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Sam's Club

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Reviews Food & Drink, Grocery Delivery Sam's Club

50 customer reviews of

I would NOT recommend Sam's Club Instacart service!
I would NOT recommend this service for the following reasons:

1. There are hidden charges associated with orders. A 5% service charge is automatically added to the cost of the order based on the initial projected cost of the order. Another 5% is also added as a tip. In addition to these charges, there is an "upcharge" added to each item ordered, which means that you're paying more than the regular online price established by the vendor, e.g., Sam's Club.

2. There is no receipt provided at the time of delivery to reconcile the charged items with those actually delivered. In my particular case, items were charged, but not delivered.

3. After discovering the discrepancies associated with my order and delivery, I reported the problem online; however, at the time of this review, which is a day later, I have received no correction to the charge and no response from Instacart.

As a result of the aforementioned issues, I will NOT be utilizing Instacart again. It's discouraging that Sam's Club has trusted and partnered with this deceptive service.

HORRENDOUS Customer Service and LIES
08/22/18 0146 hours
1). I am a cardiologist who has had # 21 of his #32 spinal vertebrae fused, rodded, screwed, etc. after # 27 years of wearing # 30-40 pound lead aprons/ vests for up to # 16 hours / day to protect myself against radiation in the cardiac cath lab. These surgeries ( #3 in toto) were carried out between August 2016 and January 2017 at a prominent University hospital on the US East coast. These operative sites have now started to break down with loose screws, etc. with impingement of screws directly on cervical nerve roots, both sciatic nerves etc.
With the original surgeries, I have spent upwards of #3 months in INPATIENT Rehab facilities.

2) I am PENDING # 11 NEW SURGERIES over the next 2-3 months with the first to begin later this week.
In an effort to facilitate recovery from these, I renewed my Sam's Club membership last week ( a " Business Membership "which had lapsed in May of 2018 and actually had " upgraded it to a " PLUS " membership. Given the events which have ensued and which I am about to detail, I find myself asking " Plus WHAT? ".)
Last week I ordered from Sam's Club a # 6 level heavy duty shelving unit for kitchen use. I am single, blind in the right eye from radiation and thus do not drive and therefore can NOT drive to pickup this unit from my local Sam's club. I am thus utterly dependent upon home delivery and the timeliness of the same.
When I placed this order, the order confirmation sheet stated " Delivery on August 20. "
No such delivery occurred.
When I called the " HELP " hotline for Sam's at the end of the day on 20 August, a live person stated that " I see where it is enroute today and it will be delivered tomorrow, August 21St.
It is now the early hours of 22 August, and no great surprise, nothing has arrived.

Page #2.
I laboriously unloaded a smaller shelving unit in my kitchen of various foodstuffs onto my stovetop and kitchen counters two days ago in anticipation of these quoted delivery dates and I am TOTALLY UNABLE NOW TO COOK FOR MYSELF. I am physically unable to move this material around given my various weaknesses from my orthopedic injuries.
Reviewing literally TOO NUMEROUS TO COUNT adverse Customer experiences posted on the Internet, which detail BLATANT LIES from various levels of Customer " SERVICE " personnel from Sam's, beginning with entry level personnel up through " Supervisors ", it is clear that there is a TOTAL DISREGARD for consumers and that the entire corporate structure of Sam's could care less, once Sam's Club have access to your payment(s).
It is astounding to me that Sam's is consciously undoing and " throwing to the wind " all that Sam Walton spent DECADES developing in terms of honesty, quality of customer care, etc.
As the old saying goes: " It takes decades or in some cases a lifetime to develop a reputation, and seconds to loose it ".
I will now have to cancel at least the first two (2) of my scheduled surgical dates to deal with the chaos and aftermath of what Sam's has caused!
To this end, I am doing the following:
1). Posting this missive everywhere and ANYwhere it is relevant.
2). Filing a " Small Claims Suit in the State of Maryland. ( Anyone who wishes to join me is encouraged to do so to " add weight " to my complaints and establish a " trend ' in their callous corporate behavior).
3). I am Xeroxing several hundred copies of this description of my experiences and leaving them in my office waiting room for general reference of the # 25-30 patients I see daily ( Pls. Note Sam's Club that that translates to approximately # 8800 patient encounters per year).
4). I am cancelling FOREVER membership with Sam's, and will enroll with Cpstco and BJ's.
Page #3.

5). I will be speaking in the AM with the manager of my local Sam's Club to insist upon delivery to me of this shelving unit from their in-stock inventory, if such exists.

Bad customer service
I ordered 1 month ago and cake for my Father in laws 75th birthday. The employee at the time was so nice helping me with the cake. This past Saturday I called the bakery in Augusta, Ga first thing in the morning to see if my cake happened to be ready. The lasldy on the phone was very rude. She was short and snippy and told me it would be ready at 12. I was fine with that. At 1 pm we showed up and Sam's Club couldn't locate my cake. AMANDA started yelling at me saying I called this morning and said to move it to Sunday. I explained that no I didn't, that I called asking if I could pick it up early. She proceeded to tell at me saying that is not what I said. I explained that the party was that night a 6pm. She was extremely unprofessional. I was asking her when my cake would be ready and she started throwing a tantrum saying she can't work in this condition with me talking to her.I then spoke with the bakery manager and she made excuses like she told her employees not to take orders 1 month in advance and a lady is coming to make my cake. This was by far the worst experience I have had. People have said you get the customer service at Costco. I guess we will go there now. Shame on you Sam's!

