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50 customer reviews of

Nasty Company - Steer Clear At All Costs
If I could give this company negative stars I would. Renting two offices from Regus was the worst business decision we ever made. Their attitude towards their customers was disdainful and to the point of corporate bullying in our experience. Their contracts and administration of contracts was unfair - to the point of unlawful, in my opinion. My business was put through hell and back by this company several times and with many examples. Two examples being 1) serious damage to our property (several hundred pounds) due to a burst pipe in the ceiling. Regus said it wasn't their problem'. Our office was unusable, yet Regus refused to give any other space and continued to charge rent. 2) Property went missing overnight in our office. At first Regus denied it, until we threatened to call the police for theft. At that point a note appeared from their cleaner saying he had accidentally broken the item during cleaning. Again, despite written evidence, Regus pulled the its not our responsibility' card again. We withheld rent until they accepted responsibility (several months.). During this time they changed the locks on our office etc. We again had to threaten legal action and at one point threatened to call the police. I eventually managed to reach a Director in the city of our office. (This is no easy task - Regus customers will be familiar with the fact that no customer facing staff member has any ability to actually provide any customer service at all. Instead all they can do is say call the Account Helpdesk'. Any customer who has done this knows that it takes weeks to get any response, and most responses are brief and show absolutely no understanding of the issue raised, or desire to actually resolve it.). During a call to the Director, for over an hour I was shouted at, to the point of verging on abuse. The Director did not follow up on the call or reply to further emails. These are only two examples - of which we had well over 15 during our time as a Regus customer, ranging from overcharging rent to serious data protection violations and everything inbetween. On the floor of our office I could not find one other customer in my whole time there who wasn't experiencing problems and wasn't disgusted at the systemic attitude of Regus towards its customers. Everyone I ever spoke to was counting down the time until they could leave for another provider. Nasty company - and it deserves Karma to catch up with it soon. I would thoroughly discourage anyone from going near this organisation, your life will be made hell and your business will be driven into the ground if your experience is anything like mine and all other Regus customers I've ever spoken to. Part of the reason for leaving a review here is that Regus delete all criticism from their social media. In my experience, putting something negative about their company leads to a we're really concerned, please contact us at... email.' Type of meaningless customer service reply. This happened several times during my contract. After emailing the given address each time, no reply would be received, so I'd follow up on their social media again. At this point all previous posts would be deleted and the social media account I was using would be blocked from making further posts. This company has no interest in providing reasonable customer service, and even less interest in changing its approach to customers.

Beware of Regus Billing Practices
Beware of doing any business with Regus Management Group LLC. The company appears to have elevated deceitful and fraudulent billing as a business strategy to meet its revenue and profit numbers.

The company re-initiates expired and dormant contracts at will and then back charges your account and credit card for the period when the account remained dormant. This practice is clearly illegal, but Regus appears to be counting on lax enforcement of legislation that protects individuals from business fraud and overbilling.

If California State Attorney's office was doing its job, Regus' fraudulent practices would be investigated as Regus seems to have taken a page out of Wells Fargo's fraud playbook of opening accounts without its customer's permission.

Now known as IWG plc, formerly Regus
IWG plc, formerly Regus, is a multinational corporation that provides serviced offices, virtual offices, meeting rooms, and videoconferencing to clients on a contract basis. Founded in Brussels, Belgium in 1989, the business is incorporated in Saint Helier, Jersey. (Wikipedia)

REGUS (Egregious REGUS), now IWG plc, is a DUTCH company, therefore, Regus operate OUTSIDE THE LAW. If you search for REGUS, you'll get a better idea of their snaky ways.

One of the most prolific online posters of available professional inclusive office rentals, REGUS is the epitome of 'If it's too good to be true, it probably is', m avoid this company like bubonic plague!

- They demand a down payment, but if you change your mind, they claim it's non-refundable, "We're a Dutch company. We don't return down payments."

- Billing system is meant to SCAM hide actual charges including but not limited to:
** Over or multiple charges of same instance
** Hidden charges (services suddenly a la carte when it was implied/you were made to believe they were included)
** Improper fees (setup, renewals, late fees)

My guess is they've changed names to continue raping those trying to establish themselves as a professional. Find yourself a private owner of the building within which you wish to rent and strike up a deal. Not only will you feel better about your accomplishment in that department, you'll be better off financially, too!

Difficult Company, and VERY Costly
You will REGRET paying rent and all the additional fees at any location with this company. Regus contract with buildings they have no control over. We had loud, and major construction for months that disturbed my business. The elevators were broken several times. The bathrooms started being used by other companies and weren't cleaned. They acquired a coffee machine that you have to pay additional fees on. Over all, you pay 100% and more hidden fees but their answer is "I can't answer that," or "we can't do anything about that." Less important is that my neighbor's business had employees that fought so hard in the hallway (in Burr Ridge, nevertheless), that on 2 occasions, my appointments were just ruined. When I shared my concerns, the notorious reply was: "can't do anything about that." Please, rent somewhere else. If I can help one person NOT choose Regus, this review was worth it.


I had Virtual office with Regus since 2014 and decided to terminate my contract on February 2020 and i was told i can not terminate it until 03/2021 because contract renewed automatically.

