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Reviews Education, Tutor StudyPool

50 customer reviews of

I got to go to Coachella because of Studypool
I've been dreaming to go to this amazing festival for years, and after many months of saving and preparation I finally got everything aligned to make it to this year's festival in April. But of course, my life is a joke and I can never get my way with things. After being super ready for it, just a couple of days before, realized it conflicted with a deadline for a major paper that represented 30% of my grade on one of my 400 level classes. I immediately researched about people who would do my HW online. And boy did SP deliver, I set up an account and within minutes had people bidding for my assignment. After a day of dialogue with the guy in charge of my HW he gave back an awesome paper with legit sources and certainly no plagiarism.

Needless to say I had the time of my life in April. ;)

Supportive and best for tutors.
I listen about studypool from my friends and I try to make an account on this website, in start my account was rejected and the admins support me to make a new one and after 1 week I try again and my account approved after that on the first day I bid and won 20$ work and i was so happy and excited that time. The best thing is admins are so supportive and kind and helpful for all queries any time this is really amazing. I really recommend studypool for beginners and experts also to start their career and earn a good amount of money online.
The best things are the new customers come on the website the tax ratio is low from other websites and that really attracts tutors and students.

Straightforward process at Studypool!
Studypool is a great platform for those who have extra time in their hands to become tutors! I highly recommend this to students who need help with their work too. It offers a straightforward registration process and allows tutors to bid for questions that StudyPool can help with. They offer a walk-through in every step of the way and the site is well-maintained.

First, you need to submit a few of your work where they can give you "badges" in areas where you are most proficient. This allows others to see your strengths and gives you the chance to become a Top Tutor or Studypool Partner which highlights your profile among others, giving you more chances when you bid. Second, they have an interactive interface which allows you to communicate with the students' preferences, and is especially useful when you have clarifications regarding the work that you need to complete. Overall, Studypool offers support and helps you earn substantially.

Studypool and its CHEAT on university club for FAKE sponsorship:

Personally, my club at univesrity of michigan has been contact by alex scott which is believed

--------------------------evidence of email ------------------------------------------------
Hey there,

Im Alex, Im the head of outreach at Studypool. Were an on demand tutoring service.

Wed like to sponsor your club! As an education business we are passionate about helping students and are always looking for ways to further support them beyond our tutoring service.

We'd love to make a financial contribution (sponsorship).

Would this be of interest to you?


--------------------------evidence of email ------------------------------------------------
Hello Shaowu,

We are glad to hear that youre interested! We are interested in starting by contributing $100 now and make larger contributions in the future. You can view some of the clubs that we have sponsored in the past Typically clubs that we sponsor will mention us on their website. Following this criteria:

Share a link back to Studypool ( by adding the following two sentences to your webpage. This is the sentence Studypool is an online marketplace that connects students with questions with tutors who can answer them. Using Studypool gives you access to thousands of verified tutors to help you with any question at any time.".
Make sure the word - Studypool in the sentence is clickable and redirects to the this link - (
Heres an example: Stanford Womens Volleyball Team
Look at the attached document for more details.

Does this sound good?

About us: Studypool is the largest online tutoring platform. We have helped over 1.4 million students and have close to 45 thousand tutors on our platform. Our mission is to use technology to help students learn more efficiently.

We are really excited to work with you guys! As our partnership grows, we are interested in making larger sponsorships.

Head of Public Outreach | Studypool
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------... />
Then we replied several times there is no response at all. I post this here in order to let other clubs know what StudyPool are doing and waste our time.

