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Rocket Lawyer

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Reviews Business, Legal, Legal Documents Rocket Lawyer

50 customer reviews of

Sleazy fraud company
June 2015 I signed up with their trial to download one legal document. I remember after trying their service I cancelled my trial. However, I never receive any email notice about member cancellation, thinking its been done and put this case behind. However, this month, after 1.5 year, to check my credit card statement to notice rocket lawyer has been swiping my credit card 39.95 for monthly premium member subscription. I immediately log in to the site to delete my credit card but failed as their website do not allow me to delete, also the website would not allow me to remove this non-consented membership. Its illegal to do this. And never billing me for charging my credit card is also illegal! So up to this date I have been fraud USD 716.10. Please stay away from this website. I hope to get my money back. If anyone know how to deal with this issue, please help me!

In order to ask a question you have a very limited...
In order to ask a question you have a very limited space in which to ask (700 characters) my question was a little complicated so I was unable to really explain it with that limitation, but I did my best condensing it. Rocket Lawyer were supposed to be fast with their answers but a couple days later there was still nothing, so I ended up cancelling the membership and going on and paid for a QUICK and detailed response. Then tonight I FINALLY got an answer on rocket lawyer. It was the worst answer ever, the guy didn't understand anything I was asking, which I partly blame on their limit of 700 characters and partly on the fact that the guy didn't seem like he really even read the whole thing. This company is awful, don't waste your time.

Great idea/products but trying to cancel was nightmare
I created an account to generate a few standard legal documents for my elderly aunt. That worked great! Was able to customize, save, download, and print. As no further requirements, attempted to cancel the account within the 7-day period. First tried the phone number in original Welcome email. Recorded message eventually said that if I left my number Rocket Lawyer would call me back. That was two days ago, still no call. Today I tried to log in but the password I used to create account wouldn't work. Twice I requested the link to reset be sent; never received; checked Spam folder too. From that same page on-line, started a Help chat. No response. Tried again. No response. Finally tried same phone number as originally used and was helped by a very nice live person. Phew! As title says, great idea to provide their various legal document products but trying to cancel was no fun!

Clarity of charges is far from clear and not specific.
The service is fine but the membership fee is not clear and difficult to, "decode", at best. A free membership for one week is the offer. Three free documents, as part of the free for one week offer, is VERY hard to find and there is no clear indication of a charge if you exceed the three free documents.

I started my journey on the site to create a single document. When I started to create a second document a screen appeared that required entry of credit card data before I was allowed to proceed. Seems to me if three free document are offered the credit card should not enter into the equation until you start the fourth document. That should have been a clue that something was not quite what was being offered.

After seeing a $39.95 on my credit card statement I contacted a Rocket Lawyer associate to ask about the charge for the free one week opportunity. After trading several emails I finally found a very unclear and carefully worded explanation of what might happen if you use the free for one week service and create more than three documents.

I appreciated the opportunity to create the required legal documents but the lack of clarity about the payment was quite frustrating. The old saying, "if it seems to be too good to be true", it probably is. My advice to the folks at Rocket Lawyer would be to clearly state what the cost really will be. Be clear, be up front and put it on the front page so folks won't be misled. Due to the number of very poor reviews on this site I guess many others have had the same or similar experiences. Do a better job Rocket Lawyer and be very clear. Nuff sed.

I had contacted Rocket Lawyer in 2014 regarding landlord...
I had contacted Rocket Lawyer in 2014 regarding landlord rights. I did receive the answer to my questions along with forms that I had printed. The problem is however, that since June of 2015, Rocket Lawyer has been charging me $39.95 each month until now. Shame on me for not catching it sooner. I contacted my bank, who investigated my claim and found that the charge was fraudulent. I'm in the process of filing for the additional months and contacting the MA Attorney Generals office. In my opinion, the credit card number that was charged each month was entered at Rocket Lawyer. I will not use this site again. Should I have the need to inquire or obtain legal advice in the future, I'll try Legal Zoom.

Customer Service
In April 2021 I requested legal documents from Rocket Lawyer. Rocket Lawyer were prepared in an excellent, timely and professional manner. I did not need a membership but forgot to cancel my enrollment. In August 2021, I contacted Justina in Customer service through their "chat" assistance. She was very professional and assisted me in cancelling my membership and provided me with a refund in a very timely manner. She did an excellent job in following up with me when our "chat" conversation was interrupted. This level of excellent service is rare in today's business world and Rocket Lawyer is fortunate to have her as part of their customer service team! Thank you

Poor Introduction to Rocket Lawyer
The website offered a 7 day trial, but made it challenging to sign up for it and ask a question for a lawyer. This necessitated a call to customer service. The very pleasant woman gave me instructions on how to proceed. I then emailed to confirm the 7 day trial with subsequent billing, and the response was that my trial was bypassed and the account went straight to the credit card charge. This necessitated call #2.

My billing was corrected to reflect the trial, and the charge was reimbursed. I then proceeded to create a document, but it wouldn't complete until I paid the monthly fee, thus ignoring my trial -- thus, call #3.

This time I reached Selena, who immediately resolved the issue (after consultation with her supervisor).