The courtesy reminder e-mail sent by Regus had neither indication saying i can not terminate this contract until May 31 2021 nor the contract was attached. Regus takes advantage of people' busy life and knows people wont be able to give attention this kind of e-mail. (if you consider how many marketing e-mails Regus sends)

Also, my new contract starts in March, 2020 and i submitted termination request in February, 2020 and i am still not allowed to terminate the contract because it is renewed automatically in November 2019. (3 months before new contract starts)

There is no another explanation, this is stealing money.

Please stay away
What type of unethical business is this company running, I wish I read all the complains about your company, very bad, this company is going to shut down soon. I get transferred and am on hold for some ridiculous amount of time. I have been trying to cancel a month to month contract. Again, no answer to that question. What a terrible policy and makes no sense if you cancel on 15th how on earth you charge me until April 30th if it is a 30 day notice. We are not fools here. What on earth is restoration fee if it is a month to month contract and a 30 day notice. You guys emailing me saying I owe two unpaid months of service. And your agents don't know anything Regus are very unhelpful It is like an endless parade of circular logic with you people.

Bought a professional address from them on a month to month payment agreement, i used it for a couple months for just mail forwarding. I found another service so i went to cancel there services Regus said i could cancel but i would owe them 6 months in advance even being on a month to month agreement. Luckily my credit card number they had on file got stolen and i got a new CC number so they couldnt charge me. I just didnt care anymore after talking with them multiple times they were insisting i pay the 6 months in advance so they could close the account i signed no long term lease so i was in the right. They kept spamming my email with payment declined, and my services were suspended mind you they would send about 20 emails in a span of a day.

So finally i get a bill from a debt collector saying i owe them around $5k for services i had with regus and they could possibly use legal action or put a negative mark on my credit report. I called the collector and i requested they send over a contract i had with regus showing the debt was valid 3 months later and still no response from the debt collector no more emails from regus or debt collector either after requesting the contract. I thought even on a month to month agreement with regus i couldnt go wrong but apparently they will try to squeeze anything extra out of ya.

Also a tip if they lock you out of your regus account just signup again with all the same info you did the first time then you will get full access to your account again.
Good Luck

Words can't express how disappointed I am with being treated like absolute crap by Regus. I can now see how Regus left the door wide open for WeWork to come into their market (word of warning to any other companies looking to treat their clients badly). I haven't spoken to one former or current Regus customer who was happy. In fact it was the only positive experience whilst using Regus to bond with fellow users over how terribly we were being treated. Bills coming out of nowhere and then completely ignored when you try to query. It's a terrible service. The reception team added additional accounts to my bill, without my consent. I'm assuming this was to try and hit a sales target. They also bribed me with a free meeting room for a day to get a high review. Their culture is completely toxic. I'm can't stress enough to people to avoid at all costs!

This is the first time I am ever writing a negative review for any company in my life. I thought it is important to do so in order to prevent other small businesses from committing the mistake of engaging in business with Regus. Regus customer services ranks as one of the worst I have ever experienced in my professional or personal lives. I have been charged for restoration fees even though the office was not restored at the time of my move in. I have been charged for coffee and tea on a monthly basis, even though the coffee and tea machines are not free. The furniture Regus provided had locks on some of them and the staff had no idea where the keys were. They will claim that the contract states these charges are non-disputable and non-refundable, however when asked to cite the exact section with those words, the reps fail to do so. The reps refuse to escalate blatant misconduct on their part to their management. The only chance of getting hold of any sort of assistance is a measly way through a website portal and even then half the time your requests will stay ignored; the other half of the time they might reply with a generic useless answer. If you are a business looking for an office to rent, please do not be fooled by the low upfront pricing, this organization is incompetent, greedy, toxic and should be stayed away from.

Awful - take advance of small businesses!
Awful - suggest avoiding at all costs!

The office spaces are small but provide a service. The walls are thin and you can hear people in adjoining offices clearly, this distracts and could cause issues with confidentiality agreements depending on the nature of business. Staff are pleasant but completely ineffective if issues arise and simply lie to you in the hope you will go away!

I moved the business out of these offices in January for the above reasons (giving notice at the end of December as per our contract). It is now the end of March and we are still owed over £400. I have been given multiple excuses and promises, all broken. I am having to take legal action against them to get the money back. PLEASE AVOID!

Went downhill fast
Started off good but on 01/14/2021 I received a call and email stating I had mail to pick up. My Regus package at the time of purchase included mail forwarding, so I called to have my mail forwarded. Darian stated he needed to add it, so instead of going back and forth I asked him to again add mail forwarding. Due to Covid-19 I wasn't gonna try to figure out how to pick up my mail. This same conversation had to be held every month with management and Darius whom Regus were forcing to do his job. On 05/2021 I still hadn't been charged and my mail was never forwarded (that mail is now lost somewhere). To make things worse my account says it's 4 days past due because of issues with my payment method that was on file. I checked and it was fine and not expired and that account always has lots of money in it. Never has any bill payment been declined from that account because its only for auto bill payments. A $4 late fee added while the card is valid but I'm the only one that sees the fee shown to me on the app in red asking for payment. After talking with Darian I decided to cancel due to the fact he is irresponsible and responsible for losing my mail. Do your homework before using them. I wish I read the reviews first, now I have no idea what or how important my mail was because it's gone.

