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Shari's Berries

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Reviews Food & Drink, Candy Shari's Berries

50 customer reviews of

If you could give 0 stars I would!
Was looking on my Iphone at Shari's Berries and selected an order for a 2 items 2 day delivery called "All the Frills" which included flowers delivered one day and strawberries delivered the following day. Website offered 20% discount on $29+ orders so price was very reasonable and came to $35.99 plus $7.99 for vase. Shipping was a standard shipping TOTAL for $16.99 for both items. Went through entire order summary (just prior to hitting payment submit) and did not place order on my iPhone but rather went to the computer to place the order. However when I order EXACT same item and EXACT same discount, the discount total was different and the shipping cost was very different. This is a total scam and apparently the company doesn't care very much because following a CLEAR explanation of the issue... this is the communication that took place. I NEVER PLACED THE ORDER BECAUSE THIS IS A SCAM!

Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:37:32 PM): Thank you for contacting Customer Support, my name is Keith, I can help.
Me (4/16/2018, 12:38:04 PM): Did you receive my chat entry that I already entered?
Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:38:43 PM): Hello, Amy I see a question in your initial chat request.
Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:38:46 PM): One moment please while I look into that.
Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:43:47 PM): We apologize for any confusion. Without seeing your exact items, you may have been looking at similar but slightly different products or may have found a sale avenue through one avenue.
Me (4/16/2018, 12:44:59 PM): Nah, same items same sale. Just seems like a scam. Saw this same scenario on a review but looked past it. Should have paid more attention to it
Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:46:08 PM): We apologize for you disappointment, certainly not our intention. Before confirming any item the itemized total should have the breakdown of charges.
Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:46:28 PM): In addition our 24 hour customer service center can assist in placing orders.
Me (4/16/2018, 12:47:32 PM): No worries... I am just going to clear both items out of my phone and my computer and not place the order since this is way too fishy! I will, however, go back to the reviews and place my own review of Shari's Berries to let everyone know what to expect.
Me (4/16/2018, 12:49:08 PM): I clearly see the breakdown of charges... price (for same order) is different on my phone and then on the computer. Same 20% discount on $29+ orders but when applied discount is not the same, nor is the shipping! That... is a scam!
Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:50:46 PM): It sounds like you accessed a sale through the computer. The discount automatically applies so would be greater the higher the product price.
Keith L (4/16/2018, 12:50:51 PM): Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Me (4/16/2018, 12:51:28 PM): Nope! But I will reprint this and put this in my review!

As a 10+ year customer, the berries have gone DOWNHILL! See photo and description for proof.
As a valued customer of Shari's Berries for well over ten years, I have received dozens of strawberries from their company and have enjoyed them immensely. The taste of their white chocolate, the presentation, along with the sweetness and juiciness of the berry itself has always made me come back for more.

It's been a couple of years since I've ordered from Shari's Berries and told my husband I would like some for my birthday. He had a dozen of ‘white chocolate berries' delivered, along with beautiful roses and lilies from (through Shari's Berries), this past Friday in celebration of my birthday.
Immediately, thrilled to have Shari's Berries, I opened the dozen! I immediately noticed the presentation of the berries weren't as previously experienced. Their appearance reminded me of white chocolate dipped strawberries that I get from the food trucks in our neighborhood. Shari's Berries were not fully coated like the strawberries I used to receive from Shari's Berries. The backsides of the strawberries weren't fully covered as they were placed on a sheet to dry/harden after getting dipped in the white chocolate.

The strawberries were large in size, like normal, with Shari's Berries. However, they weren't sweet whatsoever. I'm not used to that with Shari's Berries. In fact, I always ordered from Shari's Berries because of the sweetness of the berries and the incredible taste of the white chocolate, followed by the beautiful presentation of the strawberries in general.

Upon their delivery, I noticed they weren't delivered the way I've always had them delivered before. Instead of receiving a shipment in the mail from California, packed on ice, the Shari's Berries box itself was delivered on the ground at my front door, while the driver rang the doorbell. This tells me that a local supplier working with Shari's Berries is the one who processed our order and the very reason why my berries weren't like they've always been previously.

I called Shari's Berries customer service to inquire about how you process orders now. If they're shipped from California or if they're made locally. The customer service rep said they are outsourced to the local area for freshness. Well, I always had freshness when they were shipped to me from California – along with sweetness, presentation, and the juiciness of the strawberries. Quality and taste now lacks greatly.