Online Order
On 3 Aug 2019 I did two on-line orders. Order 1 was for a water pic and Order 2 was for two power recliners for my RV and two queen size sheets for my wife. Both orders were being shipped to the wrong address. I found this out when Pilot shipping company in TX called me to arrange for delivery of the two Power recliners. I informed them that I lived in Roseville CA and not Roseville TX. Sam's Club were great and took care of getting my chairs to the carrier servicing my area. They will be delivered this Thursday. The two sets of Queen sheets on this same order was being shipped via Fedex. The customer service rep informed me that it was too late to contact Fedex but seeing as how she could not change the address (understandable) she would transfer the case to a supervisor who could and that I could expect to hear from them in a day or so. On the order for the Water Pic that address appeared to have corrected itself and I was informed that it would be coming to my Roseville CA address which it did. Today I called to check on the status of the Queen size sheets. The first customer service rep was very helpful and appeared to want me to be taken care of. She informed me that a replacement order would be processed to my Roseville CA address (please note she verified my address at least 3 or 4 times during this almost one hour call). Within a few minutes after getting off the phone I received an email that the replacement order was being processed, but to my surprise it was going to the Roseville TX address. I immediately called back to customer service anticipating that this could be quickly fixed. The customer service rep this time was not quite as helpful or friendly. In frustration I stated that if the only way to resolve this issue was for me to cancel the order I would as long as they would guarantee me the sale price which I would immediately place with them. In short I asked to speak to a supervisor and after a total elapsed time of about 45 minutes a supervisor (I think) who identified himself as Tom asked me what he could to to help. After going through the above scenario he explained why it was difficult to change the address and that they normally could not honor the sale price but since one of his reps had told be they would he would figure out a way to honor the price. I let him know that I was not certain that she had promised but had ensured me that she would document the issue and the price guarantee. At this point Tom told he all he could do is refund my money, that this was company policy. Knowing I was talking to a stone wall and after I ensured he had the correct amount for the refund, he stated he had just processed and apologized and we ended the conversation wishing each other a good day. Its not the $30 savings on the sheets, I can afford to pay the full price (which I will not do a Sam's) but what I feel is a genuine lack of customer service when it really mattered. I know I will not be ordering anything else from either Sam's or Wall Mart on line (essentially the same organization) in the future. While I like Sam's club after this year I will be going back to a regular membership and doing more shopping at Costco or Amazon. Sam's club organization (as Tom informed me) is the largest retailer in the world but it seems that they are so large doing the right thing is beyond their capability. I have done on line orders with both Amazon and Costco and their customer service and return policy is far superior to what I have just experienced.

Sam's Club St Louis Missouri-South County
My husband and I purchased the 12x10' Cedar Gazebo from Sam's Club South County in St. Louis, Missouri and agreed to have the company Sam's Club contract out to pick it up and assemble it for us.

Unfortunately, the contract company was too busy to install ours and continued to push the install date out, so we decided to hire our own contractors to install.

I called Sam's and told the lady we would be there that night to pick up and she confirmed that it was in the back for us ready to go.

When we got there we found out that they sold ours to another customer, oversold their inventory and had 0 on hand/0 in transit/0 in district and DC.

The manager, Lauren told us that they didn't have any in stock upon walking up. Unfortunately for her, Clyde, another manager, just told us they still had one but was on hold for another customer. They refused to allow us to take that one and work back with their district support partners to find another one to replace the other.

They also told us that OUR installers could disassemble their floor model and take that one. Obviously not thinking about the incredible liability Sam's Club would open themselves up to for people who are not employed/contracted by Sam's club to be in there disassembling a large unit DURING shopping hours.

We left with our money back and no gazebo. Completely and utterly beyond mad.

I called customer service three times. I was hung up on / "disconnected" twice after being on hold for over 20 minutes each time waiting to speak to someone.

My husband and I are both retail multi unit leaders and have a combined experience of over 25 years of leading teams in some of the largest brand organizations in the world. We could NOT believe what happened and how the leadership at this store chose to handle it. If these were my employees and I read this review I would be in there first thing Monday morning retraining on proper inventory count processes, conflict management, code of ethics and a refresher on how to simply do the right thing.

Sams club is getting greedier
As a business owner in Ocala Florida I'm one of many with a business membership at sams club. My current membership is good until 2/19, or so I thought.
It has come to my attention that Sam's Club are changing memberships. It will be either a basic or a plus. To have the plus membership is now $100. A year versus $45.00 a year. If I want to upgrade now it's $30. More but then next year it's $100. As a result I can no longer shop at 7 AM.
If they want to change memberships, that's fine. I do not feel that it is right to change customers memberships before they come up for renewal. I sent an email to the corporate office - there response. They sent me back the renewal information and said if I wish to cancel I can call an 800 number! Really! Are you kidding me? I responded and explained they never addressed my questions, I'm not stupid I know what the memberships are.
As far as I'm concerned it's more indication of sams club greediness. They've attempted countless times to get me to upgrade. I have no need for an upgraded membership. Maybe others feel the same way so now they want to force it on customers. No one forces me into anything.
Personally I wish Costco would come to Ocala Florida and give sams cluba run for their money.
If anyone agrees with me send corporate an email let them know how customers feel about this change and the way they are going about it.