Unethical, unresponsive, predatory
If I could give Regus 0 stars on any review I would. Do NOT make the mistake to hiring this company for your office needs whether you are an individual or another company. Regus are fraudulent in what they charge and they really do not offer anything special, except maybe a never ending string of weird bills and secret charges that are not disclosed or invented as you go. Even their contract practices are predatory and are geared to take advantage of their customers even if they don't provide a service. I was charged for office space I could not even use due to Stay-At-Home orders during the Covid-19 pandemic. Talk about heartless and predatory! Even after that, I was still getting bills for random charges for things that I did not even consume or use, like coffee and restoration or reconditioning. Mind you that I only used their desk for maybe 2 weeks (if that) before the pandemic hit and I always brought my own coffee and never damaged anything. This place is a danger to your wallet. DO NOT go here for any office needs whether you are a company or an individual.

Our business encountered problems from the first bill.
Unauthorised charges for services we did not request, VAT charges and at the end unauthorised fourfold of our monthly rent got charged to our company Visa card (that since we had to cancel) in addition to the monthly rent. Extremely slow problem solving, constant issues with their online platform - we could not immediately end the agreement, but the year 2025 was confirmed instead in the online process. Also requested online retainer refund but it could not be done due to online form requiring IBAN details that only EU banks provide. Month on and Regus pretend to be solving the problem by requesting us to try again requesting the refund in their broken online system, while we are still waiting for nearly $2000 and so much time wasted.

Horrible customer service
I should have done more research before I signed with Regus. The sales person and office were fine, but the customer service and support is horrific. Everything is online, which should be quick and easy, but it is a disaster. I signed up for my online account per their instructions. Regus are supposed to upload any invoices to my account so I can pay online. Long story, after multiple contacts in the office and with my sales person, they couldn't figure out why my bills weren't uploading and said they couldn't help me. I would have to file an online ticket for customer service to get back to me. Keep in mind - I was trying to pay my bill! The only option was to contact customer service online and send a help ticket. It took weeks for them to even respond, back and forth with an inability to resolve an issue, and sometimes they just never responded. Eventually, they said their 'new' website was the issue, and they wanted me to go to their 'old' website and set up another account and try and fix it that way. By this time, after a couple months, I cancelled my agreement. Nothing was fixed, nothing worked with the online account, and someone at Regus (no idea who or how), ended up setting up FIVE different accounts for me. This is for one office I rented for a couple months. They told me I had to go through all those accounts and figure out which one had my invoices. I finally got my invoice paid, and asked for my security/retainer deposit back. Again, had to submit an online ticket to customer service. Again, after weeks, they responded that I had to request the security deposit be returned. Really?!? Any above board business should automatically return it they same way I paid it - on my credit card. I was told sometimes they do it within 30 days of the end of the contract, but if that doesn't happen I have to request it - and then it takes another 30 days. What kind of awful operation is this?!? So I had to go online to force a request for the deposit they have owed me, and then you have to give them your banking information (routing number, account number, etc) for them to return it. They have never had that information, and why in the world would I give it to them now? So they won't simply credit it back to my credit card, which is where it was charged in the first place - so they have all of that information - and it could be done in a day. I had to input my checking account info, and now wait 30 days to see if they even return it. This is a horrible way to run a business, and it clearly seems they are hoping people forget or give up, so they never have to return a deposit. Again, the office itself and the staff at the location was fine. But the customer service, bookkeeping and corporate processes are absolutely horrible. I moved elsewhere and have been very happy. They are very shady, and definitely not in the business of serving their customers. Don't just walk away - run!

Regus payment fraud
I wanted to share my experience that I had with Regus. I started a virtual office service on Nov 1st, 2016 at their Knightsbridge location at Piscataway, NJ. I signed up for a two-year contract for a monthly payment of $65.00. I requested them to sign me up for the automatic payment of my monthly bills.

On Nov 1st, 2017 Regus increased my monthly payment to $67.60(4% increase from $65 to $67.60) without any notice.

On Nov 1st, 2018 they auto-renewed my contract and increased my monthly payment to $85.00 (26% increase from $67.60 to $85.00).

I would like to point out if you read their "Virtual office house rule" document under section 28 "Annual Indexation" it clearly states that rent increase should be CPI(Consumer price index) or 4% whichever is greater. CPI in 2017 was less than 3%.

I reached out to their office manager in March 2019 and asked them to cancel my contract. They refused to cancel and told me that I have a contract with them till Oct 31st, 2020. I sued Regus in the small claims court in Middlesex County, NJ and came out of the contract. I hope my experience helps other business owners who are stuck with them.

A point to note this company Regus systematically breaks the contract by raising the payment more than 4% annually without any tenant authorization and they increase the payment at will. Also, there is a clause in the Regus contract "Agreement to Arbitrate: Class action Waiver" which protects Regus against a class-action lawsuit from the fraud they are committing.

I would recommend my fellow business owners to stay away from this company Regus.

