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50 customer reviews of

Ikea and Task Rabbit
I recently ordered a piece of furniture from Ikea - it was a chaise with only four parts. It was listed at taking one hour for the estimated time. It ended up taking 4 hours and I had to get involved with reading and review of the directions. Yes, TaskRabbit were confusing because the directions packed were written for the chair, chaise and couch with many extra nuts and bolts that we did not know what to do with... but really, 4 pieces taking 4 hours was unacceptable at a time with COVID raging. I wrote to Task Rabbit and Ikea and neither ever responded which shows how they value their customers. Rabbit also charged $19. For something called the TRUST FACTOR? It would be wise if
They would list a time frame for the work to be done and if it goes over, the worker knows it is on them and not the consumer because the worker could just keep going on and on. Ikea could provide specific directions with just the needed supplies and/or a short video showing the assembly process.

Horrible Company/Damaged Television
On November 14 I booked Samuel A. To hang a flat screen television in a bedroom in my Florida home ahead of guests arriving for Thanksgiving. The tasker arrived over a half hour late, however, he completed the job quickly and the TV looked well installed. He left quickly, however. I went to the bedroom and turned on the television to discover a thumb sized crack with hand print in the top right hand corner of the TV which caused the entire screen to be bluescreen/inoperable. I contacted Task Rabbit and TaskRabbit seemed to be very quick and on the ball, eventually agreeing to reimburse me to replace the television after I signed a Hello Sign document. I later received an email that stated I would have my reimbursement within 5 business days through PayPal and a refund for the task through my card used. I signed the document on Saturday, 11/21 and and heard nothing by the following Weds, so I contacted Task Rabbit. They had no idea I had even executed the document and emailed me stating the refund and reimbursement had been processed and I would see the refund within 3 days and the PayPal reimbursement within 5 days plus 2 possible addl days to post. I received the refund on my card used 2 days later on 11/27. I received no reimbursement and Paypal advised none had been initiated to my account. On 12/4 I called in after several emails- all of which stated a "senior rep" would be contacting me and I never heard anything. I stayed on hold off and on for 63 minutes and 13 seconds during business hours and was told by a CSR that no one on the Resolution Team was available. I held for over an hour and no one- not even a manager would come to the phone from the resolution team. I did receive a later call from the call center manager who confirmed no one from the Resolution Team "was available" however, they had issued the reimbursement on 11/25 and I would have it by 12/7 (5 business days plus 2 addl days)- when I asked for the Transaction ID- no one could provide the same. I was told no one was available to talk, however, the reimbursement was processed on 11/25 and I would have the money in my PayPal account by no later than Monday 12/7. On Monday 12/7 I received an email stating it would be 10-15 days before I received a reimbursement. Again, I called in and no one was available. I am currently pursuing legal action since no one from this horrible company will call back or address the fact that obviously someone dropped the ball. We have a signed legal document outlining my refund and reimbursement which I executed over two weeks ago only to have the terms changed verbally each time I contact the company and as of today, 12/8- I still don't have a reimbursement. I have contacted PayPal multiple times, who have advised no reimbursement has been initiated to my account at all and to request the Transaction ID- which I did by phone and have never been provided. The company owes me $497+ and I want to report their deceptive practices, horrible service, and terrible customer service.

TaskRabbit wants you to be a TaskPuppet as a tasker...
TaskRabbit wants you to be a TaskPuppet as a tasker to take 20% of your money from your income as a self employee and profit from you. Expect you to be perfect to everything rating you on your performance in time of response, % of tasks you agree to and much more like if you are a robot who can teleport anywhere and do 50 things at once in their view in commitment to be their slave. Extremely annoying consistently sending messages of tasks wanted done even while you are working and have scheduled jobs already
Without even being able to speak with the client for more info unless you agree to doing it first. 85% or higher is their satisfactory minimum on your work, TaskRabbit don't even care about you as an employee, are impossible to contact as a virtual company supposedly with an office in San Fransico, CA like if everyone lives there. They'll tell you you just got paid and still have to wait a week or so for it without any record of what the payment is for with just a code # on your bank account as direct deposit. Bull greedy unjust company without consideration to the worker. Greedy clients will also take advantage of you and expect you to be superman doing everything like if you even saw the task before or had time to choose the right solution and already have the equipment they didn't get to fix it.

