in scope of work required and costs and were in excess of $22,000!

There were numerous other deficiencies that should have been addressed before I moved in.

After I discovered that the house had multiple severe issues, I had no other recourse but to enter into Mediation with Brundage in a good-faith attempt to resolve my concerns. During the four months of negotiations I found Brundage quite evasive and unreliable. After several unsuccessful attempts to reach a settlement, negotiation ceased and when Brundage refuse to enter into binding arbitration with me I pursued another avenue to resolve my grievance.

It is my belief that professionalism in business carries with it the responsibility of honesty. Honesty in business whether it be in buying, selling or negotiating transactions depends upon trust. Deceit in business causes people to suffer. It is my opinion that Brundage does not uphold the standards of his profession and therefore, I can not recommend him as a REALTOR!

Got scammed, and with Covid 19 they are refusing to cancel contracts
I know there are bigger fish to fry right now...

But I have no idea who else to tell this to, so I'm going to the people with a voice. I am a real estate agent in NJ on lock down, and my husband has been laid off work... literally cutting our income in half right now. As an agent I use a lead generation system that I pay for from I pay over $1200 a month for these leads. Myself, and several other agents have asked to cancel our accounts. We can't show houses and honestly finding a house is not a top priority for most right now. refuses to cancel accounts, have offered a reduction of 60% to our current contracts, or offer us a buy out by paying them 2 months upfront. That would be almost $2500 for me... their lead system was already bad, they scam you into purchasing these leads to begin with, buyer beware. That is my own fault, but, this is just crazy. I cannot afford to keep paying them. So we have to continue to pay for a service that will not do us any good. I have argued with them, made several phone calls. I just went to the extent to cancel my credit card associated with them, but the card company told me even with a canceled card they will still honor contracts with

Its not just me, but thousands of agents... I think this needs to get out there so we can get some kind of relief from this. I don't know how we will manage our other bills let alone keep paying for a service I cannot utilize, or a service I don't believe they can actually honor and live up to.

I hope you can help!

Thank you,

Best Regards

Connie Manailovich

MVP Realty So Cal Scam
Real Estate Agents from company MVP Realty SoCal, Teresa Roberts and Mona Patel in VICTORVILLE, CA commit scam, extortion, conspiracy, and fraud resulting in a 15 million dollar lawsuit, Lawsuit Case #20STCV13284.

This one is headed right for the Supreme Court. Business partners, Real Estate Agent Teresa Roberts DRE License #01996900 and Mona Patel DRE#01834500 are brokers for company MVP Realty SoCal. Allegedly, both concealed DUAL AGENCY in a mult-million dollar transaction for a property on the famous Melrose Ave in Hollywood, California at address 4867 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90029. Property owner Sona Patel, M. D., had not a clue about their dual agency representation until she saw the double commission listed on the escrow closing statement at the end of escrow. At a purchase price of $3,200,000 that's a hefty dual commission they kept secret. Surprisingly, their concealment of dual agency was very minor in comparison to their other fraudulent acts.

Real Estate Agents Teresa Roberts and Mona Patel, are alleged to have structured and coordinated a conspiracy with the escrow company (Nikkie Seese at Town Square Escrow) and the Buyer (Nathanel Dardon in Utah). Allegedly, the conspiracy was to obtain an illegal sale of the purchase of the property with absolutely NO PAYMENT. Yes that's right, no payment. The buyer was to acquire the property listed for $3,200,000 without making any payment as per the conspiracy.

It gets worse. They allegedly also committed extortion, SIGNATURE FORGERY, and fraud. More details are in Lawsuit Case #20STCV13284

Real Estate Agent Teresa Roberts has the following criminal record:

Teresa Roberts uses more than a dozen different alias names:

1. TERESA PHILIPS ROBERTS (06/01/1991 to 07/04/2020)

2. TERESA PHILIPS GARRIDO (01/01/1991 to 07/14/2017)

3. TERESA P PHILIPS (12/01/1988 to 01/24/2003)

4. TERES GARRIDO (07/01/1988 to 06/01/1990)





9. TERESA P ROBERT (10/30/1992 to 07/14/2017)

10. THERESA P ROBERTS (06/01/1991 to 07/14/2017)










Teresa Roberts has filed 2 bankruptcies:

Bankruptcy #1:

Chapter 7

Filing date: 05/17/1993

Case Number: 93024296

Discharge Date: 09/20/1993

Attorney Name: PRO SE

Judge Name: CMK


Bankruptcy #2:

