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Reviews Finance, Insurance, Insurance Other SquareTrade

51 customer reviews of

SquareTrade will do EVERYTHING they can to NOT pay! DO NOT EVER buy their so-called "protection".
Later in this review, I will show you what to choose as answers and what not to choose, but just to begin:

We had purchased four different warranties from SquareTrade through eBay and WalMart: two which we never used and expired; one that we have not used and is still good for a year; and the one I filed a claim on today. The one I filed a claim for, was for a portable A/C & Heating unit we purchased on in July 2019. We did not use, or even unpack the item for a few weeks after we received it, but kept it stored properly - in fact, just as it had arrived, and in the corner of the den. When we did finally use it, we noticed that it really did not cool very well. I phoned SquareTrade and SquareTrade had a very short message saying they were closed. This went on for several days. WHAT KIND OF COMPANY IS ALWAYS CLOSED? I guess the kind that racks up dollars but never pays anything. That kind.

Anyway, life got in the way, the unit was placed in a hall closet, and we did not have a need for it until a family with a baby was staying with us over the holidays. While it did heat well, it became full of (condensed?) water, and had to be lugged and emptied almost every two hours. Who wants to wake up to a loud beeping (which woke the baby) and have to open the doors to empty this thing in the dead of winter and every two hours? It went back in the closet.

A few days ago, I was doing some house cleaning and finally decided to do something about this thing. I plugged it in and waited for it to cool. While it did stream cool(er) air than the air a fan would push, it was not very much cooler and in no way was it cold air. The room itself did not grow any cooler; it was in no way a 14,000-BTU cooled room, or system, as touted. I phoned SquareTrade again. AGAIN THEY WERE CLOSED! No recording about Covid closures, etc., just "CLOSED".

I called the next day. CLOSED AGAIN.

I got it then. Pretty much, they are a grotesque parody of a "Warranty (protection and coverage) or Insurance Company" and operate in a surreptitious, slimy way, hoping that you do exactly what we did: forget about it - don't deal with it - take it as a loss, and move on. In short, they are GARBAGE. I knew this then, before even going further.

At that point, I went through our emails, found our original receipt, date of purchase, and finally a link to filing a claim. If I had not been convinced of this company's shadiness beforehand, I more than was convinced after going through their claim process. Trust me, it is SPECIFICALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY ENGINEERED to steer you into not being able to process a claim.

Before filing you have to assert that you are not filing a false claim and that if you file any false information, your claim can be denied. This is all well and good, EXCEPT for how the Claim's questions are laid out and how they ALLOW you to reply to them. You must SELECT data about your product, but not all the data (manufacturer, model, etc.) is provided as a selection, so technically you cannot proceed WITHOUT IT, but IF you choose the WRONG selection, they can say that you "provided false information". Catch -22, or as it should be called: SCAM; PLAIN AND SIMPLE: SCAM. Next, you proceed to a screen which either asks you for your serial number - you cannot proceed without that, OR more often than not, directs you to a screen which tells you that you should check with the manufacturer because your item might still be under warranty with them. Well if so, THEN WHY BUY SQUARE TRADE AT ALL? IF it does not take you to that screen, it takes you to a screen where you must choose whether the item was working when you received it, and HERE is where they got me, and where you need to be careful!

Technically, mine does not cool a 560 sq ft room like it says it should. It blows cool air out, but it does not cool the room. In other words, it does not do the job for which it was purchased and intended. So, does it mean it is or isn't working, and if so, has it ever cooled? I did not know which of the two to choose, seeing as one could see it either way, and so I chose "NO". BIG MISTAKE. ***DO NOT CHOOSE THIS***.

The most laughable part of the entire thing is one of the following questions which asks you not only to tell them "in your own words" what "happened", BUT where they have already pre-filled a 'sample' statement of: "My cat spilled water on it", which of course, again, is PURPOSEFULLY meant to drive a person to fill it out in a manner in which THE BUYER (YOU) assume responsibility, ergo making the claim deniable AND TO BOOT, THEY ONLY GIVE YOU 250 characters to explain. Again: SCAM.

