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Sono Bello

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Reviews Beauty, Cosmetic Surgery Sono Bello

50 customer reviews of

Sono bello is the best!
I had my 1st liposuction on March 26,2014, so Wednesday will be 6 weeks since my 1st (front/back bra roll, abdomen & waist) & 4 weeks since my 2nd on April 9,2014. (inner/outter thighs, knees & arms). When I went for my one week follow up appointment Sono Bello took more pictures and i could already see a big difference only after one wk. My pants size was a 12 before lipo. I am now a size 8. I have dropped 4 pants sizes in a few weeks! I am so excited with the results & I know it will only get better. I have also started going to the gym so I know that will help also. Dr. Klein is the one who preformed my lipo and he was awesome! Sono bello is the best! Thanks, Crystal.

Don't consider this
I fell into thinking this would work. My consultant told me..."you'll have dark glasses, your choice of music, you'll sleep/rest through the entire procedure." The ride service Sono Bello recommended for me never showed up and then wanted to charge me for the rides. During the procedure, I was in excruciating pain. I spent the procedure trying to push away the doc and his nurse. No music, no dark glasses, no sleeping. After the procedure, I couldn't work for weeks. The incision in my back wouldn't allow me to sit comfortably. Once I kinda healed, my body changed. Although they removed fat in some places, leftover fat migrated to other places. My body is unrecognizable. And, on my own, on a keto diet, I've lost 40 lbs. I would not recommend Sonobello to my worst enemy. Do not fall into their trap. Do not spend money on this pie in the sky.

Hands down!
From the very first person I met in the office of Sonobello to the moment I waved goodbye with my bottle of complimentary water my experience has been nothing less than stellar. It is so very rare to find services and professionals who are truly customer-service oriented. Sonobello is not only comprised of highly experienced and effective practitioners but Sono Bello are well-versed in the art of making their clients feel like family. With personalized follow-up calls, sincere conversations about individual needs, unbeatable pricing, and state-of-the-art practices, Sonobello continues to surf on the edge of their craft. As a life-long "groupie" I can confidently say that Sonobello breaks the 5 Star rating. Hands down!

Troy, Michigan location with Dr. Lakin
Dr. Lakin, Dr. Lakin Dr. Lakin!
Best plastic surgeon ever! A master at his profession and a real perfectionist!
I had the laser Lipo and also what Sono Bello calls an E/X, which is the removal of the skin on the lower abdomen. I am 72 hours out of surgery, My new shape looks amazing I feel wonderful. Best decision I ever made in my life!
I would also like to mention that Nicole the consultant was extremely informative and absolutely great at showing me what to expect and leading me through the process. I met with the nurse Amy for my preop appointment who gave me more instructions and explained them to me thoroughly what to do pre-and post surgery, she was great and a plethora of information! Then, nurse Nicole that was in the surgery room who was awesome and absolutely wonderful!
The doctor called to check up on me hours after I returned home, then I had to contact sono Bello to ask couple minor questions 40 hours later which I got through immediately at off hours and Sono Bello connected me to the doctor!
The whole experience has been smooth and everyone has been there when you need them!
For more detailed review and pictures please go to the ReakSelf website and search Sono Bello Troy, Michigan and or Dr. Lakin, I will be posting in January 2021 and I will keep it updated for the full six month results! Thanks!

Very unprofessional.
Went and Sono Bello checked me up, agreed on 5k for 3 places, now they said my upper stomach was a different part from my lower, and my arms. They took several pics and after a few days I came in for the procedure.
Went well on that day after like 2 months I noticed one part of my Tommy was not symmetric to the other, i complained they said it will go down that I was stl healing. After 6 months it was obvious that I should be seeing results at this time no significant change at that point it was glaring that nothing change because they brought the pictures before the procedure to compare. With the present, After much argument they said that I should come back next jan 2020 for another pain level procedure. I didn't want another procedure sine the other experience was very painful, i asked if they could give me part of my 5k let me go, instead I should come in for the pain which is not granted that it will come out well this time. Secondly the garment is a problem for them for them to give. I will not recommend that place for anyone because they don't know one bit of what they are doing they are pretending to be what they are not. Drs bad, workers bad too. All they need is your money, zero services.

