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50 customer reviews of

I rented from Regus on a month to month lease. I was told I could cancel anytime and that I would be billed two deposits 1 on the first month and 1 of I rent for 3 months or more. I cancelled after 2 months because the walls were so thin I could hear both sides of a phone conversation. Not a good thing for a budding therapy practice. I was then told that I would have to pay for the 3rd month be cause I was supposed to cancel 30 days in advance. At that point I was getting frustrated because I had already moved my things out of the office and was not accessing it nor the building. The representative only worked 2 hours a day and on the days I could speak to him about an issue he always said he didn't know or to get online. Then Regus added random overpriced fees to inflate my bill to $925. There was a cleaning fee for over $200. When I moved in during Covid-19 the representative wiped the desk and phone off with a sanitizing wipe and that was it. I was also present numorus times when the cleaning crew was there and all that was done was empty trash and vacuum if needed. Another charge was $320 for a second deposit for a service I have already cancelled. Also even after revoking my authorization they still charged my bank and kept my initial deposit. I have tried to speak with a human and emailed but got the run around. Customer service is non existent. I could go on and on but you get the point. Save yourself time, money and the trouble. Regus is ran by crooks I would give them zero stars if I could.

Prospective customer
I am so happy that I read these reviews before committing myself. I already had horrible experience trying to get the service. The associates I spoke with keep playing games and no one is able to put me through at the Colonnade Blvd San Antonio. I had to call their headquarters and after the associate explained how the project works, I asked him to sent me an email or contract where I can read the rules and know what I am paying for before I sign. Till now no email. The manager or sales person attached to me has no time for me. She is either busy with clients, or out of office. I went in person to see the beautiful offices but she is not calling or replying to emails for follow ups. These are all red flags. I will look for office space in another platform where I will be respected and treated like a full person. It was a nightmarish experience for me.

Regus- Possible illegal changes to pay records
Somehow, Regus is able to edit your account records to remove paid invoices, add new invoices for example in May, Regus made edits to March activity without notifying me and they were wrong and to their advantage- Recently, through my complaints and about six weeks of persistence, they finally cancelled my account. I had been with them four years straight this time around and had been doing business with them since 2010. A third party auditing firm needs to audit their book-keeping system. They removed paid invoices in several of my accounts over the years and replaced them with other invoices while intentionally or not- removing payments made where the only proof then lies with your bank account. Regus should not require that you use for accounting if they are the only one allowed to make edits and not record the edits for your viewing. This is likely illegal and the group within the UK looking to sue Regus should pursue this angle. I would.

Read your lease contract very carefully before signing
I can't stress it enough, carefully read your lease contract before signing.
1) Be aware of the true lease term. I signed a 6-month lease at the beginning of the year anticipating 6 months of use. The way Regus currently words their contract is that the lease ends on the last day of the last month. In my situation, I'm paying for an extra month of rent. (For example: my lease started 2/3/2020. I anticipated it ending on 8/3/2020. However, the lease contract is worded to say that the lease ends on the last day of the last month. In my situation that's 8/31/2020. That's effectively a whole month more than I intended / budgeted for.
2) Be aware that Regus charge a "restoration fee" at the end of the lease of $2.50 per square foot of office space. Make sure your square footage is calculated correctly.
3) Pay careful attention to when you need to give notice that you're vacating / ending the lease. If you don't you risk the lease auto-renewing and being stuck for another lease term.
4) It doesn't surprise me that they're not letting people/businesses out of their contracts due to the stay-at-home orders around COVID-19. They're a business too and don't want to be left holding the bag. They're the 800-pound gorilla in the business relationship and the contract favors them. Even in hindsight, I don't believe they're going to let a small renter modify the contract with addendums that benefit the renter. Sure, there's a clause in the contract about Acts of God / Force Majeure, but it's in there only to protect Regus. It basically states that they have no obligation to you as a renter if they can't provide the services you've contracted with them to provide.
5) Before committing to a particular office, be sure to visit during a busy day and with the offices next to & across from yours occupied. I'm disappointed with the office space I've rented. When there are people in the offices, the walls are thin enough that I can hear their conversations. The office space does not really provide for the level of privacy and quiet that I anticipated for the money I'm paying (close to a $1000/mo). When I brought this to the attention of my site manager I was reminded that I can switch offices (and even sites), but it is necessary to pay the restoration fee for each office move / occupied.