After your claim is denied, they DO give you a number to call (I did not include all of it on the screenshot in anticipation of them using that as an excuse to have this review removed in an effort to clean up their negative online presence), but when you do phone in, you invariably speak with a representative who in a bored fashion literally READS OFF a litany of canned replies as to why your claim was denied. When you try to explain that there is not enough information allowed in the claim in order to make that decision, they again read the exact pre-canned response.

This is NOT the only review to say this. As such, do your research before buying a so-called warranty from them. 9/10 times it will not be honored.

In closing, I know I've said certain companies are "the worst", but I must now go and edit those reviews as SquareTrade has been crowned as the absolute worst of the worst of the very bottom-feeding, sludge-forming worst.

If anything good comes out of this entire thing, it is the takeaway that SquareTrade is an "Allstate" company, and seeing as how they conduct themselves and in my opinion PURPOSEFULLY, INTENTIONALLY AND DELIBERATELY try to SCHEME AND SCAM its customers out of JUSTIFIABLE and VIABLE small claims, just imagine how much of a nightmare and enemy they would be as they most assuredly try to deny a house or auto claim.

If they can't sell it how can they maintain it...
I am an old guy... I have been in IT for 47-years and networking for the past 30-years. So when I say I know technology I have worked on almost everything.

Since I had no intention of staying with Assurant for mobile device insurance due to how crooked SquareTrade are I started looking for a replacement. A lot of folks told me SquareTrade was a very good company... my experience was very much different. I tried to setup a plan with two phones... my daughters S21 Ultra and my iPhone 12 Pro Max. After entering the data and closing out I went back in a hour or so later to input receipts and found that the S21 was in the plan and the iPhone was nowhere to be found. I called customer care to see if they could find the second phone and they were not able to. Also after working with TMobile for an hour to get receipts after I uploaded them I got an email that indicated that I needed to upload a receipt for one of the phones but didn't specify which one. I finally told them to cancel the plan and refund my money to which they sent me the process to cancel it. To say they website doesn't work as it should and their customer service is inept would be an understatement.

Steer clear of SquareTrade if you looking for mobile insurance.

Worst Insurance Program Ever
If I could give zero stars I would. I have been fighting with these people for 3 months over an iphone 7 that is not repairable. First SquareTrade told me the iPhone diagnosis wasn't detailed enough THEN, after yet another trip back to the Genius Bar for a more detailed description of the dead phone I ask for them to just complete the claim and send me my reimbursement. The next bit of fun was when they told me I had a "replace or repair" plan and since the phone wasn't repairable I had to either send the non repairable phone to them and they would send me an out of warranty iPhone 7 or purchase another phone and send them receipt of the purchase. So I went out and bought a new iPhone 12 and sent the receipt. And then they told me that my new phone purchase is not covered under the policy and I should return it and have the store replace it with another iphone 7. I was told on one of my multiple interactions that I could use the reimbursement towards any phone. Word to the wise don't buy a square trade plan ever. Spend a little more money and get one through your carrier or phone maker.

Waste of money
I attempted to file my first claim ever with Square Trade. My Kenmore vacuum handle no longer was remaining upright - a plastic clip broke.
The only option provided by Four Square was to package and mail the unit to their repair facility. SquareTrade did agree to have the repair made but obviously, the hassle and cost of returning it was not worth it. I guess the more difficult they make it, the fewer claims they will have to honor. Keep in mind that if you purchase Four Square protection, more than likely you will be required to send the item to them at your expense to be repaired.

This is an insurance company that does not cover any claims
I purchased a HP computer from Walmart on 9/26/20. At that time I was assured by the representative that it was "ADH" protection, and this claim was also on the Walmart Website. On 2 occasions I called Squaretrade for problems with my computer. The first time I called because every time I used the white board feature it created a "fan of lines" across the screen. The representative informed me that it was a problem that SquareTrade did not cover. On the second occasion I called when my monitor fell over, and was then informed that I had a "standard plan" and not an accidental plan. In any event, they do not cover anything and unfortunately, you do not find out that information until you call for repairs. It is honestly a complete waste of monies.