Misleading procedure
I had my treatment done March of last year and it was the most misleading steps in the procedure and I have not received one single phone call on how I'm doing or wondering why I have not made it back to my checkups it was completely A horrific experience for me and never cared to even go back except for my three week check up and not once has anybody even try to call me to find out why and I spoke my mind at my three week check up and still never received any phone calls Sono Bello only cared about getting my money and nothing after that, the miss leading part was the fact that they tell you they give you a few injections to numb you, but they do not tell you that those injections are only to numb the outside of you so they can make the small incisions and then they proceed to shove a tube up everyone of those incisions jabbing you in and out to get the numbing in the inside but you feel every single jab! It was the most excruciating pain, I would rather give birth with no epidural than to ever go through that again, and my doctor only kept telling me to stop jerking it's only making it worse for me as he was jamming out to music very very unprofessional and very misleading in the procedure nobody should ever go through this awake this procedure should only be done when you're put under! But the biggest disappointment was the fact that I have not received one single phone call after spending $6900! Shame on this company

Horrible Scam
I went to get a tummy tuck, boy was I stupid, I should have just went to a plastic surgeon, on the first visit Sono Bello tried to get to pay another $3500 for the "xl" tummy tuck, I said wait I already paid you over $4500, I can't afford this, so they said ok, day of procedure, nurse very sweet, I actually liked my doctor, the PAIN was unbelievable, I almost passed out, my stomach is uneven, Rocky, looked like purple dead meat, bleeding everywhere, they bandage me sooo tight & a lot, with two Kotex pads for the blood, I couldn't take it off for days, I fainted in the shower trying to remove all the tape & pads, I got no follow up call, in fact I called them, crying about the pain & blood,, went to follow up visit the nurse was cold, wouldn't take a picture so I can see any difference, she said let's wait til your next visit, I went to front to schedule my visit, they said they will call me & they never did... I feel embarrassed in front of my family, them knowing I had to go get a loan, to do this, so I can feel better about myself, I complained 6 months later, bc my stomach is uneven, and we could have used this money for more important things, I'm going in next week to show the doctor how unsatisfied I am, I'm sure going to give me some b. S. that my before pics and after pics shows a difference, but I didn't pay for this little of a difference, I really feel we all should start an class action suit

I am very disappointed with my results. I wanted a tummy tuck and I get allot of fat in the areas I didn't do anything. Sono Bello response was I was the same and now is more visible because I did my belly which was a bit hanging. I don't know why I needed anesthesia to my arms and back since I didn't do anything there?! Now I have access of fat to those areas which I didn't have before. They responded me that I should do those too. The procedure was extremely painful and the nurse said to the dr that machine is old and maybe is not working so the body might not be under anesthesia but he just wanted to have it done. I felt I was cut alive. That was the worst experience of my life and now I have shoulders and back fat that I don't know how to loose.

Terrible experience
I had my procedure on 8/20/20 I had liposuction of my stomach, upper abs, and back with the EX procedure 8578- first I had sever swelling and bruising and a great deal of pain I was told on 2 visits pain meds would be called in Sono Bello were NOT, they ordered my garment on 8/27 and I never received it after several calls - they promised to call back they do not! My incision split open and I have a terrible scar they told me to put neosporin on it and go by a hand massager- I cant tell much difference really- I would never go to them again- they get your money and bam you don't hear from them- I will probably have to go to another plastic surgeon and have the incision repaired- very unhappy