Selena was very pleasant, reassuring, patient and thorough in has assistance. Not only did she resolve the issue that the others didn't, but she also somewhat restored my confidence in Rocket Lawyer. I'll see how it goes from here, and will only talk with Selena if necessary. Five stars for Selena.

Needed An Insurance Appeals Letter - "Nearest" Hospital Bill Denied-Out Of Network
I discussed my (2) day hospital stay ($31,000) Bill with my insurance company. Rocket Lawyer advised me that the bills were denied due to "Out of Network". I live and work in a small town where there is no hospital. I went to the "Nearest" Hospital due to back pain, shortness of breath, tightness in check and major lower jaw pain, aching and throbbing. Heart Attacks are in my family, I was concerned a had a blockage of some sort, a minor heart attack or a stroke. When all said and done, I had pneumatic. Hospital did hold me over due to they were not 1005 sure I didn't have a blockage. I had a high resting heart rate & the symptoms were a walking checklist for a heart attack.

I was advised by my insurance company that I need to write an appeals letter. I was so angry and frustrated when I got off the phone that I couldn't think straight! I used one of your templates which helped me IMMENSELY on getting that letter written and in the mail. Your service was awesome. I will continue to use you in the future. THANK YOU!

Rewarding Experience
Having engaged in the procurement of a Lease Agreement with Rocket Lawyer, I also had the opportunity to speak directly to speak on the phone directly with a gentleman and two ladies. I was really amazed by the answers to my questions. Even though, I expressed that I was only interested in procuring a copy of the lease agreement, these people still treat me with respect and much kindness. A lady named Crystal, when I asked her to please help me make a copy, and subsequently asked to be disconnected, said that I still have about 5 more days with no charges, and suggested me to wait and review first the document, and call next week.
This is not the norm in America today, but insults and at times bad words.
I was very much delighted with Rocket Lawyer, that I told my daughter and some friends at the gym.
I indeed feel that Rocket Lawyer is on a distinguished class by itself. Bravo Rocket Lawyer!

A Waste of Time and Money
I paid their fee of $300 or so dollars and got a referral to a lawyer who was supposed to give me a special rate. The task was simple, file a couple motions in superior court so I could engage in an aggressive settlement. I ponied up $1,500 for the lawyer to do this which I thought was high for a simple filing. The lawyer then turned around and ASKED FOR MORE MONEY. I demanded my money back, which I got. I complained to Rocket Lawyer, and Rocket Lawyer referred another attorney, who once again wanted over $1,000 and went so far as to state they do not abide by the "discounted" attorneys fees Rocket Lawyer claims to provide as part of their "service" I had had enough -- I ended up finding a lawyer on Google who did the filings for $400 and then asked for another $200 to handle a legal review of the settlement agreement and execution thereof, a price I thought was more than fair. In the end, I got the job done but at the added cost of $300 and time wasted with Rocket Lawyer.

Bottom line: If you need a lawyer, go to Google and find one directly. Don't waste your time and money with this money grubbing middleman service ad the bogus claims of "discounted lawyer fees"

Easy to follow legal advice
I needed to file a QuitClaim Deed on a property from a divorce 15 years ago. The form itself was fairly easy to fill out, but I had questions about which last name to use on the form since I've been remarried and what name is on the deed to this property is not my current name (that I needed notarizing). Rocket Lawyer set up an appointment for a lawyer to call me the next day. I forwarded him my deed and when he called, he not only clarified how to state my previous and current name, he also gave me other great tips to make sure the County Clerk's Office would accept it. (Like use a blue pen-who knew!) The lawyer's name was David Buono, I want to mention that specifically, because he was fantastic. I thought of another question after we got off the phone, and when I called him back and apologized about taking up more of his time, he reassured me it was no problem and he was happy to answer any question I had. Really excellent service, and filing the claim went perfectly! Thank you David!

Impressed in Denver and Ireland
It is not often that you get incredible customer service. It seems to be a lost art and I have come to expect poor customer service from most companies. But then you have an experience like I had today, and your faith is restored in the goodness of people and how it is still possible to have a great customer service experience. Today when I reached out from Ireland, where are living for the next few months, to resolve an issue with Rocket Lawyer, I never expected to get such great customer service. Sabrina, who answered my call was wonderful, delightful and extremely competent. I no sooner hung up than I turned to my business associate and told him, "Your business would take off, if you could have someone like Sabrina to represent your company.! She was that good! Thank you Rocket Lawyer for hiring someone that awesome to hand your customer's needs!