Other similar cases of other university clubs I have found on the internet

You Have to Do Your Best
As a tutor on Studypool, something I've learned is that you can't just expect the money to flow if you aren't pulling your weight. What I mean is, if you're doing half of the job, don't expect to get paid. If you aren't willing to put in the work, don't expect to get paid. If you aren't willing to communicate with the student and be open to revision, then don't expect to get paid because everything is based on the quality of your work and character. If you're inviting and open, then you're more likely to attract regular work. Likewise, if your work is of high quality, then you have a higher chance of getting recommended and attracting more students

They Rock!
I need to have several doubts cleared in regards my algebra HW. I tend to get lost in several equations, I've been hearing about this website and I decided to give it a chance, I posted my question and was assigned to a tutor, at the begginin I did not know how it worked so I reached out customer service and StudyPool explained the process to follow in order to make things right, they were really nice and explained the complete scenario as so really useful links, at the end I ended up having my doubts cleared and I was able to finish my homework. I completely recommend the website it is worth the time!

The main reason why I worked overseas was to earn more money, but with this pandemic, everything just came crashing down. Schools are closed, and online classes are the thing. However, for many of us ESL teachers, only the graded major subjects are the ones that have scheduled online classes, so we aren't part of those classes.

I was checking on YouTube for ways to earn money, and I unexpectedly came across one video talking about Studypool. So, out of curiosity, I checked it out.

I started working on February 28,2020, and that day gave me hope. The application process was smooth albeit a bit challenging, so somehow I know that Studypool is keen on quality work. It was a challenge trying to get clients at first, but with hard work, you definitely can and have repeat clients! I especially love working with clients who have medical backgrounds as that is what my degree actually is. I love learning new things, so it is an interesting job for me. I am happy because my efforts have been seen, and I have earned badges and the top tutor title! I don't have to worry for now about my current job at where I am because I have Studypool. Once school starts, I will still continue as it is a great source of income (and savings). Who would've thought that I could save money at a time like this?

Skeptical at First
I'm a new single mom and it has been hard trying to reinstate back to school while watching a toddler. While struggling to meet the time for some assignments, a friend of mine recommended me to Studypool. I was skeptical at first, the site was not user friendly for me at first, but I reached out to customer service and StudyPool guided me through the steps. I was able to pick the categories, and pick my own budget as well. I had an issue at first because I thought they charged me prior to receiving my work, but they I realized I had to select a tutor (and some even would do it for less, and some more) in order for them to begin working on it. The first tutor I worked with was nice, they introduced themselves and explained to me everything I needed to know about my work. They answered my every question, and I was even able to tip them. I also found out I could become a tutor on the site. This would be of great use for some extra diapers. I'm knowledgeable on some subjects and submitted my application. I was able to be approved and worked on some simple assignment, slowly but surely I was able to earn some money and pay for some of my baby's necessities. This is a great tool to get assistance and also earn some side money.

Best Employer Ever
I have worked at Studypool from 2015 and I can confidently say that it is the best writing company ever. Firstly, StudyPool provide a broad spectrum of writing jobs from which you can select those that fit your scope. There are lots of jobs by the way and you can earn way over $6K per month if you work hard :). Secondly, they have a flexible payment plan- which means you can choose to withdraw your money on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis based on your plans. Thirdly, they solve any disputes that arise between their customers and employees amicably. The support team objectively considers all factors at play before coming up with a conclusion. Lastly, communication with moderators, support department, management, and students is always seamless, thanks to a user-friendly interface and highly responsive teams. On the whole, Studypool is the perfect employer for any talented writer who wants a supportive, professional, and highly-rewarding working environment.

Wonderful Work At Home Position!
I began tutoring last September (2019) and have been actively doing so since then as my full-time job. I absolutely have loved the experience of getting to help other students progress in their academics. The staff is always working to update and make changes to the site in order to ensure both the students and the tutors are satisfied. Some people complain about the staff being unfair, as you can receive warnings and refunds on work that is deemed unacceptable to studypool standards. In my opinion, I think StudyPool work to be as fair as they can, as you should be aware of their standards before making a career out of tutoring on the platform and you should be striving to meet those standards and provide excellent help. In any other job, you are reprimanded or rewarded based on your ability to perform and follow the rules. This should be no different. You are awarded with badges that increase your chance to get approved for more assignments (which are usually higher paying) and as long as you really focus on providing excellent customer service, you will be rewarded with recommendations to receive assignments and make more money. You can work as little or as much as you please as long as you do not neglect the assignments you've agreed to help with. The more you work = the more money you make. Very easy to make a career out of it and make substantial income. Starting out, you should focus on building a reputation by taking the lower paying jobs and working on getting badges and good reviews. Once you are established, then you can start focusing more on income. Take it seriously, and it will be a wonderful experience for you.