April 26 2019 in Chatlotte Nc
I am coming up on my 2 month post op next week. I had my upper and lower abnormal done and my waist. I also had the skin removal done. When I went for my consultation with Kelly I did not know what to expect. I knew I wanted to have a tiny and flatter tummy. Was scared to do the regular liposuction because of the horror stories. After my surgery I was actually bigger than I was when I walked in but I kept wearing the garment because I was in real pain especially when I stood up from laying down. I went back to work in 2 days. I don't know why I did that but the pain meds helped so so much. Gradually I saw the weight dripping from my tummy area. I was a little smaller at my 1st week appointment but my the 30 day mark I was like really smaller and I wanted to know why my garment that was ordered at my 1st week post op appoint wasn't as tight. I brought in a good number of waist trainers I had from before my surgery including a small that I got from amazon. I was told that one would be ok because it will not leave marks on my skin. During this experience I've had my tummy to be hard around the lower part and was concerned. I called sono bello after hours and the Dr that did my procedure Dr Pratt did call me back. Told me it was normal so I stopped worrying. From then to now my tummy is tiny and flat. I'm still sore and know I'm still healing. I started working out a little. I only wear leggings and heels or a dress over my tummy along with my garment. I need a smaller one now. The incision where my skin was removed isn't really noticeable. I've been using the tape that I was given at my last appointment. I change it every 3 days. I've worn belly tops and tops that tie around the waist with my back out but after a few hours my tummy would swell. So now I just wear my little faja while I'm healing. Whenever I used to get sad because I wanted to show my belly right away I would look at the pic I took right before my surgery. That always made me feel better. Now when I look at the picture I say wow I remember that girl. I was trying my hardest to lose the weight or at least fake it until. I wore corsets and tied them so tight I hurt my esophagus. I'm happy I payed for this procedure. 9k and payed it in full. My tummy is still kinda swollen at the bottom but very smooth. I know I'm still healing because I can feel and see a difference everyday. For the most part I love how I look naked lol. Am considering my back fat which isn't really a lot but i would have like a perfect body ALMOST. I'm not conceited at all and know thAt a perfect body is just like whatever. Whoever considering sono bello need to just do their research. Not all doctors are the same of course. I was just really blessed to have had a great experience and excellent results. There's only one concern I have and I'll see by the time I go for my appointment at the end of July. I say that because my body forms and forms. I am very pleased so far. As far as weight. I am 5 feet 1 and I weighed 181 at my consultation. My appointment was 4 days later. I made it soon because I was so excited about it. But when I went for my 1 month appointment I weighed 174. I am short but am thick. I only needed that tummy gone. Bye bye corsets. I see my weight is going to other places now which is very very niceeee. I am going to change my diet this week tho. I just want to get the best out of my money and results after my surgery. Good luck to everyone. I tried to upload a picture but I can't because the iPhone pics format Latasha T

My Miserable experience with sono bello
When someone struggles with losing fat, it is evil to exploit and deceive them. My procedure in august 2020 with sono bello was a traumatizing experience.
During my procedure, Dr. Stapenhorst was very hostile when i reacted to a sharp pain helplessly. He yelled at me saying "I don't care" how do you say that to someone who has trusted you with their life?
From my first visit with Dr. Stapenhorst, he spoke to me in a very demeaning way, this made me feel very uncomfortable, I reached out to Miss Majik (told her i would prefer a tummy tuck) she assured me that even if he comes of arrogant, he does a good job and a trisculpt ex will be a game changer and i will love my results assuring me of these results being almost immediate.
Imagine being scared from end to end of your abdomen leaving you belly uneven.
Fast forward to 6 months after, expressing my concerns of my unsatisfactory results for a very painful procedure of over 14k+
I am now being lectured and advised to take 45 mins walk to help loose fat for the next 6 months... really?

Run! Rip off! Sucker walking!
I was charged over $11K/$1600. 00+ per area for my procedure. This included the Tri-Sculp Lipo of my midsection. I had my procedure done in August 2017. My weight hasn't changed, I never got below 4 lbs of my original weight, and I am now back up to 170 lbs. I diet and exercise, and I still look like I am 7 months pregnant.
The sales girl in the Utah office told me that Dr. Miller would be removing 80% of the fat cells around my midsection with the Tri-Sculp Liposuction. Dr. Miller didn't do this. In fact, other than a large scar across my pubic area, and the pits along my stomach area, I really don't know what he did. However, Dr. Miller did do an unauthorized procedure on my belly button.
By the way, I wouldn't give them even half a star rating.


Listen, the so-called licensed plastic surgeons with this company, I'm in Utah, don't do the job Sono Bello were paid to do. The horrible reviews spread nationwide, fyi. They also don't do quality work. Save your money, go to some other company, but make sure to check the companies reviews so you don't get harmed or ripped off!

Keeping It Cute
Dr. Crawford and his team is wonderful! Thanks to them I'm rocking it out and keeping it cute during this pandemic. This isn't weight loss surgery. Listen to the doctor and follow the instructions. That's what I did and made some minor lifestyle changes. Good things doesn't always come easy and sometimes you might have to work a little bit. If you've had the surgery all you need to do is just stay committed to your goals and follow through. If you're thinking about having surgery I truly believe you will be pleased with the services Sonabello offers.