Chapter 7

Filing date: 06/20/2014

Case Number: 1418017

Discharge Date: 09/29/2014

Attorney Name: Mona V Patel

Judge Name: Meredith A Jury

Court ID: CAC

How did a person with this past record even reach a position where she can have the authority to commit extortion and conspiracy? How did she hide this from the Department of Real Estate on her background check when applying for her Real Estate License? How did the Department of Real Estate (DRE) allow a person with this past criminal history to obtain a Real Estate Agent and Broker License and put her in a position to have someone's personal and sensitive financial information? Is the Department of Real Estate doing everything they should to protect the general public?

As the other review on here, I was guaranteed 4 leads per month - 48 a year. I am not receiving those leads and literally everything I get is mobile home leads. I cannot sell mobile homes! That requires another license. I had called and emailed complaints months ago already and never heard back from anybody! I called today and was forwarded to the "decision making manager" who was incredibly arrogant. I was told I need to give it time and that I yet not understand the benefits of (after paying $250 a month for half a year!). He also said he used to be a realtor and is not aware that I cannot sell mobile homes. He continued the mobile homes were expensive (I got leads between 48k-78k) and that I shouldn't complain. Even if it would sell for $900k - I DO NOT HAVE A MOBILE HOME LICENSE. He refused to cancel my subscription, knowing how upset I was with and that I will not run around telling everyone to sign up. The so called "manager", Joe Brown, also said that I only implied that the leads were guaranteed. I have a full page of notes before I signed up with them - there are plenty of numbers on there the first agent through at me over the phone to get to me to sign up. I was at awe at the lack of professionalism of and call their advertising misleading if not even fraudulent (since apparently I was lied to!).

The Happiest Place on Earth... our 1st had home!
Edy & Christine
1900 East Ocean Blvd. #1016. (Not anymore, moved!)
Long Beach CA 90802

Well, thanks to the help of Cheyan Alavi I will happily be getting new stationary! Cheyan founded and built his own agency, The Alavi Agency himself and has been doing this for 20 years and this story will explain why he is so successful. I wanted to share with anyone and everyone who may be in the market to buy or sell a home how amazing our experience was with Cheyan. First of all... a brief history. We had been looking at homes for about a year ++ on our own and we're beyond frustrated. Most of the time we could only look at the neighborhood and the outside. We had been told by a different realtor that we could not even look until we got pre qualified and then only had a week to make an offer. We knew the approximate time we would be ready as our finances fluctuate due to our careers. We said June, we gave him a price range and he was off and running. Based on what we told him we were looking for, he came up with a variety of homes all within the parameters. He seemed to really have a sense of who we were and what we wanted. He was familiar with our apartment building and with that and the information we gave him offered us so many options we wanted to bid on three at the same time! We finally picked a home... we had found the one! It was then and only then that he referred us to the mortgage company. It was also when the magic started to happen We were in negotiations. He was there for every step, every stumble and for every question we had And according to him there is no such thing as a stupid question. No matter what we asked him about, or what we asked him to ask the seller his response was always the same Well it doesn't hurt to ask. During the negotiation Cheyan actually got married one Saturday and he didn't tell us because he did not want us hesitate to call him with questions. That shows dedication above and beyond anything I've ever heard! We worked out a deal with the seller that is beyond anything we could have ever dreamed of. Cheyan understood the sellers perspective and he combined this knowledge with what we were looking for And he came up with an end result that is PERFECT! Every time we called and every time that we added or changed something he would reply "It doesn't hurt to ask"or " I'll see what I can do", and he did! One more final and important thing that you should know about Cheyenne is that he made the whole experience very smooth, very pleasant and stress-free Now there's always a certain amount of stress involved in buying your first home, but basically because of his accommodating and charming nature he made this a great experience. He followed up on everything we were concerned about, followed through on everything we asked and he stuck with us until the very end! The bottom line is that we are absolutely thrilled with our home and if we were ever in the market again there's only one person we're going to call. Cheyenne has his own Agency and this service is why and how it is and became successful! All I can say is Thank you Cheyan and everyone and The Alavi Agency... you're the BEST!