Please don't get me wrong, I ate my berries but certainly didn't enjoy them like I have for many years and many previous deliveries. Now that Shari's Berries has gone this route, I'll be searching for a different company which is very unfortunate. I have always been so loyal to Shari's Berries when it comes to ordering from a company. My advice is to order elsewhere for gourmet strawberries.

Terrible Customer Service
A young coworker recently lost his grandfather, and we decided to send him and his younger siblings a gift. After looking around, we chose Shari's Berries. It was all downhill from there.

Our 63 dollar order came to a total of $101.67 after "fees" were added. Almost $40 to deliver some strawberries and chocolates? Talk about steep!

Then, their website changed the delivery address between confirmation and payment without giving me an option to override their erroneous "correction". I immediately emailed to have the address changed back to what I had put in (which was the correct address in the first place, mind you), and was informed by James that there was a problem with my order and my card would not be charged. Funny, considering my card had already been charged for the order and I'd received the confirmation email.

When I replied to that email to advise them that, contrary to their claims, my bank had, indeed, already been charged, I received no response.

After waiting a full 24 hours for them to respond, I gave up and got on the phone with them to get the address fixed. I was then told that Shari's Berries could not correct their mistake without authorizing my card for the full amount a second time. I explained, again, that they had already charged my card the full amount, and was told that I HAD to authorize a second payment in order to get the address corrected, and that they would then send me a refund for the second charge in 7 to 10 business days.

No, absolutely not. The customer service agent I spoke with acted like I was an idiot for refusing to allow them to charge my card a second time.

I cancelled the order and took my business elsewhere. If you can't correct your mistake without charging the customer twice, you shouldn't change the address provided in the first place. I will never use Shari's Berries again.

I ordered 12 assorted chocolate covered strawberries...
I ordered 12 assorted chocolate covered strawberries for my wife for Valentine day

This was her response when she saw the package was from Sheri's Berries.

With a big smile on her face she said "Oh how sweet, you got me something from Sheri's Berries. I hope it is chocolate covered strawberries, I love those."

This is what Shari's Berries looked like when she first opened the box.

1. They were medium to small in size.
2. They were fully covered with chocolate without leaves showing which I thought was strange since they didn't look that way online, and I found out why.

This is what they were like when she started to eat them.

1. The strawberries were small with a thick coating of chocolate on them to make them look bigger than they really were.
2. The strawberries were soft, tasted and smelled like they had been frozen for a month and then covered with chocolate while frozen.
3. Most of the strawberry juice had accumulated between the chocolate and the strawberries so when she took the first bite all the juice came running out all over the places. They were not in any shape or form "fresh".

This is what happened after that.

She looked at me and said without smiling "Thank you for being so thoughtful, you are so sweet." It then looked like she choked down the rest of the first one. Then she said "I'm going to put the rest in the fridge for later."

Well, later never came. I ate one the next day to see what they were like and yuk it sucked. I never saw her eat another one and after a few days the box was gone out of the fridge never to be seen again.

I have never been so embarrassed. I could have bought bigger, fresher strawberries from my local grocery store. Buying these strawberries from's Berries was the worst mistake I have ever made when buying a present for my wife. I will never buy from them again and have told all my friends at work what happened. I also gave feedback to the Hannity website because I bought these based on their sales pitch.

Now I understand why doesn't have a consumer reviews section on their site. There wouldn't be any good reviews.

