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Sam's Club

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Reviews Food & Drink, Grocery Delivery Sam's Club

50 customer reviews of

So my wife had a leak in her tire and I read about how Sams Club will fix your leak no matter if the tire purchase was through them or some other dealer.
So i sent my wife alone up there and low and behold the tire was unfixable and she would need a new one that would costs$180 a tire.
SAMS CLUB said the Tire was unfixable and would need to purchase a new one but didnt have the same one as her other but could get her a package deal on 4 BLAH BLAH BLAH
I told her to have them put her spare on and leave.
After that she went to Auto Tire up the road where i have taken my vehicles many times and guess what, 20 min later and $20 spent she drove home with a fixed tire And kept what would have been over $700 in our pocket!
AND GET THIS, later after leaving one of the workers had put a note in her car stating if she didnt have a husband that she should call him and left his number!
More worried about hooking up than actually doing a honest job!
Just my 2cents anyway

Online Shopping Service is Bad
I ordered a case of frozen lobster tails by using Sam's app in Sugar Land. TX. I asked my brother to pick up it in Secaucus, NJ for a upcoming party. After I made the order and got the confirmation #, I kept waiting for another email to confirm the item is ready to pick up as order procedure indicated. However I never received any email or text message from Sam's club. When the pick up time was approaching, my brother called local Sam's customer center and check if the item was ready to pick up. To his surprise, he was told the order was canceled by me. However, I never cancel my order! I contact Sam's customer service center and Sam's Club forwarded my call to NJ Secaucus Center, after I said that I wanted to check my order status and telling them that I never cancel my order. I was hanged up by the service agent. It really didn't make any sense. If the item was sold out, just directly told me so. Don't play tricks saying that I have cancel it already! I am very disappointed with such poor service (both online and in store pick up). If Sam's Club can't handle online order, just don't do it! Besides, customer service in Secaucus is very rude and unprofessional.

The only reason Im giving any stars is because the samsclub reps were super frieldly and tried helping is much as Sam's Club could.
My story:
On Aprill 30th 2020 my girlfriend and I ordered a 3 piece couch set off of which came out to be roughly 1,700 and were happy that we finally found a couch set we really liked. The ordering process was super simple and the transaction went as expected and the money owed was imediaetly taken. We were excited and ready for its arrival. A few days later (not exactly sure the specifc amount of days or the specific date) I checked my bank account and had noticed the 1,700 I spent on the couch was put back into my account. Slighlty worried my girlfriend contacted samsclub customer service to figure out exaclty what the issue was. After speaking with the samsblub representative she told us that once the couch was shipped that we would be charged the amount of the couch. It was a little odd that they took the amount when we processed the order just to give it back a few days later but whatever we were happy and still anticipating the arrival of the couch set. Fast forward a week or so later we checked our account on samsclub and were excited to see that the couch had shippped! I then checked my bank account and sure enough the money had been taken out. Great! 5/12/2020 came and I was looking over my account just to realize samsclub had put the money for the couch back into my account again! A little more worried my girlfirend contacted FedEX (that who it was supposed to have been shipped to) and was told that they did not have the couch but only had the shipping label. Fustrated my girlfriend got ahold of samsclub customer serivce again (was on the phone for over an hour) the rep had NO IDEA where the couch was and put us under the impression that FedEx had pocession of the couch. He contacted FedEx hisself and to our surprise neither Samsclub nor FedEx knew where the couch was. The samsclub rep then gave my girlfriend a reference number and was told she would be contacted back (not sure by who) once they knew what was going on. The end of the day came and we had not heard anything back from any rep from Samsclub nor FedEx. 5/13/2020 came. Fed up I call samsclub myself while my girlfriend sleeps (she works 3rd shift). Im able to get ahold of a rep pretty quickly and while talking to him he tells me the reason why FedEx does not have my couch is because Samsclub is OUT OF STOCK on the couch set I had ordered. I did not know this because the day my girlfriend and I ordered it the website said it was in stock. While on the phone with the rep I went to their website and not only seen for myself that the couch was out of stock which previously wasnt when I ordered but also had jumped up in price! 400 extra dollars! Super annoyed with the whole process I canel the order with the supervisor for samsclub call center and he explained to me to that I can still get the couch that it would come for the manufacturer. I started to ponder on it and almost decided to just wait it out and try and recieve one from the manufaturer. However I asked the supervisor why the website said it was in stock when I orginally placed my order and if there was a chance that I would still recieve my couch today 5/13/2020 (the day is was suppose to arrive) and asked what exactly going on with it all and he was also unsure of what was going on. Fustrated with the whole process and how unsure Samsclub members about a 1,700 order I decided to go ahead and cancel the order. The most fustrating part about this whole ordeal is if a consumer buys a product from you (one that is over 1,000 dollars) I would expect that not only do they have that item in stock but know exactly where the item is and give fast and reliable shipping! I not only cancelled my couch but will be cancelling my samsclub membership that I had purchased in order to buy the couch. I will never purchase from the website nor stores and will NOT reccomend the store to ANYONE. If this review can help anyone looking to make a big purchase from I encourage you either find a store thats more reliable or dig deep before you order from them.