Complete Rip Off & Sr. Management is Horrible is HORRIBLE! Not only are the "Leads" horrible, take Real Estate Agents for a complete ride! You will see the dishonesty in their "Sales Team" soon after they have you in a 6 month or 1 year contract. You will be paying HUGE monthly expenses to get 90% or more of your "Leads" that are already either rental properties, pending, already sold or not even really listed for sale. You then will be forced to call in and try to speak to one of their so called "Sales Team Members" only to be told. "Mr/Mrs so and So, we here at Realtor.Com do not sell "Leads," we sell advertising. You are now locked into a HUGE monthly contract with HUGE monthly expenses (I have seen people paying $8,000 to $17,000 per month) with horrible leads (advertising) have their life and credit destroyed because the leads are horrible and they are stuck paying thousands of dollars per month.

Then you will speak to upper management who will treat you like complete and total crap! They will tell you. "We don't need your business, we will survive without you." Then you will ask to speak to upper management and some guy who claims to be an ex-college football player will get on the phone, tell you how important he is and how he only takes accounts from the worlds leading real estate agents and in a round about way tell you how you are nothing to him or Realtor.Com.

I would stay as far away from this company as humanly possible. If you choose to not heed this advice and this opinionated review, don't ever say someone didn't warn you.

A horrible company to work with~ Agents/Brokers Beware
This company made rich mostly by the credibility of the name Realtor ( Also. Affiliated with Fivestreet and

Here is there scam in a nutshell.

1. will tell you that even if they don't currently have the zip code that you want to just apply for the nearest one (which in my case was over an hour away) and then you will be first on their list for other zip codes.

2. Within a couple of days the the zip code that I wanted became available they were close to $600 a month.

3. The leads that I did receive were either duplicated, already had an agent or not currently interested. Sometimes I felt that when I called them that I was calling the back room of and there was not an actual customer at all.

3. After no good leads I explained my dissatisfaction and was told that my account would be canceled... Fair enough.

4. Several months went by and I kept receiving emails and leads... so having had canceled I sent them to my junk folder, unsubscribed and moved on.

5. I somehow received another "lead" which again was not worth my time to open. I did not open it but called and told them that I had canceled a couple of months ago. Why were they still sending me leads?

6. I talked to Mansour then Steve and they both explained that I did not cancel and to pay them $1200 or be sent to a collection company. I told them that I had canceled two months ago with a lady and have not opened any leads since. It didn't matter.

They didn't send anything in writing to confirm the cancel. So they continue to charge you or damage your credit.

Sound familiar to anyone? If so email me *******

I feel that this is their plan and they could care less about their longevity. I am a broker and have been doing In real estate for over 15 years. I should have known to receive written documentation but I believe this is part of their scam and they don't typically send it. Let me know if you had a similar experience. It would be nice to let them know as Realtors that they can't use our name while taking advantage of us.

They high priced leads are a waste of money. Beware of their monotone put you to sleep reading of th
Beware of their monotone put you to sleep reading of the terms. have been withdrawing funds from my account without my consent - $2,295.75 in five $459.15 withdrawals.

A salesperson named Ali Hosseini contacted me about a lead generation service for realtors. He sounded very good and I consented to give them a try for a month. I gave him my debit card in exchange of 8 leads that I was going to receive for the month. Shortly after I did not receive any leads and I started contacting the salesperson and to no avail. Despite to not having a contract, the billing kept on recurring and the amount of leads promised not delivered. It was a scam.

An "Account Specialist" named Joe Brown contacted me told me that I signed a 12 month contract which I never did and that they are not obligated to give me any number of leads - just leads. He said he could not credit me for the lack of leads, and that the billing will continue. I had to call my credit card and close it, and dispute the charges. Unfortunately they can only go 3 billing cycles back.

Overall, I received 22 leads in a 5 month period. I was paying for 40 and I should have received 40. They refused to credit me any money, and refused to discontinue charging my credit card.

The qualify of the leads was horrendous. They may be inclined to tell you that the agents that complain are not good agents. I have been the #1 RE/MAX agent in Florida in 2010 and 2014, and #1 in Broward County for 2012. I am a pretty good agent however, I did not even meet a single prospect let alone close one.

I would give less than 1 star if possible - STAY AWAY
Copied directly from my BBB (Better Business Bureau) claim:

Purchased Leads that are absolutely worthless. In 2 months I have received 1 valid lead and even that was marginal. I am paying $221.00 a month.

