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Rocket Lawyer

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Reviews Business, Legal, Legal Documents Rocket Lawyer

50 customer reviews of

What a Great Service!
I started with the free trial, because I needed some legal documents Quickly because I had a very short deadline. I was able to navigate the website easily, take care of the documents I needed in a timely manner, and at a very low cost. Also, the recipients I required signatures from, were able to navigate their instructions quickly and easily, which was extremely important to my situation. Using their service gave me peace of mind and helped me handle my situation with minimal stress.
And for a minimal fee, I can have access to my personal documents and create and save more for when needed. At this time, I don't require their other services which are also reasonably priced, I do plan do utilize their services in the future as my needs change.
Their customer service over the phone and online are fantastic! ( Christine Weston/UT was very helpful and listened to my needs as well as offered suggestions for other great services!)
Thanks so much for providing this service!

Great resource!
I am retired. A former co-worker asked me to provide her with a letter of recommendation. Since I had never had any reason to create such a letter previously... I googled the web & the RocketLawyer site came up. It was a very easy application to use. I actually had some difficulty accessing the document I created, but I believe it must have been due to the fact that I was using Edge rather than Chrome... so I had to jump through hoops to get the doc printed to send to my friend. I don't anticipate ever having to use any of the documents or your resources in the future... but if I do need assistance I will surely go to your website!

You Get What You Pay For
I have used Rocket Lawyer several times to get ideas about what to write a contract, however I write it myself at the end or in some cases I actually hire a lawyer to do it for me. I'm laughing at all the bad reviews because these reviewers are CHEATERS who don't want to pay for a lawyer and want a freebie, then Rocket Lawyer complain that they get charged for this site's services. I can only assume that Rocket Lawyer paid lawyers to write the hundreds of contracts or agreements that you can find on their site so hey! They deserve to be compensated. If you are cheap you will sooner or later pay for the consequences. At the end, you don't even know if their content complies with local and state laws, so it is your fault for trying to cheat the system. Hire a real lawyer and stop $#*!ing!

Errors, poor service, extra charges
In June of this year I hired Rocketlawyer's incorporation service for several services. These included a corporate dissolution, an LLC formation, and two items that did not go well (filing to register one of my LLC's as a foreign LLC in another state, and doing a DBA for that entity in that state). It is now year-end and I'm still trying to get these two remaining items finished. I have been charged $614.99 for these services. After inquiring to get the services accomplished, and waiting for a response (for weeks), I finally heard back for a small piece of the work to be done (newspaper notices, which Rocket Lawyer insisted, incorrectly, had to be filed in the LLC's home state for the foreign filing. They should be filed in the "foreign" state). I have been going back and forth via email and it's like talking to a brick wall. Finally, today (12/30/2020), I got a call (my last reachout was on 12/16/2020) from the person who has been making the aforementioned mistake, and who has been MIA until now. Why is she calling today? As she explained in the voicemail, she wanted to get things done before their year-end close. In addition to all of that, I was charged another $625 - why? I have no idea. It is on my credit card statement, but not on my list of invoices on their site. Obviously, I recommend strongly that you find someone else to do incorporation services.

I was hopeful they'd help, but nothing happened...
I left a review yesterday, received a response, followed instructions and called in as requested. An RL rep was going to see if Rocket Lawyer could rectify the matter. They couldn't do any sort of a refund because the charges in question were over a year old and their system wouldn't "let" them. Really? Rocket Lawyer doesn't have the means or technology to issue a credit to a credit card or write a refund check at any time? They did offer me a free membership - NO THANKS! But to anyone reading this - CALL IN QUICKLY IF YOU GET CHARGED ON YOUR CARD IN ERROR AFTER THINKING YOU'D CANCELED YOUR MEMBERSHIP. They didn't argue the fact that their emails and billing processes were misleading. I simply couldn't get a refund because the charges were so old. Stay away if you haven't done any business with them yet, and if you have, I feel your frustration.

I, too, tested a Trial Subscription in May of 2013
I, too, tested a Trial Subscription in May of 2013. I NEVER signed up for an ongoing subscription. Without warning, Rocket Lawyer started charging me $39.95/month. It took me a few months to discover this (OK, I'm not on top of my business accounting the way I should be). I emailed Support demanding a refund and all I got was a generic email saying this;

Thank you for using Rocket Lawyer for your legal needs. This message confirms that you have been downgraded to a Free Membership and will not be billed in the future.

While some of the legal documents that offer are helpful, just BEWARE that their Free Trial is a bait and switch!

I guess I need a lawyer to go after Rocket Lawyer. What a joke.

