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Reviews Finance, Insurance, Insurance Other SquareTrade

51 customer reviews of

• Aug 10, 2024

Don't bother
After days & days of back & forth with my claim still no result. Just lots of excuses, apologies & changeing stories from different employees. I strongly suggest finding another service provider, particularly for insuring any tech device. This company simply don't do what they say they will do when you make a service request / claim & definitely don't expect prompt service ! Find another provider if possible !

Still Bent
My son's iPad was bent and shattered. Square Trade sent us back an iPad with a repaired screen that has less of a bend. It's still considered warped by Apple. I'm not sure if it was my son's original or a refurbished one. If you try to upgrade to a new iPad with Apple, you get a really good credit toward the upgrade if the device you trade in is not warped. I paid for this insurance but the device is still considered warped or defective by Apple. I'd rather just buy from Apple instead of Walmart and get Applecare instead of Square trade.

Did not have access to original email... so could not file a claim on -line. Up-load a generic form with pictures of receipt? No, that would be too easy. Must have an account. Like, we all need more accounts in our life, more passwords. Yep, that' what we need. Not just a mint box, receipt, defective item, ID -- nope, need an on-line account that does not work. Thanks. Please insert my $10 into your "account"

Squaretrade is a JOKE!
Bought a dud phone bought the protection plan tried to file a claim SquareTrade made me go back to the store I bought it from, call manufacturer, then when there was nothing else for me to do but call squaretrade back they put a note on my account saying they already contacted me and had the problem fixed even though that was a COMPLETE LIE. They REFUSE to help me even though I paid for their services! If I could give negative stars I would! Horrible Horrible company that steals ppls money!

Square Trade protection plans are a complete waste of money
I bought an HP laptop through Walmart, and got a 2 year Square Trade protection plan. The laptop screen goes black periodically, and then just stays that way. I sent it to HP three times to fix under warranty, and each time it works for awhile then quits again. I called Square Trade, SquareTrade had me send it in and fixed it - it ran for 2 hours then quit. Overall, this laptop has been at a repair shop more than I've had it. I expected Square Trade to protect my investment, but they didn't. Save your money.

8 Mar 20 bought a new coffee maker from an Ebay merchant for $22.
Ticked the box to buy a 2-year warranty from Square Trade for another $2.
It stopped working near the end of Jan. So it lasted 10 months, and 3 of those it was in deep storage, so it lasted only 7 months of actual use.
2 Feb I registered a claim with the manufacturer (Bella-Sensio) as it was still under a 1-year warranty.
SquareTrade requested a string of data from me, including a photograph of the bottom of the unit, which I returned the same day.
15 Feb It was clear they blew this off, so I filed a claim with Square Trade-Allstate. Again I had to submit a string of data, which I returned the same day. A rep said they needed 2 hrs to make a decision.
20 Feb I followed up with Square Trade. It was clear to me they had lost the email I submitted, because I was asked again to submit a receipt. (Square Trade is a company actively selling extended warranties in Ebay and Amazon.) I had to explain again that online purchases do not have receipts, that I provided instead a scan of my credit card statement showing the date of purchase, the merchant identity, and the amount I paid, (not to mention the Square Trade warranty purchase next to it).
End result was rejection. So after buying a Square Trade warranty for maybe a dozen things over the years, and finally registering a claim, I come to find their service is a scam.

Squaretrade, an amendment to the former.
So after over 2 weeks, more than 3/4 dozen phone calls, 1 rude & 2 forgetyful reps, I got a check in the mail yesterday for my tv. That doesn't fix it (which is the reason I purchased an extended warranty) it simply replaces it at the purchase cost (18 mo ago) & not the cost of the policy. (go figure) Had it covered today's cost & not the sale price I would be able to replace it for the amount provided As long as the check is good, I have to say it will get a good soundbar so I will once again be able to hear the news or a movie without guessing. It's only been a month, has there been any news? I won't be making this choice again, but Lord willing, I shouldn't need to learn this lesson over. I just thought it was only fair to provide an update, but these guys didn't make that easy. I think SquareTrade do read the reviews because 3 days later...