WARNING: DO NOT USE TASK RABBIT! AND DEFINITELY DO NOT USE KEVIN M. If there were "O" stars, that is what I would have chosen. Task Rabbit is not worthy of even one star. I hired a Tasker (as TaskRabbit are called) to move some boxes and one piece of furniture from the basement to the first floor where I was storing things at a friend's house. We agreed on 4:00 pm because my intention was to spend the evening going through the contents of the boxes. At 3:30 pm he texted to say he would be there between 6-8 because of rain and traffic. I asked for 6:00 pm because I knew it would take me several hours to do what I needed to do. I was at someone else's house so I did not want to inconvenience them any more than I had to. The Tasker kept texting saying he was one exit away off of the Mass Pike (1.5 miles). Then he texted to say he got off at the wrong exit. The bottom line is, he still was not there at 9:00 pm and I texted and said don't bother coming. His texts in response were so rude and unprofessional. Stating that I wasted 3 hours of his time--he wasted five hours of my time. I contacted TaskRabbit on line to complain asking for an apology from both the company and the Tasker. I got a form letter offering me $25 off to try them again. When I called today I was told the message came from a Senior Advisor and they do not take phone calls. I would say that is probably because they would spend all day listening to complaints. This company is a SCAM. I would NEVER use them again.

Horrible management!
It's been three weeks now since I've signed up for Tasker and setup my profile, of course that also includes paying 20$ upfront (TaskRabbit claim it's the fee for the background check). I have been emailing them regarding my status, unfortunately I have only recieved a general automated message but haven't heard from them regarding my status ever since. Fortunately I was able to get a hold of the customer service after a lengthy process (you can only contact them by phone if it's an emergency), in which the representative said to me that my issue has already been forwarded to the befitting department (at least they could have let me know this before, all those times I've been trying to enquire about my status). When I asked them if there is any way I can get in touch with that special department so I have an idea of how much longer it's gonna take and why it's taking so long, they told me no your issue is already with the internal department(all of this conversation was being done in between long hold times). So how am I supposed to know my status?. At the end I inquired if I can have my refund since I don't see any advancement in my case and it seems like nothing is being done, they said that was a non refundable fee that's used for the background check, well then how come I didn't recieve a copy of my background check since that is legally our right and I clicked on that option as I was signing up (all this being talked with holds in between). Finally I decided this is wasting too much of my time and the most feasible thing for me to do for now is to leave a review so others can be aware of this, it may not happen to you but it does happen to a lot of people. Also I am using handypro now and so far they're ok (they are also hard to get in touch with but so far I haven't had the need to contact them). I was actually surprised with their sign up process and how I was able to work right away. Although the layout of the Tasker app is much better, also I think the pay and the variety of jobs you get through Tasker is a bit more but their management, from my experience, is horrible! I hope they can fix this up.

Zero customer support
Let me start off by saying that I tried to give TaskRabbit a zero star for their customer support, but this site forced me to select at least one star. Basically, all this company does is match the customer to a Tasker to do your task. Once the task is completed, TaskRabbit charge your account and that is where their job is done. TaskRabbit does absolutely nothing to take care of a customer if the Tasker just chooses to blow off the task. There is a telephone number on the internet, but if you call it, the message says to use their email and chat. I scheduled a Tasker who, by the way, had 100% positive reviews by many customers, to pickup our company lunch and deliver to us. He just failed to show up, did not cancel ahead, did not respond to my messages and phone calls. I had to pickup the lunch (lunch was an hour late and I spent a wasted hour out of my day). I sent SEVERAL messages in all formats to TaskRabbit to request resolution and they just didn't care enough to respond in any way. When I had returned to my office with the lunch and saw that the task was still open, I tried to cancel it so the Tasker could not charge me and TaskRabbit said they would charge me for an hour since I was cancelling within 24 hours. How does that work since it was AFTER the task was supposed to have been completed? Twelve hours after the task was supposed to have been done, I received a cancellation asking if I wanted to schedule another Tasker. Are you kidding me? Basically, the customer is at the mercy of the Tasker, who is some random person that you select from a list showing names, rates, and reviews. Some Taskers are exceptional, some OK, and as you can see from my review and others that I read on this site, some just don't give a hoot, since we don't know who they are and can't "fire" them. The real kicker is that it is not possible to leave a review of the Tasker who just failed to show up. You can only review them after they complete your task. So, let the buyer beware...