Jerked around
I took a 2 year warranty out with Square Trade on a camera I bought. Initially SquareTrade asked for a receipt so I sent a scan which they approved. Almost a year later I submitted a repair request for the camera. They wanted a receipt again so I resent them scan of the same receipt they approved previously. They rejected it because it did not have the sellers Ebay logo on it and it never did. (The seller could not be reached.) Many angry emails and phone calls later through a host of phone numbers and connections (about over a period of 2 weeks) they finally accepted the receipt. They were definitely jerking me around hoping I would give up the fight. I sent my camera in for repair and it came back with out the battery (which they requested with the camera). It took another 3 phone calls before they agreed to send me the battery.

During this debacle, I Googled "Square Trade complaints and found a long list of similar problems with them. Do not do business with Square Trade!

Had my PC die after 2 years. Filed my claim pretty easy compared to the rest of the situation. After 2 weeks from it arriving at the repair shop I began questioning about the status of my PC. Best I could get for a week was an email that said its still being looked at. After 3 weeks I complained and got a helpful online rep to push it as high priority. 2 days later I get an email saying it doesnt fit under the warranty and SquareTrade are shipping it back. Its now stuck in mail since they can't even mail it back right. I assume I will never aee my PC again. 1600$ lost.

I bought a leather like sectional from Wayfair after a year one of the cushions began to have crack well I took picture of the spot. Now on a vinyl couch the on, y damages possible is cracking or stain. At first SquareTrade ignored my claim so I called them they sent a stain removal kit which I sent back because it had leaked and the box as wet when UPS brought it to me. Once I called and resent my pictures of my sectional they immediately refuse to Help me saying cracks are no covered under my warranty. My warranty is specific damages are covered regardless. The sectional seat cushions could not be replaced you would have to order a whole new sectional therefor sqauretrade refused my claim stating cracking in the upholstery was not covered no they did not want to replace my couch fortunately Wayfair is more honorable then these scam artist and replace my couch even though it been over a year of date of purchase. By the square trade customers service girl hung up on me.

Time to upgrade upgrade to paypal
Squaretrade needs to jump into the modern age and seriously stop with the checks. Most people do not have a checking account and have to pay a fee to cash checks. Using checks is unprofessional and a hassle as everyone uses paypal and prefer to use paypal. I mean if paid for the product protection with paypal but squaretrade wants to pay out my claim with a check, sounds like SquareTrade are saving millions at the expense of their customers who pay for their business to stay open and running.As soon as a company comes along that uses paypal for their product protection claim payouts no one will be using dinosaur squaretrade anymore so they better get with the program before they go down to the better competition. Also it took like five reps to get my product protection case finished.No one could seems to get all the way to the last step to finish the claim, it was truly bizzare.

I wish to never see this option offered again
After going through a $#*! show of them saying my account didn't exist and not being able to find my protection. I was finally able to get in touch and put in a claim to them. SquareTrade then decide to refuse my claim on something that was covered and try to give me a $7 dollar refund for a $200 product. This was after having to call multiple times because of people hanging up on me. I will never use SquareTrade again and if this type of service is what I can expect from someone under the Allstate umbrella I will never use Allstate either. I hope it was worth it for them to spend $1.4 million to give bad experience.

Rating of Square Trade
Bought laptop at Walmart purchased insurance 3 year plan. After a few months got a Bios on it. SquareTrade helped me fix it over the phone to fix it. GREAT! About month later the laptop won't power up. Called gave me claim number, sent it in. Get it back still won't light up. Called again mousepad won't work. Called again asked for check for what I paid for. Got a check for laptop only. Will not prorate warranties or refund sales tax I paid. Not a very good company to deal with!