Sam's Club Price Games & Membership Mishaps, ~ Buyers Beware!
I joined the Green Bay, WI west Sam's Club, strictly because it was required in order to purchase my OTC medicine. When I purchased the 'regular membership', I was told that, "I could get a refund anytime within the year's membership, if I wasn't satisfied". Since my medicines were still less expensive at Sam's Club, I went ahead & purchased the membership, (although I was less than pleased about that newly added policy, just to purchase OTC meds.). During the year, Sam's Club doubled the cost of my OTC medicine, + I could only get smaller quantities, as Sam's Club claimed that, "their supplier wasn't able to get them in the usual quantities". (I felt that their greedy price hiking was getting ridiculous!). I called around town to check, & found another pharmacy who could supply me with the very same larger quantities I was used to originally buying at Sam's Club, (withOut a membership fee), for close to the price I was recently paying at Sam's Club, (for the lesser quantity of medicine). So I went to purchase my medicine at the Other pharmacy, (to be sure they quoted me correctly, which they did without a hitch), & then I went to Sam's Club, to cancel my membership & request a refund, as I was told I could do when I joined, (+ I recently read it to be so online as well). When I went to the service counter, requesting a membership refund, the Mexican woman clerk asked me, "why, is there a problem?", to which I explained my experience /my medicine cost being raised, etc., & she asked me, "if I was sure I wanted to quit?", & informed me that, "I could keep it a couple months longer, & quit then". I told her, "I just wanted to quit & be done with it". Then she canceled my membership, (claimed she was 'all done'),... withOut returning my membership fee! I asked her about my refund & she said, "I could not get a refund of my money, because I did not have a Business Membership". I complained that, "she was incorrect about that, as I was clearly told I could receive a refund, (when they were trying to sell a membership to me), + I had recently read it online as well". She literally argued with me & displayed quite a rude attitude,... (then she called the manager over to prove her point). To her surprise, the manager corrected Her (repeatedly), telling her that, "YES, I should receive a refund of my payment". He could see she wasn't going to handle the situation promptly nor efficiently, so he got behind the counter to assist her in completing my membership refund. Once he left, she continued making excuses for her rude behavior & attitude. I'm glad I quit & am done with Sam's Club. (This wasn't the 1st time I've experienced problems with them,... the last offence a few years ago, though entirely different in nature, was far worse,... as was the time a couple years before that... ~maybe this time I've learned my lesson, & won't be lured back by their ricocheting 'lower the prices game', etc.).

Confidence LOST, Trust BETRAYED... Sam Walton would SCREAM!
The following was sent via email to Sam's Club Executives Tracy Brown, Rosalind Brewer, John Furner, Jamie. Iannone on June 14th, 2016. There has been NO response.

"At Sams Club, everything we do is to serve our members... we keep our members at the heart of everything we do."

As I write this email to you and as you read my story, I believe you will agree that as a member I have not been served and truly not at the heart of everything Sam's Club does.

Have you ever had that feeling of pure excitement that's generated because you are relieved that you have finally found what it is you are looking for after endless hours of researching a project? I am certain that you have.

Have you ever been assured, been promised, and believed what you have been told to be the truth? I am certain that you have.