In August 2015 I purchased leads from due mostly to a smooth talking (& lying) salesman. It is almost exactly 2 months later and I have received 5 leads for my $221.00 a month. Here is what the leads consisted of:

The first lead was someone that would not return a call, email or text. The next 2 were manufactured home leads and in Oregon we have to have a special license to sell manufactured homes -- which I do not have - so these 2 were definitely worthless. The next one was guy commenting on the picture of the toilet in the 1st picture on the listing -- he wasn't in any way interested in having a realtor call him (although I did call him), and the next one was someone asking who did the remodel on the house? did not leave a phone number (and I was told this makes it an invalid lead). So, 1 lead (which was marginal) and I was told I would have 40 to 48 leads over 12 months. I am 2 months into this terrible program and have spent $442 and have nothing close to even a decent lead. Not one of the leads was worth a penny, much less the $440 that I have paid them. When I called to cancel the account today, they told me that I had agreed to a 12 month commitment -- but, I did not sign anything with them, and Michael Herrera told me that I got an email and that meant I agreed to what they sent me.

October 21,2015, Michael Herrera, Account Specialist would not help me and told me there was no manager or supervisor that I could talk with and that I was getting what I agreed to. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT WHAT I AGREED TO. Why on earth would I as a small business, who needs leads, agree to pay $221 a month of my hard earned money to get nothing of value.

He told me that we could review the account at 90 days (so they could suck another $221 out of me for another month) and there is NO reason for me to pay for another month when I am not getting anything close to what I expected, and agreed to. If they were providing what we agreed to, I would not be writing the BBB right now.

Laurie Spector Compass Fort Lauderdale


I would give zero or negative stars if possible.

Laurie was a friend/acquaintance that I hired, and she did a horrible job of being the professional she claims to be. Laurie was not at all on top of the buying process and it seems she is a churn em and burn em representative out to earn and burn you working for

She brought me to a beautiful but 15 year old building. She was in and out of the visits so fast as she had overbooked every time to she showed me a place.
She always had somewhere very important to be after a short period of time with me.

When we found a nice looking apartment I liked, She set me up with all of her contacts and everything turned out a disaster.

She gave me a terrible recommendation for an inspector, who missed a horrible leak on the original equipment dishwasher that couldn't be fixed, and needed immediate replacement. I was getting floods and had to turn the main water source off to stop them. I was without water for weeks as In had to keep the main water source line shut off.

A huge issue in the having to buy a new dishwasher right after moving in was the new tile floor that the previous owner had installed was put right on top of the old floor which made it nearly impossible to get the original equipment out.

When I did rip it out after 2 days the floor was too high for a regular sized replacement, so I had to pay $850 For an ADA compliant dishwasher which was lower sized that would fit in. The special installment cost me $850.

At that point, I am in for $1700 just for a dishwasher that leaked soap from the very first time

Then, the Air Conditioner also broke a couple of weeks later. It was a 15 year old unit,'original equipment.

That was another $5,000 out of my pocket.

Any professional that knows what are doing would have advised me I was buying a unit at full asking price with old appliances, and to ask for a new AC and Dishwasher from the start of the deal as they were at the maximum life span of this type of equipment.

The fact she and the inspector didn't catch that from the beginning shows me they do not know their business and didn't do their due diligence.

So now, I also have to fix the hot water heater as the bathroom shower does not heat.

Again, I would say any thorough, professional and intelligent realtor or an inspector should have advised me most importantly about the AC and dishwasher which were 15 years old.

I would never recommend Laurie. Today, she told Me I signed an as is buy, WHICH I WAS NEVER TOLD!.

If you are buying or renting in Fort Lauderdale Stay especially away from Laurie Spector, Realtor JD MBA. At Compass Realty.

Kevin Kodish

Made a Great Site HORRIBLE
This by far has to be one of the worth website changes I've seen. used to be very user friendly. Now it is a struggle to use and aggravation. SarasotaOne website is better. First horrible change made to their sit is you used to be able to roll over the house listings on the right side of the screen and it would make the price icon expand on the map so you know where the property was located. This no longer works. The second thing they changed is they no longer show houses as Active with Contract. It's either active or it's pending. Don't waste my time showing me an Active with Contract house. I realize you're desperate to drum up business for your Realtors but give the consumers a break as well. Another change you made is you could add features that you are looking for like a pool or 2 story. You took that away as well. It's as if you're trying to force feed every house possibility down our throats. Give people the benefit of a doubt that they have a brain and can decide for themselves what they want to buy. Don't use this site unless they change it back to the way it was.

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