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Shari's Berries

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Reviews Food & Drink, Candy Shari's Berries

50 customer reviews of

This is a lousy company with a lousy product and lousy Service
I ordered Shari's Berries for my wife to receive on her birthday I didn't mind the high price nearly $100 because I heard such wonderful things about Shari's Berries on radio shows that I like to listen to
I sent the order of Shari's Berries to my wife's place of work. After she got off work I asked her how her day went expecting her to tell me about the wonderful thing she ever seen from Shari's Berries I was surprised when she said she had received nothing! I ended up ruining the surprise because her birthday and come and gone and I told her what I ordered for her and Shari's Berries had not arrived.
The order actually arrived the following Monday 3 days after they were supposed to arrive on her birthday and mind you I had ordered far enough in advance in entire week in fact in advance of her birthday so that they would arrive on time.
My wife received a soggy box of half rotten strawberries with toppings on them that would have given her food poisoning have she been dumb enough to try to eat them.
Obviously upset I called Shari's Berries and told them that they had failed to deliver my order on time and that the berries they sent and rotted in the process and that I wanted a refund of my money
Shari's Berries only give me an email address they did not even have customer service representatives and when I asked for a refund they refused because they said they had delivered the product never mind the fact that what they delivered was rotten upon arrival!
Shari's Berries ripped me off for nearly $100 and then refused to give me a refund and every time Mother's Day rolls around I have to listen to these stupid commercials and have to listen to radio host brag about them when in reality they screwed me and ripped me off for nearly $100 I would advise anybody to not order from Shari's Berries because of how I was treated

Shari's Berries is a scammer website
I tried to order Mrs. Feilds cookies for my Mom for Mother's Day 2017, I had a 10% promotional code,,,, I got busy didnt complete transaction, website was rejecting my CC info... the ONLY business to ever reject this... 2 days later I got an email reminder to complete the purchase and get 20% discount... I was forced to use my PayPal, completed the transaction... what I agreed to pay and what I was charged I didnt agree to... I wanted 20% discount I was charged full price... I wanted $9 shipping, Shari's Berries charged me the $9+$14=$23 for a small cookie order that was supposed to be $23.99 I was charged the full cost $29.99... I was smart enough to make a screen copy of the cart with the amount I agreed upon... I called them... it was a waste of time... these people are braindead... The will not refund my money for 28-30 days!
I have had some problems with other websites, I was credited back immediately or by the 3rd day... I have since looked on the internet and have seen the 1,000's of complaints from billing over charges, to delivery to the wrong place... products not meeting standards...
I have emailed them, they didnt even reply to me with my correct name... today is the 3rd day... my money has not been returned...
Shari's Berries deleted my comments from 2 Facebook accounts, and block me from commenting...
Nothing I wrote was profane, just the truth Shari's Berries is a scam company, there was no discount given. And they double billed me got delivery
I posted people opening their Products on YouTube to their Facebook page
People videos are truthful
Shari's Berries has proved they are a scammer organization... Now I will get PayPal involved

Shockingly bad customer service
I placed my Mother's Day order at least a week ahead of time and requested the delivery for the Thursday before Mother's Day. Not only was the delivery not made Thursday, it was not made Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The company did not notify me there was a delay or problem with my order. To date there is no indication there was a problem with the order; it just wasn't delivered. I was unaware that the delivery had not taken place until I called my Mother on Mother's Day around 5 pm. After several emails to Shari 's (AKA: ProFlowers), I was basically told I was right - there was no delivery, but Shari's would send another order to be delivered at some unknown time. However, the "good news" was Shari's Berries would not charge me for a "2nd delivery." No refund or discount offered for the first order, that never took place. By Tuesday (6 days after the original order), no delivery was made. I requested a full refund and told the company to forget the 2nd delivery. I'm shocked that a company that relies so heavily on delivery would be so nonchalant about missing the delivery. In case the company sees this and wonders what I expected - this is what I expected: 1) to be delivered on time, 2) to be notified of a missed delivery, 3) if the delivery was totally missed and not attempted the following day, then I should have been offered a total refund (or at least a good discount) and the delivery should have been made as soon as possible.

Update: This order continued to go bad with the first order finally arriving a week and 1/2 later - covered in water (melted ice). It went directly to the trash can. However, the company did refund my money and they went ahead and sent 2 more orders, which both arrived in great condition.

Never order from Shari Berries
I ordered a special Valentines gift from Shari's Berries on Jan 27,2017. I received an email from the company on Feb 7,2017 to update my credit card to process the order. I called them on that day to give them a new credit card so Shari's Berries can process the order. I gave them the # twice that day and said that the order would be confirmed. I then called again on Feb. 11,2017 to see why it was not charged. They again told me that there was an issue with the credit card. I then gave them the numbers for a second time for them to charge the account to place the order. They said again, it will be delivered on the date. Today is now Feb 13,2014 and the order should have been delivered either today or tomorrow but still no charge on my credit card. I called them again this morning and spoke with a SB rep and he told me that the credit card was not going thru. By this time, i am fuming cause this order was supposed to be delivered today or tomorrow. He advised me that the order would still be delivered today and I advised him how would the order be delivered today with my CC # was not even charged. He told me that we are not going to run the credit card and will be delivered today 2/14/17. I told him he needed to check what day it was cause today is the 13th and not the 14th. I told him that i wanted to speak with a supervisor cause i was not happy with the service that i was receiving from the company. He told me they had no supervisors to speak with me at that time. I was so irritated that i just hung up the phone. I received a phone call from a US rep from Shari's Berries and advised her that i was a extremely unhappy customer because I had to call more then once to give them the credit card information. She verified the CC# on file and was not the card that i gave them the second time/third time around. That was why my credit card was never charged. I told her that when i spoke with someone on 2/7 and 2/11 that they verified the new cc with me and said the order was good. I told her that i was going to cancel the order because the lack of intelligence the reps had. Then i told her that i wanted to speak with her supervisor before i cancelled the order completely. She then transferred me to (Richard) which was her supervisor and i spoke with him on what was going on. He advised me first off that the card on file was not the card that i gave them on the two dates that i called in on. He then told me that when he looked into it more, he then saw 2 cloned accounts with the new credit card info but was never confirmed. He knew this was not company policy and was going to send it to their immediate supervisor and to upper management. I advised him that when i called, i spoke with someone in India both times. He advised me that the upper management was gonna see what to do with this order but then the person that I spoke with this morning here in the US had already cancelled my order without full permission. I told her not to cancel the order till i speak with her manager but she cancelled it anyways. Now by this time, the fumes are rising with disgust for this company because no one can do their jobs correctly and its a day before V-day and now i have no gift for my husband. I guess the next time i place an order with a company, I will go with a company that is US grown and have all employees in the USA. Signed. Extremely unhappy customer.