I have been working with the site as a tutor for close to two years now and StudyPool just banned my account without giving me a legitimate reason. To add salt to the injury they withheld the money I had done for previous jobs close to $150/=. In my years of working with the site, I noticed that the site is opted for by rude and underpaying students mostly. To get to a top tutor level is hard but this can be thrown down the drain by one rude and lying student who's out to scam you after delivering quality work. The review team is highly biased and will always place their judgment to favor students for revenue purposes. As a computer science tutor I wrote code more for different students, commented and even attached videos and screenshots of the running code and the student filed for a refund request. Surprisingly, the request was granted and I was suspended loosing my top tutor badge. The site exploits tutors into working for rude clients who are out to scam their way to getting quality work for less. STAY AWAY IF YOU CAN! TRY OTHER SITES LIKE FIVER AND UPWORK

Dictator culture
There will be a team of moderators moderating. These moderator's KPI is to issue warnings. Therefore, StudyPool have been consistently issuing warnings no matter how much you prove that it is not your fault. Even if you have proven that it is not your fault, they will still insist that they are right by issuing the warning and always say that the decision is final and thank you for understanding. FYI warnings can result in the suspension of your account or deduction of your money. If you feel you are treated unfairly, there is no higher management to complain to. Nothing can be done but to only accept the fact that you are being bullied by this bunch of moderators. In short, they are a cocky, good-for-nothing bunch of moderators just messing with tutors in order to hit their KPI.

Incompetent arrogant support.
StudyPool never care about Tutors at all. Any appeal by a student is approved almost automatically. Am among the first tutors at Studypool and still working with them but men, they are the worst ever. I've worked with other sites in the past but I should say Studypool has the most incompetent support team. They always favor students (where the money is). Their response is pathetic. They respond once or twice after you wait a couple of minutes but will ignore you completely there after. Over 70% of the work I've done is from repeat customers but to Studypool am as good as a new tutor. First chance I get in another site, I'll be gone. Honestly, it is frustrating.

Manageable workload
Usually the amount of work coming in versus coming out was an issue for me on other sites like Upwork or workhoppers for example because of expectations on the job before and what is actually delivered after. I haven't came across that as a problem here because the help students usually request are practices, or reviews for guides etc, since I'm experienced with Trigonometry, I have no hesitation ONLY working on these types of requirements instead of project oriented jobs which quite frankly pays the same per hour if you spend enough time on sp seeing what comes in during the day and night.

Application Rejected Due to "Plagiarism"
Run all of your work through and make sure it's <15% or you will be rejected.

I worked for hours on my Application and essays for the Knowledge Quiz just to get rejected for plagiarism! I enjoy writing and write very well and had no intention of plagiarizing anything - If so, I could have just copied and pasted articles and been done in ten minutes rather than spending hours rewriting everything I researched.

Had I known StudyPool would have run my essays through Turnitin looking for <15%, I would have done the same and adjusted my essays accordingly.

Sorry, but when writing about Braxton Brigg's life history, you're bound to get some of the same wording as far as dates and battles go! Had I known about this 15% rule via Turnitin, I would have added a few more paragraphs to my work until the essay as a whole was <15% before submitting it.

And when writing about how Dialysis works, you're naturally going to write the same blood component names and same medical and biology terms, as well... Again, I cited my sources and reworded every single sentence. I could have easily added more words and paragraphs to my essay on this until I got it down to less than 15% on Turnitin before submission.