Horrible Scam Company
This company is a scam. You will overpay, you won't be a priority or get your mail unless you check. Please read the fine print in there auto renew contracts. You will lose money going with them. In the end Regus treat you like garbage. You don't get calls back from any type of management. They won't give you customer satisfaction. They will only get In Contact with you if you owe money. They will not listen to the problem and try and figure out solutions. This is a total rip off. Even if they have other reviews that seem good they probably are fake and a scam. They have enough money to keep fake reviews daily loaded so beware of this company. They are frauds. You better be able to afford a lawyer to contest problems. Use another company for virtual offices. This company is a scam. I repeat don't sign up if you have any sense. Read the negative reviews because they always reveal truth about a company. They don't care about your business. If you are a small business find another company that offers the same services and don't throw contracts in your face. Please read the fine print

Very bad service and product!
What a terrible company and product and what a bad service too!

In addition to all the start-up problems we have experienced with our company, you can wait weeks for a response.

In addition, the payment is almost impossible to get. We had to link our credit card several times, temporarily transfer manually and after we finally got everything right, we could start again with linking. This is for so-called security reasons, but in practice that security is hard to find and it only costs you extra time. Invoicing is also very unclear.

I have therefore decided to stop immediately, but that is not possible because I am committed to six months of contact.
You could cancel per month, but then you had to pay "even" more. In itself logically suggested to pay that difference but never receive a response and without any form of feedback simply send the next invoice again.

I have really never experienced such a bad service, apart from their product which also has very poor functions that do not even function properly.

Regus headquarters (Helpdesk); Regus Seattle Smith Tower, and many more centers are a total scam so please be aware. Do not lease office space from these terrible people. There are many other options out there. Regus has consistently been unprofessional and non-existent in several issues I've had with them the past year and in the past with other centers. My worse experience was with Seattle Smith Tower. You'd never have imagined a business could have been this disorganized, petty and non responsive to customer service or needs. I notice through my email tracking system that Regus (Regus helpdesk) continually open my emails, some multiple times, without ever responding. I have issues I'm trying to resolve with 2 different offices and they continue to not help. They only care about their sales process of hitting quotas in signing new clients to office space.


Yes this place sucks. You will have to show payments made because Regus will say you did not. It's like a high school with all the rumors and you cant do anything about it. They will always protect themselves. If you complain, nothing will happen. In fact, complaints you submit through your online account about this office, just go to this office. So those you complain about handle their own complaints. We did it twice and both times some one from this office called and said we got your complaint.

While filing complaints or telling the manager about wrong doings in the office I was threatened for talking about it and threatened again for causing drama. I was telling Regus that clients were trying to recruit a Regus employee from them while leasing an office from here.

Colby's boss called after I filed a complaint and did not tell me that Colby who I asked not to speak with was silently listening on the phone call. I was not told he was on the call until a few minutes into it when he spoke up. I felt this was an intimidating action to try and scare me quiet. It then lead to the below.

Colby and his boss called my employer and asked if I was mentally stable because I asked Colby about an investigation his boss said they did on me. Turns out there was no investigation. They just said this to try and keep me quiet with more threats and pin me as some delusional crazy guy.

Colby has been here less than a year and in that time he lost an employee to a client, had multiple complaints filed against him and this company, his office is still charging people who aren't even there anymore and two reviews with one star have now appeared that weren't here before.

Another manager there Bobbie was spreading lies about a client. She was also flaunting sexy screen shots of a clients social media accounts around the office.

If you notice a 5 star review left by a Colby, he works here. This place is so screwed up and has had no reviews in 4 years, an employee had to do it himself which is against Google Review policy. I'm a Navy veteran and had a better experience in Iraq when compared to this place.

This company is so hated somebody took the time to build a website called regus sucks.

Spokane Wa

I leased an office
I leased a small office at Regus mid December 2019 for the rate of $520.00/ month. The move in cost was the prorated amount for December or approximately $269.00, plus payment for the next month of January or 808.29, and one month's deposit or retainer of $520 for a total up front cost of $1366. 84.

This was quite a number just to move in to a $520.00 office space (10ft x 12ft)

But wait, there's more!

Just 3 weeks later, (remember I have already paid for a month and half) I received another invoice for $1095. 35 for February's rent, kitchen amenities for Dec. And ANOTHER $520 RETAINER.

So here I am, I rented an office space for $520/mo and in three weeks time I am billed for $2,462.19.

After multiple requests for clarification, someone finally told me that since I was month to month instead of a long term lease that Regus required the second month's deposit. This was not brought to my attention when I signed up.

Meanwhile, I had a virtual office in another Regus location where I was being charged roughly $65.00/mo and when I signed up for the physical office I was told that the virtual office contract would be automatically terminated... it wasn't and they continued to charge my credit card for 3 months, even after multiple requests from me to get this situation resolved.

At this point, my frustration drove me to cancel and I was informed that not only will I have to pay in full for next month (no prorating) but that I will be charged $200-$300 dollars for "Cleaning etc" just for moving out.

Transparency and customer service are non existent in this company from my point of view, and just the fact that this website exists lends credence to my assumptions.

What ever you do, Stay Away From Regus!
This is a follow up from my last review. After blasting Regus in my first review, we received an email from the Area Manger saying that it was in their best interest to terminate the agreement on 7/24 and to contact their help desk. We did forward that email to the "help desk" on July 24. Then followed up with a phone call on July 30. Were told that Regus would send our request to their technical department. Called the "help desk" back today (because they certainly will not call you) and was told, rather snottily, that the only person that could terminate the agreement was the Area Manger. Emailed her and the office is closed in observance of Hurricane Irma which went through the area a year ago! In the meantime we have received ANOTHER invoice.