I doubt I would have signed the contract with Regus if I had done more due diligence. Lesson learned.

I would give them zero stars if I could
I would give them ZERO stars if I could. I have been a member for some time, and have a consistent, recurring problem that Regus will not address. I have a monthly subscription where I pay a single monthly payment, which allows me to reserve office space at no additional charge. Basically, it allows me to work from a Regus office anywhere in the world to work. Handy for a road warrior like myself. HOWEVER, even though I have a monthly subscription, I am billed for any office space I reserve. It's as though I have no subscription. Regus double bills me every day I use an office, requiring me to call them to reverse the charges EVERY DAY. As I write this, I have been on hold for 26 minutes waiting for a customer service rep. Every day. I have been reaching out to them FOR MONTHS, have submitted multiple emails, tickets and phone calls, and NO ONE seems to care. Why bother with a subscription? Well, I can't get out of it since NO ONE WILL ANSWER THE PHONE. They have a complete and utter lack of regard for the customer.

Unethical business practice
I signed up for a virtual office. I didn't know Regus were partners or linked to Regus. Had I known maybe I would have found these terrible reviews and avoided them.

Upon signing up I received from Regus a welcome email, the house rules and a request of document in order to activate my account.

I read the house rules and realized it was not what I was looking for on top of the fact that the mail forwarding, included in the price advertised by rovva, was not included with Regus, there was an extra 20$ charge for that.

I did not send the documents they requested since I did not want my account activated. I sent them an email the following day stating my concern and requesting a stop to the process. But I got no answer but a two month charge to my credit card.

I canceled my credit card and contacted customer service to inform them of the issue. But got the answer that the process is final even though I emailed them and even though I did not send the requested document.

Since they can no longer bill my credit card they've been sending me invoice with overdue balance for the past 3 months, emails from their collection department and threats to send my account to a collection agency if I don't pay the past due or the full amount of a 24 months agreement even though I never used and will never use the virtual office address.

After several attempt to resolve this issue by email with no success, I finally decided to call them, yet got the same answer the process is final there is nothing they can do and referred me to their partner Rovva even though I never received anything from rovva after signing up but from Regus.

Scam Company
This is the worst company I have ever dealt with, Regus prioritise scamming and lying to their customers over looking after them!

I had a short 6 week contract with them, I didn't receive internet until 3 weeks in, then while trying to arrange some kind of discount they started piling up late payment charges.

Once I was out it took a lot of phone calls to get the extra charges credited.

My main issue is they lied to get me in the space, I asked the salesman if there would be any additional charges and he said no knowing that I would not take the space if he told me about the extra restoration fee.

I am now being asked to pay £108 on top of the £500 rent for nothing as I cleaned the space and I was there for such a short time.

So not only have I paid full price for partial service but have to pay extra! Thanks very much Regus!

Head for the Hills
We have sadly been with Regus since 2013. We are a seasonal business and up until this year it worked for us. Regus are requiring a TWO month retainer, which is almost $4000! Yes, we do get it back, however for a small business this is substantial amount. We have never had a late payment in the 7 years we have been there, which accounts for nothing. The part that upsets me, is that we signed a contract for what we were to pay. After several attempts back and forth- the contract doesn't stand and they are going to deduct a higher amount. Why have me sign a contract if you aren't going to keep your word? Thanks for your services, we will make sure we don't recommend you and take our business else where. Note- they are similar to Spirit Airlines.

Charged me for office space when Covid prevented entry to buildings
I had a contract with Spaces, a Regus company, for open office space in New York City. When Covid hit in mid March 2020, not only was I ordered by the government not to go outside if non essential, but there were no employees at the locations in my area making it impossible to get into the offices. This small detail, however, did not stop Regus from billing me. I tried to cancel many times but emails and phone calls were never returned, and the app makes it near impossible to cancel. I finally did cancel and disputed with my credit card company the charges for services that were never rendered, and Regus complied. Regus has put my account with collections and they refuse to discuss anything but payment of the amount due, about 4 months total. Are they trying to fail?