FTD has found a way to ruin Sherri's Berries
I have done some computer contract work at the Sherri's Berries plant when it was in Roseville, CA and was a family owned operation. I even helped them move from one facility to a newer, larger facility. I had worked with the Exec VP, Production Mgr, and IT Mgr at a different company. I used to get fresh dipped berries right off the production line. Shari's Berries were large, plump, ripe, and delicious. If I ordered them for shipping, they were still very good. They were shipped with dry ice to keep them fresh. Back then, they dipped the berries with the stem on and they were very attractive and looked like strawberries. Even in the off season when they had to get South American strawberries, because fresh California berries weren't available, the berries were large, plump, ripe, and delicious.
Today, Dec. 23,2016, I received four dozen berries (4x12). They were delivered as promised, so I can't fault them on that, though the delivery fee was exorbitant. It was $20 for each $29 box of berries. All 4 were delivered to the same address, but they shipped each box separately and added shipping to each box. They appeared to be packaged very well. The berries were in a plastic tray with cups for each berry. This was in a gift box and was lined with foam. The gift box was in a shipping box with more custom fit foam.
I was giving these to my employees for Christmas as none of them had ever had Sherri's Berries and I wanted to give then a treat.
When I opened the first box, I was very disappointed. The berries were very small, misshaped (didn't even look like strawberries), were too small to be locked into the tray cups (were not upright and laying outside the cups), and the stems were cut off. At first glance, they were unattractive, unlike how I remembered them. Where they used to have a thick chocolate base so they sat flat with the decorated side up, the chocolate was thin, stuck to the plastic tray and peeled off as the berries moved around, this left a big hole in the covering adding to the unattractiveness.
Now to eating them. I took one at random and bit into it. The coating was as I remembered it, but the berry was not ripe. So now I am completely disgusted with my purchase and I will have to apologize to my employees.
With shipping, these cost me $50 per dozen. The lowered quality and attention shows what happens when a large corporation takes over a small company and then cares only about profits. Shame on FTD for ruining this fine company.

Beyond disappointed with my Valentine's experience.
My wife loves Sherri's and I've ordered on Valentine every year for the last several years with no issues, outside of the outrageous shipping costs. This year I placed the order on 2/12/19 and was charged $14.99 for shipping, and additional $9.99 for GUARANTEED Valentine's Day delivery and an additional $14.99 for morning delivery. Morning delivery was a necessity as that is the only time I would be able to ensure Shari's Berries were received on Valentine's day. As of 2pm the berries hadn't arrived. I checked my tracking email and called automated support and it indicated my order had not even been shipped. I called customer support at least 10 times and every time you chose the option to get a live person the line was disconnected. I then emailed support and didn't get a response. Finally got through at 5pm today after having to spend the second half of my afternoon making up for the fact that this delivery obviously wasn't coming.

Long time customer lost here, it's one thing to mess up an order after many pleasant experiences, it's another thing to:
1) mess up an order on valentine's day after charging me $24 in guaranteed shipping fees so that my morning Valentine's Day delivery would be GUARANTEED, this after charging an additional 14.99 to ship the order in the first place.
2) have a totally unresponsive customer service department via email and phone
3) no give me any warning in advance that this order had not even been shipped after receiving payment to guarantee my order.

Update 2/15/19: Finally got through and got a refund. They sent the berries anyway and they arrived a day late. The quality of the berries was the worst that it's ever been, the berries weren't fully covered, it was clear they had been tossed around in the packaging and their was moisture throughout the inside of the box. Picture is attached.

Atrocious Customer Service
When placing my order Tuesday, I inadvertently typed in the street address as 529 instead of 522. My mistake, obviously. I noticed it immediately, within 2 minutes of placing my order, which was to be delivered Friday, with it being shipped Thursday. I contacted customer service via email immediately, asking to just have the street number changed. I was told that it was "not possible to cancel my order"

I politely wrote back saying I did not wish to cancel my order, just have the address changed. I was replied to, very quickly, saying my order was out for delivery already and changes were not allowed. (This was less than an hour after my order was placed).

So, since email wasn't getting my message across, I attempted to call customer service. The gentleman was trying to be very helpful, but there was an obvious language barrier. No worries. After 10 minutes we were able to communicate the 16 digit order number. He made the change, and I hung up, thinking this was over...

I get a call back from another customer service representative less than 2 minutes later, reading from a script in barely understandable English, that the fulfillment center informed him that Shari's Berries no longer could fulfill my order because of the recent address change, and that he would like to offer me a comparable product at a discount to send. Keep in mind that the "address change" was literally across the street.

I attempted to politely decline the offer and requested that my order just be cancelled, so that I could go online and pick something else out on my own. He re-read the same script 3 times. Eventually, he realized I was not budging, and put me on hold for 5 minutes. He came back to the phone, re-read the script one more time, and then, after I still did not agree to the switch, "cancelled" my order.

At this point, I really assumed I had put this behind me. However, when I log into my account and view my order, it is still active, and pending delivery confirmation... with the wrong street number still listed.