Ruined Mothers Day
I live in GA and my mother lives in FL. I rarely get to see her. She rarely gets to see her grandkids. After seeing the Sari's Berries commercials on TV, I figured this would be a great way to say Happy Mothers Day from her grandchildren. Maybe I should have read all of the bad reviews before I placed 2 orders. I was told it would arrive on Thursday or Friday. When I called their customer service after 6pm, Shari's Berries told me they didnt recognize the address. BUT not once did anyone from Shari's Berries call me to verify the address. Apparently they just didnt care. Then they said "We attempted to deliver at 2:06pm, but no one was there by that name." Again, no one ever called me or my mother (listed as a person to call in the event of a problem). They just didnt deliver. Let me inform you that this is a place of business. A clinic. A pediatric clinic. Me, as her son, knows everyone in her office and every one in her office know me and knew I was surprising her. So IF they attempted to deliver, there are tons of people in the office that know her and me and know that I was sending her something. Shari's Berries had me on hold for 43 minutes of the one hour long call. All they could say was "We're sorry, we wish there was something we can do." Even after I voiced my anger about how I rarely see my mother and this was the perfect way from me and my children to say "Happy Mothers Day", all they offered me was a refund. Then to add insult to injury, they say "we can attempt to redeliver on next Wednesday (3 days after Mothers Day). This was a huge was of excitement, money and time. I am officially never doing business with Shari's Berries again. The last thing I will say is "Hey Shari's Berries... thanks for ruining a very special day for my mother from her grandchildren."

Can't even tell where they shipped my order!
From a co-workers suggestion, gave this place a try. Something different than flowers or other food related arrangements. Online order process went smooth and received confirmation of order, recipient and delivery address almost immediately. Three days later, received email saying my order was shipped and Shari's Berries provided a tracking number and everything. Two days later, decided to check out delivery status expecting to see my order was out for delivery. I couldn't be more wrong. According to UPS, my delivery address was wrong, and they had to change the delivery address. My wife has worked at this address for 15 years, and I've had numerous things delivered there. On top of that, my order wont be delivered for another day.
Called Shari's Berries, and spoke to their outsourced representative who couldn't understand my needs because I couldn't understand him. Eventually he apologized that my delivery would be a day late and refunded my guaranteed delivery fee. He couldn't tell me where my order would be delivered to, because he confirmed the address and everything to me.
Granted, this next part might be UPS's fault, but after a 10 minute call to them, they refused to tell me where my order was being delivered. They confirmed that they changed the street name and building number, but my order was being delivered to the right city. CHANGED THE ENTIRE STREET NUMBER AND NAME, but refused to tell me where my package was headed. Said Shari's Berries authorized the address change and I would have to speak with them again.
Called my new friend overseas again. 25 minutes on the phone this time. First, told me my order had delivered already, and I asked them to double check. Oops, it wont be delivered until the next day. So sorry sir. "Can you tell me where it will be delivered?" They provided the correct address, but when I said UPS changed the delivery address and said they spoke with someone at their company, they said I was the one who called and changed the delivery.
Long story short, I got a full refund. My order still wont be delivered until tomorrow, but UPS nor Shari's Berries know where its going to be delivered. UPS points the finger at Shari, and Shari points the finger at me. So who ever receives my order, I hope you enjoy them, but reading other reviews from today, I don't think you will.

No flowers onValenties Day
I placed an order for a dozen roses and six chocolate covered strawberries on Sunday February 10. I paid him additional $14.99 for morning delivery. At 12:45 PM the package was still not delivered. I called their 1-800 number. After waiting nearly 30 minutes on hold someone finally picked up. I could barely understand him due to his accent and the very poor phone connection.
He offered to cancel my order several times. I told him I don't want the order canceled I want it delivered. I asked if it could still be delivered on Valentine's Day. He assured me that it would be. He told me he would credit me back all of the shipping charges standard shipping plus the morning delivery fee and he would send me an email showing the credit was issued. No email ever arrived. Well after waiting until 11 PM and delivery, I spoke to a representative through their chat option. I explained situation At which time my "connection was Interrupted and The chat session ended. I open another chat session and spoke to someone named Jessica. After telling her the story all over again her response was sorry, we had bad weather today end it interrupted our phone service for a short time. I said well what does that have to do with my delivery? I asked her if it showed a credit being processed for the delivery fee Plus the shipping fees. She said nothing has shown as being processed and she would try to apply that. I asked her if she could have a manager contact me in the morning. After a couple of minutes, that chat session ended due to a connection interruption. I opened a third chat session. I once again explained my story. Patricia apologize for my frustration. She said she would issue the credit refund for the shipping charges. The package is now scheduled to be delivered on Friday morning the day after Valentine's Day. I asked if she could have a manager called me on Friday morning. Her response was "why do you want to talk to a manager"? I said because I want to. I asked her if I have the right to speak to a manager and she said yes. I said so what's the problem? She said well we're kind of busy here now so it would be better off if you called because they're too busy to call you. That's good to know. I have made I would say more than 10 purchases from this company. This will be my last. There are many companies that do what Shari's Berries do. Their lack of professionalism and their inability to provide The product they sell, on time without even a reason as to why it's late is ridiculous.

Food Is Spectacular But Company Doesn't Know Definition Of Guarantee
Shari's Berries must've put out a huge ad campaign this Valentine's Day season as I heard about them everywhere. From the looks of it I'm glad it worked as I notice a lot of their boxes around today. I ordered my wife's gift a week ago and paid for "Guaranteed" Delivery with the added cost for a morning delivery as I know she's super busy in the afternoons. Funny enough my wife also got me a little something from Shari's Berries as I was surprised with a box this morning! However while the food is great, no complaints there, the company seemingly doesn't comprehend the definition of the word "Guarantee".

Shortly after receiving the gift from my wife I was prompted to look at my account as the morning was getting old and she hadn't sent me a message. When looking at my order online (no email for delivery or shipment processing) it showed as a February 15th delivery.

I called support and the agent stress multiple times that this was a carrier issue and not theirs. I'm sorry but if you charge people for a guarantee, a GUARANTEE, any issue that would break that guarantee whether internal or external is your issue. From the looks of it on this site the company just wasn't ready for the massive amount of orders.

I had initially thought the prices for shipping, time, and guarantee were steep (amounting to half the bill) but let it slide as it was one day and it would make my wife happy. For the amount Shari's Berries charge for shipping and a "guarantee" alone there shouldn't be any issues.