No customer service to speak of
#Samsclub so disappointed in their lack of customer service, inability to resolve an issue much less acknowledge me or the issue. I ordered a mattress set on August 1,2020 with the delivery date by August 28th. Now it's October 14th and I'm still waiting. Now, if there had been any communication regarding the delay, I might have been more understanding. But there was none. I received a text stating my mattresses had been shipped on September 27th. Well, not to me but to a separate shipping company! To add insult to injury, Sam's Club charged my credit card on September 27th. So anyway, I'm told that I will receive my mattress October 4th, NO SHOW! I had given away my current mattress and now was resigned to sleep on my sofa. So I get a new delivery date of October 7th. No show, no cancellation, no communication. Then I get a delivery date of October 20th. I contact Sam's to tell them I want a refund and to cancel the whole deal. They have the audacity to tell me to contact Serta! Serta tells me I have to contact Sam's. XPO doesn't even have a live person to talk to unless they call you! It's passing the buck on a whole new level. Now I get a text that the mattress will be delivered today, October 14th, but the real kicker is I will get a text with a time window the day BEFORE delivery. NOPE... that didn't happen and once again, I'm still waiting. This whole literal 3 ring circus is about to push me into small claims court. #samsclubnightmare #xponightmare #sertanightmare #avoidsamsclubatallcosts #xpo #samsclub #serta

Beware Catering Scam
When looking for catered food for a church party, we looked at Sam's Club and found some lovely-looking sandwiches, wraps and fruit-trays. What we received for our money was nothing like what was described. The sandwiches were dry, the wraps were so spicy not even our jalapeno-loving parishioners could eat them and the fruit tray was, not only NOT what we paid for which was their high-end model, but the fruit was either on the verge of rotting or so green it was inedible. We didn't have time to take the stuff back (a 20-mile drive) so we did what we could to salvage the food, prepared some other items on our own and ran with it. However, I did try to get a refund for the price difference (we paid nearly double for the high-end trays we didn't get) between the fruit trays we ordered and the fruit trays we received. We ordered online and, so, foolishly thought we could simply get a credit back to the account we used to pay. No such luck. We were told we had to drive to the store to get the refund! So I called Corporate and was told Sam's Club would process the refund for us. 6 weeks later, I get an e-mail from an area manager who reiterated that we have to drive 40 miles roundtrip to get this refund!

Horrible food, out and out deceit on the fruit trays AND a demand that we drive 40 miles for a refund they rightfully owe us?!

Also, when I tried to submit a review on the Sam's site they refused to publish it. Apparently they only publish GOOD reviews so what you are seeing as ratings are not the REAL thing.

This is nothing short of deliberate scam to defraud the customers out of their hard-earned money! I will never go there again and recommend no one else try either. Pay the slightly higher prices for someone more reputable.

Former associate
DO NOT WORK HERE, not only is there no Human resources department but Sam's Club also treat their associates horribly. They will upcharge you for your membership by ommiting information and falsifying prices without explaining the charges. Their cart associates are frequently doing nothing and are inconvenienced to help customers. The food prep areas are not the cleanest and specifically the Philadelphia location is the most disgusting of all. There was no store manager for months at a time, where they then delegated his responsibilities onto other lower level managers. Unfortunately for the associates, the manager they hired was previously fired from her former Sam's club, her name is Amber, and she openly disrespects associates and uses inappropriate language frequently. And the other store manager they currently have, Christa, ignores her phone when associates need her assistance or have a concern. This a horribly run establishment and if you ever have the displeasure of stepping into the Philadelphia Sam's club, just know that most of the associates are taken for granted or treated like theyre expendable. And their only focus is making money, getting customers to sign up for credit cards even if they wont be approved and raising your membership prices from 45 to 100, because thats what the upgrade is.

Fuel Pump Station
I would give it ZERO stars if this site would let me!

I pull up to a gas pump that had no markings of being out of order after waiting in line for a long time only to find the printer was out of order! Of course the kiosk at the pumps has no way of giving a duplicate receipt; I've been through that before. You have to go inside the main store and wait through the customer service line for a ridiculous amount of time for them to print a receipt. I have to have a receipt for my company vehicle fuel purchases or I will not get reimbursed. So, I spot an open pump on the far outside and get back in my truck to pull around there before someone else takes the pump. No sooner to I do this than the attendant shuts the pump off because of my maneuver. CLEAR ABUSE OF POWER! What a joke! So, rather than walking over and asking me not to do that again, he yells from his little booth, "My door is open; come on over if you have a problem!"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! This is not some school yard game! I yelled back at him, "Y'all can't fix the printer on that pump over there?""Nope", he said. I wanted to kick that little millennial age punk into next Tuesday! But, I just left and bought gas somewhere else.

Online ordering sucks and wesley chapel fl manager Shawn is disrespectful
I ordered a generator on Wednesday, August 28th, 2019 for Hurricane Dorian. The website said there were 3 in stock so I hurried up and ordered one. I got my email stating I could pick it up Saturday, August 31,2019 from 10am-11am. I wake up that morning and see the "Order cancellation" email.

I call the store to talk to a manager and the employee told me the manager was helping get water from a truck that just pulled up and she asked if she could help me instead. I nicely explain the situation and she says she was so sorry but Sam's Club sold out of generators Thursday, August 29,2019. I explained that my problem with that is that I never received an email stating that they had sold out on Thursday or Friday. She said hold on and she'd try to get the manager again.

I wait about 5 minutes and a manager named Shawn gets on the phone so as I'm trying to explain what's happening, he just continuously talks over me or tries to talk louder than me.

Needless to say, it's a few days until the hurricane hits and and I've called every place imaginable with a generator and they are all sold out.