My story begins in the morning hours of Friday, May 20th, 2016. I was again online researching for the right product as I have been for several weeks and came across the perfect match on The product met all of my needs for both of my stores and my home. I took a screen shot from my computer and sent it to my partner in business to be sure he agreed along with the web address at He agreed. I then placed a quantity order for 3 of the product into my basket and proceeded to check out. It was then that I discovered that I hadn't registered my membership online and headed to my office to retain my card/information. I then completed the registration and continued with my order.

There was a momentary pause and then the screen went to the main product screen. Only now the screen did not show any pricing information and noted to contact store for pricing information. I reattempted my efforts as I could not understand what was happening.

I then called customer service. The agent said she could not understand why this was happening. She said that her records showed some of the product available in a warehouse but didn't know how to obtain it. She also said that the item was available at two other stores (one in South Carolina and the other in Texas) and that I could contact them. She said she wasn't sure if the item was out of stock or what was going on. She assured me that when/if the item was available/in stock/etc. That the pricing would be honored.

When I called the store in Texas, I was on hold for almost 30 minutes before someone answered saying that Sam's Club did not have the item in stock.

Throughout Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday I continued checking and continued to see the same error - and to contact the store for pricing.

On Tuesday, May 24th, I checked the site and was first elated which quickly turned to confusion and disappointment. The item now showed exactly as it had on Friday, only now the item was priced hundreds of dollars more.

I called customer service and explained my situation. The experience was horrible. The agent could not locate the item until I literally read to her the full web address. She then attempted to order the item and said she got errors. I was then told to attempt to order the product, quantity 3 as I had on Friday, with no errors. I did not complete the order because the pricing was incorrect compared to Friday's. She then said she needed to create a ticket for the web issues and away she went. There was no resolution. She provided me the ticket number and said that I would hear from someone in the next few days.

My confidence in speaking with customer service was shattered. I then wrote of my issue directly online through the contact section of and was given a reference number. What happened next was I received 3 emails responding to the 2 reference numbers. One email said the agent was closing the case. Another said that the pricing I spoke of was never offered. I was also asked to provide the same information that I had given prior and should have been part of the record.

I responded to each of the 3 emails I received and asked that my situation be escalated to management for resolution. I heard nothing back for several days so I again called customer service on Monday, May 30th. As soon as my call was answered I asked to speak to a supervisor. The person said they were a supervisor. I explained my situation and he reviewed the reference numbers and the materials I had submitted to support my case. By the end of our conversation, he understood the situation and stated that he was not authorized to resolve the situation, was forwarding all information to the marketing department and that I would absolutely hear from that department to resolve/honor the situation.

As of this moment, I have not heard from anyone.

My feelings as a member of Sams Club have gone from excitement and relief to utter disappointment and disbelief. I have been assured and promises made that have not become reality.

Here are the specifics of my order gone bad:

On Friday, May 20th, I placed an order of quantity 3 for item 624093 Q-see 16 channel 1080p hd security system with 2TB hard drive, 16 1080p bullet cameras and 80' night vision available. The item showed a Tech Savings of $930 that was to expire May 31st for a total price of $369.00 with free shipping. The original price was $1299. Again, the order was being made for quantity 3 sets of this item at this price. As stated, I called customer service and was told that this price would be honored when back in stock. I checked the site on Saturday and Sunday where it noted to check store for pricing.

On Tuesday, May 24th, the exact item number and product showed but the price had been increased by $430 noting then Tech Savings of $500.00. I called customer service again, and the agent had several issues. A ticket was created by the agent *******07265. I also sent for help and another ticket was created *******07647.

On Monday, May 30th I called customer service again - spoke with a man who identified himself as a supervisor who then stated that the marketing department would only have authorization to resolve this issue.

All that I am asking for is what I was promised and assured would be honored - Quantity 3 of the item at the pricing that I had placed my order for.