This is unacceptable customer service, on so, so many levels. I have been patient and understanding that this is my fault in the beginning, since I did type in the street number wrong. However, the response from that point forward has left me no choice to never do business with this company again, which is a shame, because I would order my daughter these berries as a surprise multiple times a year, and she enjoys them.

I spent over 3 hours trying to order from these guys, back & forth between the online ordering system & customer service by telephone. I am IT for the military. Their system is absolutely useless. It would not accept 3 of the addresses I input & kept looking back to the screen that inputs the suggested address in a different format. I selected their "corrected" address & it just kept looping back to that same screen. I then attempted to select the option to simply stay with my input version of the address & it did the same & just kept looping back. I contacted customer service via chat multiple times where Shari's Berries suggested I restart my computer, etc. Likely this issue is NOT my computer, but their online ordering system. Well, I went ahead & followed instruction & restarted anyway. Upon loggon back in, I was forced to input addresses for all 5 recipients of the gifts I was sending out again. Long story short, all of the suggestions that the chat help desk have me had me input all 5 addresses 8 TIMES! I was also prompted to contact customer service over the phone. The first lady I spoke with spoke such terrible english that I couldn't understand her & she couldn't understand me though I speak very clear english & slowly spelled everything out for her! The next lady I spoke with was kind & spoke a little better english. However, after apending over 30 minutes spelling out every little but of all 5 addresses & giving her most all of the information, we were disconnected. These guys do not take your phone number or call back when that happens. I called back YET AGAIN & asked for a manager. After a little run around from the inital answering associate, I was put on hold & then a few minutes later the manager came on. I told him everything & then he persisted to tell me that he would take my order. I asked him if he could take my number before we get started so that another 30 minutes to an hour of my time is not wasted. He stated that they do not have that capability & would not he able to call me back. Clearly these guys are an overseas outsourced answering service with associates that hardly speak english. At this point, I decided tp cut my losses, I wasn't about to waste even more of my time, & told him I will take my business elsewhere. DO NOT WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME WITH THIS COMPANY. This was an absolute waste of my time & my company will take its business elsewhere.

Some guarantee!?
Friday I was in search of a last minute gift for my mother and grandmother for Mother's Day before Shari's Berries leave out of country later in the night on Mother's Day.
I was very surprised and very happy to find out that sherries berries was able to guarantee delivery on Mother's Day for an extra shipping fee. In this situation I would have paid just about anything due to the fact that if I didn't get whatever gift I got them there by Sunday, I wouldn't be able to give them anything because they are leaving Sunday night for 1 month.
I placed my order for 2 dozen gourmet berries and paid the extra shipping fee for Mother's Day delivery. Obviously because I found a great gift for the both of them, I didn't look any further for something else because I knew my gift would get to them on time before they left.
Well, it is now Mother's Day at 6:55 pm and they still have yet to receive their package so I called the customer service number and asked them what was going on and the operator stated that my package would not be delivered until tomorrow? She was kind and understood my frustration and disappointment and offered me a refund for the berries which I accepted.
The reason for this email is that I've heard many great things about sherries berries and that is why I trusted this company with this delivery but I have to say I am very disappointed with the outcome! Not only did I not have something for my mother and grandmother on Mother's Day but they won't get anything from me at all because they are leaving for a month hence the reason I spent the extra money on the guaranteed Mother's Day delivery. I appreciate that my money has been refunded for the purchase but I would much rather of had my mother and grandmother receive their Mother's Day gift! I wish I had the kind of experience with your company that I heard so much great things about!

Best Regards,
Robert Brown

Holding My Breath...
That at least the product will be up to an acceptable standard when it is delivered to my daughter later this week for her birthday. I agree with the other reviews here that this is a bait and switch operation. Shari's Berries do not reveal the shipping cost until you reach the very end of the transaction. I almost didn't place the order because of the exorbitant cost. But then I rationalized that it was for my daughter and she loves chocolate-covered strawberries. Afterwards, I realized that I made a mistake on the delivery date and should have specified delivery a day earlier. Good luck dealing with their India-outsourced customer service operation. It was one of the most frustrating customer service calls ever... bad connection, poor communication skills... I was so frustrated having to repeat myself over and over again that I had to turn over the phone to my wife who, God bless her, endured the tedious conversation. After 1/2 an hour, the solution offered to us was to cancel the order and reorder with no increase in cost. So our card was charged a second time and we are supposed to be receiving a credit for the original order. After hanging up, we realized that they did not apply the 15% promo code we had used (today they're offering a 20% discount). So we had to call back and go through the whole excruciating process again with an equally inept customer service rep. Another 1/2 hour wasted. So our card was charged a third time; now have to follow our bank statement closely and make sure that we are credited for both the first and second orders. I'm holding my breath that at lease the product is up to standard. If it is not, I will be demanding a full refund and will post a follow up to this scathing review.