Please avoid Regus. And read this if Regus has caused you problems during the Coronavirus
I worked at a dedicated desk at Spaces (Near North Chicago) for about five months, then signed for a private Regus office at 605 N Michigan Ave.

Both buildings were nice changes of pace for me, as a freelance writer who wanted more human interaction. But in that short time, several problems occurred:

- After two months, Troy Trevino (Area Sales Manager Chicago) asked to renew my contract. I felt I had just moved in. It was January. He wanted me to sign for a May renewal, for another 6 to 12 months.

- That renewal had a $50 rent increase. I asked for reasoning. Troy replied, "I can reduce that a bit for you..." It felt like working with a car salesman. No explanation. Only weird, baseless haggling. Regus seems to sneak in rate increases/fees, taking advantage of busy lives.

- In February, I moved offices. I asked Troy Trevino twice if the new $308 rent would increase later. It was comical watching him avoid the question, looking down and mumbling, half shaking his head and walking away. (I'm thinking, okay whatever, I'll decline if Regus increase it again.)

- Troy Trevino only gave me two pages from the "House Rules." I later found the actual contract is 12 pages.

- Regus charged an unauthorized "restoration services" fee when I moved offices.

- This one's my favorite. Regus has a coffee machine at 605 N Michigan. It costs $30 per month to use. I told Troy and Iwona (the nice receptionist) that I don't drink coffee. Don't charge me, please. Every invoice since then has included that $30 coffee charge. I finally got it removed for one invoice. But guess what? After the Coronavirus hit, the coffee charge was on my invoice again.

Finally, the Coronavirus.

I understand everyone is in the same boat, but Regus failed to address the virus in any civilized, human way. There was no outreach. Instead, Regus opted for silence and to keep locations open. My lawyer said it's because if they close doors they must stop invoicing.

Regus eventually made "offers" after many tenants scolded them online.

I asked for a brief rent pause. This is my biggest expense as a freelancer and Regus can't uphold their part of the contract. Regus replied with this offer: Extend my agreement for three months. In exchange, they'll cut the next two month's fees by 50%. I mulled this over, and came to the conclusion that Regus is, in fact, attempting to profit off a global crisis.

Let's break that down. My rent is about $300 per month. They're saying that if you pay us $900 more in the future, we'll save you $300 now. Even during normal times, that's a horrible deal. That's almost the exact definition of profiteering.

I'll end with advice for other Regus tenants (given by my small business lawyer):

- Block credit cards from Regus.

- Write online reviews to warn future tenants and get Regus' attention.

- Go to the press. I've contacted WGN and the Chicago Trib. Journalists are writing stories about the good/bad companies of the Coronavirus.

- Don't accept an offer that extends your lease.

- Keep an open, communicative mind, even if Regus doesn't.

- DON'T PAY REGUS until they agree to one of YOUR offers.

- It's probably not cost-effective for Regus to sue for non-payment. The lawyer said they'll probably send you to collections. She said you're often better off dealing with collections. It may ding your credit, but that's fixable. Collections agencies negotiate. They may accept a few hundred bucks to settle.

- Document every potential way Regus breached the contract.

Overall, Regus facilities are nice. Unfortunately, Regus seems to embrace an archaic billing system, along with predatory sales practices and minimal customer service.

Pair that with the absentee approach to the Coronavirus and it's clear that I'll never pay for a Regus office again.

Please stay away from Regus. Spend your money designing a beautiful home office or to support a smaller coworking spot. Good luck to all current Regus tenants! My email is mail (at) joewarnimont (dot) com if you'd like to reach out.

Don't walk away RUN
Don't walk away RUN! I was trying hard not to write a review bc I know how it hurts a business. Regus was ok at first until here lately. Now right when I'm at the end of my 2 year term I cant sign into my account. Regus said I owe $1260. I dont, I took it up with the account help desk THROUGH EMAIL. ACCOUNT HELP DESK said I owe $793.00 and if I paid that my account would be reinstated. Confused about the situation, I paid the $793.2 days later I still can't get into my account. Then today REGUS COLLECTIONS calls me tell me that I owe $863? I go into my office today and the front desk say that I owe $984 after I paid the 793$. I was told that that rent had increased for July. So its June 11th I had to pay the increased rate for July plus a collections fee which still didn't add up. My account shouldn't even be in collections! She stated that my office is available to sale and she stated that my account wouldn't be reinstated until I paid the $984! I cant get through to account help desk and the community manager will not respond. RUN! RUN! RUN!

Regus: Not worth your time, money or effort (new update 1 Oct)
UPDATE - Regus is still a horrible company. Run away.

UPDATE: Regus underperforms again.

This is has been a 30+ day fiasco of deflection, obstruction and broken promises. I received this email from Regus 10 days ago:

[Regus] "I hope that you had a good weekend and that you are well. I'm sorry for the delay in your refund. I checked on Friday and it still showed as "pending" in our system. I just now checked and it shows it's complete. Please allow 3-5 banking days from today for it to reflect on your account."

10 days later, no indication the payment to me has transacted.

I do NOT recommend Regus as a vendor. Their back office - accounting and customer service is absolutely horrible.

Regus serves up more headaches than value.