Sam's Clubs lack of customer service
I recently went to Sam's Club like I have for many years at the Roseville, California location to purchase some items. I picked up my items and then went threw the checkout line and handed my receipt to the employee at the exit area. That is when he noticed that the checker had not rung up all the items in my cart. So he referred me to what was suppose to be customer service (which Sam's club has none of!) I told the lady working there that there was an error and that I needed the items refunded and the all the items to be rung up again. So, she tells me that she can only ring up the two items that were not on my receipt. I told her to refund the total order and she refused at first but did it. Then she walked away after the refund and refused to ring my items back up until I told her it needed to be done. She finally completed the transaction and I asked for the manager and she called her up.
I explained the situation to the manager and she nodded her head and then said, 'So what's the problem, you have your items correct"? I told her that her employees have not manners nor do Sam's Club care about the customers. She stood there looking at me with a blank look. So I told her that I was going to write this up online and let everyone know how Sam's club treats their customers. To which she replied, "Super"!
This is the kind of service that you will receive at the Sam's Club in Roseville, California and I recommend that you do not do business with them if you can avoid it. They do not have good employees working there and the they could care less about their customers or how they treat them. They want your money and for you to get the hell out of their store. Sam's club has lost a customer for life!

Sams Club Ypsilanti, Mi take a HARD PASS!
First have been a Sams Club member since 2005. That being said I will not renew my membership the end of this month and take my business to Costco instead! Reason being... had purchased close to $2000 of patio furniture this past week from Ypsilanti Store #6667 only for it to go on sale for $150 less 2 days later. We called the store and talked with an emoloyee Heather who stated we could bring in the receipt to have them issue a credit. However, when we brought the receipt in for the credit the bonehead Manager would not honor the price adjustment but very rudely offered if we brought all the furniture back to the store he would then make the adjustment! REALLY! Nice customer service you DON'T provide! It took 3 SUV's to load it all up with absolutely NO help from their store! Truly not any way to treat any customer... Can only hope Corporate Sams Club in the future does a much better job in placing more professional/desirable/personable people in their Management positions! Till then will head to Costco and take a much needed HARD PASS from Sams Club!

Getting worse by the day... ONLINE & IN STORE
COSTCO Here I come. I don't know where to begin. There has been a change in structure to the point where you are on lock down as soon as you walk in. After you pay for an item you must wait on a line that is 10-50 people long so Sam's Club can scan your receipt check 2-10 items to see if it's on the receipt then wait for an OK to let you go.

COSTCO Here I come. Now let's talk online purchases with IN STORE PICK UP. After you buy online and go thru the normal procedures the FUN begins. You now have to down load the app. OK, you figure it's a normal app. (LOL) well they give you choices when signing up that you have to check in order to proceed - it has a button that say's NOT NOW - but if you hit the NOT NOW - you can't proceed. LOL. So I'm already to get my "STUFF" and it say's when you are in front of the store let us know. So I hit the LET US KNOW button and it states, MEET YOU BY THE PICK UP. Another LOL moment. After 15 minutes of waiting, I went and got my order.

The picture below is the line getting out of the store that I took from the SERVICE COUNTER LINE so I could complete my order. IS THAT STUPID OR WHAT...

It was so hectic, I brought my order back to the pick up area and left. 40 minutes has now gone by.

I returned today and after 35 minutes, with two service counter help they still didn't know how to check me out. I was given a paper that stated paid but was not the final receipt. On this paper it stated a receipt will be mailed to my email address.

AND that's what you need to walk out of the store. LOL moment #3. To make a long story short I'm still waiting for the receipt. I finally walked out of SAM's for the last time telling the exit person who was yelling at me, to call the cops and then go to the service area and find out.

I am going to COSTCO as soon as I post this review.

One last item. When I purchase at WALMART online and pay for it I am given a receipt. I go to the store find the pick up area, show them my Dr. Lisc., and the receipt - they give me the item(s) and I walk out. Now, since Sam's Club and Walmart are owned by the same parent company why can't they make the online buying experience the same.

They can't because at Sam's they probably hired a PHD in computer science that doen't know the 1st thing about buying online and made so difficult that you want to scream.


Sam's Club MINUS ---5.

Doesn't get worse than this. Stay away from Sam's Club
I called in a veterinary RX for my dog at Sam's Club pharmacy and was told that I just needed to bring it in when I picked up the medicine in a few days. A week later I called and Sam's Club hadn't even placed the order. They said they needed me to bring the Rx in before they could placed the order, which was totally contrary to what I was told by the idiot I had initially spoken to. When I asked who the person was that had taken the order, they refused to tell me, when I asked to speak to the manager, the man on the phone would not let me speak to the manager. I kept on insisting he put the manager on and the man hung up the phone. I was beyond words as it was clear my valid complain was not taken serious, after all it was a Rx for a pet and not a human. DO NOT GIVE SAM'S CLUBS any pharmacy business. They have incompetent and insensitive people working for them and others may be misinformed and their pets may be the ultimate victim. The eye infection my dog had has now spread to my other two dogs. This was unnecessary and cruel when I could have brought in the Rx if I would have been told they needed it before they could placed the order. Also, I didn't need to unnecessary wait when I could have used other online companies rather then the local Sam's Club pharmacy in Fishkill, New York.