I was scammed and threatened by a Tasker no help from TR
I scheduled a Tasker named Kristina. At the time she was scheduled, she texted me and asked to come an hour and a half later. I said fine. At the appointed time, a young man showed up and told me that Kristina sent him. Reluctantly I let him in. Within 20 minutes it was beyond clear that this kid could clean like everyone else's kid. Not at all, possibly making things worse. I told him originally that I was not happy that Kristina sent him in her place and that was not legit. After he told me he was going to put "upholstery cleaner" on my expensive Dania sectional, I told him to leave. Every spot where he "cleaned" was still dirty. He pushed dirt around and left debris and slime in all my corners. I texted Task Rabbit, no help. I texted the original Tasker, Kristine, who offered to just cancel the service but I told her I wanted her to be accountable for what she'd done, so she said she was on her way. She never showed, and now she is claiming she did come, and had the nerve to charge me for two hours of service, claimed she was in my house and cleaned it, and said I was lying. I have security video that proves otherwise. I live in Portland Oregon, home of the criminal transients, and I was just scammed by them via Task Rabbit. I need this person's information, since TaskRabbit have mine, and no help or response from TaskRabbit. I am pursuing this legally. Be extremely careful, TaskRabbit does not vet their Taskers. You are trusting this company with your safety and security. I just learned a very, very, scary lesson.

It's a task site not a dating website
My girlfriends and I hired a guy in LA on TaskRabbit to move and hang a couple things. The platform of the app is easy and very convenient. The guy arrived on-time and was eager. He did a great job and for those reasons TaskRabbit is a fine service.

However, this guy was super attentive to all the girls. Definitely checked all of us out over and over again like almost to the point where he must have never seen females before. He tried to friend one of us on InstaGram and gave his cell phone number too letting us know that he does personal jobs on the side. He inserted himself in our conversations and in my opinion was overly friendly.

I checked out his reviews before hiring and TaskRabbit are all mostly great but I did think it was odd that his reviews have 99% women on them. Now after meeting him and watching his interactions it must be his goal to only have women hire him. Its more than a little unprofessional and weird that the handyman you hire comes into your home and is flirty and even goes to the lengths of offering private help and starts following you on a social media site... CREEPY!

I know that "boys will be boys" but whoever thinks that a girl is going to pick up a guy from a website like this is hysterical to me! TaskRabbit should have rules for their hired help that comes to your home and ask them to be less sexually motivated!

Give me, give me, please hold... until the end of time
Hired a Tasker to pack my house. I was pretty clear about what I needed to do and I reiterated it when he arrived. He expressed eagerness and a go-get-em attitude, so imagine my surprise when 2.25 hours - $182.62 - later, I'm left with this. 1.3 shelves of books are packed (the shelves on the far right are mostly empty) and my room looks like hell.

At the rate of speed + $, I would end up spending $950 to pack up 5 shelves of books. Also, he built the banker's boxes and just chucked them into a pile. Seriously?

I asked him if there some way we could work together and he could provide a bid, but the answer was an emphatic no, it was by the hour or not at all. Plus, he wanted to bring in at least 2 more people... at that rate, I'd be $10k into the packing on the low side, and I still wouldn't be guaranteed that the house would be packed. He wanted to do it all on spec.

That's a hard pass from me.

So, I found another Tasker. This individual was supposed to be here at noon, local time. At 11:58 I received a text saying he was on his way. At 12:35, I called and asked him where he was. He said he was 10-15 minutes out.

I'd agreed to hire him for 1 hour, no more. I had a hard stop at 1 PM so I told him not to bother. If he can't be here on time or at least have the courtesy to call and tell me he was running behind, I don't want to deal with him. That's just asking for trouble as the precedent has been set if I accepted this behavior. Tasker removed this clown from my account and history, so I can't leave any feedback. That tells me this is like Rotten Tomates; the vote is rigged to favor the company, against the customers.