Great deal
I needed a document form to submit to a bank after my mother's death. I reluctantly took the 7 day free trial offered hoping that I would remember to cancel my membership for free. I printed and submitted the document successfully - very easily- and the next day went to cancel. I selected "Downgrade" to start which created a chat with a live person.
Who then offered to keep the membership for only $1.00 a month to access all kinds of forms and I can cancel any time. I know I'll be using living will, power of attorney, and bills of sale soon so I kept it. The whole transaction took about a minute in the online chat. No waiting for the "real person" to answer all questions and now when I need something I know exactly where to find and store it.

Be very careful using Rocket Lawyer!
I went on to Rocket Lawyer to obtain a simple template for a Power of Attorney for my mother who sometimes cares for our children. I did NOT intend to sign up for a membership, but have been billed $40 TWICE. I called to cancel, and then also went onto the website to cancel this "membership." Very expensive for a simple document that I could have written myself! Had I not combed through my credit card statement in detail, who knows how many months I would have been billed $40 for literally nothing! Buyer beware. Please note, I am not commenting about the quality of their legal services per se, but I find their "membership" system to be underhanded.

On a scale of 1-10; I would have to give it a (20)…! It's was a great experience showing the wife how the documents are to be prepared. It would've been a good App to have on hand; however the monthly monitoring fee is a bit much; unless one is using your sight on a regular basis...! It would have to be almost like conducting/operating a business. In other words; if your preparing these full time; that fee might be considered reasonable. We saw some other things on the site that we are thinking about; but it would be after we validate the accuracy of the forms contents. I remembered my brothers Last Will being prepared on this site; "God Rest His Soul". Again, "Great Experience"...!

DO NOT USE ROCKET LAWYER steal from seniors
This is not free and Rocket Lawyer ended up charging my social security 39.99 a month without my permission i cannot get the money back because they say there is not fraud... i did not sign up for a monthly fee, trust me! I was caring for my dying mother and wanted to read a document. I put my card info in even though it said free: i had to cancel my card to get the payments to stop. I called about one charge and found monthly! $120.00 to read a power of attorney document. I could not leave my mother accept when a nurse came in. Horrid way to treat people. Now they are being bought by Google i guess. My word. Computer scamming must be big business. I live on a fixed income and this was a hit for me. Notice they have no contact information. I plan on being more careful. I only use amazon.

Rip-off, Extremely poor customer service
Steer clear of this company! Do not use!

Rocket Lawyer's customer service is the worst I have ever experienced. From day one the person who filed my LLC papers had a very poor attitude. If you get their legal services subscription service and then cancel it Rocket Lawyer terminate your service immediately and do not let your account run through the end of the paid period. This is a clear rip-off but they don't seem to care. A supposed legal firm is deserving of a class action lawsuit through sheer negligence, unbelievable. But the problems continue. I notified them in writing twice that I didn't wish to renew registered agent service, and they still charged my card anyway.

The best you are going to get with this site is a $40...
The best you are going to get with this site is a $40 document review. When I signed up, I thought I was getting at least a document review with my free trial. Nope - just as expected from hell hole that is San Francisco, you don't get much for free. $40 is the monthly rate and even then it's terrible. All I could get was a document review. A simple question of mine could not be answered because the lawyer I was put into contact with independent contract lawyer stated that my monthly membership was outside of the scope for Rocket Lawyer and wanted money upfront. What's even pissed me off even more was when I complained about this to Rocket Lawyer, Rocket Lawyer cancelled my membership and that was it. No refund, no response.

Customer Service resolved Complaint!
At first, I was disappointed in Rocket Lawyer when I discovered that I needed to change some things around with my company's ownership model. In 2017-2018 we used RL to process the business paperwork and registrations and paid for a membership. The follow up to that was great, a fellow named Dave M helped us the whole way through and would get back for weeks even months on changes.

Take us up to early last week, I am no longer a member but willing to be. I hit the company up for advice on how to convert (using their forms and method) from an LLC partnership to a LLC sole proprietorship. I signed back up for my membership and the answer I received was that, "I should call in because Rocket Lawyer needed more details"; so I did. They must have had an impression there was some issue -- was like the first guy did not want to touch it. Or he did not really know how to help me and was being courteous. So the process to call in requires a request form the site and a representative assigns an attorney and tells you they will be calling within 48 hours and you feel like you're being taken care of. Great!

However, shortly after submitting my call request, I get a message that now it is going to cost me even more money on my membership to get the answer I needed and that I should prepare myself for a 40% discount on any thing the lawyer advises me on -- again, all I needed was to confirm how I go about resubmitting forms to keep my name but drop off someone who no longer wanted to be part of the company and had the separation letter in hand to show them in case that was the hesitation. Again, just needing to process some paperwork here and have a quick conversation about process and costs. No big deal, right?