Sam's Club has the worst customer service of any company in America
Sam's Club advertise you will get a $45 credit if you open an account with them and pay a $45 membership fee. I did this. No $45 credit was issued. Many calls taking up hours and hours of my time and after following everything they told me to do. No credit! They said just place an order over $45 - I placed an order for $68 - no credit. I called. They said I would have it in 8 to 12 days - no credit. It called again - they said I would have it in 48 hours - no credit. I called again - they said I had to wait until the order I placed was actually received - no credit. All they do is lie and lie and lie. They have said repeatedly their back office would take care of it. Nothing but lies. Don't trust Sam's and don't do business with them. You will be frustrated. I shouldn't have tried them again. I used to be a member but after ordering a TV for Christmas and then having to drive to Memphis to pick it up myself in order not to wait 3 months (300 mile round trip from my home) and placing an online order one time and arriving at the store to pick it up where the manager told me I couldn't pick it up because I had waited past the 2 day pick up slot (even though I could see my order siting there), I should never have tried them again. They are the absolute worst

Horrible Customer Service
About two months ago I purchased a couch from, the couch was to be delivered to my home on 07/02/2021. The couch never arrived so on 07/03, I called and cancelled the order because I wanted to have the couch for 4th of July and when I spoke to the representative on 07/03 he said Sam's Club didn't know where the couch was. On July 5th my credit card was charged for the couch that was never delivered till this day. When I spoke to the representative on 07/03 he said the charge would possible hit my card and that they would refund the card in about 7 to 10 business days, I didn't understand that but I agreed. I spoke with April on 07/15 about the same thing why we hadn't received the refund, she said she would manually issue the refund and we would have it in 3 days. On July 23 after still not having the refund I called the customer service number yet again, and this time I was told by another representative that no refund was issued at all and that he would manually issue the refund and that I would have it in 3 days. With each call I make I'm wasting about 45 minutes to an hour with these representative and every so often I was getting a call to check up on us to see if the issue had been resolved, but it never was. On 08/10/21 I called yet again, this time I was on the phone for about 2 hours, at this point I'm extremely frustrated and angry. I asked repeatedly to be transferred to someone at a cooperate level to have this issue resolved, I knew I was speaking with someone overseas and nothing had been done in almost 2 months and I was done with wasting my time calling this customer service number. This call the representative was now asking me to send her a copy of my credit card statement, showing I hadn't received the refund and when the charge from Sam's Club was originated. At this point I said no I will not provide that information I need to speak with someone that is at a corporate level. The representative told me someone would call me, from a corporate about an hour later a representative by the name of Tricia called me and was very to the point about issuing the credit in 3 days and I asked her if she knew how many times I had heard this same thing? She proceeded to say well I haven't been handling this until now, no apology just a condescending reply. That conversation was short and to the point. About two hours after that call with Tricia, I got a call from a representative by the name of Elia. Her call was extremely rude and extremely confusing she informed me that they would no longer be issuing a credit, I told her I spoke with Tricia earlier today and she said they will be issuing a credit in 3 days, she said it wasn't Tricia you spoke with me (which I didn't). At that point I was furious I said so for almost two months I have been told by about 5 different representatives that my refund will be issued in 7 to 10 business days or 3 days and everyone of these people were lying about this refund? She said I'm sorry but you will have to call FedEx and handle this with them, she gave me a name and number of who to contact so I did. When I spoke with FedEx they said it had been too long for them to be able to track the package. At this point my hands were tied I was at a dead end with all of this, so I contacted my bank (Bank of America) I told them everything that has happened in the last two months I asked them to please conduct an investigation, this shouldn't happen. My time shouldn't be wasted the way it has been, and shouldn't be lied to the way this company has lied to me. I have been a loyal customer of Sam's Club for over 25 years I have a credit card and a Sam's Club membership, both of which I will be canceling. I love the app you recently have added, that allows me to shop and not have to go check out just pay and go on my phone, but none of that matters after this experience I have had with this company. You will no longer have my business or the business of about 10 of my family members because of this, I will make sure everyone that wants to hear about this experience will know about it. I am disgusted by the way this company conducts their business.