Sono Bello Troy Office Experience
I had my surgery on 1/10/19; The medical staff is OUTSTANDING; CJ, the prep nurse, Shaunte, the Clinical Management nurse, and Dr. Al Mufarfej were better then you could ask for. Sono Bello were all very supportive of my nervousness, did not try to rush me on day of surgery took their time to explain in detail as to exactly what was about to happen, and what pain I would experience after based on a 3 day period; and everything they told me was point on. I would recommend This team, I would have give five stars... but below is why I could not, if I was only rating the med team I would have.

So, here is the ugly part about Sono bello of Troy; its the consult, I was so lucky to have Kristen... She is so fake, and all she cares about is obtaining your credit card... she gave me false information during the consult, such as, they will give you as much of the relaxing cocktail as you want; to the point of you falling asleep, NOT True, told me I would feel great the next day, as she went shopping all day after her procedure, NOT true, they do not want you walking around that much; you can walk but 10 minutes up, then back down. Trust me, if you can take 10 minutes up day after... good for you, but you are leaking everywhere, and so taped and tender you cannot move. I asked to speak to the Dr., she said that is not how they do things there"... so, if you are going to move forward, be more aggressive then I was and DEMAND to speak to one of the medical staff before giving the greedy consultant your money. Also, it was very convenient on the day I met with the medical team, that Kristen supposedly forgot to suggest if you are getting your inner/outer thighs, and waist, that hips and pelvis area should be a high consideration or it will not look right; so she has you in a corner, if the surgeon is telling you; you are not going to be happy with the outcome without doing that area... you are obviously going to do it... here comes the extra $3,000... and of course Kristen said she gave it at cost... Again I could not be happier with the medical staff and how I look only 1.5 weeks after procedure. Also, Kristen said I could fly in two weeks... another lie... they do not want you to fly because of swelling and blood clots and you have to wear the compression suit for at least 6-8 weeks 24 hours a day... you really want to go on vacation and lay by the pool in a compression suit... so just be ware she is going tell you Roses and gumdrops... recovery is much longer then she will tell you... also you cannot wear regular clothes... loose leggings only for about six weeks...


I'm Margaret I had a procedure at sono Bello to make my face smaller I paid a $1000 and I went once a week the nurse would take a warm device and roll it over my face to shrink my face I saw absolutely nothing that I paid for I kept telling her I don't see any difference I didn't go back for the last procedure because all the other 10 or 11 times didn't do anything so I said the last one wasn't going to give me what I paid for I don't recommend them I know someone else had a liposuction after the person saw no different and she was told after spending her money she should have had a tummy tuck first I don't recommend this place not at all

WARNING: You do not want to have ANY cosmetic procedure performed under local anesthesia. I visited Sono Bello for liposuction and the pain of the procedure nearly killed me, it hurt so bad, I was screaming from the top of my lungs! This business should be shut down for butchering poor innocent people who are desperate to improve their body appearance. I have also had childbirth and I swear to God the pain was worst and pure torture for any human being to endure! You are given one Norco pill to relax you and that's it. You can feel every single needle, sunction and scraping. Omg, it hurts so bad, just rethinking about how I was butchered on that table in a clinic back room I want to cry. Please pay for a real plastic surgeon in a hospital environment under general anesthesia and with professional nurses and anesthesiologists. Trust me, the pain for this procedure in UNBEARABLE unless you are not human. Do NOT go to Sono Bello! PLEASE THIS IS A WARNING!

I had lipo on upper abs, lower abs and waist on Dec 4, up to today on Feb 2nd, I do not see ANY change in my stomach. I didn't have an excessive amount of fat in my stomach to begin with so I felt I should've seen a great change by now. I wear the compression garment daily, along with an ab board, which Sono Bello didn't tell me about until I complained, which made all the difference in comfort and not having the compression garment pierce your stomach. I paid too much money and shoulve seen better results by now. I was shown a picutre of someone my size, approximately 5'5" and about 140 lbs, who they claimed had amazing results in just 2 weeks, that was not my experience AT ALL. The Dr was also not the most friendly or comforting and the process was extremely painful during the procedure, just like the other review, I was screaming during the procedure.