I write back, "well, this 40% thing -- that is not how this worked with Dave M back in the early days when I got set up -- I had a membership and he walked me through the paperwork to structure the organization." The response was, that was just in case my issue was being litigated or there was a need to retain. I said, "ok, good". I explained again, that, "this was just a simple bit of direction that I needed" and she signed me up with an attorney. - no one called me back.

So after 48 hours, I wrote back that, "I had not heard from anyone". They responded at 4pm. The response was, "They still have until the end of the day at 5pm." I got that message by email at 5:15pm, checked my phone, still, no calls.

I wrote in again, explained that, "no one called" and the rep set up another lawyer and that one never called either. Actually, it was three call set ups and still, I am sitting here waiting on the call. How much you want to bet, they are waiting on me to call them? Is that the game that is being played here? That does not work, because when I do call in, I need to leave a message with a receptionist and then it takes another round of phone tag. When they should have followed through and simply advised me of the forms and to make sure I did this or that by email or whatever -- it is not that difficult.

To make a long story short, I sent my complaint in and they immediately took care of my issue and got me hooked in with the proper process. We are still working on it but the company refunded my membership and still helped me figure this out. I will be back.

Rocket Lawyer automatically charged my checking account...
Rocket Lawyer automatically charged my checking account just under $300 to renew a generally worthless membership. Not realizing that Rocket Lawyer would automatically renew, I downgraded my account immediately and requested a refund. After the first e-mail, I received a response saying that I needed to direct my complaint to a refund-specific address, which I then did. Four additional e-mails and two and a half weeks later, I have still not received any response.

I am not normally one to complain, and if there was a mistake made on my part to cause the automatic withdrawal I would certainly have accepted that and dealt with it. However, they have made absolutely no attempt to contact me or to resolve this issue. Absolutely poor.

This is also not the first time that I have received no response from Rocket Lawyer. Though they were generally useful in helping me form my first LLC, they completely ignored my questions regarding forming another. Of course, my current situation is a lot more frustrating, as they have $300 in charges that I anticipate having to dispute very soon.

I do enjoy saving money
I signed up for Rocket Lawyer in a desperate need to write up a cancellation for a time share. Called up the next month to cancel because I couldn't justify the $39 charge for a document here and there. Rather than just cancelling my subscription and sending me off I was offered another one for $1 a month which would cover my own personal documents whenever I needed. Apparently the one I signed up for offered me direct counseling when I needed it from a lawyer. Which come to think of it is a hell of a deal. The attendant who worked with me was so helpful and informative that I couldn't pass up this offer. I appreciate it when I'm offered better programs, forms, subscriptions or what have you, that meet my own personal needs. This kind of service is exactly why I stay loyal to certain brands. Thank you so much for that.

Same as everyone else
Same as everyone else. 'Free' trial required an account setup. Account setup required a credit card. Fine print says that as soon as your 'free' trial ends, you start paying monthly until you cancel. So if you don't proactively cancel, you end up paying until you notice it showing up on your credit card bill.

The quality of the document I got was garbage. I am willing to bet that the majority of their revenue is derived from 'free' trial members who fail to notice the fine print. These paying customers, like me, don't actually use the service. That is, Rocket Lawyer paying for nothing. It might be legal. But it isn't right. It is a scam.

Kevin Provides Excellent Customer Service
I can not say enough about the excellent customer service Kevin Phelps provided today. I had a real problem with my document, printing 73 blank pages. And reached out for support. Kevin tried and tried to reach a supervisor to get help for me, in that this was something he could not handle. While waiting he continued to come back to me to reassure me he had not forgotten me. He went ver and beyond t make sure that I understood the product, how it worked and was so very respectful and helpful. I write this review because over the last several months I have had my share of disrespectful, non caring, ignorant of their jobs customer care employees from various companies. Kevin was very refreshing and without a doubt someone who cared about his customer and the company in which he works. Please I recommend giving him a raise he is really worth keeping.

Graant Deed
Generally the experience was good. I was able to find and complete the necessary forms, though I experienced some learning curve problems. My biggest concern was that I filled out more information than was printed for me to submit to the county. Subsequently at the recorder's office, I had to complete another form, which, to me, seemed to be the "missing" information. I had to go back and forth between the assessor's office and the recorder's office to clarify and complete the additional form, but I feel confident that the forms are all done and filed properly. I appreciate that I was able to use the free trial and received a confirmation of same.