Greedy Landlord that is worth £2.6 billion
It's my fault, I should have read the reviews before I allow myself to get involved and pay a painful price for my wrong decision.
Regus: worth £2.6 billion!, Regus make loads of money by taking advantage of pandemic and ripping off small new businesses like me. I set up my new company last Oct and rented 2 desk space at Regus Almondsbury for £454.80/month for 6 months tenancy. They will pressurise you in signing the contract 2 months before the tenancy and demanding 2 months deposit and 1 months rent straight away. Please check your invoice every month and avoid DD, as they keep adding unnecessary charges on your invoice, for example kitchen and coffee use for £48/month when I didn't sign up or use or drink coffee. Every month, I complained about it, but they still keep adding it on the invoice. When the pandemic strikes, I was on my 11th week, and had to stop working as massage therapist and therefore I cant use the room until the govt allows me too. Regus given me 50% discount for Apr and May in return, they extended my tenancy till Oct 2020. I asked Regus if they can provide more support after May, as I am still not allowed to work and, with no income and not eligible for any financial support. Regus idea of support is to further put me in debt, by offering me 2 months of discount but extending my tenancy till Apr 2021. So far, I have paid Regus for 6 months when I only used it for 11 weeks. At this rate, I will have paid Regus 10 months of rents and only managed to use the room for 11 weeks! I was told to get your deposit back, it will take 2 months. They are not making enough money, so they need to get to keep your tiny life savings for as long as they can, so they can live in their luxury lifestyle. I am pretty sure there are ethical landlords around who is not so greedy, so I will avoid this one, if you can.
Actual Rating: -100*************

Run fast
I had an extremely poor experience and really cannot find even one decent review so this tells me I'm not alone in my experience. Luckily I am linked to my bank account within the first few months so Regus cannot withdraw money like they have from other clients but I am pretty sure I will have to fight for my deposit just like everyone else. Make sure you terminate your lease well before the time or from what I read they will automatically renew you. Unprofessional rude overpriced. Extremely rude help and poor customer service unless it is in their benefit. Even when you complain you have to threaten lawyers to get even part of your money back. This place is a complete joke and disgrace. The place in sunrise Florida is not worth even a moment of your time and there are plenty of good office places surrounding it

If you are considering Regus - don't!
I had a horrible experience with Regus in Roseland. I rented space for almost 2 years, half of which occurred during the pandemic. Wi-Fi and Telephone, which are included, were frequently down, sometimes as long as 2-3 days. The Office Fax has not worked in the last 8 months. The Office Printer was replaced and not hooked up for 3 weeks, and then to use it, required an expensive computer upgrade. Whenever a question was asked about non-working equipment, the standard answer was "I'll open a Ticket".? If I had an issue, I was told to contact Dallas, but all that I got was a Inquiry Ticket opened, and never once a response. The Reception Desk, initially manned by 2 Receptionists, dropped to 1, but she was gone for an hour in the morning and an hour or more in the afternoon leaving a Sign on the Desk "Someone will be with you shortly". So in many cases there was no one to greet guests. My Lease ended 2 months ago and Regus still refuse to return my Security Deposit of 2 months. The building itself is pretty much abandoned, as 2 of the 4 Floors are almost completely vacant, so Building Services are non-existent. Very depressing indeed.

Billing for services without authorizations.
May 2,2021 Regus now call themselves IWG. They were based in Dallas TX but now claim New Jersey, and 1000's of various locations around the world including Swiss. These people are initiating services over the telephone without contracts, without giving access to the facility, and without providing any services whatsoever. No contract, no keys, no access to the "back office, No services provided. You just don't do business like this unless you intend to operate dishonestly. They are activating accounts without retainer fees and making the claim that clients agreed to this non-sense. Months later, they begin to make collection calls and send emails demanding payment and claiming that the entire alleged contract is due. No full names are provided and the local staff can't be found. These people are as dishonest as they can possibly be. I can't supply a proof of purchase because I did not make a purchase... just got a billing three months after I discussed a possible purchase but refused to do business with them because they would not give me a copy of contract terms. You'll need a lawyer for sure.

Virtual Office Chaos & Scam-Like Promises & Pitches
With Regus you get promises (broken), pressure to sign and pay quickly. Told to book days/times that in reality can be sold out from under you. You show up potentially with client, no where to meet only embarrassment. Regus grows on your dime, keeps you on hold 30 minutes if you call, refuses to escalate problems, everyone is "in a meeting," and there's no exec offices to reach out to. Sketchy, scam-like, abysmal customer service. Sales reps do not really listen or understand your business needs though Regus will tell you that they do. Regus charges anyway if you cancel monthgs out, even if you've not received services or started at your agreed upon month/day. Yet supposedly they are in high demand and that's why front desk people field numerous complaints about services they never received. Stay far away if you wish to grow your business in a respectable, solid way without chaos, disappointment and money lost.