Unethical Practice, Misleading consumers :(
Sono Bello needs to address their consumers with complaints...

Edina, Minnesota Oct 17,2016 361 views 3 comments
Review #855909 by anonymous. I am retracting the date of my surgery. It was 09/28/2015. Sorry about that typo.

I am now a year and 1 month post surgery. I hate my body. What I have noticed is that the areas where fat was removed, fat has settled in the areas below. For example, I my upper abs/bra roll done. I kept noticing about 6 months after my long sleeve shirts were tight in my upper arms. And my jeans that I wore the day I had the surgery done over a year ago are skin tight in the upper leg area! I been reading posts and blogs for months and talking with women who have had the same procedure as myself. Guess what?

Sono Bello are complaining about the same thing!

I knew it wasn't just me!

I made appointment to go in and show Dr. Volk what has been happening. He just had a half *** grin on his face. He said lets see how much you weigh. He had me get on the scale and said I've gained weight and that's why I look like this.

Dr. Volk said, lose some weight and come back and I will de-bulk your abdomen.

I'm like. I want my money back! I told him I am going to tell everyone how I have been mislead as to what my results would be.

See what they purposely do not tell you is that the women in the commercials and the pictures have had many procedures done to achieve the look that you see.

The average women as myself after spending$8000. 00 will see minimal to no change. Infact you will see change, but in my case negative change. Now what am I to do?

I am not going to stop until I get my money back.

If there is an Attorney out there whom thinks they can be of some help with my case post your information. And as for Sono Bello.

How can you just"ROB" women like myself of who have been lured into your scam?

When I get my money back I will stop and move on with my life and be happy with my body the way it is...

I will be waiting to hear from Sono Bello.

So stay tuned, it's not over.

This review is a subjective opinion of a user.
Liposuction 6
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Pushing their services
Horrible experience one i will forever regret
Excuses they gave for poor results
Sales fake
Complaint not being addressed
Reason of review:
Mislead on results of surgery
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Full refund
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Sono Bello Liposuction Procedure
Sono Bello Liposuction Procedure
Review category
Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers, Doctors
Review #938512 by anonymous

There was a DEATH!
HORRIBLE AND UNPROFESSIONAL! If there was negative 100 stars I would put that! I got contacted by them on jan 6 and Sono Bello made me virtual appointment on jan 14 at 3:30. Ive been waiting for this appointment because i have money and ready any minute for procedure. So on jan 14 i cancelled ALL my plans and was waiting for the consultant to call. Guess what?! NOBODY CALLED! At 3:34 I received msg from consultant that she is running late and will call me shortly from the 267-... number. I was waiting till 6pm. And still NOBODY called! They dont value customers time, imagine if they have UNPROFESSIONAL SERVICE, how results will look! When i texted them and complained about wasting my time somebody replied that they called me at 3:42 from 646 number. Called just one time and DIDNT leave any voice msg. Do you know how many robotic calls i get a day everyday?! Was I suppose to know that it was them if they sent msg that they will be calling from totally DIFFERENT NUMber?! And if you are calling from different number why not to leave a voice or call couple more times so I would know that its something important or send me a text that they decided to call me from different number that stated in text message. And when i tried to complain they accused me for not picking up the phone! And by the way probably it happened for better because i did research and found out that one lady DIED FROM SONO BELLO! So their customer service proving their work and results! Take a look at no calls no voice and no texts!

Terrible experience, a nightmare!
This has been the most terrible experience of my life. I had two laser lipo done in sonobello. The first was on my stomach, low back and side. Yes if there was pain three occasions Through the surgery it felt like a burned inside terrible I screamed. The second surgery was for my upper back, it was a nightmare, the medicine and the local anesthesia didn't work at all. I felt everything from the beginning, I screamed and cried throughout the whole procedure. And the only thing the doctor said is stop screaming no sympathy. How he wants me to stop screaming and crying when it was and intense, terrible pain. Supposedly this is not Invasive Sono Bello say is not true is awful. And the incisions that they say are very small just look at my photos Disgusting incision. It was a terrible experience at Sonobello Long Island NY. I'm so disappointed.

