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Reviews Finance, Investing, Brokerage Robinhood

50 customer reviews of

They have my money and won't give it back.
Horrible customer service! You WILL lose money if Robinhood mess up.

Use another stock app!

DO NOT get the debit card with Robinhood and Sutton bank. They are extremely easily hackable and I had my hacked with. 3 days of receiving it.

Contacted support for over a week now and they keep trying to avoid it at all cost.

I will be contacting a lawyer, and I'm also working with a news station for a potential story over Robinhoods poor service and support.

Extremely Poor Customer Service
Robinhood's website technology is extremely bad and worst is their customer service. I created an account and added my bank info. After 4 days of waiting I finally received the two micro deposits. When I went to their website to verify my deposits, the site stated that the amounts were incorrect even though Robinhood were correct. When I reached out by email to their customer and explained my situation I received message that I needed to entered my bank account info and wait for the micro deposits even though I fully explained what had happened. I rewrote message two more times and received from two other reps basically the same response. I believe their customer service may be outsourced to a different country. A new question poses. Do you really want to trust your financial information to an institution that sends your financial information to other countries? BTW, I do have copies of my email messages sent to Robinhood.

Basics are lacking for the active option trader
Robinhood pricing structure, the free commissions cannot be beat. That area Robinhood get 5 stars. However if you are an active trader, particularly an active options trader, many things you may be use to on other platforms simply are not available.

1- There is no way to export your trades to a CSV file. If you need an easy way to export to keep track of your trades in a spreadsheet, or for importing into another program like Tradelog for tax purposes, you are out of luck. They only have downloadable PDF statements. If you do not make many trades, this may be OK with you.

2- Their cancel/replace order is slow and cumberson. You have to close the original then scroll to the new trade you want to place and enter it. There is no lock to unlock to allow the bid/ask/natural/mid prices to update. This means you may need to close and reopen orders multiple times until you find a trade price that will be accepted.

3- Stock last price is not displayed in the options area when you are viewing your trades. Unfortunately you have to search for the stock. Because option decisions revolve around the stock price, this makes no sense to me.

4. There is no way to trade options as a market order. Sometimes you need to get in or out no matter the price, and you cannot do that on RH, though most other brokers have market orders for options.

5. No phone support and their email support is slow.

Just stay away from them
I will never trust them with my money again. Robinhood need a customer service phone number asap and I can't believe they lasted this long with the horrible customer service they have. I had a debit card through them for maybe a few months before fraud Amazon charges started showing up on my account. It took them days to respond to emails while my money was gone. I disputed these charges and the electronic form I was sent was very glitchy/broken. Shortly after that, I started getting contacted by a fake debt collector that harassed me for months to "collect a debt on behalf of Amazon" and it didn't take long to figure out who they had collected my personal information from.

Fraudulent liars, no customer service
Robinhood has purposely and repeatedly given me false and misleading information with regards to transferring my assets away from their company. Robinhood have delayed things almost 2 months now and they still refuse to do anything about their negligent handling of my basic requests for critical information.

Their escalation 'manager' Ellie is supporting their representatives decision to lie to me multiple times about my account, their purposefully blocking of my ability to request help concerning account security and overall negligence in providing customer support.

They lied, over and over to me. Their so called 'coachable moments' cost me money and they expect me to just accept it.

Took my funds and refused to refund.
This is absolutely TERRIBLE I would never refer anyone. Reached out for support in canceling a deposit and the representative refused to help me (YES THERE IS A WAY TO CANCEL A PENDING DEPOSIT) when It got returned I reached out to several reps. One threatened to close and investigate my account for fraud. I then get a notice that my account will be permanently closed. AFTER I REACHED OUT FOR SUPPORT 3 TIMES! Now I am being charged a return fee, and the original amount of my shares. Though I purchased with my own money! Theft is what it is

Portfolio / funds frozen
I trade on several platforms. I made (one) mistake with a bank transfer and had my account frozen. Every week I am told my account will be restored in 1-4 days. It is almost 5 weeks that I can not even use / withdraw my funds. I requested to talk to a manager more than once and no response. No Robinhood wont even respond. I am older and have health issues - this is about my income now. And I cant use or withdraw my money. I told Robinhood I will take action to recover my funds (write a negative review every day). Roger Rahn *******