I paid for a year of service
I paid for a year of service - $300 - and created only one contract. Not a great value, but it's what I signed up for. However, Rocket Lawyer auto-billed me for a second year and did not answer the phone when I tried to cancel the service. They refused to help me over email (said I had to call their CS line).

I called my credit card company and had the charge reversed, but being that Rocketlawyer is, after all, run by lawyers - they got the charge re-instated claiming that having printed one contract I was liable for paying the 2nd year.

Took months to finally resolve, but they did not refund all of my money. I would never use this service again.

It seems nearly all of the negative reviewers didn't...
It seems nearly all of the negative reviewers didn't bother to read what I saw very clearly. Use your head - any "free" website asking for a credit card will always have some sort of automatic billing that you need to back out of after a trial period, just like your "free" HBO/Showtime Comcast/Xfinity deals; Rocket Lawyer expire, then your bill goes up because you forgot, too bad, so sad. So what I did after saving and printing my form, which I always have free access to whether I pay or not, just like they promise, I "downgrade" my subscription immediately. No fuss, no muss, no bill. Don't blame this website for nailing you later for not reading what you agreed to.

Excellent customer service
I had upgraded the account for a week. I completed my form (a durable power of attorney); printed it off; and was off to the hospital to have the document signed. Subsequently, on July 8th, the individual for whom I drawn the document died. On the 10th of July, I downgraded the account. Likewise, on the 10th of July, the company charged my account fir another month. Kevin Phelps. The customer rep understood what had happened and refunded my fees.
It's refreshing to find someone who could see what my intent was and not make me jump through hoops for my refund.
I will recommend Rocket Lawyer to all my friends and family, based on my personal experience with the Representative.
Thank you

Rocket Lawyer
Rocket Lawyer. For the cost of a real lawyer on retainer - 90% you can have this service. The idiots who are reviewing at 1 star have no idea how amazingly cheap this service is. I got a Cease and Desist letter, Patent, Incorporation, General Services contract, you name it, at my finger tips and customized by answering a few questions. The people leaving 0 reviews have no idea as to what a real lawyer to craft such documents would cost and verified with the proper wording. Sorry folks, but as a business owner this company is a life saver, and those leaving 1 stars have really no concept as to what legal fees really do cost to draft these documents. 5 STARS!

Foot-in-the-door scam
I wish I'd come looking for these reviews before using RocketLawyer. I purchased their services for $85 up front and a $49 a month monthly fee. During registration, I answered questions as to what kind of services I needed, ILC, Non-Profit 501 (c) 3 classification. Rocket Lawyer immediately completed the incorporation, but sent vague emails about me needing to follow up with them about the non-profit status. Four phone calls and three emails later I finnaly got to ask someone what the next steps were for completing the 501 (c) 3. Their answer... Give us $480 more. I called to cancel my services and they explained that they were now listed as my agent for the non-profit and that I would have to file to have them removed. They could do it for me for another $100. Wowsers, what a scam. This company's practices appear illegal, but I cant afford to pay them to file the claim!

I submitted my credit card for one week free service. Rocket Lawyer supposedly would charge my account $39.95 after 7 days unless I cancelled before the 7 days. Low and behold... my bank card was charged $39.95 20 minutes after the transaction was completed. I was unable to get the document edited so I was not even able to use their services.

When I called the service rep to complain and request a refund I asked him how this happened? He said it must have been a computer glitch. Glitch... my hiney! They have it set up that way. It makes me mad thinking about the people who get charged like this and probably don't realize it. If you do catch this so called "error" they will refund your money. It makes me sick how they are intentionally ripping people off.

I will tell any and everybody I know not to deal with these SCAM artists.

Despite all the other negative reviews, I signed up...
Despite all the other negative reviews, I signed up on Rocket Lawyer in need of a Form for Selling a piece of property. It was easy to use and completed my sale. Before the 8 days, I went in and cancelled using the drop down menu that Rocket Lawyer instruct you to use to end your subscription. Very user friendly and extremely easy to use. It was cancelled immediately. Never a fee charged to my credit card and an nice email thanking me for my time in visiting their site, etc. I think most people just don't take the time to read, don't cancel in time and then end~up getting charged. My advice: Read the fine print & follow the cancel instructions.

Perfect way for a videographer to save on legal costs
I was helping my son (a videographer) line up a deal for a big Bar Mitzvah shoot. I told him it was essential that he have contracts with his clients and his assistants. I looked around online for a company with a template for videographer contracts and found Rocket Lawyer. Not only were its formats perfect for this purpose, but its interview-style choice of options made it easy to adapt the contract for specific situations.