Worst Insurance I ever owned!
I was making a purchase on Ebay August 3rd. 2021, SquareTradeUs was offered as a 3 Year Warranty plan on the product I was purchasing, so I also bought the SquaretradeUs 3 Year Warranty. Later after my purchase I was notified by the seller on Ebay SquareTrade couldn't fulfill my Ebay purchase as ordered because he (the seller) had already sold part of the order/advertisement to someone else. They made me a counter offer or told me I could cancel the purchase. The counter offer didn't meet my needs, I cancelled my Ebay purchase. I then was stuck with a warranty from SquareTradeUs I didn't need and SquareTradeUs did not refund my money as I requested. Buyer Beware of this!

Waste of time - incompetent, lazy employees torture customers
STAY AWAY! Wasted almost 2 hours of time that I should've been working and making money, but instead had to wait on hold for numerous incompetent employees who ultimately gave me the wrong information over and over again. Each one just apologizes for the last giving wrong info. SquareTrade are ALL time-wasters, and next time I will NOT waste money on a warranty with Square Trade! After everything, I now have to wait to receive a check for the reimbursement of a cable I had to purchase for my computer. Then I have to waste time going to the bank to deposit it. These people are the worst!

I have had three minor claims in the past year for used items purchased from Ebay. Squaretrade insurance was purchased at time via Ebay. In all cases SquareTrade tried to tell me it was a manufacturer's warranty issue... BS, these items were years out of their warranty. Their policy is to delay till you get tired...& not pay claim.
Each case was finally paid by threatening to file small claims case against AllState. In my case I would do it. Just keep at it...

SquareTrade More Like ObtuseTrade (severely slanted in ST's favor)
Purchased many ST warranties (over a dozen active) but have never used one (luck + good shopping practice). For starters, whatever warranty term is stated, subtract one b/c ST will make you go to the manufacturer for the 1st year. In addition, the amount of time spent trying to complete/receive a warranty replacement would be better spent buying a better quality product (unless your hourly wage is <$5/hour). Finally, if you care about quality, instead of replacing 1:1, ST has the option of replacing with an item of THEIR choice. Turns out Square Trade warranties are not so square - more like obtuse.

Problem problem problem problems
I've been working on trying to submit a claim for over 3 months I recently finally got one of the agents that said SquareTrade had all the information they needed going on almost 3 weeks was told didn't have all the correct information needed to send same information all over again from personal experience wouldn't recommend them this insurance to anybodyreally feels like they're trying to discourage me from getting my item replaced and taken care of SquareTrade has not been very good at all

What a headache!
Tried to file a claim online. Was informed I couldn't complete claim online, continue by phone. After 20 min. On phone was told to go back and finish online claim. Second online attempt resulted in same message- continue by phone. Second phone conversation resulted in a lame settlement. Not replacement value. I'm convinced SquareTrade make it difficult so you'll just give up. I just might give up. Not worth my time. $71 involved. I can eat that.

Worst warrenty experience of my life
When I buy a waarenty, I expect to recieve it in 1 maybe five days. The first bank considerdered their first check fraudelent, told me "we dont expect fraudelent checks." Squaretrades advice was to try another bank. Ok, so then thay say we can send it through pay pal, cool1-6 bussiness days. I never recieved that payment. By time rent came due, I couldnt afford it. SquareTrade ruined the last month of my life for sure, the next few months potentially. I finally ricieved my 129.99 waranty refund in the last 24 hours. Exactly a month later. In my opinion, unethical, corrupt and morally wrong. Thanks Square trade. I reported them via online email or submit for, not sure what they call it, to the usps