Literally the most awful customer service I have ever experienced! Ordered my chocolate covered strawberries on February 7th, after ordering I saw Shari's Berries charged my card twice and also spelt my husbands name wrong. I called them and they said they had issued a refund and corrected the name this was all ( feb 7th) they told me to wait 5 minutes for conformation email. I waited 1 hour never received a email so I called them back and they stated to wait a hour so I did and still no email, I called them a third time to which they informed me that they never saw that I requested a refund on the over charge and a change in the name. I went through the process again and they said give them 24 hours for a conformation email. I finally received a email stating they corrected the issues that my order would arrive February 13th. On February 12th I noticed I had not got a tracking number yet so I called them again which they gave me a bogus tracking number which just said shipping label created. On February 13th after not receiving my strawberries I called them a total of 10 times, over and over I was lied to they said they would refund half my order and send me a $20 coupon, they also said they could send a new order for Valentine's Day then turned around and said I wouldn't get it until Saturday after I paid extra money for it to be sent earlier. I stated I did not want the strawberries just a refund which they said they could not give me a refund because it was in transit which was a lie because Fedex has no record of any package being sent to my address. I also never received a email conformation of the supposed $20 coupon or refund I was supposed to receive. They said refunds could take up to 3 plus weeks! I am very upset it's the day before Valentine's and I'm out the money and a gift I know my spelling and grammar is probably horrible but I super upset. Please PLEASE do not order from here!

If I could give this place 0 stars I would. I had the worst experience ever. I ordered a Happy birthday fruit basket for my friend and the first problem I came across was this place double charged my bank account 68.88$ on 2 different days! When I called I told them Shari's Berries charged me twice and I needed one of them refunded they were okay, said it would take 3-5 business days, pretty standard. Then, at the end of the call I asked "what time will my delivery be made today?" The lady said around 5:00pm. The next day, I texted me friend asking if she got a delivery to find out THEY DID NOT DELIVER MY GIFT! I'm furious, I called costumer service AGAIN, and they told me that my order was canceled! WAIT A MINUTE...
Remember when I said I ask "What time will the delivery be made?!" I told them there was never ANY mention of canceling, just that they charged me twice and I needed one refunded. At this point I ask for a manager, and the person refused to let me speak to a manager, saying that the manger would say the same thing. Trying to tell me "what I'm seeing on my bank statements is blah blah blah..." What I'm seeing on my bank statements is that I was charged for a service that was NOT given and I still have a charge that has not be refunded and no fruit bouquet delivered for my friends birthday. So now I will make sure to share this experience on every single review site I can to save someone else from such a horrible experience! Please, do not ever order from this place or if you see a place call Sharis Berries Fruit Boutique. I believe it is the same place because on my bank statements when they charged me twice one was from 1800 GOT FLOWERS and the 2nd charge was from a SHARIS BERRIES FRUIT BOUTIQUE. Weird? I'm so angry and i implore you to share this experience & MAKE SURE YOU AND ANYONE YOU KNOW NEVER ORDERS FROM THIS WEBSITE!

I ordered 12 chocolate covered strawberries for my wife and mom for Mother's Day. I placed the order May 4th, and one of their delivery options was for Saturday the 8th for an extra $14.99. I chose that option, paid the bill, into the works it went. By May 7th tracking showed it was still over 375 miles away. No tracking on May 8th the day the extra fee charge was suppose to have my order there. Order arrived May 11th. Chocolate was melting and Strawberries were runny. Sent pic to company asking why. Received reply back that my delivery date was not available anyway, and Shari's Berries were sorry about it arriving late. Called corporate, they confirmed delivery date was not available, I mentioned the extra charge for that date that they happily accepted from me, and Wendy from corporate said ya sorry. I said well you know that's fraud. You charged extra for a service, I paid, but you never intended to fulfill. Look up the definition of fraud, and you'll find it fits this scenario. Wendy's response, "well we didn't intent to." Of so that makes it all better. Problem is you charge how many people this extra fee, that people like me gladly paid for delivery, KNOWING ALL ALONG, they had no INTENTION of delivery on their obligation. This was my second attempt with them. First time, crash and burn, second time, crash and burn, so third time... not a $#*!ing chance! If you need chocolate strawberries or anything like, check the local businesses first. They will deliver, this place will just say oops sorry we will send more after it's too late. Rethink using this company. They have a poor business practice & and track mark of failure. Refer to FedEx tracking for this order in the attached pics.