I phone warranty rip off
Nightmare fiasco! I bought a cell phone though Costco along with a Square Trade warranty. I filled a claim as the phone was water damaged and deemed unserviceable by Apple. It was still within the warranty period. An "unwarranted XR " was not available. I contacted Square Trade 5 times via email and by phone and we're very responsive, but each time SquareTrade requested something more to do. I even spoke with a supervisor and they said they needed a replacement cost which I submitted in my original documentation.
This was a legitimate claim and after 10 days without a phone dealing with SquareTrade I had to get another phone. The XR phone was not available at my at T mobile so I got another model. I continued to work my claim and submitted more documents. Finally I have given up and will go back to Costco who assured me they will use my evidence to discontinue marketing SquareTrade warranty services
If SquareTrade wishes to rebut my legitimate complaint my SquareTrade claim # is *******92138

Waste of my $!
I purchased a Magnavox Blu ray player as a gift to my father 10 months ago on ebay and a 2yr. Square Trade Electronic coverage. Today the blu ray player stopped working. So I have proper receipt of payment. Figured I'd be all set and I'd be able to replace the item or have it fixed. Nope... all games! First, the receipt picture uploaded didn't show the date SquareTrade said. But It clearly did... So I resent more copies of full payment receipt... and then it was another issue, they had to "locate" the correct coverage plan because it looked like the wrong plan was used. More time wasted with emails saying nonthing... eventually got me no replacement player for my father or any resolution. What COVERAGE!

Sad poorly run service
Got approved for a replacement TV. Nearly one month later, nothing. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. SquareTrade blame the shipping vendor. They take no responsibility and cannot give you any answers. I never even got a tracking number from them, as promised. I only feel sorry for the customer service people who have to field the calls for the management hiding in their offices and not answering their phones. Don't buy one. Poorly mismanaged…Sad company, only as good as their managers.

Same old routine different day
I wrote this review a while back and I am having another issue with my TV and in hopes of not having the same issue with Costco/Square Trade warranty. I was wrong, second time and SquareTrade are just as bad, they just seem to put warranty issues on the back burner. Also, Square Trade is an Allstate company so I know I won't be buying any kind of insurance from them.

Don't buy extended warranty! We bought a TV and extended warranty and now need a repair and we have been sent parts to fix the TV but we can't get anyone to come out now to fix it. Costco keeps telling me how much they appreciate my business and then transfer me to Square Trade (warranty company) I started this process 2 weeks ago and just got off the phone with them again and i get the same bs that someone will call me in a couple of days. DO NOT BUY EXTENDED WARRANTY!

Worst process and just waste of money.
Bought a 29inch mongoose excursion bike from Walmart in April 16,2020, had a wheel that was not aligned and wobbly. Gave it back to Walmart for fixing it, but SquareTrade just didn't do anything. And when reached the manufacturer they asked for all the documents, videos, barcodes and then came back that it is on back order. It is now almost a year and still not repaired nor refunded. Just what is the point of us getting the warranty protection as each party says they cannot do anything. All at fault - Walmart, SquareTrade and the Pacific Cycles manufacturer.

I pad will not honor warranty cause it was service still 6 months before expiration
I call square trade to get my daughters iPad pad fix for screen, it was send before 3 time. Today 6-8-21 i call to get service SquareTrade will don't honor the warranty even with 6 months before warranty expired. They said cause I send it to get service before. That's the reason you send it in to get fix if you have warranty. I told the lady I had 6 more months to go. I also tried to file a claim for my daughter air i pod and want proof, i told her I had send in a copy of receipt. Some how it disappears from there files some bull$#*!. They want me to go to Walmart and get a copy. How stupid is that. They had all the information since I first bought them, so i won't have this issues with square trade. Never again I'll buy extended warranty and neither should you. The suck and won't honor warranty

PLEASE don't waste your time purchasing a square trade warranty. SquareTrade are completely garbage- horrible. My daughter was asleep in her bed when the bed collapse and screws were out. She's 6 years old and 65 lbs. I sent over several pictures as they asked and yet they continued to say they needed more pictures. I finally called and was told send over more. When in reality they were trying to avoid sending a new bed. I decided to purchase another bed from Walmart without warranty. Horrible company

Rip off
I purchased a TV from Costco and purchased an extended warranty through square trade. The TV went out so we filed a claim. After 2-phone calls and 2-emails we already knew SquareTrade were set up to rip people off. We have now submitted phots multiple times. Every single time they ask for more photos. The whole plan is hoping you will get frustrated and give up. I am going to try and find an attorney and see if I can get someone to file a class action law suit against them.

Broken screen
I had a terrible experience with this insurance company. Very simple problem as a broken screen SquareTrade can't resolve. They gave a shops which can fix my phone 3 times. First one when I call the wireless said that this number doesn't exist. Another shop said that they don't work with Samsung galaxy 20 more than 1 year. The third said that he can't fix my phone. So this insurance company not in touch with shops at all. All this experience I have to leve with newborn baby. When I don't have time to stay on the line all day long.