Food samplers
The food samplers at the s. W. Denver store are very strong union minded group. Their leader is a racist i think lady. This racist lady who took up the job as leader, based solely because their is no one else there. Sticking together as a company too strong doesnt give them right to harrass customers, telling them not to put items back and regulating the sales of their samples. Maybe Sam's Club are commission based. Still not a good enough reason to harrass customer. Racism? (im white) isnt a good enough reason either although it does come close LOL. No management at all. Creates this hostile environment. Racist lady taking the lead on her own. Tells other servers to beware of me because about 6 months ( just cant get over it) ago I took 2 samples instead of one. They take forever long breaks when Im in there, take 20 minutes to close down so they can go on break and another 20 to set back up.and they complained about company not checking card of customers because the less they serve the easier it is on them. They smart. They took over over there. They didnt like serving too many people that werent card members like its their business or should be. They are all in it for themselves over there, and they work hard to protect and keep it that way. They watch like your robbing them everytime you take sample. Like your robbing a baby. Its horrible. I wish they work just as hard doing their job, but maybe they dont know what that is, so they make it up. With no managenment it isnt hard. They take advantage of the company, because they know the company dont care to watch them. She chased me down today because I sampled some pickles and didnt buy them. I made a complaint today to two people, because the manager wasnt available. No call back decided to just do it in reviews. Yea if it wasnt for walmart, sams club would not be around. They dont/ wont / cant make it on their own. Thats for sure. I also would like to mention maybe they should copy Costco and sell the same items they sell or maybe they just dont really want to work that hard. But maybe they think we arent smart enough too figure out what anybody is selling. Very ignorant stubborn think they know best or atleast to pretend to, when they dont know anything arrogant type of company. From the top down it seems. What are they really up to? Stay away. Too social and not enough Trump in them I guess. Lol.

Not able to use my plus membership
Am a plus member, one of my benefits is 20% off eye glasses. My local and only Sam's Club in Connecticut does not have an optical department. So I called Sam's club customer service, please see the attachment of my call log showing the number I called and that I was on the phone for one hour and forty eight minutes.
My reason for calling was to see how I can take advantage of this benefit that comes with the $100 membership fee. I was hoping that it would of been a quick and easy fix. For example maybe given the option to go to my local Walmart and given the 20 % discount there. Instead I was told to go to Medford, NY. This is thre next closest Sam's club that has optical, I told thre customer service representative that would be a three hour drive one way. He then put me on hold, he came back after 15 minutes that was my only option. I asked to speak to a supervisor, without exaggeration it took over an hour for someone to get back on the phone with me. The phone call started in my home, I was able to dress and load my children into my car, drive 20 minutes to Walmart, do some Christmas shopping, load my children back in thre car and as soon as I got in the car a person came back on the line. I explained everything again to the second person and mentioned that I was in hold for over an hour and just looking to receive the benefits I pay for. After he put me on hold again, he came back to tell me the same thing. Except this time he offered to downgrade my membership since I wasn't happy that I can't receive all my benefits. I kept it for now, but if this is how Sam's club treats their plus members who are just looking to receive the benefits that Sam's Club were sold on I will definitely return my membership the day before it renews since its 100% guaranteed.
I also attached my membership card. I hope to hear from someone who can explain to me why I have to make a six hour drive to get a 20% benefit discount. The two other clubs that were in Connecticut had optical, but they were closed. Can I suggest that If you're going to sell plus membership and sell people on optical and tires service benefits for plus members, that the only club in that state actually has those departments.