Worst online company EVER
The single worst online company for customer service returns ever! I shipped back a marble table that Sam's Club cleared for return and pickup for the return over a month ago. The table has been received weeks ago. I have been calling the 800 number every single day spending hours a day trying to get my refund put back to my credit card for 550.00 to no avail you are calling the Philippines speaking to incompetent people who hang up on you or apologize for not being able to execute the refund. Most recently they claim the refund was put back on my card but it wasn't and I had the chase bank speak to them with me to confirm no credit was put back for over 2 years by sams club. They refuse to do a Manual override for the refund, keeping the product and my money. I have spent hours and hours a day trying to get one single competent supervisor on the call to fix this issue. They took my money and the product! I never ever got refunded. I have recorded conversations, receipts, emails to verify every single word of this note! Order *******230 marble table owed 546.40. Over a month now no resolution despite my credit card company telling them there has been no credit, fraud department confirming it as well, online bank statements confirming no credit issued. Return was approved by a supervisor as it was a replacement item and cleared for return without ever refunding me! Just sucks.

Poor support
I tried to buy a dryer online at sams club. What a horrible experience. The app kept giving me a cant deliver in your area message even though we are right by a sams club and used multiple addresses that we have had deliveries from them to those addresses so we chatted with customer support. Sam's Club tried to fix it and couldn't so told us to call the Walmart support and go to sams through them(corporate support). They told us the issue is parcel doesn't deliver in our area because of COVID. Since i know deliveries are happening every day in my area and I deal with freight plus this was a dryer not a parcel I knew this wasn't correct but the person also said they had product at store. I didn't believe this was true but thought maybe they were in the back of the club so I hung up and called the store. They said they do not stock them and they are online only. I called customer service back and they tried and this person (3rd) tried but could get it ordered either and said they would open a ticket with tech support and I would hear back in 48-72 hrs. 6 days later NOTHING. No call no email. Ridiculous! Yes I bought a dryer somewhere else. The first and last person i talked to tried but couldn't resolve my issue. The other just wanted to get us off the phone. They had no clue. With that said about 2hrs wasted of my time and much frustration.

Beware of ordering from SAMS online
I have been a loyal customer of Sams Club for over 20 years. This review is specifically about online ordering from Sams Club. DONT DO IT IF YOU WANT TO MAINTAIN YOUR SANITY. I placed an order November 9 which got lost by Fed Ex. A replacement order was shipped which also got lost by Fed Ex. A third replacement order has now been lost by SAMS! It has now been 3 weeks with no delivery and I've been told it will take another few day's to investigate. What makes this so exasperating is the total incompetence of the outsourced help phone lines and chats. The people employed have no ability to actually solve the problem. All Sam's Club do is constantly apologize obviously adhering to a script. When asked to speak to supervisor I was put on hold for an hour before I gave up. As we all know Amazon customer service is unbelievably good and their representatives are actually empowered to take proper action. As far as I can tell there is no way to bypass this awful customer support to speak to someone competent. I really hope someone from SAMS reads this and contacts me. So if you expect any minimal level of customer satisfaction do not order from SAMS online.

Worst experience
Worst service experience ever
Review is more for sams club than it is the swing set, as we have not even been able to put it together yet. After receiving an email almost 3 weeks ago that my order has shipped, I finally called customer care to check on the status. After being placed on hold multiple times, I was told that the freight company did not have the right tracking number and that Sam's Club would contact me to get it corrected. They did call two days later. After calling, they said that it would be here the following week and I told them I would have somebody at the house each day to receive the order. They never showed up. I had to call again on Monday and was told "sorry" but they had no further explanation. They sent the delivery the next day... it arrived with three main pieces cracked and broken off. I called sams club and was placed on hold for 63 minutes with someone periodically checking in to see if I was still on the line. After over an hour, a "supervisor" got on the line and asked "what's going on?" He was incredibly non apologetic and said "I'll have someone contact you in 24-48 hours". Seriously? I waited over an hour to hear someone would call me back on two days? When I asked how long before he anticipated new, non broken pieces would arrive he simply stated he couldn't answer that. This was supposed to be a great gift for my daughter and it has been nothing but a headache with the service. Hopefully she'll have a swing set to play with before winter is here again. I will definitely be canceling my membership after this is resolved... if it ever gets resolved.

Don't waste your money on membership
I was a sam's club member years ago. Now I remember why I never renewed my membership. My online order on 11/11/17 originally had a delivery date of 11/16. I checked the order status every day and the date moves... now it's 11/29. You're better off getting it in store if it's available. If it's not available in store, just know that you may or may not get your order in time for your planned trip, gift, etc. With my last membership that I had years ago, I was promised that my "in store pick up" order would be available within the day. I ordered that morning. In the evening, 2 hours before store closing, I went to the store to pick up my order and was told my order wasn't ready for pick up until the next day. I just cancelled the order and make the purchase in store. Basically, I wasted so much time ordering online for in store pick up, which was supposed to be ready for me to pick up so I don't have to come and shop. I never renewed my membership because I don't really care for their bad customer service. This year, I decided to give them another chance, hoping that their customer service is better. It is NOT. I ordered my Segway MiniPro on Nov. 11,2017. Sam's Club gave me an estimated deliver date of 11/16. Then it moved to 17, then 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, now 29. Every day I check, I get a later delivery date.

This explains why every time I actually visit their store, I never have any problem finding a parking spot near the entrance. Their parking lots are always at least half empty every single time I visit them whether it's near opening time, in the middle of the day, or near closing time.