They make it so hard that you give up.
It took me 48 days to get my claim payed. I tried to start my claim online, the emails did not match. I got a way to reset the email address, changed the email and still couldn't do a claim. Called and was brush off, I was told to do it online. It wasn't allowing me to do it online, so I asked for the manager. That's when the person on the line was able to file the claim. I got an email the next day saying I needed to file the claim with the manufacturer, because it was less than a year old. I called again, I talked to someone who was sure the manufacturer coved water damage. I read him the warranty, and made it clear the only thing that was covered was manufacture defects, not water damage. The warrant I got from there company covered loss and damage. He told me again I need to fill out the manufacturer warranty claim, I asked for the manager. It was then SquareTrade were able to bypassed that steep. Next they needed a copy of the receipt. It took a total of six calls and a lot of time, but I should get my claim payed. It seems that they make it difficult so you will give up, and they don't have to pay the money. Just ask for a manager, keep calling, and ask them to send a email of what they just told you while you what on the phone with them. Keep going it's your money.

Staffed by terrible people
The plans are good but you better know your rights! Any time I've had to execute a plan (rarely, hey life happens), it's been a race to the finish line with these people. I've had to threaten them with legal action each and every single time.

Thankfully I'm a paralegal (freshly graduated and going back for another certificate), so I know what rights I have. I am easily able to nail them each time on the terms of the contract. When SquareTrade tried to refuse to fulfill a claim (which they tried to weasel out of each time), then I just told them they were in breach of contract, in breach of the arbitration clause, and that in court I could get them for said breach.

It's amusing to hear it in their voice when as a consumer you start rattling off state statutes, then these low-lifes start rolling over. Simply because they know you have them simply because of a contract clause. If you don't let them push you around, then the company is okay. The warranties are okay for the products.

At the end of the day: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS as a consumer.

Worst warranty ever!
I bought a car amp for 99 dollars off amazon. The Amp has had a bad channel 1 since day one. I've sent it under warranty twice. 1st time SquareTrade fixed nothing told me check speakers. Second time they resoldered a circuit allegedly. Problem still exists. RCA inputs are bad and they just return item saying "customer needs to check speakers". Speakers are fine. They work well with another amp and I've tried 3 different speakers and 4 different sets of RCA cables. Everything works fine except when using this broken amp
The techs are incompetent to properly troubleshoot or repair electronics. They lazily slap a check speaker response and send back to me. At this point shipping is exceeding value of the item. How does it make sense to inconvenience me 3 times now and spend more in shipping than the value of the item? Don't buy anything with a square trade warranty. Buyer beware

The worst company to deal with...
I purchase plan's all the time and since this one is dealt with allstate I've never had more problems. I sent my items in and didn't hear anything back for a week after I got confirmation that SquareTrade received it. I called and they told me they lost my item well they tried to tell me they never received it but I got confirmation that it was delivered after 2hrs on the phone they said they would mail a refund it took 3 weeks to get. Allstate sucks for anything..

Oh my god.
Shut this DOWN. NOW. Extra $? For what?! This "protection plan" is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but a PAIN! I've had claimed open for two phones and a laptop for absolute months, SquareTrade keep telling me to go to locations that are shut down and abandoned to get it fixed OUT OF POCKET, then TRUST THEY WILL REIMBURSE when we FINALLY RECEIVE THE GOLDEN MEDAL RECEIPT. JESUS $#*!ING CHRIST I NEED MY PHONES AND COMPUTER FIXED! I paid premium for these things to end up posting horrible reviews from the library?!
The worst is my laptop. We paid a grand for it. Kid spilled drink, monitor shorts out. We are out of commission, no pay. Call for help, can't find receipt. Call to ask for what they need to start claim. They say receipt. They put me through to someone. They put me through to someone. No one can help. Go to store to get new receipt printed off credit card. Problem with printer. Walmart customer service worker takes picture of UPC # and other items bought on that receipt, says it should be good enough.
It's not.
Don't know when I'll get out there again to fix this. Want to just go off grid my god.

They falsely advertise to cover accidental damage
I'll just copy and paste my BBB report for you guys.

The squaretrade plan for my K800 Logitech keyboard on eBay is advertised as covering accidental damage, unless you "read more" where it contradicts its main advertisement that everyone sees when buying the product and this insurance. When you file a claim SquareTrade first tell you that the product has a 1 year manufacturer warranty and you should contact them. Then you email them explaining that this is accidental damage to which they say that they do not cover this damage even thought that's exactly how it's advertised. Eventually they say they will refund you. But I would have never bought the keyboard to begin with if I understood that the insurance I was buying was fraudulent and misleading. They waste millions of people time, and steal their money, and most wouldn't even know it if their product didn't break. I would like a refund for my 30$ keyboard that they did not honor their warranty for.