I am highly disappointed in the way this turned out.
I wasted hours on this when I could have been working on another site making money.

Tutor support was friendly and helpful.
I suggested that they make applicants aware of this 15% rule and to let Applicants know that they need to create a Turnitin account and run their work through it to make sure it is <15% before submission.
I also asked for a second chance now that I am aware of this 15% rule on Turnitin, but I have not received a response as of yet.

I sincerely hope this helps any future applicants who choose questions on the Knowledge Quiz that are fact-based and bound to have the same words, dates, and places. Even if you cite your sources on this and reword every single sentence you type, you must be <15% on Turnitin which means you simply need to add more paragraphs and make your essay longer to get it below this threshold.

Good Luck!

Studypool is a good place to be.
I was introduced to Studypool by my colleague and I started tutoring and doing Assignments and homework for the students. I have never been frustrated in any way. The service is great, customer support is smart and StudyPool handle every case related to withdraws or poor work effectively. Another reason why I like studypool is that it embraces change and even the management is positive to change. Anyone interested in tutoring or getting help from tutors feel free to use Studypool writing service and I promise you will never regret. It is really a good place to be!

No money back
Half of the information provided was incorrect. I submitted information requested by Emma and today, 13 days later I have not received a follow up email or my money back as StudyPool promise. Emma requested a print screen and proof of the grade and I emailed everything. I also included a copy of the information provided by Studypool and sent a copy of the corrected work (graded F 50%). They promise a money refund if the customer is not satisfied with the product. I would understand having 20% of the work wrong, but not half. I read other reviews that mention Emma and I am starting to think they are automated messages and not a real person.

As a student...
I had a bad experience with a different website, this is why I changed to this one. As a student who SHOULD work along with their tutor, you must check your paperwork is 100% original. I know you are paying an expert to help you with your homework, but you should check the final result before paying. Avoid the risk of getting suspended from school. It's like checking your receipt after buying a hamburger at McDonald's.
So far, the 3 times I requested help here, my questions were answered fast and the tutor meet the requirements and most important: on time.

Recruitment at its worst
I will judge only the recruitment process and nothing else.
The recruitment process of Studypool is below the standards of education. The recruitment is not based on your qualifications and experience in teaching and online teaching, neither on an interview to display your teaching abilities. StudyPool will reject your application if you forgot to put dashes or made a grammar error, and then you cannot apply again. This is not stated at the beginning of the application. For non-native speakers this is not fair especially when you are teaching sciences, where being a native speaker is not mandatory (in every school worldwide only language teachers must have the level of a native speaker)
Briefly about me:
12 years full-time teaching mathematics in UK (state schools) and in an international school (in English language).
Long experience in online teaching (currently teaching at a university online maths in english)

I wrote the essay at my best, it was according to their standards but possibly I made some grammar mistake... it was not for Nobel but you can clearly see that I can speak, write and therefore teach mathematics. But according to studypool I am not qualified to become a tutor in an online platform, though my CV proves exactly the opposite.

My advice to new applicants:
1. Make sure you write a correct essay... if an expert can do it for you even better. I should have done that.
2. Experience, talent or skills are irrelevant.

I hope someone will find this information useful

Gave them 3 chances - Disappointed every time
Do not bother with their Chat function. StudyPool respond at their convenience. Algorithms match requestors with providers, not humans and the matches rarely fit. It does not matter if you click a link that supposedly directs you to a prepared solution. You will still get a tutor, not a solution - click bait! Once you are paired with someone, you are stuck with them regardless of competency level. Many tutors misrepresent their capabilities and deliver grossly inferior products. If you are seeking a simple essay, they may be OK but steer clear if you need assistance with anything advanced or complex. They now hold over $100 in my account and will not refund.

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Based on 50 reviews from StudyPool customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Homework help - post Homework Questions, Assignments & Papers. Get Answers from premium tutors 24/7.


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