I understand this is probably their busiest time/day of the year, but someone at the top has to have the foresight to realise this an maybe not "Guarantee" so many orders. The sliver lining is Shari's Berries did refund my shipping costs, delivery time costs, and "guarantee" costs.

I will not be using their services in the future and it's a shame as the food is good. Great food doesn't out weight service however as I can always get just as great food from somewhere else with better service.

Terrible Customer Service
I received a 25% Off Orders Over $29.00. I went online to place an order for Mother's Day. I realized that the offer had no discount code to type into the box provided on the check-out page. I called the company to find out how to apply the 25% off at check-out. After over 7 minutes of going round-and-round about this, the conversation being totally redundant, and not being able to understand the person on the phone, I gave up and decided to order from someone else, such as Harry and David. Meanwhile, my husband is on his laptop on Shari's Berries site and sees a promotion for 20% off the same item I was trying to order. I thought that it was still worth it and he proceeded to place the order. At no time did the shipping show Shari's Berries were charging me over $30 to ship a dozen dipped strawberries! I didn't see this until I received the email receipt. I promptly called them within 15 minutes of placing this order to cancel. Again, round-and-round redundant conversation trying to cancel the order. And they had the order number assigned to this order! I threatened to report them to Bank of America Visa, which I did after hanging up.
The order department is out-sourced to the Philippines. The sales/customer service reps barely speak English, which accounts for the very lengthy phone conversations of which you get nowhere. They also do not seem to understand very simple conversation and questions. I order a lot and deal with plenty of people on the phone, and have never had such a frustrating conversation. And, I feel they are very sneaky about their shipping charges, since the numbers do not show up online on the page you
Are viewing.
On a good note, I have had their strawberries, and my gift was very well done. However, that is not consistent from order to order. Buyer beware!

Arrived on the wrong date and very low quality
For the weeks preceding Valentines Day, Sheri's Berries advertises non-stop on all the talk radio channels. Year after year I've been hearing their ads and Shari's Berries always sounded like a good idea so this year I decided to pull the trigger and order them for my wife.

First, there was the shipping error. I specifically ordered them to arrive on the day before Valentines Day. Instead, they arrived 3 days before, so now I have a perishable gift that is going to be in terrible condition on the day I want to give it. So, I told my wife the issue and that her gift was here 3 days early. On Valentine's Day I wound up giving her roses in addition to the $30 + shipping for the berries that arrived on the wrong date.

Then, there was the quality issue. The berries arrived in a special box with a cooling pack inside to keep the berries fresh. VERY clever packaging, I'll at least give them that. So my wife opened the box and the second box inside that contained the berries. Now all I've ever heard of these things in their ads were that the berries were abnormally huge and special... like the top 1% of strawberries. What WE got, were strawberries that looked like any old strawberries you would get at your grocery store. There was nothing special or unique about them at all. They were dipped and looked nice, but I can assure you, the grocery store around the corner from me has dipped strawberries like these at less than 1/2 the price! My wife ate 3 and told me she didn't like them. She said they tasted like they were rotten or something... that they had a strong metallic taste to them. She offered me one and I would have to agree... these things really didn't taste good at all. Sadly, the remaining 8 of them are now in the trash.

What a total ripoff. I never thought to look for reviews of these things online but in retrospect, I wish I did earlier. I could have saved 40 bucks and applied it to a nice dinner somewhere. If I could get a refund for these, I most certainly would!

UPDATE: I have since contacted Sheri's Berries and expressed my displeasure in their product. Within a few minutes I was told I would be given a full refund and they apologized for my frustrations. This company needs to seriously re-evaluate their product and quality control or it's going to cost them dearly.

High Hidden Fees & Bad Customer Service Center
Might update this later if I do get my order still and Shari's Berries turn out to be good. So, I ordered something for my sister for Mothers Day. She's been dealing with a lot and I wanted to cheer her up a bit. When I checked out my order was not even over $40. A bit later I get an email saying that I was charged almost $70! Needless to say I wouldn't of ordered if I knew they were going to be that much. I would of taken my chances making my own. I called the customer service # and got someone fairly quickly. He was hard to hear and didn't seem to be 100% when it came to speaking english. I've had to deal with worse so I was willing to try. I explained what happened he didn't seem surprised. Reading the reviews here I now know why. At first he told me that there was nothing they could do seeing as they were already shipped. I had just placed my order an hour ago at most and I made sure he knew that as well. I then asked him how my order went from not even $40 to $70. He gave me no answer and put me on hold several times saying he needed more info to verify my order. I verified my info and waited on hold again. When he came back on he again said there was nothing they could do for me. Not about to take that as a final answer I told him one of two things were going to happen. He would either cancel the order like I asked or get a manager on the phone right now. I was put on hold again. At this point I was ready and waiting to get in touch with Paypal and the bbb if he came back with the same bs answer. When he finally came back on I was amazed. He said that I would be getting a full refund and the berries would still be shipping out. At that point I thanked him for his "effort" and end our call politely as possible. I did get an email stating I would get a full refund so we will see if the berries and money show up. Ttfn

Will Never Use Them Again
I placed an $84 order from the website on Tuesday, February 13th for delivery on Wednesday February 14th. I paid the additional $15 fee to guaranteed morning delivery. I spoke with the intended recipient on the 14th at 2pm and learned that she still had not received the package. I contacted their customer service, at 2:30pm and requested a refund of my early delivery fee and an estimated time of delivery. He stated that he would refund the early delivery and that the expected arrival time was 3pm-8pm. At that point I requested a total refund, as the recipient would not be in the office after 5pm. He placed me on hold (for more than 20 minutes) to process my refund. When he returned, he stated that my refund would be processed within 5-7 business days and that I would receive an email, by close of business, confirming that a total refund had been processed.

I received two emails at about 8pm. The first stated that Shari's Berries had refunded the shipping ($39.95) and gave me a code for $25 off of a future purchase, which is useless to me, because I will never order from them again. Also, its impossible to get anything on their site for that price and I will never send them a dime. The second email stated that my order had shipped and provided a tracking number for me to follow my package. When I tracked it, it stated that the package left Greensboro, NC at 7:28pm on February 14th.

I called customer service again and asked why did my email not accurately reflect a total refund and how would my package have gotten to me by the 8pm time I had been quoted when it left NC at 7:30, with a delivery location in Maryland. She completely ignored my question about delivery and stated that she saw a note in my file stating that I called and a full refund was being process. When I asked if I would receive an email confirming a full refund to replace their shipping refund email, she said yes.

I received another email within five minutes stating that I know a good thing when I see it and that my package was scheduled for delivery for Thursday February 15th.

Unless you dont care when you get what you ordered and have no desire to be appreciated by a company for giving them your hard-earned money. DONT USE SHARIS BERRIES.