Customer Service is not DEAD!
I have ordered from Shari's Berries several times with very satisfying results. My wife loves them and Shari's Berries look so nice. I have even gotten friends to order through my account for their wives. Well I upped the anti and got what I though was going to be a beautiful arrangement. (12 berries 12 cherries and 4 cookies) 68.00 after my discount. Package arrived and wife was excited big box. But when we opened the ice packs were all melted (not a good sign) and the cherries were first, they were slightly melted and warm (ok not so bad) cookies were all in one piece so that was good. Then the wife went for the berries. It was sad they were all melted and broken not sitting in the right places my wife (bless her) was understanding and still loved the gift I was a bit upset. This is not what I was accustomed to and thought it warranted a call. I took pics and was ready to email to the proper person when I got on the phone. A very nice lady (Beth I believe) came on and I explained what had happened. She said she fully understood that it was the WOW factor that really made the gift and that this was very sub par she agreed that it should not have come like that. Now here is where I thought that would be it they might throw me a coupon for my next order but they fill millions of these orders so what do they care. To my surprise she told me that she had refunded the entire amount to the CC and that she hoped I would give them another try next year. There is no doubt that I will that is great customer service I didn't ask for my money back I was just disappointed and wanted someone else to care also. In my order history they have not failed to deliver and when they did they fixed it like a PRO. I work in customer service and this impressed me!

Thanks Beth and Shari's Berries I will use you again and I hope for a long brand loyal relationship with you.

Do NOT Use!
I received the following email from "Sherries Berries" after Shari's Berries failed to deliver on Valentines day (paid an extra $9.99 for "morning delivery" and an extra $17.99 for guaranteed Valentines Day delivery):________________________________________________________
Dear Thomas,

We're so sorry to inform you that the Two Full Dozen Gourmet Dipped Fancy Strawberries from your order did not ship on time. We're having a fresh Two Full Dozen Gourmet Dipped Fancy Strawberries prepared and shipped right away. You'll receive it on 02/20/2018.

We know you took great care when you selected the delivery date and we deeply regret this situation. When things like this happen, it's disheartening for all of us because it means we've let you down. To help make up for any disappointment, we've issued a refund for your full shipping charges in the amount of $ 41.97. We're also providing you with a $ 25 gift code to be used on your next order. Just save this email until you're ready to send your next gift.

Your $ 25 gift code number is CS6EHE6APC6XXXX. It can be applied to your order at checkout. If you have questions when placing your order you can Chat or Call, anytime.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the unexpected delay. If you have any questions, or if you would prefer a different resolution, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Shari's Berries Customer Care

GOOD LUCK reaching an English speaking CSR... I called to inquire who arbitrarily picked a new date for delivery and couldn't get an explanation. I tried to explain that my wife won't even be in the state on the "new delivery date" and they promised a 02/20/2018 delivery. 5 phone calls to the 1-877 # and I finally was transferred to an American Call Center and finally got my refund!

Service is AWEFUL!
This is the email I sent them. It tells the whole story:(
I placed an order on 11/22 and paid the additional $9.99 for a Sat. 11/26 delivery. When I received the order confirmation it stated that my order would be delivered on Fri. 11/25. I immediately called Shari's Berries to have the problem corrected and was ASSURED that it would be delivered on Sat. On Sat., my Granddaughters 20th birthday, I spoke with her on the phone and asked how she liked the "Dipped Rice Crispy Treats", she said she hadn't received anything. I was furious, not only did you originally confirm the wrong date but I called to make the correction and it WASN'T delivered at all. I called Shari's Berries as soon as I hung up with my Granddaughter and the representative was "oh so sorry for the problem?". He also told me that the delivery date had been changed to 11/29. I asked "why wasn't I notified so I could order from another vendor so a gift could be delivered for her birthday"? He said, "we contacted you by email of the change", this was a COMPLETE LIE; I never received an email to that effect. If I had I would have cancelled the order. After discussing the matter with someone, he came back to the phone to tell me that he would credit me for the extra shipping and the package would be delivered on the 29th. Really? Does this business have a new owner? The products and services have always been lovely; oh my, how Shari's Berries have completely turned around. I read your latest reviews and noticed that most people have similar feelings. One and a half out of five stars - Shameful! My order is cancelled, I will not shop from you in the future, and would absolutely NEVER refer you organization to anyone. Shape up.