Costco, on the other hand, is the membership I have kept since 2000. Whenever I order something online, I ALWAYS get it earlier than their estimate date. For example, when I order the iPad Pro 10.5 from them on the 9th, I got my order on the 10th even though the estimate was 3-5 business days. With Costco's estimate, I wouldn't have receive my order until at least 11/14. Their customer service is also top notch. That is probably why whenever I visit a Costco store, I almost always have trouble finding a parking spot or wait for someone to leave before I could even park.

Don't Want To Work While I'm At Work
10/22/20 approximately 2:00 p.m. I approached a technician in the tire department. He immediately asked me if I had an appointment. I knew right then and there that this was not going to go well. 1st of all no answers the it rings off the wall until you hang up or you are disconnected. I saw no way one line to schedule an appointment. Young man proceeds to tell me that I have a 4 year warranty and my warranty has expired. He stated that I would have to pay for the rotation and balancing I think he quoted me $12 a tire. I feeling desperate, because it's been awhile since I've had my tires rotated and balance. Especially due to Covid19. So I agreed to pay to have this service done. Technician comes back and shows me some type of gauge informing me that the tread on my tires are to worn for him to rotate and balance my tires. I knew he was full of it. The oldest tires that's on my car was purchased December 03,2015 with a 6 yr warranty not 4 yrs as stated by the technician. By the way I'm retired and I'm not driving much, sometimes my car don't move for days. From past experience normally the technician would advise you that you need new tires, he did not. I retrieved my paperwork and left thinking I'm going to another location because this guy is full of $#*!! As I'm leaving Sam's I read my warranty information that says my tires are under warranty for 6 yrs.
11/ 02/20 my back tire was extremely low luckily I was with a friend and he put some air in the tire for me.
11/04/20 I go to the 08269 Grand Prairie location present my paperwork, no problem. Technician greeted me treated me like a loyal valued customer. With the test that he performed it states that my tread depth passed. After completing my rotation and balance the technician informed me that I will need some new tires, but not today. I told him that I'm relocated in a few months and very well plan to do just that. Lord this experience was like day and night.
11/05/20. I went back to Sam's on Wheatland to get gas and get the technicians name so I could file a complaint. As I approached the tire department I see the technician in question. I approached him by saying do you feel like working today. The fool said some days he do and some days he don't. I stated obviously the other day you did not want to work. I informed him of what he did. He's still trying to defend his actions. I asked for a manager, he told me to go get one. I raised my voice and told him to call the manager, and he did. I asked the young man for his name he refused and stated here's my manager.
I talked Reginald, the so called manager, he tried to defend his employee every step of the way. Sam's Club keep speaking of a 4 year and my paperwork clearly say 6 yrs. Last defense for Reginald was that the 4 yr warranty applies because the tread had reached it's end of life. I informed him that the technician stated the 4 yr warranty had expired before he came up with tread shenanigans. I bid Reginald a good day and stated that you will be hearing from me. I hate to play the race card. These two worthless individuals from the Wheatland location look just like me, BLACK and this is the disservice that I received. We call it black on black crime. I don't know if they thought because I was female that I was going laid down for this B. S. Needless to say the technician in Grand Prairie was not black and he provided me with excellent customer service. I would like feedback on what comes of this. These two individuals are a disgrace to the Sam's brand, they are not living up to your mission statement. Shame on them. Reginald and the technician had the nerve to try to attack the
Integrity of the technician from Grand Prairie. Lord knows I'm trying to stop cussing.

I purchased a Visio 50 inch TV (E500i-A0) on 12/01/13
I purchased a Visio 50 inch TV (E500i-A0) on 12/01/13. I also purchased a two year service agreement. On Christmas day 2014, the unit began cycling on and off. It will stay on for as long as an hour but usually only will stay on for 2 to 10 minutes. I called Sam's that morning. A very helpful technician named Angle led me through Visio's troubleshooting steps which did not help. He gave me the telephone number of their service provider "Square Trade". Since it was a holiday, Sam's Club were not open. I called them on Friday, 12/26. While opening a claim, I was informed that they were not the party responsible for servicing my TV as they had taken over the service in March of 2014. They referred me Auserion. I opened a claim with them and was given a claim number and told that a third company "Service Center Team Inc" would be contacting me on Monday the 29th. (That's 4 days without a TV). As of 5 PM on Monday, I had not received a phone call from them. I placed a call to Auserion's Sam's Club Line. The agent told me that Service Center Team had called an left me a voice mail. NOT TRUE, as my VOIP provider keeps a detailed log of voice mails received, as does my cell phone provider. I was also informed that the Service Number that I was given was not valid. The agent provided me with a new number. This after I had tried checking on my ticket at SC Solution as instructed in Auserion's telephone greeting. I was told to check for the new number at "" Each time that I talked with an agent, I explained that the TV needed to be fixed by January 2 for important personal reasons.
Bottom Line, I have been 6 days without the constant use of the TV. Oh yes I can get from 2 to 60 minutes before the system either recycles itself, or quits entirely. All of this has led me to the following conclusions:
1. Don't By Visio Products
2. Don't By large ticket items at Sam's Club as their service providers are extremely poor.

I am seriously considering not renewing my Sam's Club membership as there is also a Costco in town.

HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! We purchased an outdoor table online on April 21st. Sam's Club delivered it & since we read reviews we knew to open the box before the delivery person left & check it. Good thing we did because the tile was shattered in multiple places. We rejected the delivery & had them take it back on May 11th. I called customer service & 2 weeks later they delivered another table. Same thing, we opened it & once again the tile was shattered. Again we denied the delivery & sent it back. I apologized to the delivery man that he had to come back out to our home twice. He made the comment that it didn't matter to him because he got paid either way. Therein lies the first problem. They send out 1 person to deliver a table that weighs 200 lbs. & he could care less if he breaks it because in his words he gets paid either way. I called customer service again & spoke with Gracie & requested a replacement since we really wanted the table & got it on sale. We figured we'd give Sam's one more chance. Big mistake! Not only did she not order a replacement but she didn't input the rejection so it basically showed that we had the table. She told me she'd send an incident email to the back office and I should hear from them within 24 hours or less. I never did. I called 2 days later & after holding for over 30 minutes I spoke with a supervisor named RJ. At that point I was obviously furious & requested a refund. He told me he couldn't give me a refund because their records didn't show we rejected the delivery. I told him we had no product & I wanted a refund ASAP! After holding for what seemed like forever he finally came back & said we would get a refund in 3- 5 business days. After an entire week we still had not gotten a refund. I called on June 1st & spoke with a supervisor named Marjorie. She told me that RJ never competed the refund process. I told her I wanted a refund pronto. That it had been over a month & a half at this point. I was on hold & our phone call took well over an hour before she finally came back & told me we'd have a refund in 48 hours. It took 5 business days before we got a refund finally! I also told her I'd like to cancel my membership. We've been members of Sam's for over 30 years. She offered to extend my membership for another year at their cost, but then told me she was only able to give me 6 months. Not surprising after the shoddy customer service I'd already dealt with. We purchased a table from Costco & the experience was like night & day compared to Sam's. I highly recommend cancelling your membership with Sam's & going with Costco instead. You won't regret it. Sam's Club will not be getting our business ever again!

Boycott Evergreen Park Sam's Club Until They get A Better System
Why pay an annual fee to shop at this store only to have to wait in line outside even in the rain for hours?

The idiots at the Evergreen Park club will only let so many people in at a time, and you have to stand in a line that stretches around the building for hours to get in.

This pandemic has clogged the brains of this company. Simply let customers make an appointment even if Sam's Club can only shop there one day a week. But standing in line for hours, even in the rain is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

I will be looking into other outlets because, paying an annual fee just to stand in line for hours is just completely doltish to me.

If Sam's can not do any better than that, simply close the store until after the pandemic is over. Because in business, you never inconvenience people that are spending money.

Customers are wearing mask for their safety, so why put people through this dumb idea? We are people, not cattle. I will never go there again as long as this practice continues. And if all of the customers would simply walk away and let the store stay empty, Sam's Club would get the message!

Boycott Sam's Club until they get a better system in place. This is the twenty first century, we are suppose to be smarter than this. We the customers have the money that Sam's Club wants. Don't let them do this to you and you stand in long lines and take it!

Take control of your dollars and find other places that want your business. The prices at Sam's Club are not that good for this type of treatment and inconvenience.

Fraudulent activity
@samsclub yesterday my account was hacked, and an unauthorized purchase of $339.48 made. I contacted your customer service department around 7:30am on Thursday, and I notified the female representative of the fraudulent activity. She told me that the order was sent to the order verification department, where it would be canceled. She advised me to change my password, and go into my local club to report my card stolen, and have it replaced. I did as I was advised, and expected that to be the last of it. To my surprise, today I received an email stating that my order was ready to be picked up at my local club. Again, I contacted your customer service department at 2:56pm, and spoke to a very ill mannered, male representative by the name of Corey, whose attitude was quite inappropriate, and when I insisted on speaking to someone above him, he rudely hung up the phone. I explained to him about the unauthorized transaction from the previous day which was supposed to be canceled, and asked what was going on since I received this new email to pick up the order. He asked for the order number which I provided from the email, then he told me that I would have to go into the club, pick up the order and then do a return if I wanted my money back.
Confused, I asked why did I have to go in store to do that, instead of the complete order being canceled like I was guaranteed the previous day. He stated that part of the order was placed as an in-club pickup, therefore there was nothing that can be done over the phone to refund the complete transaction. At that point I told him if theres nothing else he can do, then transfer me to someone above him, who would be able to assist me. He insisted that that was the only resolution. I made him aware that I am pregnant, and on bed rest so I would not be running back and forth to Sams Club, which I did the previous day. Again, he repeated himself, and again I repeated that I needed to speak to someone above him since this issue was no fault of my own, and I asked him who was going to be responsible if something happened to my unborn child if I did as he was insisting. He hung up the phone. Again I contacted your customer service department at 3:12pm, and this time I got a friendly representative by the name of Cassandra, who apologized repeatedly for the previous persons attitude, and she did he best to assist me. She then transferred me to James from the order verification department who also apologized, and assured me that he would get the complete order canceled, and refunded, without me having to leaving my home. Ive been a loyal customer for many years, and this is the first time that Ive had any issue like this, however I am appalled by the way it was handled from the start. When I notified you of the fraudulent activity, that whole transaction should have immediately been canceled. In addition to that, all your customer service representatives should be thoroughly trained to properly assist customers regarding their concerns. Hopefully this issue will be resolved sooner rather than later, and not be repeated.