Not good
Trade square sold me a warranty for a Bose hearing device. I sent it in to be repaired it was not repairable and discontinued SquareTrade replaced it with a cheaper set of Bose earbuds noise reduction $250. Mine was a hearing device $500. They had me return them I did. I called and spoke to Kevisha they are sending back the wrong set and told me to call them when I receive them. Do what? This makes no sense.the only hearing aid bose makes with the same features is $849. Replace it with those or refund what I paid for the device you warrantied

No a trustful insurance
My phone is not working anymore, I have taken the squaretrade insurance recommended *******@MEDIAMARKT and for literally NOTHING. I am without the phone, no one gives me a solution cause my insurance policy has been lost in their system... great! Is it my fault? If I pay for a service I expect something in return...
I am leaving Spain tomorrow... without the phone, without any help from them. I am asking not for a reparation anymore... I want them to give me a new phone and that's it... it's too long waiting already.

SquareTrade(Allstate) cancelled my Warranty on my Computer which expires 9-9,2021-no reason given
I purchased warranty on 9-11,2019. Now I need new battery, Allstate could't find warranty; sent pictures of purchases then SquareTrade cancelled my insurance. It expires on 9-11-2021! No reason given. Transaction are on Ebay. Is Square Trade (Allstate) a SCAM? It's going to cost me over $200 for an Apple battery, S/H, and service charge! I am 80 yr. Old & don't know how to send pictures I will get someone to do so if really needed.

Cell phone repair for cracked screen turned into nightmare
Run from SquareTrade. Cracked screen and scratched back of my Galaxy Note 10 Plus. Called ST to explore my options. Was encouraged to do the rapid ship repair, told would have phone back in three days and would receive email updates throughout the process. Well, I could track my phone through FedEx, and watch FedEx try to deliver the phone for repair and couldn't complete delivery during normal business hours. Delay. Phone to be fixed "day it is received." Didn't happen. No updates. Crickets. Called daily to ST for updates only to be given FedEx tracking information. Phone sat for five days. I received phone on day 8. Screen repaired. Phone backing replaced with USED, SCRATCHED back. All my data was gone. Someone had my phone for a week with pass codes and could easily steal medical, financial and other records. My phone's data was all gone -- for a screen replacement. Never trust these people. I was a fool to buy the warranty, and a bigger fool to trust anything I was told on the phone. Run far away and fast.

I bought a chair from Staples and purchased the Square Trade protection. I was told by both Staples and Square Trade that wear from everyday use and even damage caused by animals was covered. I submitted a claim because the seat is tearing and uncomfortable to sit on and my claim was immediately denied with no explanation and no consideration. I will never purchase from Square Trade, Staples, Allstate or any company associated with either one of them again!

They won't make it easy to use your insurance
SquareTrade won't make it easy to use your insurance
They sent me to a cellular store to repair a dehumidifier. All the recommended repair shops are cellular phone stores. I wanted to speak to a human, but they make that impossible after hours. They do not allow an email where I could detail the problem and wait for a reply. The only help I got was a constant loop back to the FAQ page. I went through the online process and my claim was approved. I thought they would send me the cost of the item as they did years ago with my last claim. NOT ANY MORE! Their solution is to make me take my dehumidifier into a repair shop and then submit the bill for reimbursement. The repair estimate will be more than a new dehumidifier. So what do I do? Why don't they have repair shops where I can bring my dehumidifier in for repair and the shop gets paid by Squaretrade? What insurance company tells the insured to pay for the repair and then submit the bill for their approval? That is insane. What if they do not approve it? Then I am stuck with the bill. I cannot afford to repair the appliance and that is why I have an insurance policy. They make claims illusionary and impossible. I guess my only option is small claims court and to get insurance somewhere else. I advise you to avoid companies that do not have email addresses for customer support. It is a dead giveaway they want to hassle you so much you do not file a claim. No contact is good contact at Allstate. The hands that slap you in the face in my opinion.

They are a scam!
I purchased an item and did not install it till after 60 day warranty. It did not work. No problem i had a warranty purchased guess what that did not function as well? This is there quote literally..."Unfortunately, that means the item was defective from the start and has pre-existing issues. We require all SquareTrade-covered items to be fully functional for a set period of time after purchase. Our plans are designed to extend protection of your item for long-term issues, not to cover products that were damaged to begin with. If the retailer or seller you purchased the item from has a return policy, I'd recommend contacting them to return it."

TV warranty from Sams club. CRAP!
A total run around with every opportunity to just take up your time and piss you off. Over a month of claims that got closed without fixing the TV, Repair shops that don't do work on your TV, Phone numbers given that don't go to a repair shop. Run around, run around until you either want to cry or give up! All the people on the phone are polite just so you think you're actually being helped but you're not. Its a GIMMICK AND A RIP OFF!

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SquareTrade Rating

Based on 51 reviews from SquareTrade customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: SquareTrade is a premier provider of device protection & warranty services for iPhones, Smartphones, TVs, Tablets, Laptops & Appliances. Protect your device.

Address: 360 3rd Street, 6th Floor, 94107


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