Robinhood Gave My Money to an Overseas Criminal!
Like thousands of others, my account was successfully hacked by criminals. Robinhood even issued the criminal a debit card in their own name: Mysliborska A Warszawa of Poland. Robinhood then linked this person's brand new Robinhood card to my account, even though we have completely different names and live in different countries. Robinhood transferred all of my money to the person in Poland and concluded that no unauthorized transactions took place and that their "decision is final." Robinhood knows my account was breached and Robinhood negligently gave a debit card to a criminal and gave my money to them, but they are pretending they don't know and are not responsible. Robinhood steals your money and gives it to the less fortunate overseas criminals in Poland. So only sign up with Robinhood if you want to be a part of their plan. Also, there's no phone number to call.

Recent events that have changed my opinions on this brokerage.
I used to be a huge advocate for Robinhood. I was impressed by the interface and loved the ability to own a card that was linked with your cash in your portfolio. I have been using it for the past 2 years without any problems. I was disappointed to only have the ability to trade on margin because of the day trade regulations that come with this but it was never a deal breaker due to the fact that I mainly swing options and hold for multiple days. With all the short squeezes' screwing the man I thought Robinhood was on our side but I am disappointed to say this is not the case. I will be leaving and going to ETrade.

Manipulates markets
I used Robinhood to buy and sell stock; especially in ones that I believe in. These stock include GME, AMC, BB, and others. While the stocks started to rise, Robinhood removed the ability for the users to purchase these shares and only sell what you currently have. Robinhood are manipulating the stock price by directly effecting the supply and demand as they are preventing an entire user base from purchasing stocks. Any company that does this does not deserve your trust and where you should let your money reside. These actions have shown that they care more for the 1% than the average retail investor. I DO NOT RECOMMEND. How can you prevent us from buying stock and state it is for our protection? You terms of agreement lay out the risk of investing when we sign up - do not pretend you are looking out for us. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

Cannot leave, failure of full ACATS transfer, scam company
I initiated a full portfolio transfer 01/28. Robinhood initiated the transfer and I could not make any trades as things were being moved.

My portfolio moved, BUT not all of it. Things I sold on Robinhood before the transfer have shown up in my Merrill account BUT at market price which is much higher than the price I paid plus I sold these off completely.

My Robinhood account now shows a margin call and a $5k deficit. My account had a lot in there (for me) and not all of it moved yet Robinhood now says I have a deficit.

Also, I've been locked out from making trades since 01/28. But in Feb 2 I get a notification from Robinhood I've been flagged as a day trader. Then in Feb 3rd Robinhood sends me notifications "congratulations order is complete" and it bought lots of securities that I I'd done before the transfer.

How the heck is this possible I've been locked out since 01/28.

MORE concerning is my account history no longer shows those sales on 01/28, conveniently and I feel Robinhood is broken system is stealing from me and others or losing my finds outright.

I got a "response" to my first inquiry and it was an unacceptable generic automated reply saying go here to learn about logging in. Are you joking me? What kind of financial institution with millions of clients can't reply to a email?

Also for example I sold all 2,300 shares of NAKD I had at avg of $0.46, yet 1000 of that showed up in Merrill but at full market price of over $1.16 per share. What the heck? Plus now I'm not sure if I really own it because you should never sell something twice. This stock is now losing value day over day and I don't know if I really own it since I sold it completely off before initiating the transfer. I have several positions like this. I sold 25 of my 100 shares of PSTH on 01/27 yet there is full 100 shares in my merrilll account? And multiple other securities. IPO I sold 3 shares my entire holding yet that has been transferred to Merrill? Multiple other positions and shares are like this

I've see. This has happened to many people. What the heck is going on? No replies, no help.

I'm very worried, this is all my money Robinhood are playing with.

No customer service and an app that steals property
My TSLA Call option was rejected by the bank due to its' expensive nature, as my bank tries to protect me. I was unable to get anyone in customer service on the phone or even online to help rectify the matter.

To make it worse, robinhood declared the money margin, and is now taking interest on the money.

To top it off, Robinhood sold my Call option without my consent while it was coming into the money, but was still at a loss. It would have made me a decent amount of money, but instead, posted a $500 loss, and has given me an extraordinary headache with the bank.