We're Leaving Sam's after 10 Years Because of their Store Credit Card (the Sam's Club Mastercard)
Sam's Club needs to take more responsibility for their store credit card (the Sam's Club Mastercard). The shenanigans and poor customer service regarding these cards are an open secret. We find ourselves having to call the Synchrony's customer service line several times each year, and earlier this week I was treated to a round of inappropriate condescension, gaslighting, and nonsensical answers. The more minor frustrations with their card include a website that's frequently down and/or login info that simply stops working. If you're not using autopay to make payments, you will find making online payments difficult. Also, just a heads up: Sam's Club took over a month to set up autopay on our account, so be careful not to miss a payment while that's pending. These things can affect your rewards payout. And yes, most people suspect these shenanigans are on purpose. The bigger issue is their "security verifications." Expect your card to be randomly declined 1-2 times each year. The security checks are both arbitrary and useless. On one hand, you can spend hundreds of dollars while on vacation in another state with no issue, only to have them perform a security check for a really minor purchase (e.g. $30) at a grocery store you frequently visit. Customer Service isn't privy as to why these checks take place, and they can't explain why one of our cards will work just fine at the store, but the other spouse's is declined (and vice versa). This has happened several times over the years, and yet they missed major fraud flags when a card WAS compromised, not the least of which were transactions somehow transpiring in two different states at the same time. My favorite part of yesterday's phone call, though, was being told that customers should be thankful Synchrony and Sam's are extending credit to them. I wish I were joking. And yes, I nearly snorted out my coffee. Imagine putting Sam's Club and Synchrony on par with the microfinance programs that help low-income individuals in developing nations. And there you have it, folks. Excuse me while I have a seizure from the eye-rolling...

Don't trust what the employees at the in-store customer center tell you!
Got a $100 automatic renewal fee for a membership and we have not used Sam's Club for at least 2 years. Called 3-6-19, cancelled the membership and was told that nothing more needed to be done. In April I got a statement from Synchronicity Bank (Sam's Club Card) still showing the $100 due. Tried their phone number and, after 80 minutes on hold, decided to go in the store to the customer center. The clerk there assured me that Sam's Club could see a zero balance showing on their system and that I should wait until the May statement and contact them if it still showed a balance. On 4-28-2019 a past due amount of $28 was put on my credit report by Synchronicity Bank dropping my score from 814 to 722! Cancelled the card and contacted the bank on the phone. Apologies, etc. but damage is done. Promised me that I would get a letter stating that there is no amount due and that they will reverse the report to the credit bureaus but that will not happen until May 26 as that is the next time they report. Will never go there again!

Here's the deal...
10 year Plus member here- individual membership not a business member. My 3 stars is my average score based on 5 stars for the products I buy and 1 star (zero is probably more accurate) for customer service.
CONS: Customer service is non existant-period- and this is a fact but that's ok with me. I generally know exactly where everything is so I run in and out with usually less than 10 items in about 20 minutes. I've tried buying tires here before and it was futile. Trust me, even if you can save a few buck on tires at Sam's go elsewhere. There is no direct phone number to the tire department, enough said. This "club" is not for an individual. If you don't have at least a family of 3 or 4 don't bother buying a membership. Because everything's sold in bulk it's simply not practical. Lastly, please do not buy a membership for grandma and/or grandpa. The chaotic atmosphere and parking lot WILL be overwhelming.
PROS: I have roughly 20 staple items I buy throughout the year and the prices are far and away better than the competition. Gas is almost always. 10-. 20 cheaper than nearby local gas stations. Early shopping hours (7AM as opposed to 10AM) for Plus members. This is huge for me because the area where this particular Sam's is located is generally extremely busy, a "zoo" unless you get here before 10AM. Free shipping for Plus members. I also use the optical department and the prices with my insurance are fantastic, never had a problem with this department. Because Sam's offers cash back bonuses I haven't paid full membership cost in years. Typically I earn $30-50/yr which I apply directly to my yearly membership fee. Sam's is an extremely clean and organized "warehouse" store.
BOTTOM LINE: I consider going to Sam's Club a "job", something I have to do. I recommend a little meditation and some deep breathes before entering. This is not pleasure shopping. If you're anti-social, have tunnel vision, aren't claustrophobic, hate change, enjoy power walking, don't mind buying in bulk and can handle basic math skills to price shop and compare (because everything here isn't a deal) then a Sam's Club Plus membership may be for you.

Worst customer service ever.
Worst customer service ever. Manager was horrible. Made an online purchase of the Backyard Discovery Gazebo because it was on sale and had an extra $200 instant saving. So, since we were saving $400, we opted for the installation with free delivery. Sam's Club delivered 3 weeks later and informed us the installers were of a different company and would contact me. They advised me it may be up to 2 weeks. Really? So anyway, no call and I finally called the company and they said they didn't have a request order from Sam's. So back on the phone, after long holds and disconnects, finally spoke to someone. They stated I didn't purchase the assembly and installation package! After back and forth, finally getting a rude a** manager, he said no pictures, no help! The invoice did not have the prices broken down, only the total price. Now I'm stuck with an $1834 pile of sticks laying in my yard. SO, I advise anyone that purchases anything from Sam's Online, to SCREENSHOT EVERY SINGLE STEP OF YOUR PURCHASE! I will never make another online purchase from Sam's. Ever.