Don't order from Shari's Berries!
My daughter ordered chocolate dipped berries from Shari's Berries to have them delivered to my hotel room in Miami Beach, FL for Mother's Day. I kept checking with the hotel desk, and my daughter called Shari's several times to confirm address etc. She was told Shari's Berries would be delivered ON Mother's Day. They never arrived. Many phone calls later from my daughter to Shari's, and they said that they would have them delivered to my hotel by 10:30 am, Monday, May 14,2018, the day AFTER Mother's Day. Still NO delivery. I checked out of hotel Monday at noon, arrived back home in MA Monday evening, called hotel to see if they had arrived, and nothing. My daughter kept tracking the order and all it said was "processing". Tuesday, May 15, my daughter called Shari's again, explained the order never arrived, and that when tracking it, it only says processing. Long story short, she was told, it didn't make it there because she never gave a street address, which is total BS! Regardless of whether she did or not, if they didn't have a street as they said, first off why didn't they call her, and second, all they had to do was Google the hotel, as it was not a chain and was the only one of its kind in Miami Beach. After about 25 minutes on the phone, they reluctantly agreed to send the order to our home address. (they did refund her money), however, when they arrived today, 5/16, they were askew in the box, they looked like crap, some were cracked and they were all sweaty and warm, not to mention they were NOT the same ones she had originally ordered. They said they were sending this replacement as a "courtesy", but that they were making a detailed note in their computer that if she ordered from them again, they would not make any special considerations in the future. The berries were so bad when they arrived, we threw them out! If you are looking for a quality item and service, Shari's is NOT your place! Oh, and did I mention, they are all fermented!? Gross!

Do NOT waste your money- please
I ordered two dozen chocolate dipped berries from your organization on Tuesday. Order number was #*******987. I ordered one dozen for my wife and while I was on your site, my kids saw what I was doing so Shari's Berries begged me to order another dozen for them to spilt. So I did order two, and my young girls expressed excitement. They have seen your commercials for years and wanted to try them. I cannot express how excited they were. It was a surprise for my wife.

After thinking about it, I decided to order a third box of a dozen for my oldest daughter. I ordered this a day later. The order ############### So between the three dozen, I spent a good amount of money with your organization.

I was sitting upstairs in my living room watching TV awaiting your delivery so my wife and kids did not get them from a UPS driver. I wanted to personally hand them to my wife and kids. I noticed it was on the same truck as the normal driver and the normal truck (without air conditioning or freezer). The driver dropped them at my front door entry and I opened my door from running down stairs while he was still walking to his truck. As soon as I realized the berries were on a non refrigerated truck, I knew they were toast. Its over a 100 degrees here in AZ and its not even the hottest. I took the smaller box out of the bigger box and it was hot to the touch. The corner that I picked up was actual soaked through the box. I took a video of it from the start so no one could say it was my fault. I opened the box and knew it was bad. It was so hot that all the chocolate was melted of completely. Then I looked in the box and the second dozen was missing.
I immediately called your customer service and talked to a gentleman that I could barely understand. When he said three, I am pretty sure he actually said tree. His accent was really strong. I asked if I could talk to someone else nicely that did not have his accent and he said no, everyone in there talked the same. So, I struggled through the conversation having him repeat himself over and over. I hope you can hear the recording. Let me first say, I have owned three different business over thirty years. I completely understand that things happen. After explaining my situation to this CS agent, he asked me what I wanted to do. I told him that I am the customer with an unfortunate situation because your company shipped fragile berries in an in non-refrigerated truck. He said they were shipped in a freezer truck. I did not care to argue until he said I will just refund you your money. THe tone he took was get off my line and just let me refund your money. I asked him numerous times to talk to a manager and he said I could not. They were to busy to talk to me. I was done talking to him. Dont get me wrong, I am always polite. I asked him again to talk to a supervisor and he put me on hold for about a minute, came back and said they were to busy to take my call; said he will have to have a supervisor call me back in 24 to 48 hours. I told him I wanted to talk and I would hold, I would hold for an hour, two whatever it would take to talk to anyone but him. His next response put me over the edge by telling me, its the company policy that we cannot leave a customer on the phone for more that 3 minutes. He then proceeded to just tell me. I am going to refund the order. I told him he was not going to refund my order until I talk to a supervisor. He took my information and after I gave him my call back number, I informed him gay I was going to deal with this on social media. That is why I posted what you read.