Local office agents have zero decision making power. Your misery begins with Regus HQ "Customer Service".
My recommendation, make sure you keep all correspondence from Regus. Also, if you come to an impasse and feel you're being bounced around, immediately file complaints with
1. Better Business Bureau
2. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
3. File a complaint on every website you can find.

Another option - Instead of pursuing small claims court, reach out to a website called Regus seem to have a strong reputation of fighting against Regus.

My story: I paid a remaining balance of $70 after my month to month account was deactivated. The local agent verified the account was paid in full and closed. In fact, the agent sent an additional email to me stating, "There is nothing more you need to do. Your account is closed." Thankfully, I kept the email. However, three months later, I was charged $205.

You must understand all the contractural triggers. Most of the complaints against Regus revolve around such triggers. Some contractural triggers are reasonable and others seem designed to make it more difficult to exit without additional unearned charges against you. In my case, I was essentially penalized for doing the right thing - paying the outstanding invoice.

While attempting to come to a settlement with Regus, they charged me again $53.48. Regus did finally agree to refund the last charge of $53.48 but felt earlier unearned charges of $205 were justified. Their decision. No appeal. No arbitration. Case closed.

By email, they said the refund was initiated on Sept 2 and it is now Sept 14 - No refund. No communication. I contacted Regus and my new case is C-4523157-J0Z1.

Regus is quick to take your money but slow to admit an error and even slower to send un-earned funds back. I am now in the process of re-submitting complaints to the appropriate agencies and bureaus. The work is worth it because if you don't speak out, they'll steam roll others with questionable practices and poor service.

In the final analysis, there are a lot of commercial real estate and virtual office options out there. Regus is simply not worth your time, money or effort. Walk away.

Worst Customer Service, Do Not Lease Space from Regus
I ended my lease for office space in 11/2020. It is now April 9st, 2020 and I still have-nots received my retainer deposit of over $2200. Regus have the absolute worst customer service I have ever experienced. I called literally 30 times without resolution. Every time I call, I receive a different excuse of why I have not received my retainer deposit. It took 22 calls just to speak to a manager. The manager claims Regus doesn't have the ability to cut a physical paper check and the only way I can receive refund is via a bank transfer. I bank at a major bank (Chase) and have verified the correct domestic incoming wire transfer 4 times and Regus still says it isn't correct. There is no excuse to explain this run around other than unethical business tactics to avoid refunding my deposit per the contract. I have reported this company to the Better Business Bureau\

Will never recommend this Company
Our company attempted to sign up on June 18 for a Month to Month Virtual mailbox.
The charges were supposed to be for only $77.00 which were to include:
22.00 for the pro-rate of June and 55.00 for the retainer ONLY!

We didn't sign up for auto-bill.
We didn't sign up for another month.
We didn't sign up for mail forwarding.
We never received any welcome email.
We were only supposed to be charged $77.00 at checkout.

The nightmare begins.

Immediately after check out without our consent or authorization our CC was charged another $55.00. We received a email stating our card was now signed up for auto billing by Regus yet we never signed our card up for the method nor gave any coconut to do so.

We immediately called sales to inquire why we were charged another $55 and why was our card signed up for auto bill without our consent.

We were told billing was closed for the holiday weekend call back to dispute on the next business day.

We immediately tried to contact our finacial institution to void the payment as we had decide the very shady business of charging our card again without any authorization for additional charges was a clear RED FLAG ad we wanted nothing to do with Regus.

After 2 days of phone calls on the next business day following the holiday weekend we reached a live person and immediately. Terminated all services with Regus.

Regus sent a confirmation of termination email and email chain was also started about the refund for canceled services and retainer.

However, Instead of giving us back the Refund and Retainer. We are now continually being charged for services which were terminated. Furthermore, we requested in writing to remove all payment information from their system and to please refund our retainer back to the original form of payment or cut a check as there is no way in the world we would ever give this shady company our ACH info if we had it to give ( which by the way we do not).

Our bank also flag Regus's attempts to continue to bill us as fraudulent when we filed a dispute against this company for failure to refund us and for fraudulent unauthorized charges.

Regus still continues to try to bill us for terminated services. Regus even charged the date of termination to attempt to keep billing us.

The last agent I spoke to was a completely of no use to us.

What a nightmare company!

We decided to go to our Local News Station they decided to help us fight back and expose Regus for the crooks they are.

They are now helping us file and investigation against this company.
With our State Attorney General.

We have also filed a formal complaint with this agency:

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

Maybe someone with the ability to resolve this issue and other lie ours will respond.

I will never recommend this company to anyone and all avoid Regus like the plague if you can.

Regus takes everything from you and leaves you powerless
I have never in my life come across such egregious business practices. I will forever regret being naive and inadequately skeptical when I was searching for an office, which has now led to me paying $24,000 for an office that I cannot use due to covid-19. Had I done my research, I would have seen that this group is corrupt, greedy, and untrustworthy. But Regus lure you in with a cheap initial contract and nice facilities, and then the shady practices start to become revealed. They take your credit card information and automatically charge you each month, which would be convenient if the charges didn't vary every month. After they charged $3400 dollars, in addition to my monthly rent, I asked that my credit card be removed from the system. It took over a month and about 10 emails and phone calls to make this happen. And this was only after I had to go through the process of disputing the charge with the credit card company, simply because Regus wouldn't respond to me. Other charges would just show up, including "coffee access", which I never agreed to and was never informed would be an automatic charge. I only discovered that I was being charged for this almost a year into my lease, after I had not once used the coffee. Apparently it's your responsibility to "opt out" of that service without ever knowing that you had automatically "opted in".