Regus is by far the worse company to deal with during the COVID crisis
Regus is by far, by far, the worse company I have dealt with during the COVID crisis. Most companies I dealt with ramped up there response and/or put programs in place to apply flexibility. Regus did the exact opposite. I couldn't reach them at all and Regus kept charging my credit card. They wouldn't let me change the payment options online. I had to call my credit card company and block Regus. The result? Debt Collection Agency demanding payment for services I can't and don't want to use. I finally got a helpdesk person on the phone. Response? Contract = contract, COVID or not. You can't get out of this and need to pay. I called the local Area Manager on her cell phone. Same answer. By far the worse company I had to deal with over the past few months. I urge anyone to NEVER get into a Regus contract.


Terrible, avoid at all costs, seriously!

I read the previous 10 posts (all 1 STAR) so I`m not alone. I guess I will receive the same robotic reply "transparency" bla bla.

Welcome to my review:

We contracted with their office in Medellin, San Fernando Plaza, bandits. We took a simple package to receive post and have a virtual office in February 2021.

We receive their invoices each month for $113.000 Colombian pesos. We paid an invoice on 1st June 2021 for this amount for their service for the month of 1st to 30th June 2021. Unknown to us this should have been paid on the 25th of the previous month (ie 25 May 2021).

Regus have now raised a further invoice for a fine of
$550.000 Colombian Pesos for late payment. We read the contract and it refers to a fine of 50 USD, yes USD, not Colombian Pesos for late payment. This is 200.000 in Colombian Pesos, twice the price of the monthly service. What happened to a reasonable Surcharge? $200.000 in Colombia is one weeks salary (minumum wage). Is that right? Morals? The monthly service costs $113.000 but if you pay a day late you pay the 113.000 plus a 200.000 fine? I am sure that can be appealed as an unfair contract? I have no idea.

We fear that it will be the same for July 2021, because we paid this today 8 July for the month of July. A week late but there has been a long public holiday weekend.

To make matters worse a client visited our office in Medellin today to ask for us and Regus said that they did not know of us even though we have been paying their bills for 6 months. The client confirmed that they did not know of the proprietor Norma Constanza or the business that we represent, Altus Traducciones. Infact, another client reported the exact same thing in May and June. We wrote to Regus but never received a reply.

This particular client will provide us with written evidence to support our claim.

Effectively, they are taking our money each month for nothing. If REGUS were not a Global business we would report them to the Police in Medellin as scammers.

Really, it`s a disgrace and they only respond to emails, never a human voice to ask for...

We will never renew and we advise all small businesses to avoid.

If this invoice is not cancelled I will highlight their actions in Colombia across all review sites and social media. Additionally, we expect to receive compensation from REGUS COLOMBIA for their failure to provide the Service that we are paying for.

We expect a positive result or will write a complaint to the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio.

Norma Constanza

NOTE: The following message is a reply to the message received from Regus, dated 12 July 2021

Hello Sandra Melody Customer Service

Now were are getting close to the facts. There are no unpaid invoices! Today we have been in communication with your Vanessa Fuchs Dinnocenzo.

She wrote to us today 9 July 2021 to say that payment of invoice SF12075 for the monthly service in May had not been paid. We presume this is the reason you raised a penalty invoice for 550.000? WRONG! This invoice was paid on 30th April 2021 (ten weeks ago).

We have sent her our Bancolombia payment confirmation. This is the point, even if we had an unpaid invoice (which we do not), it`s the manner that you work with clients, awful. No friendly reminder, simply a new invoice to treble our charges. This is why all your recent reviews are terrible!


Lastly, to add insult to injury, your dear Vanessa kindly reminded us that the August service invoice is unpaid. Imagine, this is not payable until the end of July 2021.

Not nice...