Makes a bad experience look awesome!
I am not one to write a post about a bad experience but in my opinion this experience makes a bad one look awesome. So on 12-5-2020 I ordered 2 xmas gifts for my 2 kids ages 12 and 9. Three days later I found out the address was wrong and I called to have it updated since my order hadn't shipped yet. Sam's Club first wanted to cancel the order but them said that I could call back when I receive the tracking number and they can have FedEx deliver it to a local location and I could go pick it up. Two days later I received my email and tracking number so I called in and was told they could only cancel my order and sorry I was lied too. I argued with the gentleman and requested a supervisor. Well, the supervisor was a total jerk said there is nothing they could do and if I didn't like that I could cancel my order. I said no I will contact FedEx and have it changed. I left him a review as soon as Sams sent me an email and told them about my experience. While on the phone with the supervisor I look at the email with the tracking number and wow, changed it to the address and location I wanted to pick up the packages at. 2 or 3 days go by and I look at the tracking number and there are 2 (master tracking and tracking). The master showed it was being returned to shipper. So, I called Sams Club again and got a guy who said that I was still to receive my packages but got FedEx on the phone to assure me my packages were to arrive. Mind you the entire time, we were looking at the regular tracking number and not the master tracking number. So, they both assured me that I would be able to pick up my gifts the next day by 8pm. The next day came and nothing. So I called again and while on the phone I pull FedEx up again, now the item that was to be delivered same day was being returned to sender. Now, I call again, they try to cancel the order again, I tell them I want a supervisor. I get a supervisor, offer mr gift cards, free year membership but not the gifts I paid for. It turns out that the original supervisor I argued with and his team member cancelled my order literally the day after I left a review. I have been a member for over 15 years and have never been treated as I owe them everything and I should be happy with what I get. I was told by the very last supervisor that if I cancelled my order he would get it overnighted for my kids. 2 days go by and nothing. Still waiting! Do NOT EVER ORDER FROM You have no control and there is literally no one to tell you the truth. I have everything logged including the proof of 21 hours on the phone with SAMSCLUB for my kids Christmas gifts and if you upset, they can be vindictive and intentional in there service abilities. There is more to tell but why beat a dead horse. I hope these post will help save someone from a stroke or heart attack because that seems to be SAMSCLUB true intent

Very Disappointed
Hello my name is Angela Harris and I have had A Sam's Club membership with Two families using it since 2006 I just found out after paying off my Sam's credit card # ending 5413 was closed because I was TWO DAYS late NOT 30 DAYS making my payment two months in a year and I am Very upset and Will post and comment on as many media platforms as I can. Because I have spoken with customer service and explained that I am fighting Cancer and struggling to make sure that I NOT MORE THAN A COUPLE DAYS LATE. But when you have to wait on your check it's out of my control but still only a few days and have been told EVERYTIME YOUR FINE MS. HARRIS.

I will No Longer Use Sam's Club I will use BJ's I just opened a business but Sam's club No longer wants my money, because Sam's Club DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS. And will definitely loose.

I am going to tell as many people as I can YOU DO NOT WANT A SAM'S CREDIT CARD BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS. And your customer service is Rude and unempathetic.

Yours Truly Disappointed

Just like Walmart, absolutely disgusting customer service and management. I ordered hundreds of dollars of food for pickup, only to be advised at pickup time that most of my order was out of stock. Stuff was listed as in stock, like brisket and meat. Call and get jerked off for hours just to get the honor of speaking with someone, who canceled the order. Now I have to wait for days to get my money from the card company to order food elsewhere. No option to cancel online. That's right, NO OPTION TO CANCEL ONLINE. You are at their mercy. Can't change an order or add to it either before pickup time has been scheduled. Don't like it? The only other option is don't pick it up, then Sam's Club will automatically cancel after 2 days. Then the wait begins to access the money you paid after after the hold is removed. Imbeciles at Sam's don't do it like others who verify the card with a $1.00 charge, then charge the full amount when picked up. Walmart and Sam's will always be run incompetently because of liberal imbecile middle and upper management. Then they blame the employees, who are under paid. Classic scum bags.