Never shop here again!
What a JOKE! I have been burned twice by false advertising from this location and twice the management has done nothing to help make it right I had a issue years ago and the manager resolved it immediately and it really was not a Sam's club issue more like Verizon that is located in the store. The last 2 times Wich have both happen this year the management did not offer anything to resolve the issue. In fact imediatly when mI toldasked how Sam's Club ewere going to make it right she told me if I wasn't going to shop there anymore to go to customer service and they will refund my membership. I loaded 12 boxes of flooring and took to check and they would not give me the discount because they said someone already purchased 12 boxes of flooring with my membership? Well yes we did about a month ago and the coupon book says limit 12 not per visit or per membership for life anything like that I mean the last purchase was about a month ago? The other issue was I went to purchase a PlayStation that was on sale about 5 months ago and when you do this you have to take a card up front that represents a PlayStation keep in mind there was 4 cards left when I took it to register they called a manager because the price was not right and he said they were all out? Then after debating with him he said actually the advertised price was incorrect and they had them but could not sell for that price. So let me get this straight you guys fail to do your jobs so us as members that pay a yearly fee get screwed? How is this a club that I would want to be a member of? POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE! You can take your club and shove it I am done being misled and then lied to. I think I will go check out Costco. Beware this place is a joke!

Awhile back I did a review on BJ's wholesale ware house
Awhile back I did a review on BJ's wholesale ware house. Well Sam's club is very much like BJ's. There are some differences in the stock Sam's Club carry. Sam's has a great electronics department and good deals on appliances. The have bulk items just as BJ's does but both have there own inventory. Sometimes what you can't find at BJ's, Sam's may have and vice versa. I love going to the clubs because I save on food items that come in bulk. I know everyone cannot have food shipped because it may spoil. But the non perishable items are worth getting. A few times I bought 5lb tubs of soap powder that lasted for months. I have looked at flat screen tv's when they first came out and found a 27 inch Sony for my bedroom that I love. The price at Sam's was $150.00 cheaper than a regular store like Circuit City, Sears, and Target. I shop around for deals all the time. These warehouses can offer things at a very low price because they buy in bulk. I hope this helps people to save money. They are very fare if you don't like something and will return it with ease. The membership for the year is worth the savings. I know that all people can't visit the store but I have shopped with both online and the orders arrived when they said they would. Before placing any order they will let you know if something is out of stock and if they will get it back again. They will supply a date of arrival for an item you may want. If they cannot get it back they have also offered me another similar product and matched the price. I love Sam's club

Don't get a Sam's Club membership, get Costco instead.
I wish I could give this a 0 star rating. I have been a Sam's Club member for many years now & up until now have been mostly happy with my membership. I will not renew my membership. I have to pay for a membership this is not a free service to me. I live too far from the closest Sam's to go often, so I buy enough to last a month. Today I went & was told I could only buy 1 per item. This is not acceptable to me. I am not a hoarder & I feel I am being punished because of others bad behavior. Another thing that concerns me is that Sam's Club are discontinuing items that I buy regularly, so this is another reason I won't be renewing my membership. My daughter & many of my friends are very happy with their Costco membership. My friend took me to Costco & I was able to find the items that Sam's has discontinued plus they had many items I was interested in trying. I also found that Costco employees are much nicer than the Sam's Club employees. A lot of the Sam's employees have a "I don't care" attitude. Looking forward to saying goodbye to Sam's!

Tire Dept. lacking
My husband & I both bought a set of new tires Jan. Of 2020. I had a tire problem in July of 2020. The gal at the register told me Sam's Club were closed. (It was 5:30 on a Sat.). She told me I'd have to come back Monday after 10 am. When I got there, they repaired my tire however they said "they would fix my tire" but they weren't technically open for business. What does that even mean? They could repair it but not rotate them. Today 7/27 I inquired about new tires for another car. I had to present my Sam's card before I could get a tire quote, which seems kind of ridiculous. They could sell me tires, but they couldn't actually put them on my vehicle. Yes, we're in a Pandemic, yes things are not normal. But, if we can jump through all the hoops of masking up, putting gloves on and slathering ourselves in hand sanitizer, why for the love of Pete can we get no tire service. I just don't understand. The gal at the counter acted very put out by my presence. It was like we are here but we're not here. I'm not impressed with their lack of information to customers. Get your tires at Costco.

Have to do all shopping online and pay much more for membership. Not worth it!
Since the local Sam's Club was closed we have no choice but to order online and pay the much higher membership price to have items delivered 3 hours round-trip away! This has been a horrible and disappointing experience and I will not, under any circumstance renew Sam's again.
I have accolades with our local Costco, but Sam's Club do not carry many items I purchase at Sam's Club.
Well. It has been a total nightmare trying to accomplish online shopping. Most of what is needed is only in the store or not even available. I can agree with the low, low ratings with the other reviews. Many people in our area really patronized our local Sam's and it was always busy. Rumor had it that they did not like the grocery competition with the Walmarts in our area. First of all, Sam's is hardly a grocery-like store overall! They sure left many, many people in a lurch who actually really patronized this Sam's Club in AZ. We feel like we are being punished no matter how much we want to patronize Sam's. Most of the items online are not available for delivery or not available at all.
Costco does not even come close to not having items. Their establishment is Always Well-stocked overall. Accolades to Costco for running their show so well. I will not even begin to consider renewing my Sam's membership when it expires. They are not treating their long-time customers in a good way. WHAT A SHAME. It has become so Stressful to even log on to their site anymore.

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Sam's Club Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Sam's Club customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Exceptional wholesale club values on TVs, mattresses, business and office supplies and more at Sam? ۪s Club. Shop online, become a member, or find your local club.

Address: 508 SW 8th Street, 72716-0160


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