I placed an order with Shari's Berries as a gift to be sent to my physical therapy group weeks in advance because I wanted delivery on a particular day. I made sure the street address was correct when placing the order online. I received an email indicating that the order was being prepared, another when it was shipped and FedEx notification when it was delivered. But the delivery confirmation showed no signature or name, no indication where it was left, just the time. The signature showed "Signature on File". What does that prove to me?... Nothing, absolutely nothing. It could have been left on the truck for all I know. So I called customer service, which by the way, should be called customer disservice. I spoke to someone that I could barely understand and had to ask her to repeat what she was saying. I explained that I wanted to be sure it was delivered correctly to the recipents I wanted. The person on the phone repeated all the information that I already knew from the FedEx confirmation. I again explained this was not acceptable to me and I wanted to know who signed for the package. The representative told me she would contact FedEx and call me back in 1 hour. Of course, I did not get a phone call back. I called the next day and was read the notes made by the previous rep indicating that I had demanded a call back in 1 hour... total lie. She went on to say this is their "policy" not to get a signature on delivery. Seriously, is that the most ridiculous policy?! My gift was addressed to a business that opens at 7am and closes at 8 pm and is always staffed. I was then passed on to a supervisor, I think, who was of no help and offered no solution. I will dispute this charge with the credit card company until Shari's Berries can prove it was delivered correctly.

Guaranteed... no delivery
I have heard good things about Shari's Berries from friends and a few of their advertisements on podcasts. However, my experience did not align with my expectations and here's why: I expected to pay a premium for the goods and service as deliveries are guaranteed and perishables can be costly, at times.
So, imagine my surprise (this may be partially why I am so frustrated with the company) to find out A) shipping is $13.99 (not the cheapest, but hey Shari's Berries have to walk the stuff into the building on an every changing route) B) To deliver on Valentines Day is ANOTHER $9.99 (not thrilled, but likely the busiest day of the year, so I get it) C) ANOTHER $14.99 for GUARANTEED delivery by noon. So now we are looking at $38.97 FOR ONLY SHIPPING. My SO left me a nice Valentines Day set up to wake up to (NOTE: this is our FIRST Valentines Day together) and I was excited for her to receive my gift; so all morning I awaited a call or text, nothing. I attempt to check the delivery status; website won't process request regardless of ISP.
I call their service line (it seems they use walkie talkies to communicate because of the large amounts of static and inability of operators to hear or be heard) to sit on hold for 30 minutes only to be told "We are currently updating our system, please call back in an hour *click*". So now I have no way of confirming shipment without ruining the surprise. Low and behold 3pm and no delivery; so I call back (takes 4 attempts, seemed to be an issue with their phone system) sit on hold for another 30 minutes and finally get to speak to someone. I will say they provided me a full refund with no hassle, so that is the single good experience with them. Getting my money back.

False delivery dates, complete lack of concern
It was definitely a waste of time to order this year. Not only was the delivery date I selected ignored with no warning, I can't get a decent answer or resolution to this and am now expected to be happy with a delivery on Monday. Had anyone taken the time to send this order overnight, it would've arrived on time. Had someone told me overnight was not an option and my delivery date could not be met, I would've cancelled and found another option. Instead, I'm being told that the date I chose (which was an available date on their website and which I paid extra for) was actually a "flex date" and Shari's Berries did not/will not pay for Saturday delivery. So these berries shipped from CA last night, will sit in FedEx warehouses ALL WEEKEND, and are expected to deliver Monday and still be edible. I can't imagine they will be edible, let alone presentable after being on trucks and in warehouses for 5 days. The only thing I was offered was $20 towards a FUTURE ORDER.

So instead of continuing to fight for any kind of Saturday delivery, I need a refund for what will most definitely be an inedible gift delivered 3 days too late. And calling is no help either. I sat on hold for over an hour before I had to disconnect. I went ahead and put my phone number in their callback queue, but based on the lack of response I've gotten by email, I don't expect their phone etiquette to be any better For what came up to almost $70, I expected so much more than this kind of treatment.

I have tried calling, I have reached out by email, I have been asked to send my order details through Facebook messenger, and after all of this, there is still no resolution and no concern about the missed delivery date or the fact that perishable food items will be sitting around for 5 full days at least before delivery is even attempted. Not OK at all!

Terrible company
If I could give a 0 I would. Here is my experience: I ordered a dozen chocolate covered strawberries for Mother's Day for about $39. AFTER I hit the confirm payment button, it showed me a different total of about $78, which included a delivery fee and a Sunday delivery fee. These fees were not announced until AFTER I paid! I immediately called to cancel. The representative told me I would still receive an order confirmation email, but then I would also receive a cancellation email. I also asked to speak with a supervisor about the website and hidden fees. This phone call was made around 9 pm (I was surprised Shari's Berries even answered), and the rep told me a supervisor would call me back in 4-48 hours. I told him I'd rather receive a call the following day than in 4 hours, as it would be 1 am my time. The rep LAUGHED at me. As if this were a ridiculous thought. I pointed out that I couldn't assume they wouldn't call at 1 am since they were answering the phones at 9 pm! I waited 2 days and never received a cancellation email or a call from a supervisor. The charge hit my account by this point, so I called again. My first call wouldn't connect. The rep who answered my second call couldn't get my name right. He asked my name, to which I responded "Staci." He mispronounced it and I corrected him. He asked me to spell it, so I did, but he interrupted me. He then proceeded to call me "kaki" and "Tati" without allowing me to finish spelling - he would interrupt. I asked him to allow me to finish spelling it so he could get it right. He still got it wrong. I hung up. Then I called a 3rd time and explained my situation again. The rep asked me for my name, address, last 4 digits on my card, and the recipients name and address. I told her I could provide all but the recipients street number because I was at work and did not have the information with me. But I was able to give the street name, city, and state. This wasn't good enough. I asked to speak to a supervisor. She refused and continued to ask me the recipients address 3 more times AFTER I told her I didn't have it! I verified that the conversation was being recorded (it was), and I pointed out yay I had asked to speak with a supervisor FOUR TIMES and had been denied. She said the address was required first. I told her I'd report her business to the BBB if I was not allowed to speak with a supervisor. She put me on hold, then came back and said the supervisor was assisting another customer and was unavailable, but that she saw my order had been cancelled. I asked for a confirmation number for the cancelled order and she said there wasn't one. She said she could send the email. I felt like I was in the twilight zone at this point and explained that I couldn't trust that because I had already gone through all of this and never received confirmation! She said the supervisor would call me back within 24 hours. I asked if there was confirmation of that. Again, there wasn't. I'm currently stuck. Charge is on my account, no cancellation email, no supervisor call, no idea what to do!