STAY AWAY. Use a better brokerage that doesn't fail on high volume days when reliability is a must. This is the last strike against me with this company. They are bandits.

Robinhood financial LLC deserves ZERO stars!
Robinhood deserve ZERO stars. Worst platform ever. Dont waste your time or money. Glitchy system time after time. This is my 3rd year with the company thinking it would turn around. Im switching to TD and i think its the best decision of my life. The robinhood financial application again says i have lost my 2,375 shares. I legally still have those shares so what happened to them? Says stock is currently untradable. HA! What a joke. I sent several emails because guess what this shister of a company doesnt have phone support. Still no response months later. Obviously contacted securities lawyers. This has been going on for years. The villain has to be stopped!

Robinhood has terrible customer support Team.
I've Robinhood account for about 3 years now but have been seriously using it about a few weeks ago. I transferred my money into Robinhood's account and would want to start my trading. However, i notice my account is locked because of B-Notice issue. The problem is that Robinhood didn't even have instant chat or phone to reach out for immediately issue. I emailed them a few times in the past 1.5weeks. Zero respond to address the issue. At this time, I'm really frustrated that my money has already transferred but Robinhood preventing me from trading.
Overall, I'm considering finding another trading service. I think Robinhood don't take their Customer issues seriously. Let say, what if you have an issue while using their App. This can be a serious lost because you cannot reach out to their customer support to resolve your problem immediately. With trading you can gain or lose a significant amount of money within a few hours or days. I hope Robinhood will reconsider to take their customer support seriously.

Bad Service, Not user friendly
I've been with Robinhood for almost 4 years. One problem that's been there since day 1 is customer service. If I have a problem with my TD account there's a phone number to call and a branch right next to my house. Now I'm not saying physical locations should be open, but no phone number even just an email to keep you waiting. I've have fraud occur a long time back and the panic and anxiety is just through the roof waiting for days on end for a simple response for someone to tell you "I'm sorry about that we will look into it, till the meantime request a new card" and never hear a word back. This brokerage could use a bit more help.

I disclosed my private information for nothing
I filled out their form to create a new account. I disclosed my name, address and social security number which requires a lot of trust in a brokerage firm who I don't even know. Any brokerage website that refuses to let you log into your account after you create it is one to stay away from. I tried changing my password and was still refused the right to log in. As if this was not enough, Robinhood put my account on two-factor authentication without asking me first. The dialogue box first asks how you would like to be contacted. Then they offer no choice except to send a text message. They demand to send a text and refuse clients the right to get a voice message or an email. I had my cel set up so it does NOT accept text messages. Then I clicked the link for "I don't have access to this phone" (my only choice) and then it brings you to a screen that demands that you continue without logging in. When I clicked on customer support, I got an automated email that says they'll get back to me in three days. With no 24 hour support, no phone number, no physical address and no mailing address, and their refusal to let me log in, they already give me the creeps. Most brokerage firms have a 24-hour phone number and a mailing address in plain sight on their websites. They also offer the option of being contacted by either email, voice mail or text. Never do they make logging in an impossible and degrading task. After having disclosed my street address and social security number only to be abused by them, I am not sure if they intend to let me have a real account with them or if they're just data-mining me. I did look twice at the web address to make sure it was not fake.

Limit by orders they are confirmed but you never get credit
Limit buy
After inputting the amount you were willing to pay
And then Robinhood stock comes down and it goes through and you are confirmed at that price for a particular amount of shares which you agreed to
But it just sits there dormant and it states if your order is not filled for 90 days?
Why on earth would it sit there for 90 days or any long particular amount of time if it is not going to go through your money is tied up you cannot invest you cannot get a question or an answer from anybody that is not a general computer-based answer which answers nothing?
The last time this happened I waited for over two weeks had my orders went through it would have been a plus on my side for $26,000 after waiting all that time then I was told that it was discarded they credited me and my investment amount back but I lost all of that time as well as the money that I would have made why does it take so long if something is wrong to handle something such as that?
Not trying to beat up the app I have enjoyed it and learned a lot in the amount of time but when people tie up money regardless of the amount of money if it is a lot to them and to have things put on hold for that length of time if it's going to be discarded or not credited The company should be on top of it way sooner and Be more professional than what it is being done at this time?
If you are a staff member or anybody who is important that works for Robinhood this is something major that should be addressed it has caught me several times in a short period of time as of now
I did a purchase last night with five different orders at five different price levels all were taken all were confirmed!
But not credited so it's not showing me a profit or a loss or if it's going to be bought and my money is tied up and I cannot do anything with it what are you supposed to do for 90 days this part is ridiculous please help