Then there's the rent increases. I'm a therapist, so it's important for my patients to have consistency and stability. Even though I was dissatisfied with Regus, I planned to renew my lease for the benefit of my patients so they didn't have to readjust to a new setting. As you'll read in almost all other reviews, they jack up the rent exponentially and do an automatic renewal. When I say exponentially, I mean a 75% increase - and they just hope you won't notice and it will automatically renew. If you do notice, it's a complete production to get them to lower it - involving anything from emails going unanswered, to them saying they'll request a lower cost and then not following up, to them then offering a mildly lower cost that's still an unacceptable increase. With each renewal, I was frantically reaching out to someone as the automatic renewal approached.

Finally, at the beginning of covid-19, without knowing or understanding the impact of the pandemic, I resigned my lease for another year. Once I realized in early May that I would be unable to see patients in the office for a long period of time, I requested that my lease be terminated. Over the course of the next two months, I was given mixed messages and sent automated holdover emails while I continued to reach out, most contacts again going unanswered. I was eventually told that my request is denied. Meanwhile, a lot had changed with my own circumstances over those two months, and covid-19 forced me to change my life course, including my practice and my residence. So I no longer live in or practice in NY, which was explained multiple times to various Regus employees. Their responses ranged from insensitive to straight out disrespectful; but worst of all, they were not willing to work with me at all to find a solution. I consulted with lawyers, all of whom said that Regus writes their contracts strategically to give all the power to themselves and zero to the customer. Most contracts have a clause that states that in such an event as this pandemic, both parties are not obligated to fulfill their end of the contract - Regus, unsurprisingly, has this clause only for themselves. So that brings me to paying $24,000 for an office that is unusable to me.

Regus has caused me sleepless night, stress, and tears in the middle of an already challenging time. They are now taking revenge against me in any way they can because I pushed back against and escalated their denial of my termination request. They are a huge corporation that has no interest in customer satisfaction at best, and individual suffering at worst. If this review is able to save even one person the hardship that I've endured through Regus, it will have been worth it.

***UPDATE: After the head of customer service responded to my review, disputing my complaints and asking to speak so we can find a resolution, I gave her my information through the website and also emailed her per her request. I was hopeful that she would prove me wrong by showing me that they actually care about their customers; instead, by never responding, she only reinforced what I already knew - Regus is a fraud, and all of her responses in these reviews are only intended to fool readers into thinking they took action when they did not.

UPDATE 9/4/20: Shortly after I posted the update above, a customer care executive emailed me basically saying "too bad", without any opportunity to discuss or try to find a joint resolution.

UPDATE 9/8/20: Regus seems to rely on the tactic of persevering through their corruption and creating a feeling of learned helplessness among their customers, where it doesn't even feel worth it to challenge all their inaccurate and excessive charges. There is nothing Regus won't do or twist or manipulate to get your money, and they know there's absolutely no recourse because they'll just take you to collections if you don't pay it - no matter how erroneous the charge is.

I will not allow them to exhaust me, and I'm committed to making sure they're held accountable for every corrupt action they take that results in me losing more money that is not owed to them.

As you may have seen in my previous review, I spent two months trying to discontinue my lease due to covid. I was told by the manager to whom I first spoke that this shouldn't be a problem, and he actually tried to do it himself but then said the help desk needs to do it, so he put in an immediate request to make that happen. Despite my continuous emails, I then didn't receive a follow up for over a month, during which time I was under the impression I would be allowed to discontinue my lease. I didn't submit my rent during this time since I had requested to terminate a month prior, and was just waiting for that to be taken care of. I was then told that my request was denied, and spoke to several different managers to discuss a solution. Once I realized that they were not budging with the termination, I sent in my rent check for the last two months; only to learn I was charged several hundred dollars in late fees for the time that I was under the impression that my lease termination was in the works. I exchanged a few emails with them to discuss the removal of the late fees before I sent the next check; these discussions overlapped with the due date, but I was hoping to come to a resolution and then send the amount that was agreed upon. Instead, they added several more hundred dollars in late fees, and warned me that if I don't pay those, they'll continue to add on more and more late fees, all of which I'll be responsible for if I don't want my credit impacted.

I then send the check (post-marked before the next due date), my check gets deposited, and then I get an email that my services have been shut down because I didn't pay. I forward this to nearly everyone I have communicated with at the company, and insisted that this be addressed immediately since my full balance had already been deposited. I didn't hear back from anyone for a week, during which time my patients were unable to reach me because my voicemail had been shut down. They couldn't find the more than $4000 that they had already deposited, so I needed to send them electronic verification of THEIR deposit. Given that I had gone over a week without services that had been fully paid for, I asked for credit for the time that I was paying for a service I wasn't receiving (which I explained to them is theft). They gave me some nonsense excuse that they didn't know which account the check was for (my name, office building, and office number are all on my check), but had no problem depositing my check without having that information. And of course, they are not crediting me for that time.