Wish I Could Rate Lower
Absolutely terrible customer service and out of this world shipping costs. My mother-in-law purchased a Groupon for Shari's Berries and was so excited to purchase their chocolate covered strawberries. I told her I would help her place the order. I helped her place a dozen covered strawberries in her cart for $34.98. We applied the Groupon code for $30 off. Got to check out... $14.99 for shipping! For goodness sake. I couldn't come to terms with this price so I stepped away and came back to place the order. Mind you, not even 24 hours later and didn't change ANYTHING, the shipping went to $16.99! How does that even happen?! I contacted customer service asking why this happened. Below is the conversation I had with the customer service rep. To sum it up, basically the customer service rep said she can't do anything about it. THAN WHAT DOES CUSTOMER SERVICE DO?! Absolutely highway robbery! Terrible, unethical and down right gougers. STAY AWAY!

Kathryn L (5/11/2018, 7:51:38 AM): Thank you for contacting Shari's Berries! My name is Kathryn, I can help.
Me (5/11/2018, 7:52:27 AM): Hello Kathryn. I went to place my order the first time and my shipping cost was $14.99. I came back not even 24 hours later and the cost is now $16.99. How can this happen?
Kathryn L (5/11/2018, 7:53:33 AM): Did you add to your order? Were you using a discount?
Me (5/11/2018, 7:53:51 AM): No I did not add to the order and I am using the same discount code which is a groupon
Me (5/11/2018, 7:53:54 AM): so nothing changed
Me (5/11/2018, 7:54:02 AM): except when coming back the shipping increased
Kathryn L (5/11/2018, 7:55:00 AM): Groupon you must go through the link provided by Groupon in order to redeem it.
Me (5/11/2018, 7:55:11 AM): Yes. I am aware... I did so
Me (5/11/2018, 7:55:31 AM): And doing so I did it twice and the second time the shipping increased when nothing was changed
Kathryn L (5/11/2018, 7:55:50 AM): If you left it in your cart you will need to go back to the link and enter the site again.
Me (5/11/2018, 7:56:35 AM): Ok. Again... I did that... Why did the price change?
Kathryn L (5/11/2018, 7:57:18 AM): I don't know why it would change. Our average delivery is $16.99.
Me (5/11/2018, 7:57:30 AM): So why did it show $14.99 the first time?
Kathryn L (5/11/2018, 7:58:02 AM): Unfortunately I do not know. The computer automatically computes the delivery fees.
Me (5/11/2018, 7:58:20 AM): Is there anything you can do to make the shipping $14.99 again?
Kathryn L (5/11/2018, 7:58:43 AM): Unfortunately I cannot do anything with the shipping.

Firstly, I happen to hear an advert from a Detroit Radia station for a Mother's Day Promotion... sounded great! Went online (admittedly never having any dealings with them previously) and proceeded to place an order based on what I heard (My first mistake was thinking I was dealing with a local operation! Walked my way through the order process pretty easily and came upon the part where you pick your shipping... 4 choices, 3 with prices and a 'standard shipping' choice with no price listed. Got to check out only to find that 'standard shipping' minus any disclosed price was $16.99 (I felt quite high given that again, I thought I was dealing with a local business! Part of what I chose included a complimentary E-Card... I proceeded to fill it out and happen to get busy at work and came back to it shortly afterward and completed it and hit send (or whatever the button was). Oddly I did not see any confirmation, nothing! I decided to do it again as a test, unsure if it actually sent and quickly filled in the fields with virtually nothing and sent it to myself and Voila I get a confirmation! I think, great! I'll do it again but this time to the actual recipient but guess what... I'm no longer allowed! I have spent the better part of a day and a half trying to email someone to cancel it (as it's useless) and basically asking to have the opportunity to redo it.

This brings me to the second part of my story and that has to do with there 1-800 help line that (you guessed it) goes to a call center in Asia! ASIA! Good luck getting someone that speaks good enough English and can comprehend what you are calling about to help you at all. I placed two calls... one regarding the lack of disclosure on the 'standard shipping' and a second regarding the E-Card issue... neither time was I able to get any satisfactory answer or any help whatsoever!

The third and final part to this horror story is that it turns out, there is NO LOCAL storefront and your Berries are being shipped from San Diego! That's right that San Diego! Now I live just across the river (in Canada) from Detroit, Michigan... the apporoximate destination for said berries and at this point it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Shari's Berries show up looking like crap. Word to the wise... use Edible Arrangements... at least I can deal with a local business with someone who can understand me. NEVER AGAIN!

Worst Customer Service Ever
Spoke with two different customer service representatives and Shari's Berries were both awful. I had placed an order and noticed my confirmation email charged me $16.99, which was not listed in my cart prior to me placing my order. I called customer service immediately after to cancel my order, as I was frustrated the charge was not visible prior to me making my order. The lady I spoke with could barely understand English and told me she cancelled my order. After having to repeat myself over a dozen times. I was told I'd receive a confirmation email. Well, after 3 days of not receiving the email I called again. During this call I was met with yet another lady that could barely understand English. She told me the order was not cancelled, then 2 minutes later said it was. She advised she sent the cancellation email to me again, however when I asked what email she was sending it to, she was silent and would not answer. Each time I asked her to confirm my email she kept changing the subject and refused to answer. After repeating myself several times, she told me to just wait 30 minutes and then just call back. When asking for a supervisor I was met with the same response "call back in 30 minutes." I said I'd wait, which she again kept telling me sorry busy and was about to hang up on me. She kept telling me her supervisor was not available and to just call back. What kind of customer service cannot verify an email address in which they are emailing? I called several days before the order was to be sent, yet I have no faith in the fact she cancelled my order. Save your money and time and don't bother ordering from this place - just go with ediblearrangements or somewhere else that won't jerk you around.

Disgusted, Deceived, Disastrously Dissatisfied
I ordered a package that included an additional delivery fee to have sent to My Mother Saturday May 13, to have on her most special day, Mother's Day. I became very well aware that Shari's Berries knew she did not receive her special gift on the 13th after an email that I received from them. I called and expressed my ultimate concern for the email I received stating the delivery date changed to Tuesday 05/16. I was shocked and concerned that my Mother would not have her gift on Mothers Day. I was PROMISED by a service representative that it would be delivered overnight and received May 14,2017. She gave her word! I believed her and felt reassured that My Mother would receive the gift on time. I am fully aware that they knew that she DID NOT receive her gift on Mother's day as promised because she did not! I feel cheated and lied to.
Shari's Berries lied to me. They deceived me and cheated My Mother out of her special gift that I was promised she would receive 05/14. Although I requested a delivery date again by replying to a letter sent by one of their reps. 05/15, I never received confirmation, then surprisingly the package arrived midday 05/15. The Flowers were wilted and far from revival. The chocolate covered strawberries and cheese cake are completely unrecognizable! What type of business would do this? I am completely insulted that Shari's Berries would consider this to be anywhere near acceptable. Nothing resembles what I paid for. Nothing resembles anything that anyone in their right mind would eat let alone enjoy.