Stay away
For the love of your mental health, kindly stay away from this company. They'll make very enticing offer and when you make deposits, withdrawal becomes impossible.

There's no reliable customer service, so contacting them is impossible.

Took my money and almost drove me mad!
But since it was all my savings, I couldn't give up and let them win

Kept looking for means to recover till I got recommendations from a lady on Quora to contact Phoenix Souls

I was skeptical at first but had no choice.
Robinhood were able to recover my money back
Surprisingly! Best day of my life!

You can look the website up at Phoenixsouls dot com for help

Good luck

If you're serious about investing don't use this
The app has a lot of great features but the company itself is shady and has the worst customer service I've dealt with in a long time. Robinhood locked my wifes account today and refused to let her withdraw her funds after a transfer was reversed, even though she had enough in her account to cover the transfer reversal. There reason being that the account was locked for "security purposes". The only thing their trying to secure is the interest they collect off floating your cash before depositing it to your account. They have two phone numbers listed, one just says to email them then hangs up on you, the second rings for a little while then goes to a voicemail box asking you to leave a message then stating that they don't check it. They also sell their users trades to high frequency traders and make a TON of money doing it, but can't be bothered creating a web chat or phone line for customer service or let you access your own money.

From an investor standpoint, what they offer is extremely minimal. Candlestick charts for 10 min blocks only, absurd. Very basic charts anyway, No educational resources, very limited news releases, no paper trading, really their only redeeming feature is the cash management. Their trades are also some of the last to go through to be filled, so if you and 10 people from other brokerages put in a limit order at the same time, you're likely to get stiffed because it fills the others first. If you're even a little bit serious about investing, go somewhere else. TD Ameritrade is great, offers no fee trades, options and so much more than what Robinhood offers. If you like the easy mobile app try Webull, again offers the same things and so much more that someone who wants to get serious with investing needs.

Be very-very careful! I just lost over 1000 dollars.
I just lost over 1000 dollars. I made a deposit of 700 dollars and it didn't go through, so I tapped on over and over u til it went through. So Robinhood registered 4-5 x that 700 dollars. But I didn't know because they hold onto your money for like 5 days. I called my bank to stop the deposit. To make a long story short - a total mess. It's very confusing because they hold onto your money for too long. Then they sold a stock of mine that had lost 50 percent in value. Disaster. They must make money with your stocks of something. You can't talk to anyone. Not fair!
Be very careful or just don't even go on that platform.

Thief's too high in the tower to contact!
I am not a big fish invested, just a disabled Veteran trying to get in on a little money making. I will make this simple and short. When I would make a deposit it would take couple days to come out of my checking account. Then one day Robinhood got there wires crossed. They tried to take a deposit that didn't exist or had already been taken out. That account only kept the amount that I owed them. ((For scams or anything like this) when I looked at my actual Robinhood hold account EVERYTHING was wrong my investments and they said I owed them almost $500. They kept trying to take out money from my checking over and over again. They disregarded all ofy Emails to there customer service and even my replies to there own emails to me. Absolute impossible to reach anyone on the phone. I don't know what to do besides report to the BBB. I use other APPS for similar investments and haven't had any issues like I have with this Robinhood. The only advice I k ow to be true is "don't put all your eggs in one basket".
Semper Fidelis
Charles L

It's worked out for me
I have been on Robinhood a while and I do enjoy using it (unless my stocks are falling lol). I like having control over my stocks personally but I suggest that people start slow because no matter who you use to trade, the stock market can go really well or really bad. The key is researching anything you plan to invest in as much as you can before buying any stock (things might look better/worse once you put some hours into learning more).

The good is that I have control over my stocks and in my experience, response time to my emails has been good (I do have a large chunk of money with them and I am unsure if that effects anything).