I called Tasker Customer Service. I waited on hold twice for 18 and 21 minutes respectively. No one was home, well, TaskRabbit weren't picking up the phone at any rate. I would bet dollars to donuts that they NEVER answer the phone. EVER.

This is a $#*!show and the positive feedback has to be a scam. Both "Taskers" I chose had a 99% and 97% favorable rating respectively.

Not good experience
While some rabbits did OK jobs, I had several rabbits who arrived late to tasks which TaskRabbit signed up for and caused extreme inconveniences. Another rabbit was worse - basically leaves a task open for weeks and months and did not even respond to emails or inquiries until I contacted the taskrabbit customer service asking for refund. Task ended up not completed according to the request but I was still charged with the expense. It should be highlighted as huge warnings prior to any usage that the company does not offer any type or sense of liability or responsibility over the actual completion and/or quality of the completion of the tasks (making the system prone to rabbits taking advantage of this to get away with doing sloppy job). Also, the company does not allow tasker to write reviews on the rabbit who did poor jobs, they would simply remove the customer displaying any dissatisfaction with the service to avoid issuing refund or getting negative reviews.

Harassed by a Tasker and TERRIBLE follow up from Customer Service
AVOID TASKRABBIT! Though I had a few good Taskers, most were not skilled enough to complete the task well and often cancel. In the past two days, I've had two different people cancel. One because his car was broken down and a second which I cancelled because he showed up 40 minutes late, harassed the front desk in my condo building, then harassed another resident before finally harassing me. I did not let him enter my condo and escorted him out. He was pissed off because our building requires workers to identify who TaskRabbit work for due to safety issues and he refused to answer because "that's not something we do in Seattle". He also showed up on a bike without pre-planning on what to do with it. And even though he showed up 40 minutes late, he still grabbed a coffee beforehand.
When I tried to call TaskRabbit headquarters because we were all so shaken up over the incident, I was only able to "chat" via text with someone, and the follow up from higher management came via email. They WILL NOT call you. To me, it feels like terrible customer service, like they give two cents about what happened to their customer and doing something to prevent this from happening to another. Instead they just told me to block him. He should be fired.
This whole thing is ridiculous and I've already deleted the app. They even offered me a code for $100 off but I won't ever be using TaskRabbit again, nor would I ever recommend it to my clients, family or friends. Find another service. TaskRabbit gives two poops about their customers.

Last Minute Cancellation
After starting to discuss the job with the tasker, he told me that TaskRabbit app does overlapping and he has only an hour for the job. An hour should have been fine for the task but I did ask if that would be enough - since I'm not a handyman and I wanted to confirm that the job could be done in that time frame. The tasker confirmed there is enough time, and he's experienced so it's not going to be a problem. After confirming that the tasker is coming tomorrow I didn't even think that something might go wrong.
The next morning I prepared everything and was waiting for the tasker to come. Just a few minutes before the scheduled time I received a message saying: "We're sorry, the Tasker Name couldn't help with this task. Select a new Tasker."
I never really leave bad reviews - maybe there was an emergency (although I highly doubt that). However, the overlapping of jobs in that type of service is definitely not acceptable. If the app does that, it has to be fixed! The other thing that got me really angry was that the message I received literally last minute was so dull - I value my time and time of others and I don't have time to sit and "select a new Tasker" when I got a last minute cancellation. If I knew that this overlapping or whatever will cause the cancellation last minute, I would just simply find another tasker who might have actually shown up for the job.
The idea of the application is great, but the delivery is not up there yet. Notifying a client at least an hour before the cancellation would be the least the company could do. Whenever you make an appointment for any service in case you don't show up, you're still being charged, which is fair because you have to value someone else time. Otherwise, I don't really see the difference between the app and just randomly finding a guy on the internet and hoping he will show up for the job.