I received several scripted emails from several different customer sales representatives with weird names that dont even seem real offering to resend the order or provide a credit coupon for the same value to redeem at another time. I chose the credit coupon each of the reps. I then received an email each time stating that the coupons were no longer available. This happened enough that I was just simply fed up. I finally asked that they re-send the package. I then received another email stating that the package I ordered was no longer available. This is an extremely unacceptable business practice. We are left with nothing!
This experience has destroyed any enjoyable surprise I had expected to be given to My Mother for her Special day. I am completely embarrassed and ashamed by this situation that Shari's Berries put me and my Mother in. I cant imagine the feeling My Mother had when she opened the package!
I have been cheated, deceived, manipulated, lied to, insulted and made embarrassed as well as ashamed!
This type of business practice lacks integrity, honesty, trust and dependability. The service that I have received from Shari's Berries is unacceptable and is a disgrace to the service industry.
I have NEVER been treated like this!

$35 for six regular size strawberries? Are you folks KIDDING me?
I live in Florida and have plenty access to strawberries. Big ones, too. But I've listened to talk show hosts go on and on about Shari's Berries and how BIG Shari's Berries are, till finally, when one guest of a talk show host said they were the "size of a cake," I figured I've got to see what these things look like. The size of a cake? "HU-----------GE," is what the talk show hosts are always telling us? So I asked my husband to order me some for my birthday, just so I could see what these things look like. You've seen the photos of oversized pumpkins and watermelons. I figured these things were grown in a special environment that would allow them to grow to be oversized, yet keep their "delicious" flavor--you know, like the technology you might see at Epcot at Disney World, and perhaps sprayed with specially fortified enhanced water and fertilizer. After all, they're charging $19.99, plus $15 shipping for six simple strawberries! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I got the strawberries. They were NOT "huge," and two of them could not even be classified as large, albeit they were dipped in thick chocolate. (And I could have done without the chocolate.) So we were charged $19.99, plus $15 for shipping, for six regular sized simple strawberries. Shari's Berries should be tried and thrown in jail for false advertising, misrepresentation and robbery. Just now, noticing the notoriously low rating Shari's Berries has, I figured, that's great!--People are letting Shari's Berries have it because they ripped them off by lying about the size of their strawberries! But I was wrong. People seem to be pleased with these things, but are angry because of customer service, the shipping time, sogginess, and other things. Perhaps living in states other than Florida, North Carolina and California, where strawberries are grown, I figure they may not know what size strawberries are suppose to be, vs. "HUGE!," or the "size of a cake." But I'll tell you folks, being VERY familiar with strawberries--DON'T WASTE YOU MONEY! I only spent mine just to satisfy my curiosity. And believe me, it's been satisfied! Shari's Berries should be jailed for downright lying to you about the size, and then charging $35 for six simple strawberries! Go to the store, buy a pint of strawberries and chocolate, then make your own fondue. You'll get 10 times the amount, for a tenth of the cost, and they'll be fresher and much tastier. Shari's Berries, you go to jail.

Does not honor its own advertising
I ordered a gift of strawberries and cookies for a family member. Original price was $39.98. Advertised price was discounted 25% to $29.98. On the screen was a red and white box with an arrow. When I clicked on it, the box expanded with the message "Order now for an extra 25% off orders over $29. Discount automatically applied." (I have the screen shot). The extra 25% off never showed up at checkout. I was told Shari's Berries could only apply one discount per order and that 25% had already been applied. I said the word extra indicates an additional discount. Why would this box be on an ad that was already discounted?
I called customer "service" and had a very difficult time communicating with the agent. I asked to speak with a supervisor and first was told she was busy with several other customers. I was told to call back. I had already been on the phone for a while and said I wasn't going to call back to only go through this all over again. Then I was told that the supervisor wasn't there. I told her she was giving me conflicting information and finally got a supervisor.
The supervisor told me only one discount can apply. When I told her about the EXTRA 25% she told me she was unable to do it with her system, but another department would be able to do it. They would be in contact with me 24-48 hours later to apply the additional discount.
I have now received three emails from ProvideCommerce Customer Care and not one of these emails addresses the on screen offer of an extra 25% discount, and just restates I already had a 25% discount. They invite me to speak with them, but give no phone number. I've asked for contact information but none has been given.
The additional discount is only $7.50. It is not the money that is the issue but rather the false advertising and their unwillingness to address the situation.

Absolutely the worst over the computer/phone buying experience EVER.
I was looking to find a nice gift for my girlfriend for valentines day, so of course what better gift than chocolate covered strawberries. From a business located in California with a somewhat good reputation(or I thought), I purchased the $29.98 chocolate and chocolate chip covered assortment box with the personalized E-Card($. 99) My sub total stated on my online after taxes was somewhere around $33-36 after tax obviously. I got them delivered on February 12,2018 to ensure I didn't get charged the extra billing to get them delivered on the 13th or the 14th, so after I placed my order my billing statement comes through on my phone stating that $64.14 came out. I just assumed I purchased two boxes of the strawberries and I didn't think much of it, until delivery day when I was greeted with ONE BOX OF STRAWBERRIES. So I then continued to call the customer service center, which is located in SOUTH AMERICA just so you all know. I then spoke with a woman who could hardly speak the English language. She then went over my payment summary with me and told me Shari's Berries charged me (Standard Delivery Fee) of $14.99, then a (Monday Delivery Fee) of $9.99 and to wrap it all up a (Rural Area Carrier Fee) of $3.99. None of those delivery fees were expressed at the time of the online purchase. So basically what I am saying is THE ENTIRE service has been absolute dog$#*!. She had no explanations as to why they do not advertise those extra delivery fees online. Also there is no way to know if you do or don't qualify for those fees because they do not express those on the transaction page. ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. I feel as if they wretch there hand into my pocket and took what wasn't theirs. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM UNLESS YOU'RE OKAY WITH YOUR MONEY BEING TAKEN. I wish I could give them 0 stars.