Regus Client of 2+ years.
Initially I had one contract with Regus. I experienced the keeping of my retainer, doubled billed, and nonsense of getting that back. But, overall it was alright. So I expanded and made 2 contracts with Regus. Within 2 weeks of signing the contract, I got fraudulently charged yet again, and I learned that the sales rep who got me to sign, was a liar. He got relocated to another center, instead of being properly addressed and re-trained. He never apologized. The pandemic hit, and I have been paying for 5 months for office space I do not use to see any clients. I have canceled my personal lawncare service, my personal internet at home, and am even at a point where I am looking to sell my home. I am trying to save my business. You would think Regus would try to retain their client, especially one who has increased contracts with them. You would THINK they would consider the LONG TERM END GAME. Yet Regus refuses to work with me to terminate my contract early. They are literally forcing a situation where my savings are being drained, so that my business goes into bankruptcy. In such an event that they refuse to work with me, and I have to declare bankruptcy, I WILL NOT RETURN to Regus, and I will do everything in my power to make sure everyone online knows what Regus did. Regus has inhumane, unethical business practices. They are NOT for the small business owner. They are NOT for ethical, hardworking Americans. They are NOT for ethical, hardworking global citizens. They are NOT for anyone except themselves. They have no empathy, no considerations, no compassion, no care. The route they are going on, is their own road to destruction, and all those who work for them in collusion, are doing so to the detriment of their own character by stripping themselves of virtue. They are found wanting. I will be reporting this on every review site I can find, and to the Better Business bureau. And when I find a way to report this to the government, I will be reporting to the appropriate state and federal agencies.

Don't Waste Your Time!
F you are looking for a space to rent or a place where mail can be delivered, look elsewhere! I have never worked with a company that found so many ways (i. E. contract loopholes) to separate you from your money. From hidden fees to collect mail or secure space or schedule meetings, to an accounting system that is so archaic it needs to be put on life support! Regus make you sign this contract for services but literally EVERYDAY, there is a new charge for something frivolous that should be included in the fees YOU ALREADY PAY! Don't waste your time... shop elsewhere. And for companies looking to create disruption in this market... be very clear, REGUS is an easy mark! With very little effort, you can win business from this company because of the poor way they treat their customers! Even slightly better service would be a win, for a new company willing to come into this market!

Avoid at all costs
Worst company I've ever dealt with. I gave them thousands of dollars over two years and Regus tried auto renewing my account. They were trying to get me to pay for another two years all at once because my cancellation was somehow a breach of contract. Eventually it went down to just pay two months of the next year, which I refused. They would not acknowledged that I cancelled my account within their window and refused to pay me back my deposit. They are using some fake collection agency now to try to collect 500 bucks from me. This is a scam company pretending its legit.

Edit: to the Regus employee below. The language in the contract says you must give written notice two months before the term expires, it does not give a specific date. I gave written notice two months prior. I lived up to my end of the deal and your company failed to live up to theirs. Its been years and I'm probably never going to get that initial deposit back.

The reminder emails sent to me said "By not responding to this email by X date, you are accepting renewal of this agreement". I changed my email to another email address and made this clear to the office manager. The notifications went to the old email. An office person could have talked to me in person if I did not respond to an email. Any other matter I would get a knock on my office door.

Not responding to an email is not the same as agreeing to a contract. You cant just pretend like this is a legitimate and honest business practice. This is a dark pattern that a respectable business would not engage in. For someone who has literally given your company 10s of thousands of dollars I find it utterly disrespectful to end relations in the way it did.

I requested a Mutual Rescission and Early Release Agreement and was refused.
Regus are taking advantage and exploiting at a time when we all need support and understanding.
It is shocking that in a pandemic where worldwide governments are calling for relief on business rates for SME companies that Regus are looking to tie us in for another 12 month contract for a facility that we cannot, and do not want to, use.

- NO social responsibility
- TAKING monthly payments from small businesses owners who have had to close down business due to COVID
- NOT helping customers in time of need
- Rude, legalistic and non responsive
- STILL charging rents during the shut down
- Overcharges you on invlices
- DO NOT trust them with your credit card you won't have access to remove it (Regus keep charging it)
- They claim they support members, but it seems that they are only concerned about profits
- Any questions or complaints are met with the same bureaucratic automated responses


One of the most unprecedented times in history and they have decided to take advantage of many small firms who are struggling to make ends meet.

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Regus Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Regus customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Regus offer serviced office space, virtual offices, co-working spaces, and meeting rooms in centers across the world. Get A Quote.

Address: United Kingdom, KT16


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