Don't Use Them!
We hired them to put together an ikea dresser. I asked the guy if he ever put this dresser together before and he said yes but at the end of the day admitted he never did. TaskRabbit quoted 3 hrs to assemble. One hour in I noticed something didn't look right and a piece was bowed on the front because he assembled it wrong. Later when he was putting all the drawers in one was crooked and 2 other pieces were put in backward so holes showed. He tried to say that was just how it was. I told him that was unacceptable and he then took a shortcut when trying to correct the problem and ended up breaking a piece. 6 hours later we were left with a broken unfinished dresser & he had to go. He said Ikea would have to pick up the entire piece of furntiure and replace it. When we called Ikea they said I could come in and get a replacement part. I would never use them. The guy was inexperienced and careless and had the nerve to ask if I would pay for half his parking - really!?!?!

Really poor handymen. Not worth it at all.
Excitedly I hired a handymen in 2014 as I moved into a new apt to assemble a few Ikea things.

Guy #1 was cheap, then I learned why. He had a mental issue. Was slow in speech and thinking. I'm all for putting challenged ppl to work, but in jobs that are well-suited. He couldn't finish the job. I had to step in and tell him what to do. Um, not what I was paying for, but I felt for him. Had to then hire a new guy instead.

Guy #2 who seemed great. Fast. Nice. But he had to return to fix a piece of furniture that in days got wobbly and crooked. Seemed ok then, but in months it happened again. This was not a cheap Ikea piece, I've not had pieces I'VE assembled over the years do this.

Guy #3 was a 'mounter'... I needed a curtain wire and shelves mounted. I chose a guy who "built a whole house w/his dad" once. This guy had to know, right? Was a bit more pricey. But no. In weeks my curtain wire began to pull and bend at the contact points, he returned and spent like 2 hours redoing it all. After several months I noticed my 1 of 4 shelves he installed was in fact upside down so things slid off from the incorrect slant I kept cursing. And a year later, when painting, I went to remove a wall mirror to paint, and the idiot used some freak screws which you need to go buy a special bit for. WTF? And then, of course, a year later, my curtains began to sag again (used these same wire cables before n TaskRabbit were fine for OVER 5 years). So I hired...

Guy #4. He was older and more experienced, I'm trying! And at the top price. This must work, right? And 6 mo's later, curtain wire seems ok... we'll see.

Summary: By now, 2 years on, 6 out of 8 furniture assemblies and wall mounts have issues. VERY disappointing and disheartening.

I recommend you DO NOT use TaskRabbit for any handymen, rather check at your local hardware store. They always have cards for local ones they hear good things about. I've loved one of mine, I just live in a different city now.

Only thing I've liked Taskrabbit for is accompanying me home from a small outpatient medical procedure as was required by law. But that's a no-brainer job.

And now I'm searching for an errand person and see it's $46/hr. WTF? It's a 20 min errand. I'll hire a regular messenger service for $25 thank you very much.

Disappointed in what in concept seems brilliant.


109 days no refund / fake customer svc
Here is a timeline and actual customer service dates and responses. It's practically begun to feel like a scam.
On 9/29 a cleaning Tasker accidentally turned the stove gas on, setting off a CO alarm through out a building after he exited and the FDNY broke down the door. We requested refund for the task and a cost of the locksmith door replacement.
An agreement was required to disburse the refund, executed in October claiming a CHECK would be mailed (obviously when taskRabbit gets paid it is instant).
First complaint through the application *disappeared
10/4 2nd filing of complaint
10/5 phone CALL third complaint
10/10 I follow up requesting status in email
10/18 I follow up email - "This is a 4th unanswered email. It appears the only time Ive received any customer service support was when I have called. What is the status of this?"
10/21 RESOLUTION AGREEMENT sent states "within 10 days, settlement check will be issued on 11/1/17.
10/29 executed
10/30 customer Svc "check should be sent in the next 5 business days. Once sent, it may take 14-16 business days to reach you in the mail. Please note that the check will be coming from Wells Fargo"
(1 month)
12/9 - I follow up, no check received
12/11 customer Svc "I will put in a request that the payments team issue another check to you as soon as possible"
12/14 I follow up
(Another month)
1/15 I follow up and escalation request
1/16 same reply verbatim from same customer rep
"put in a request that the payments team issue another check to you as soon as possible, but before doing so, we kindly ask that you confirm the address"
(Same address no changes)
1/16 I reply "you sent the same reply on 12/11. Please escalate
1/16 "envelope from Wells Fargo and let us know if you have any additional questions in the meantime. As a reminder, it may take up to 14-16 business days to reach you in the mail."