Awesome Customer service Rep
The representative I spoke with had a kind voice and very soft voice. She was very clear in her words. I could understand everything that she said. I mean this girl was awesome and u guys definitely need to give her a raise. To the representative that helped mei wanna say, " Thank you for ur kindness and empathy displayed on our call KUDO'S to u and kudos to the company got u, u would be an asset to any company. I was myself customer service and a Quality assurance supervisor. I can say I know a little bit about it and u did wonderfully. Keep up the good work. Thank you. " She 8s an asset to you alls company show her your appreciation please by giving her the pay that. Good representive should get, she's worth it

Thank you so much for your service!
I am so thankful for your service you really made things simple in a very difficult time, my younger brother passed away unexpectedly in February 2018 while he was working for a trucking company
He lived in Nashville TN and worked as along distance truck driver
My brother didn't have much he didn't have a will... being his next of kin I found myself in a situation and I had never had to take care of anyone finale business before so I had no clue what to do and no way to do it since I am on a fixed income... your service allowed me to get what I needed to do done and it was easy and correct as well it gave me some peace of mind
Thank you so much

All things considered, I am pleased with the services provided
A week ago I needed two leases for condos that I'm renting out. Rocket Lawyer advertised free forms so I started making a document. Some other reviewers have complained that Rocket Lawyer don't ask for your credit card info or tell you you will be automatically signed up for a $39.95 per month program, until after you do your whole document. That is true, and for that I have deducted one star. But if you cancel (downgrade) within the week, they say you are not charged. I didn't find out because after 6 days I went on the site to cancel and they offered to downgrade me to $1 per month. For me it's worth $1 per month to have my leases stored on the site, with the ability to make changes and create new documents. I went to my account and it showed that I was billed $1.
I hate to be skeptical, but with all the bad reviews, I still think there might be a chance that charges might start to appear on my credit card bill. But it's also possible that there are many people who expect too much for free. The site was clear that I would start being charged if I didn't cancel within a week.
So all things considered, I am pleased with the services provided.
UPDATE: I have continued to be charged only $1 per month. I have not used the site since the original two contracts several months ago, but I'm happy to be able to edit those contracts, if need be, and to create new documents for free.

Swift & Professional
I found I had numerous charges to my business account. I called in to request a refund and Sabrina was extremely professionally and acted swiftly to address and correct my concerns. She was apologetic and handled the matter with the best of class! She exemplified the prime definition of providing excellent customer service while maintaining great average call time. We need more like her everywhere! Providing great customer service seems to be a thing of the past as very few companies set out to provide an excellent customer experience, but I see Rocket Lawyer has old school values. Kudos Sabrina & Rocket Lawyer! I will always come back!

Fantastic Service!
I did not know there were online legal services available like this. I was looking for a very specific type of agreement and Rocket Lawyer not only had a template for exactly what I needed, it even had state-specific options. The wizard interface takes you through the legal specifications step-by-step, as well as the option to customize aspects of the legal agreement. And there was a digital signature option that made is very easy and fast to get the document signed by all parties and in place. The best, and easiest money I've ever spent for legal paperwork with the option to have an attorney review the agreement. I highly recommend Rocket Lawyer and will use them again when I need legal documents.

I signed up for this "free" service once before only...
I signed up for this "free" service once before only to cancel when I found out "free" meant free for one WEEK-then th ey start charging you. Honestly, how many legal issues does the average Joe have?
I forgot about how Rocket Lawyer reel you in with thte offer of free legal form templates, etc. so I went on their web site again only to be taken to the payment page after carefully filling out the forms I wanted to print. Again-1 week free then you pay. I think to say these forms are free is not only mis-leading, but you can't down load your document until you pay-so where is the "free" part. Definitely would nnot recomment this site to anyone.

I went with the "Free Trial"... sort of worked, but not what we needed. After 2 days, we decided to cancel. Using THEIR email message service... reply comes "your request is being processed." OK. All sounds well.
Next thing I know, there is a $39.95 charge on card. Called them... Rocket Lawyer started giving me a bunch of bull$hit that I HAVE WON $100 card to Walmart, trips, etc. etc.
I asked to speak to a customer representative to refund my funds and stop service immediately. They said I needed to call the customer service number... get ready! That number is *******212 also known as Toll Free Directory Assistance! I started laughing at the "representative" with an "off-shore" barely speaking English accent, that he must think I'm an idiot. I TOLD him he is full of it, that is a BS number! He says, they will connect RIGHT THROUGH and hung up.
I have emailed twice, called close to a dozen times... same scam. I just received another hit on my bank for $39.95.
I have now filed a FRAUD complaint with them through my bank and AG. My bank did credit me, and they are going after the CROOKS and LIARS
RUN!... do not walk... RUN AWAY FROM THE FRAUDS!

Wills and things
I wanted to start the process of creating a will and I believed my situation was going to be simple enough to create a simple last will and testament as well as a living will. Once I got started I figured out that my situation wasn't simple and I needed to take another route. However, my children - all college grads under the age of 35 - were so impressed by the services offered that they've already started their own wills and living wills with Rocket Lawyer. Rocket Lawyer weren't aware that it could be that easy for them and they've realized how important it is to create these documents to memorialize their wishes now, regardless of how many times they may need to modify the documents as their lives change and evolve.

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Rocket Lawyer Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Rocket Lawyer customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: At Rocket Lawyer, we believe everyone deserves affordable and simple legal services. Since 2008, we've helped millions of families and small businesses take care of their legal needs so they can focus on what really matters. From free legal documents and business incorporation to discounted rates with outstanding attorneys and corporate benefits, we're there to help every step of the way.

Address: 182 Howard Street, 94105


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