The Wilmington, MA is judgemental and rude!
Zero bedside-operation manners! One of the lesser staffs pitied and literally muttered "no dignity" as she tried to help me post-op bandaging. She asked me if I'm a nurse 'cause I took it all "calmly".
Got zero-negative post-op follow-up. Offered only 1compressed garment (soiled and bloody one worn from the surgery) and when I called them. Sono Bello told me that the 2nd pair may arrive a week + later. I was to use the same soiled garment for the whole week and that they are not in charge of the 2nd pair. Now, I am more scared that my incisions will get infected than I am scared of the operation! If they had told me beforehand, I would have ordered my own compression garments just like they had me bring my own towels to the surgery (which I did, and was grateful I did) Truly!
However, the marketers and all responsible for payment were exceptionally sweet! Payment collected in full before the procedure! Once payment was done, things changed real fast for me! Disregard set in. My surgery was canceled and on the eve of surgery at 5:15pm (after business hours) and sent forward by 2days (or any day within the month; i may stop my Arnica Montana if I chosethis option). When I called to stress on the rigidity of ride and nanny arrangements i had made for that surgery appointment, they refunded money for 1-way post-op ride...

Doctor, gave me funky bumpy lumpy abs
In april i went for my procedure. Not for a weight problem i weighed 140 but more for removing back fat and ex sculpture procedure removing. I stop smoking and never ever changed my eating habits point blank period. I was told by them and their running commercial all fat removed would not grow back which was a lie. Immediately after procedure i start gaining weight i kept mentioning it and Sono Bello said no worries my swelling is still going down, i went from weighing 140 to 155. The areas worked on was growing fat back. I complained to the Overland Pk Kansas office mgr set up another appointment and said i could have the procedure done by another doctor. The med assistant said it might be thyroids i went to doctor just to prove no thyroids. So the next appt i had blood test document The Doctor laughed at me and said you stop smoking and said get back to 140 then come back. I was trying to explain the areas that were worked were not done correctly im an older woman and would not have workout abs along with my body looking lopsided. The doctor was rude made fun by laughing and said im not going to do anything and i was led out of the office. So i paid over 7grand for this f'd up figure. I will be one of the first to join a class action lawsuit, because the way these reviews are the company is going to be sued and force into bankruptcy. By having to pay people back

Just be forthright from the jumb
I see the advertisements especially now as we will soon be approaching spring, the reason people would flock to Sonobello to do this now is because Sono Bello want to look good in their bathing suits, the staff at Sonobello needs to be forthcoming and tell clients that it takes at least 18 months for your body to contour to the way you want it to, and that you can not expose your scar to the sun. I had a tummy tuck and lipo in 2018 and my belly still has not contoured and I wear my compression garment everyday. I wear it because it feels go. Just get all the facts and ask questions and research. Khadijah Shakur RN

Don't go here False advertising
Wow! False advertising results are not permanent. I've asked for a refund i was ignored, I told other woman and men about them. Sono Bello also blocked me on Facebook. 1000% don't recommend them. Also your awake from surgery, I'm traumatized from my experience with Sonobello. It was extremely painful. No results and ignored me. Terrible experience. Friends and family tell me to go on shows and news. That's in the near future. Don't waist your hard working money here. Save your soul... don't go here. I actually gain more weight after they did the surgery. Lumps I never had. I did laser liposuction Karma karma karma to them. May God deal with them. I want a full refund and for my suffering too. Don't go here please. Just walk and loose it naturally.

More real reviews on yelp.

My experience with Sonobello in at a NY location, left me feeling extremely disappointed. I had my liposuction procedure over three years ago in the areas of stomach and inner thighs. The procedure on my inner thighs was exceptionally painful and I squirmed throughout the process. Although, I received a mild sedative, I could hear the Dr. advising his staffing to provide me with additional medication. Unfortunately, the end result is my stomach area remained bloated with minimal to no improvement and my thighs are disproportionately disfigured. Recently, I had a consultation for coolsculpting in an attempt to correct my SB experience. By coincidence a staffing member at the CS location, began speaking with me regarding her personal experience with SB. Surprisingly, we had our procedure performed at the same location. This appeared to be an unfortunate experience for the both of us. Again, my overall personal experience left me feeling disappointed. I'm now weighing my options, but feeling fearful of another unpleasant experience.