Trying to deal with Square Trade was!
Trying to deal with Square Trade was very difficult. I was back and forth with them many times before I could get them to let me file a claim. I had purchased a refurbished TV on Ebay. It was not under a manufacturer's warranty and the Square Trade coverage was only for one year. So, if it had a problem after one year, it would not be covered. One day, after seven months of use, it suddenly had a white line from top to bottom on the screen. I tried to file a claim but the Square Trade website claim area said that I needed to contact Philips to verify that my TV was not under the manufacturer's warranty before I could file a claim with Square Trade. Since Square Trade had given me a protection plan until November 5,2020, SquareTrade were aware that it was not covered by a manufacturer's warranty. If there had been a manufacturer's warranty that covered one year, their protection plan should have been from November 5,2020 until November 5,2021. I did verify with Philips anyway. After I had done so, I went back to Square Trade and found the same statement in my claim area. So, I chatted at Square Trade. I was told that I needed to upload my receipt. I did so. Then I saw the same message again a few days later. I chatted for a second time. I was told that my receipt had not been uploaded. I uploaded again with the chat agent online with me then told him that I had made screen shots of the upload. He even stated that it would be difficult to do the upload. I told him that I am a geek and I did it very quickly. I wonder what would have happened if someone who is not as adept at computers had tried to do so. Then he told me that I would receive an email in two days. After over a week, I had still not heard from Square Trade. At that time, I chatted for the third time and was told that I would need to call a Square Trade claim specialist. The Square Trade claim specialist asked if the damage was accidental which was not covered. I said "No, the TV was not moved at all from the time I purchased it and placed it on my entertainment center." Then I was passed to a TV technician. At this point, I told him that I was recording the conversation. First, he told me that I could not do that. I told him that I could because Square Trade stated that they could record the conversation. He put me on hold for several minutes then came back to speak with me. He, again, asked me if the TV had been moved at all. I took this to be an attempt to negate my service plan by trying to consider the problem accidental damage. I told him that I had not moved it at all since placing it on my entertainment center. He had me do several tests with the TV. Then he asked me to upload various pictures of the problem with the TV along with the model and serial number. Over a week later, I had still not heard from Square Trade again. I called the Square Trade claim specialist number again and told them so. They had me speak with another TV technician. Finally, I reached a reputable person at Square Trade. He looked at the record of my prior conversation and stated that he could see that I had already tested the TV with a Square Trade TV technician. Then he told me that the TV could not be repaired because the parts would cost more than the value of the TV and that a check would be mailed out for about $25 less than I paid for the TV. He based the payment on what the TV would be worth right now, not what I had paid for it. Square Trade does state this when you purchase a protection plant. I did receive my check a few days later. I wish that a better company would offer service plans. Square Trade is pretty much a scam even though I like other Allstate insurance. I have it for my home and car. Check my screen shots as proof.

Finally, a company that cares! 5 Stars!
After my horrific experience with DHGate and 4+ months of absolute disbelief that a company like that is allowed to stay in business, I remembered that I purchased an extended warranty on the product with

DHGATE: 25+ Chat sessions and 15 unreturned emails whilest their best and brightest...(about as bright as oil.) tried to figure out how to handle a cut and dry case, and SQUARETRADE handled it in two - and it would have been one, but I had to send over my receipt.

The end result, instant, fantastic customer service with only question, "When and where would you like your refund?" And yes, SquareTrade processed it on Saturday morning! REAL CUSTOMER SERVICE! Thank you SquareTrade! And to DHGate, "Sit and spin! I'm still going legal with you theives!"


This insurance totally sucks
I placed 15 calls trying to place a claim, after trying to file a claim online. Which was next to impossible! When I finally met all the Square Trade requirements… SquareTrade told me that I didn't meet all their requirements for insurance coverage. I should have expected nothing less from a company owned by Allstate Insurance, which is one of the worst carriers in the country. I will never… ever buy a Square Trade policy coverage again. Unless I want to waste my money on worthless insurance

Check fields!

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SquareTrade Rating

Based on 51 reviews from SquareTrade customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: SquareTrade is a premier provider of device protection & warranty services for iPhones, Smartphones, TVs, Tablets, Laptops & Appliances. Protect your device.

Address: 360 3rd Street, 6th Floor, 94107


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