I was working with my business partner who had the...
I was working with my business partner who had the Sam's Club membership and I ordered a pop-up canopy for our outdoor expos. I input my credit card information and the billing address was declined. I called the national call center and Sam's Club told me it was because their online ordering system only uses the first five digits of the zip code, and NOT the zip + 4. They actually instructed me to call my credit card company and remove the zip + 4 from my billing address! I told them that the Zip + 4 insured that any statements and new cards would be delivered to me and not elsewhere in town. There are mailboxes across town with the same numbers but have a different zip + 4 address. I told them that such misdelivered mail could lead to identity theft and credit card theft, and that they were instructing their shoppers to make their bank and credit accounts less secure. I asked to speak to a supervisor and never got a call back. When I called their call center again, they claimed they could not open the account to view or add any notes even though I had an open incident. When I asked to speak to the person I worked with before, they claimed that person was not in their call center and they had no way of getting a message to him. In this day of global networking, a company that cannot communicate from one office to another and refuses to use zip + 4 in their ordering system is way behind the times. I will never get a club membership and will not be ordering from their online system..

25+ year member of Sam's Club
I have been a 25+ year member of Sam's Club, and I can't even explain how HORRIBLE the customer service has become at Sam's from when I started to now.

Back then, Sam's Club were worried about the "customer experience" and bent over backwards to SERVE the customer (as they PAY to shop there) vs what hit has become today (they are more worried about profit over customer satisfaction -- IN MY OPINION).

The lanes have gone from being fully staffed and taking care of you, to 2-3 lanes open (out of 7 or 8) and horrendous wait times, and then they went to 1/2 staffed check out lines, and 1/2 "self check out" lanes, as well as the "app" to check out (which I prefer - scan, check out and pay on my phone).

The tire and battery center went from "first come, first served" to having to wait almost 4 weeks to get an appt to get new tires... completely understaffed, and the ones that are there, have a horrible attitude and NO CUSTOMER SERVICE. Even though I have bought tires and batteries at Sam's for 25+ years, I am NOW going to Walmart for batteries as Sam's Club went from 3 year FREE REPLACEMENT and then pro-rated to 8 years - -they are now ONLY 3 years FREE REPLACEMENT. So, if you battery craps out at 3 years and 1 month, too bad, so sad for you -- you are screwed. Even Walmart, the sister company that you do NOT pay to shop at, even has 3 years FREE replacement and "pro-rated" to 5 years.

I also joined COSTCO over the past year, and hands down, IF there were more COSTCO's around me, I'd switch in a heartbeat as Sam's has forgotten that THE RETURNING CUSTOMER IS THE BREAD AND BUTTER of the company... When I move, I am moving warehouse stores, too...:-(

Sam's Club Scam
In January Sam's Club run a special from their web site Buy a membership for $45 and get $45 back' on your first purchase. I paid for the membership on line and my wife and I took the receipt to a Sam's Club to get our member cards. At the club Sam's Club told us that Sam's Club was not running that kind of deal and that it must have been another entity (like Groupon) that had that deal. Since we already paid and were at the store, we got our cards. Here 2 months later and making the required purchases, we never got the $45 back. Called Sam's customer service and they were no help and indicated that we were stupid and that we did not do the procedure correctly. Well, we must be stupid because Sam's Club did a similar thing years ago where we joined and was suppose to get $10 e-card, never got that either. Than Sam's sent a survey and I slammed them on how ignorant it was for a huge company to cheat $10 out of a person. Only then the local Sam's Club manager email the refund. Should have never tried Sam's Club again. My advice go to BJs or Costco, they have better quality and better prices and they don't scam money from you.

Misleading customers
In sugar land TX, Sam's Club have a sign clearly says men and ladies perfumes for $35.98. I've seen this sign for long time now and everytime I stop by to smell the perfumes but don't buy because I was not ready so I just leave. Today I decided to buy for my sister and her husband as a Christmas gift. I tried to find the ones I liked underneath the samples buy all were there are completely different brands than the sample ones which is weird. I asked an employee he mentioned that more perfumes are in another section. When I went to get the ones I liked, I found completely different prices! I was very disappointed. I found a manager and told her that's misleading. All she said was "thanks for your concern".
I am very disappointed and unhappy with misleading me. I planned my budget accordingly. I expected her to say that she would give it to me with the given price because it's their mistake.
I joined Costco for 3 months but it was inconvenient because it was far. When I spoke the manager, he refunded the full amount of the membership not even a penny was deducted. This is the 100% customer satisfaction.

Check fields!

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Sam's Club Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Sam's Club customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Exceptional wholesale club values on TVs, mattresses, business and office supplies and more at Sam? ۪s Club. Shop online, become a member, or find your local club.

Address: 508 SW 8th Street, 72716-0160


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