The downside is site glitches. The worst is when I can not log in for a while but thankfully it gets resolved quickly most of the time and it is pretty rare.

Never use Robinhood
Zero customer service and Robinhood do that on purpose, withdrawal restriction when I my last deposit went through 16 days ago, sold my last stock 9 days ago so there is no excuse. I contacted customer service over a week ago and even tried Twitter, Google play review, Facebook, etc to try and get a response Nland nothing. I made formal complaints and am probably going to have to file lawsuit to close account. Contacted the attorney general, finra and my lawyer today.

Withdrawal nightmare
Been trying to get my money out of my account for almost a week now. I first withdrew 1000 bucks a little over a week ago with no problems. I then tried to withdrawal all the funds in my robionhood account to the same bank account i funded it with... this time i get an error. I contact customer support and Robinhood send a generic answer telling me i need to send the funds to a bank i funded the account with... I did that. Now they want me to take pictures of my drivers license and bank account statements before they'll send me a dime. Its been two days and now they closed the support ticket before i could send them the pictures. Going to have to start all over. These people are absolute garbage. GO TO TD AMERITRADE INSTEAD!

Link your bank account
Frustration in the extreme! Not only will Robinhood not accept a check deposit, Robinhood make it impossible to link your bank via an ACH transaction. I called and spoke to a part time employees who was totally incpable of even understanding english--she said that all employees are working from home--and that Robinhood "caters to younger people"--and suggested that I go to my own bank for help.

Robinhood'; s wevbsite is a masterpiece of uselessness--with no way to contact anyone.

I wish I could give it ZERO
This app/website is currently performing ILLEGAL market manipulation by blocking stocks to buy, but not sell. Robinhood are working AGAINST the common folk to prop up the billionaire hedge fund racketeers and screwing us out of our stocks. They CANCELED MY STOCK ORDER AFTER THE MARKET OPENED!
I made a purchase only about an hour after close yesterday and this morning I got a notice saying my order was canceled. WHY?! I BOUGHT THOSE STOCKS! YOU CAN'T CANCEL AFTER I BOUGHT THEM IF I GOT THEM BEFORE YOU CLOSED THE TRADE TO BUY!
Class action lawsuit incoming!

If I could give 0 starts I would
I been trying to get my money out for the last 3 weeks, and there is no response, Robinhood got my money and I cant get it out. I totally regret getting this app and I recommend not to use it, I used to love it but they deactivated my account, I was not using marging and they sold my stocks, then I tried to withdraw and they wont allow me because my account is deactivated, with cash in it. They wont answer emails, direct messages on twitter, messages on their app... I am desperate

Absolutely no way to speak to someone to resolve issue!
If you have an issue there is no way for you to speak to someone to resolve the issue. You must send them an email and Robinhood will get back to you via email only. Takes about 3 days for a reply. Each time you send a reply it is answered by a different rep so you end up having to re-explain the issue. I have an issue transferring funds back into my bank account which has been in use and verified for over 1.5 years. Now they are requiring me to show documentation that I am the account holder which I have. Been about a week now and no one has been able to help me.

Fascist Censoring Pigs
This company censors and bans small investor activity to prioritize big hedge funds, pushes its privatized advertising bafoonery and sells your data more than Facebook... It's run by fascist, isolationist—that think investing, finance and economics is some type of a real science instead of a bunch of Wall Street monkeys throwing dice at a craps table. None of these people can do real math anyways. Best to stay away from restrictive dictatorial fintech apps

$#*!ing $#*!s
I put over a few hundred dollars in a new cryptocurrency and I can't even get back on my account do not use this website it's a piece of $#*! and honestly I've never been through like this by secure webpage ever ever I am guessing a whole bunch of money and dodge coin refresher light them up the amount of money I put in and now I can't even access the account please contact someone at Robin Hood and tell them. Wait you can't because it's impossible to actually get in touch with good customer support don't join ******* is my email If anyone at Robin Hood and would like to contact me about it I've already contacted with my private attorney about the matter
Bad webpage for a good concept

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Robinhood Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Robinhood customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Robinhood is a new way to invest in the stock market. For more information about Robinhood please visit

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Robinhood is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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