A follow up to my previous review
As a recap: my husband ordered Shari's berries as a Valentine's gift for me two weeks before valentines day. Shari's Berries didn't charge him right away and didnt ever send a confirmation email. It lead us to believe we weren't going to receive the berries, like it didn't go through. That's why he told me about it, because he figured he'd give me something else. A week after he placed that order, (while he was taking our cat to the vet) sharis berries went through. We live paycheck to paycheck. We balance bills, the store, his medical appointments, etc. Luckily, we had the money that week. That was on a Wednesday. Then that following Friday, pay day, I looked at our account and noticed we had more money than we should have. After further investigation, I noticed Shari's berries had completely disappeared from our transaction history. I was livid. We never received an email explaining anything. The berries ended up arriving on Monday the 13th. They were smaller than pictured on the website and the store bought berries my husband and I dipped in chocolate tasted better and were in better quality than Shari's berries. Today, Thursday the 16th (a day before my husband and my mother's birthday and two days before we need to pay our phone bill), we were charged by Shari's berries. I did not expect free berries. Of course I didn't. I guess I stupidly thought that they maybe read my review or put in the half off confirmation code that they forgot to put in before and decided to make it up to us. I was foolish to think that. They officially lost us as costumers and I'm making it a point to tell all my friends, family, co-workers, etc, about our bad experience.

Hi! I ordered a dozen of chocolate covered strawberries for a friend of mine who is an Assisted Living Facility in San Antonio Texas. I went to visit my friend on Mother's Day, May 14,2017, and she informed me that her son purchased her a dozen assorted flavored chocolate covered strawberries. I accidentally dropped her strawberries on the floor so I felt awful and ordered some of the same strawberries her son ordered. I placed an order with the first representative and I explained to him what happened and I told him that I have a coupon for fifteen dollars off but there was no code do the representative said he would honor the coupon and my total would be $48.77. I gave him my card information and my order was completed. I asked him to send me an email confirmation of my order. I checked my email for the order confirmation and there was no email so I called back and spoke to another representative in regards to make sure the order was correct and he told me that the price for the strawberries is $67.07 and I told him that is not what I was told by the first representative. I asked him to transfer me to their complaint department and he transferred me to Pro Flowers. I then called back and not only ask toget the order correct but I also requested a message to be attached to the strawberries. I called my bank and was told that there were two pending charges from Sharro Berries. On May 14,2017, there was a charge for the quoted price of $48.77 and then the next day a charge for $67.07. I told the bank representative that I did not authorize the $67.07. I called back and spoke to a 4th representative from Sharri Berries who told me that the address was wrong on the order as well as the address and the wrong email address was noted. She said that she would correct the errors and that the strawberries would be delivered on Wednesday and that I would receive an email in which I did receive of the correct information. I spoke with someone from my bank today, May 18,2017, and was told that Sharri Berriescharged me $67.07 versus $ 48.77. I am very upset that the representative from Sharri Berries charged me $67.07 versus what I was quoted originally. I am very upset at how I am being mistreated and being overcharged! I was suppose to receive a call from this company within 25 hours and I have not received a call as of yet. I need justice in regards to this matter as soon as possible! I can be reached at yolandaporter9@ or by phone at (210) 857 - 0543. Thank you!

Ordered berries on Feb 11th to be delivered on Valentine's day. Paid EXTRA to ensure Shari's Berries were received by Thursday, February 14th. Due to weather, I was told they would not come until end of day Friday. We were going out of town that weekend so I cancelled the order (Wednesday). When we got back on Sunday night, there was no box so I thought everything was cancelled. On Wednesday of the following week, I receive a box with melted chocolate on berries. Even the ice they provided in the box was completely melted. They looked horrible! I emailed to receive a refund. No response. So I emailed again and I get a response that since I had emailed earlier and that someone else is handling my question. It is now May 10th and no refund. They initially gave me a $10 credit for the delay. IT WASN'T A DELAY, THE BERRIES LOOKED LIKE SH*%! I will never buy from them again. $56.96 for crap. Never again.

Below is their response stating that it would be a day late... but didn't arrive until 2/20/19.

Dear Timothy,

We are so incredibly sorry. We are unable to deliver the Full Dozen Gourmet Dipped Valentine's Strawberries you thoughtfully selected for Valentine's Day-it will instead be delivered 02/15/2019. We know this is a poor customer experience. Our goal is to help you make the people in your life feel special, so we felt it was necessary to notify you right away with our sincerest apologies.

We understand the impact this delay may have caused so we are processing an immediate $10.00 refund.

If you have spoken with a customer service representative about this, disregard this email and rest assured any arrangements you have already made will be honored.

Shari's Berries Customer Care

Over-ripe fermented tasting berries with parrafin waxy chocolate covering
Well... since Mother's Day was just yesterday and my sister had ordered and shipped some of your chocolate covered strawberries to my mom... she brought them out on Sunday for us to see and try... and Shari's Berries also had a smell. I also thought at first they smelled like alcohol infused berries. My mom sliced one up so we could taste it. I should have taken a picture of the one she cut up... because to me the berry inside looked like an OLD overripe berry... one sitting around too long before being used for anything. It even had a slight grayish tint. So that would explain the smell and the alcohol scent... it was like it had FERMENTED. The covering of chocolate was also nasty. NO where near chocolate and the texture was awful. I felt bad because my mom cut one up and gave it to 4 of us to taste... 3 of the 4 of us had to spit it out it was so bad. The other one ate her tiny slice I think so as not to hurt my mom's feelings. Personally, I am just hoping my mom does not get SICK from eating the rest as I am sure she will. She would not want to throw away a present from anyone if she can keep from it. I think you need to do some research on this and find out what happened as I honestly believe someone along the way decided to go ahead and use a batch of BAD BERRIES... probably figuring no one would notice or complain. Not a way to do business. You will always get caught in the end. Your reputation will be ruined very quickly. All I can say is my sister must NOT have researched your company very well as all I have seen so far are COMPLAINTS and very few actual compliments on your product. I would never have ordered from you to begin with (as she also said your shipping was outrageous. Basically the price of the berries). I will be sure to let anyone I know to never order from you and the reasons why. If you want to say in business you really need to get this straightened out and do right.

Shari's Berries- We're so very sorry Melinda. This certainly doesn't meet our standards. We will make it up to you. Please email your order information to our Resolution Team at: ******* and they will get back to you today with a resolution. Thank you. Sandy

No. It was my sister who ordered the berries for our mother. Personally, I would hope you would see the NUMEROUS complaints here... so many you must need to hire a full-time staff to deal with them. I would hope a company would think it better to resolve the problem FROM WITHIN and make things right to begin with, instead of having to go back and spend all this time and money with each customer to try to rectify things. I don't want our mom to have any more of your berries. I also hope she does not get sick from continuing to eat the ones she got as I know she probably will. I would have thrown them away. My sister has been sick so has not been told yet about this issue. I have NO idea why she ordered anything from to begin with unless she has received orders from you in the past without any issue. Just from doing a small amount of research this morning I found so many complaints all over the web that I would have NEVER ordered anything from you. Complaints ranging from bad alcohol smelly berries to fake sweaty, parrafin tasting chocolate coverings to overcharging for shipping and not even the full actual delivery of the berries or always being ONE short in the boxes. Does someone decide along the way to just POP one in their mouth and keep it for themselves thinking "ah no one will notice or think it was a fluke and they won't complain"? Of course someone would complain. I think the direction your business is heading is down. I have found complaints about the bad berries that go back even as far as THREE years ago.