Just when you think they can't go any lower, they've now charged me a couple hundred more dollars in late fees for the time that they deposited my check but didn't reflect this in my account.

UPDATE 9/17/20: Well, here I am again, needing to post another instance of Regus' incompetence and corruption. Trust me - this is the last thing I want to be doing. I have a job and hobbies, and would much prefer to be spending my time in those areas. In fact, prior to this experience, I had never posted a single review in my life; but I'm so disillusioned by the way in which Regus takes advantage of their customers, without any accountability, that I cannot/will not just sit back in silence.

An important reminder - I had to leave NY due to covid, and have not been there since March. I had to find a new job since I was unable to financially maintain my own business, and will therefore not be returning to the city. This means that I have not been able to use my office since March, and will not be able to use it for the duration of my lease (through April 2020). As they refuse to even consider to negotiate a contract termination in light of these extraordinary circumstances of a global pandemic, and have charged me almost $500 in late fees for their lack of responsiveness while I was trying to terminate my contract, they've now made over $12,000 off of me from rent for an office that I'm unable to use; and are planning to make another $12,000 by April - while the entire reason I had to move is because I couldn't afford to maintain my business.

If Regus was upholding their end of the contract, I could have reached a level of acceptance around this tremendous financial hit. But for them to hold me to my end of the contract in light of their continued negligence is just completely unacceptable.

So here's the latest: I had been paying a $40 fixed phone fee for unlimited phone calls. Since I'm not in the office, I requested that this service be removed. This request was made 8/14,9/8,9/11,9/13 - and it's STILL on my invoice for October. I waited as long as I could for them to change this before sending my check, and eventually I had to send it without the change to my invoice, as they would otherwise see this as an opportunity to charge me hundreds more dollars in late fees. The amount did not include the phone fee, since I requested over a month ago that it's removed. Stay tuned to see how much longer they continue to try to charge me for this, and the ways in which they try to get more money for their own errors.

DO NOT RENT AT ANY REGUS OFFICE, Regus have extra fees for everything and NO staff support.

For example coffee per person t's a monthly fee of $40 I believe and it's not optional, they will soon charge coffee for your guest too. Can't use your own wireless printer because they won't allow it to access the network without an extra monthly fee of $35 or so, staff is not allowed to help in anything unless they charge you, for example: I was not in my office and client dropped documents that I need it ASAP- manager said she could scan at an initial fee of X amount plus $1 per page. I would also leave some envelopes for people to pick up, not many. Maybe 5 a month and she told me that they are not allowed to help with that, that I had to be present and give envelope to people in person or she could send into my office so they grab envelopes, but that she would do me the favor and give to my clients... It is not necessarily the staff but the rules of all Regus office that want to charge for any thing even for basic office things that at WeWork and other offices were included.

They also charge a "RESTORATION FEE" when you move out automatically, $3 per SqFt, even if no repairs are need it. DO NOT RENT AT ANY REGUS

They delete your payments & bill you again then ask you to prove payment
Where do I even begin. Scam from the very beginning. My badge was not ready when told. My phone was not installed when told. When the phone was finally turned on it was not in working order & then I had to prove it to them by dialing my office number on my cell phone on speaker in the lobby for the "community manager" to hear the 'Not in Service' recording. No apology, EVER. Furniture not moved in on time due to "community manager" pulled shoulder while working out therefore he showed me the "furniture room" and I dragged my furniture into my office myself. Would not allow me to move in a file cabinet, told me I had to rent 2 more desks. I did. Told me Regus had to open a new account for the 2 new desks. After 3 months my 2nd account mysteriously disappeared + my payments. Past due invoices for the deleted payments for months now by a variety of people who don't talk to one another. I keep sending all of them proof of all deleted payments (Emails from Regus confirming each payment). They still say I owe them $$$ from the deleted payments. No one will tell me why my 2nd account was deleted or why my payments were deleted. I'm now going to the media with all proof of payments + all the nasty emails I've received from all of them over the past 9 months. Horrible customer service. Never have they apologized for anything.

I need all the help I can get to finally help the 1000's of businesses that are and have gotten scammed by Regus, including myself the justice we deserve in NH SUPREME COURT. I got their case, DISMISSED twice, which accused me of non-payment, when in fact Regus stole $4,900 from me, and I proved it with a receipt from their website. They had the manager, who stole my $4,900, along with calling me a name not worth repeating and is irrelevant to this case, pretend to step down, and put the new black associate, as the new Community Manager, to try to trick the court into thinking I'm pulling a card that does not exist, when in fact he and the attorney lied on a sworn affidavit, but the judge still let him testify again, the third time and disregarded my proof and I lost. I just filed in NH Supreme Court and I now have the chance to expose REGUS for the Frauds they really are. Pretty sure I'm over my head, but I will not quit. I even have a documentary that I've started to film back in December documenting everything. I NEED YOUR HELP to bring, I feel the worst Foreign Company To Touch America's soil to the foreground, so AMERICA's small businesses will not lose almost everything they have worked for, like I am right now and see this Un-American Company, face the music after so many years of robbing, and dancing on the hard work of our local companies. Thank you in advance.

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Regus Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Regus customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Regus offer serviced office space, virtual offices, co-working spaces, and meeting rooms in centers across the world. Get A Quote.

Address: United Kingdom, KT16


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