The final contracts were accepted almost as-is by lawyers for the other parties. And the process of getting them completed was much quicker
And cheaper than if we had used a conventional attorney. Based on our experience, Rocket Lawyer is absolutely the way to go for any small business that wants to save on legal costs.

I cancelled my account on the seventh day after I signed...
I cancelled my account on the seventh day after I signed up on 1/3/14. I was still charged the $39.95 subscription fee even though I cancelled my subscription during the 7-Day free period. I sent an email to their refund request department and I received a responses stating:

We show that a 7 Day Free Trial was started on 1/3/2014. When that account was not downgraded during that trial period (which included the day of sign up,) per the agreed upon terms of the trial, the account entered the paid Legal Plan on 1/10/2014. Please note that this account is confirmed downgraded as of 1/10/2014. Unfortunately this account is not eligible for a refund. To avoid billing charges you must downgrade your account in advance of your billing date.

Essentially, I really only had six days to cancel since Rocket Lawyer considers the day you sign up as the first day. However, nowhere in the terms & conditions does it say that the free subscription begins the day one signs up. One would think that 7 Day Free Trial means that one has to cancel their subscription within a week.

I contacted my bank (Wells Fargo) and Rocket Lawyer disputed this situation for me since was sent on the runaround at Rocket Lawyer and no one would respond to my emails or facebook posts. I was supposed to receive a phone call from Kendall in the accounting department at Rocket Lawyer and I never received the phone call. I sent to emails to them and they never responded. I posted on their facebook wall and they deleted my comments and BLOCKED me from commenting. My comments were not bad either. I was simply agreeing with other customers that had a similar experience. It looks like they delete any negative comments so they look like a hero.

I had a TERRIBLE experience with this company. Considering the other comments on yelp, it appears many others had the same experience. Be ware of this company. It appears they generate revenue by scamming customers into subscribing to their free trial only to charge the $39.95 fee anyhow. Luckily, my bank disputed the charge and recovered my $39.95Thanks Wells Fargo.

Its no wonder there is distrust with businesses nowadays. This company really causes Americans to lose trust in U.S. companies. It is very unfortunate. Rocket Lawyer, you should do us Americans a favor and restructure your unethical business model and stop charging hardworking Americans fees on cancelled subscriptions. If youre going to be a capitalistic corporation, at least conduct your company with integrity.

Legal Docs At Your Fingertips
When it came to me writing real estate contracts or legal letters Rocket Lawyers helped me through every step of the process. For the most part, I was able to navigate my way through the different sections of contract writing. That is how well their documents are formatted. If I had a question or just needed help with a contract I would email them and receive a response and direction well within 24 hours. If you are like me and cannot afford the initial high costs that come with a law firm for contracts and legal letters, Rocket Lawyer is a great place to start. I will always refer them to my friends and family. Big kudos to Sheri and the team for all your help.


I found Rocket Lawyer on google search engine
I found Rocket Lawyer on google search engine. I went straight away to creating document by clicking the link. At the end before I could print off the document, it required to enter payment info. And I had a look and so sure the amount being charged was $0. I didn't see anything about trail membership or other options regarding any memberships. (* Rocket Lawyer might have changed the interface or setting at the backstage anytime they like. Who would know?). But I am sure I wasn't presented to any choices of memberships or monthly fee before I submit my payment info. It was 12/31/2014. On 1/3/2015, I was shocked to see $99 was charged by Rocket Lawyer. I didn't receive any invoices, no receipt either, no email regarding what this payment for. I logged in to the account they created for me (I received email and was told they created an account for me to store my document after I submitted payment info, but nothing about fee and membership). So I found out my account was set to a monthly payment membership, which cost $40 per month. So I quickly downgraded it. But no way to remove the account and payment info.

I read a couple reviews of the best online software...
I read a couple reviews of the best online software for creating living trusts and Rocket Lawyer came highly recommended. However, when I went to the site I couldn't figure out how many forms to fill out for a living trust and power of attorney so I chose 2 of them and spent an hour or two answering the questions. When I finished I could not retrieve the documents and could not see them until I provided my credit card information for a free one-week trial. It also indicated after the one-week monthly trial I would be charged a monthly fee. I don't want continuing service. I really only wanted to create a legal living trust and durable power of attorney document. After reading other user's reviews I think I will shop elsewhere.

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Rocket Lawyer Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Rocket Lawyer customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: At Rocket Lawyer, we believe everyone deserves affordable and simple legal services. Since 2008, we've helped millions of families and small businesses take care of their legal needs so they can focus on what really matters. From free legal documents and business incorporation to discounted rates with outstanding attorneys and corporate benefits, we're there to help every step of the way.

Address: 182 Howard Street, 94105


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