Shari's Berries has lost another customer!
I placed an order for birthday chocolate-covered strawberries to be delivered on Friday, 5/21/21. The order never got delivered. I contacted customer service & was offered a partial refund of $20 for the delay & was told the berries would be delivered the next day. Then I received the email confirmation for the refund & it stated the refund would be returned to me in 30-45 days. What?!

I was also told the delivery would be sent to a different florist for delivery on Saturday. But Shari's Berries refused to tell me who the local florist was that would be delivering the berries. They told me it was company policy not to share that information. What a bunch of nonsense. I finally got an email confirmation on Saturday night stating the berries had been delivered.

When I didn't hear from the recipient of the berries by last night (Sunday), I called her. She said she was home all day on Saturday & had not received any deliveries of any kind. So, not only have the berries STILL not been delivered, there is no surprise left even if the berries were to show up now. But I don't expect that to happen.

The customer service agents I spoke to on the phone & corresponded with via email after a post I made on Twitter about the epic fail were all inept to say the least. The only thing they know how to do is read their script & reply with canned answers. There was not one empathetic agent or independent thinker among the many that I corresponded with. They stayed on script & that was it. What a joke!

At this point in time, I will never order form Shari's Berries again & urge everyone to stay away from them. Read all the negative reviews on here & everywhere else. Spend your money elsewhere - somewhere you can speak to the business owner & know that they care. You won't get that with Shari's Berries. Stay away from Shari's Berries. The only thing they deliver is disappointment. #sharisberriesfailsagain

Delivery Charges Undisclosed
I just had a similar experience as the person did on 1/19/17 that wrote in regarding delivery charges. My daughter's birthday is tomorrow and I went online looking to order her something. I have done "last minute orders" or "same day delivery" before with no issues. I realize that this can be expensive so I intentionally searched for the best deal and ended up purchasing a Groupon ahead of time allowing me to get $40.00 worth of merchandise for $20.00... so 50% off. This should have been a good deal since the items I was looking at prior on Shari's Berries was just under $43.00. I also had a 10% off discount code but evidently Shari's Berries identifies the Groupon as a regular discount code and you can only use one of them and obviously that was going to be the higher one. So, I have a $40.00 Groupon credit and the items were $42.97... so that leaves me with just under $3.00 owed plus delivery. This is where the problem comes in. It gave me the option of delivery for tomorrow on my daughter's birthday but did NOT disclose that this was considered "rush", it stated "standard delivery" with no amount disclosed for it other than to ask if I wanted to pay an ADDITIONAL amount for delivery before noon, I declined. Reading in the initial information, it appeared the delivery charge would be around $15.00... so I expected a total of about $18.00 with the remaining balance... wrong! It wasn't until the very last screen and after it asked for all of the credit card information AND asked for confirmation of the information (and therefore confirming the order) did it give me the final screen that then told me how much I was being charged! It turned out to be $16.99 for that "standard delivery" another $4.99 for "rush delivery" plus $5.36 in tax on top of the remaining balance and a final charge of $30.31 was added to my credit card! Now keep in mind that I had already spent money on a Groupon and the total for a dozen strawberries and 4 little truffles was going to cost a total of $70.31! That is ludicrous, Shari's Berries should be rolled in gold leaf for that amount, not chocolate! I go in to see if I could edit my order as I only had so much to spend on my credit card without going over for this and was going to see if I could get something a little less expensive. It did give me the option to "modify" or "cancel" my order but the only thing it allowed me to modify was the personal information, NOT the order. So the only option I had was to cancel it and start over! The bigger problem came in when I called customer service to complain about the non-disclosure of the delivery charges until too late and got lots of apologies but no satisfaction. They had already charged my credit card which meant the money I had allocated for this purchase was already "on hold" and non usable. They said it would be 5-7 days before it would be returned... what? When I complained more, she said she could send an email to another department to release the hold sooner but it would still be 48 hours at least. So I said to her, "since you already have my money, could you just re-process the order "as is" and I'll just have to pay your very expensive delivery charges and probably go over my limit on my credit card just so that my daughter can have a gift from me tomorrow?"..."no, she can't do that either"! So, Shari's Berries not only charges you crazy delivery fees without prior full disclosure but will give you the option to cancel your order if there is an issue but they will charge your credit card first and then make you wait to get your money back... thumbs down to you Shari's Berries! This has "scam" written all over it!
P.S.- Since I needed to speak to my daughter regarding her birthday delivery not coming and to tell her what happened, she just confirmed that I was indeed upset a couple years ago for the same misleading practices with Shari's Berries and reminded me that her berries at that time were soggy and not very fresh also. I guess this time we dodged a soggy chocolate covered strawberry bullet but unfortunately, at the expense of my daughter not receiving anything for her birthday and me being out of the money to go to a respectable, accommodating company!

Worst customer service experiance ever
Spent 35 minutes on the phone placing three orders to three separate addresses. Shari's Berries just couldn't grasp the concept. After the 35 minutes the call was disconnected before they took my credit card information. Tried to call back and there was no record of my order. That took an additional 20 minutes. Finally I gave up and resorted to placing three separate orders online. All went okay except the three separate credit charges that I was trying to avoid. So order was finally placed but guess what, I received an email that they all shipped. However only one got to its destination. Tried calling customer service again and boy is this difficult. They told me it was out for delivery, so I gave them the benefit of doubt even though it was 7:30pm. Called back at 10pm they said order was delivered at 11: am. I told them that was the first of three not the missing two. All have different order numbers and I specially asked about the order that was not delivered. After another 15 minutes on the phone trying to explain to customer service what the deal is they said they would ship a new order in three days since its late on Friday night and order could not be shipped on Saturday. It is extremely difficult when you have a company with customer service in another country and they barely speak the language they ship to. Not sure even one star is what they deserve. Can't wait to see what happens with the order. I can't believe what they charge for shipping as well. This better be some of the best dam chocolate covered strawberrys anyone has eaten. I will send another review once they arrive. As for this experiance consider this star a negative and I would never order from them again.

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Based on 50 reviews from Shari's Berries customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Address: 4840 Eastgate Mall, 92121


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