Ads are misleading
I am 4 months post procedure right now. I had my top and bottom abdomen and both outer thighs done. My stomach looks almost the same as before... one thigh looks worse than before (weird lumpy look) and the other looks the exact same. The ads say in 'one day' you can remove stubborn fat. What a pile of garbage. I am not a large person (150 lbs) 5'5 and I eat healthy and work out almost daily, gave UP carbs and was just looking for some stubborn fat to be removed. The doctor even said I had 'easy fat' at the consultation. I guess not.
I would not recommend spending thousands of dollars as unless you are in your early 20's or you will probably be disappointed. After the procedure you are swollen and weigh more than before. 2 months in the swelling is 'supposed' to go down (and remember you are wearing compression garments the entire 2 months) yet the results are the same as if you were to go work out 5 days a week. Do a LOT of research if you are serious as AFTER the procedure Sono Bello then tell you it may take a FULL YEAR to see final results!
Update July 2021: No other changes. Stomach still the same size, thighs still look same as four months post procedure. Complete waste of time and money.

Misleading information, nice staff
The one thing I was worried about, after care, given the doctor and the practice had a tragic death for lack of after care has come to fruition. After suffering insanely painful 4-area "surgery" I was given 2 days of prescription medication after I was promised 2 months of pain management. The pain was almost unbearable to the point I almost didn't continue. I cried the entire time and endured it by biting a blanket and squeezing a ball. I have a huge back and a huge rub tattoo, I'm not a wimp. I begged for more anxiety medication, because I couldn't stop crying. But instead he gave me the option to continuing after pumping me full of the lidocaine on the first leg. At that point he hadn't sucked any fat, but I believed Sono Bello would take care of me. I cried the entire time. The only reason I am giving it 2 stars is because the office staff and nurses were amazing. I actually liked Dr. Sobrino and believe it will look amazing, but he straight up lied to me when I expressed my concern in the pre-op. When he called to check on my, He said that in the week since I was there "they" changed the policies and would only provide aftercare for 2 days. This was a huge mistake. I regret it fully. They give you one tiny 1mg Xanax and one tiny pain pill before they shove giant needles, lasers and rods under your skin for hours and send you home w 2 days of pain management. They promised me months of aftercare. A patient lost her life from lack of attention on their watch 9 years ago. It was a tragedy, but I believed they would help me thru the pain. Instead I'm shaking with pain and anxiety and have 2 days of medicine before I have to ride an hour or more in the car (when I can't even sit down) to see the very doctor who promised me management and lost a patient after surgery. Please think twice and do not fall for the hard sell. I wanted it for myself after a year of intense exercise left my body with little improvement, the sell didn't get me... their empty promises have given me heart palpitations and a panic attack. I feel intensely alone to suffer in silence while they cash a $7600 check. If you do it, take your own medication before because tu my will leave you hanging for the absolute most painful experience. If the nurses weren't so wonderful, I would have gone home with one fat leg and one skinny leg.

The staff is very pleasant and friendly.
I had a good surgical experience. I viewed many videos on the procedure, and I was terrified before it. When I had my pre-op with the nurse at the center, she thoroughly explained the procedures and told me what to expect. I believe that her explanation of the expectations were met. The staff is very pleasant and friendly. Sono Bello make you feel like your the only patient they have. I am currently going through the healing process and expecting great results. I do have to say that the healing process was not totally discussed by the doctor and I've called the office for further clarity on my results; however, the center did schedule appointments to discuss the status of my personal results.

So far so good!
I had cool sculpting done 3 years ago NOT at Sono Bello. I have cried a lot of tears over the expensive mess that decision made on my body. Giant hard squares of fat (looked like a pound of butter under my skin). I have been paying on this for so long and it has felt like I was paying for a wrecked car.
Sono Bello was very clear about what the laser lipo procedure would do. If anything, it hurts more than I thought and I hate wearing this firmware which Sono Bello recommend for 3 months. I can tell right now that those big fat square are gone. It has only been a week and 1/2. I will weigh in in a month or two when I am no longer quite as sore and swollen.

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Based on 50 reviews from Sono Bello customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Sono Bello is a trusted leader in laser liposuction and body contouring. Learn more about how we can help you attain the body of your dreams.

Address: 98033


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