I actually faintly remember that this happened to me a few years back. I ordered Sharis Berries and they came melted and I am pretty sure you refunded the last order but I never verified if you did or did not.

That is my story. One of the worst customer service experiences I have ever had. Extremely disappointed with your products for a second time.

I placed my "Get Well" Order via Internet on 6/24/16 for delivery on 6/30/16 to an address where my friend has lived for many years. When I tried to submit my order, I received an error notice that stated the address could not be confirmed as a good address. Then I called my friend's mother to confirm I had the correct address which, of course, I did. Still Shari's Berries would not accept that address. So I placed a phone call to Customer Service explaining my problem. He placed my order and gave me an additional 5% discount for my inconvenience. I assumed, incorrectly, that he would double check my internet order to ascertain whether or not it had been received. I also mentioned to him that I felt perhaps the extreme shipping costs were due to the beautiful, white pedestal dish the berries were arranged on in the ad. He said no, the berries were sent in a box and individually wrapped in paper. OK, I accepted that, reluctantly, feeling it was false advertising. After our conversation, I thought I should check my e-mails. Much to my shock, there were two orders shown with different order numbers. I knew then that I would be charged twice on my credit card for one order. I called them back, and much to my surprise, the Customer Service person I spoke with made it extremely difficult to cancel the first order, which Shari's Berries had advised me was not a good address and could not ship to it. After reading all of the negative reviews, am waiting to see if my friend's gift is #1, received on 6/30; #2, in good, edible condition; and #3. Whether or not I will be charged for two orders. After reading all the negative reviews, my common sense tells me to call Shari's Berries and cancel the order, but being the eternal optimist that I am, thought I would wait until 6/30 to see if my order arrives in a timely manner and in good condition. If it does not, I will be calling my credit card company and having a refund put on my account via a dispute. Thank you all for taking the time to write your reviews. It has been interesting and more than just a little frightening that a company like this is still in buiness. Also, I was told the berries came from California.

These better be amazing...
Seems I'm not the only one having issues with "hidden costs". I placed the order on a Tuesday. My mother was at my house so I was trying to be discrete. I placed the order and quickly put my phone away. I didn't think too much about it until Wednesday when I check back on my status. I'd set the delivery date to Thursday to cut back on costs, figuring I could keep them in the fridge and present them to her Sunday. To my shock, the cost had jumped from my original $24.99 to $39.99 (29.99 for the berries, 14.99 for Standard delivery and 4.99 for Rush delivery but a $10 discount).

Instantly I grab the phone, call them up and demand a refund or cancellation. I was told the $4.99 was Standard Shipping but couldn't understand what the rep said the $14.99 was for. Regardless, this is NOT what I selected on the website nor saw before placing the order. Even right now (Wednesday) I could order and have them delivered on Sunday for the same price as Shari's Berries are attempting to charge me now!

First, offered to refund the 4.99 "Standard delivery" (which again, showed up as "Rush delivery" on my receipt). I told them this was not enough and demanded a full refund. After about a minute of silence (which actually happened after almost every exchange) I chimed in and said if they couldn't help me, please forward me to someone who could. A bit more time passed before came back on and approved refunding the $14.99 charge. I did agree to this...

If these are amazing, I may consider updating this review. Honestly this is partly my fault because I should have checked my receipt right away. Perhaps something towards the end of the site showed the larger amount. But even still, how on earth does one get charged the same for Sunday delivery as I do for Thursday delivery?

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Based on 50 reviews from Shari's Berries customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Address: 4840 Eastgate Mall, 92121


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