Total 109 days since incident
80 days since resolution agreement and still no refund

Tasker Did Not Show Up - Terrible Customer Service
Below is my message to TaskRabbit because when you call them, TaskRabbit say message them. Well, the response to my email was: For urgent issues, please allow 5 to 10 business days for us to respond. Are you kidding me? Never ever again will I use this service. They have no control or even care about the people they contract with.

My message:
Hello. I hired a tasker and he did not show up on the day we are moving. We really needed his help. He put us in a bind, but when I spoke to him the day before he said he'd be here. Then he blamed your office and said you should have called me because he was already booked for something else. Which is a big lie. His name is xxxxxxx in Atlanta, GA. I want to put a bad review on his page ASAP. He then proceeded to give me his moving company's number as he was soliciting for his business. I am beyond outraged. If you do not let me put a bad review on his page, then I will contact the Better Business Bureau and submit a complaint for your company. This is just so ridiculous to book someone and the person does not show up, lies, and then advertises his business. You should reject him as being a tasker and no longer allow him to be on your site. He should NOT be allowed to do this to other customers. We have no idea how we are going to get another person to help us move. We paid for our truck and your service will not allow us to book someone else ASAP. I am so upset right now. Your service literally screwed us and is costing time and money.

Worst Service Ever! They don't follow their motto
The Tasker was not professional at all. He came in criticizing us for letting IKEA delivery men place the delivery in the room to be assembled. He asks my brother to help him build it and after 6 hrs below in the picture is proof of what he gets done. I got charged for the incomplete task. Anytime he can't find anything he blames us for throwing the boxes out with some parts whereas the parts are in the room he misplaced them. I contacted the support team and no one got back to me with the issue. This incident happened last Wednesday, and now today is Tuesday. The room is still a mess and the partially built wardrobe is just siting their catching dust. I don't recommend buying any big furniture from IKEA unless you can built it yourself. Especially these wardrobes, TaskRabbit are complicated and these taskers them selves cannot build them. You would think that IKEA is a very professional and big company, and then promoting TaskRabbit, you can blindly trust the taskers. Don't make the mistake I did, because I have had the worst experience and still waiting for TaskRabbit to get back to me with a solution.

Never use this service
I requested today for movers to come and move my furniture 3 bedroom house upon arriving I noticed it was a older pickup truck one skinny I'm trying to figure out how would he move my items by himself and without any tools. I offered him a dolly I had in my garage he was struggling so I asked to help him he started pulling my couches on concrete with a dolly I said stop let me get a cover. Long story short after putting my couches in his truck I noticed TaskRabbit had been torn at the bottom from being dragged at this time i went to get someone to help the task rabbit guy when I came back he said he wasn't gonna do it took my couches off his truck and put them in my grass and left. This is first step to getting this company not only to pay for my couches but the time and money I wasted in this company.! Oh and the driver of the truck had expired registration looked in his car he had no registration straight up bum and bum ass company

No support, no real contact, rip off
As a tasker, who was 'employed' for a month, my experience was pretty neutral. I did a few tasks and TaskRabbit were fine. However, the company builds up this image of it being a new and exciting way to connect people and the mantra of 'neighbour help neighbour' idea is a load of rubbish. The company take a cut of 30% on your 'first task' with a client. Then say its only 15% for that same client on repeat tasks. However, most people using this service don't have multiple tasks needing done repeatedly. They use it, unfortunately, to find someone cheap and quick to do their task, even if that is building shelves, cleaning the house or knocking down walls and building a new window. The expectations are so high most of the time, and too many people use it to find handymen and builders (as that is what task rabbit is used most for) to pay them the very minimum. My partner is an elite tasker, which happens after you do a lot of tasks over the course of a month for example. He has made task rabbit a LOT of money. Thousands of pounds. He works full time and averages about 3 or 4 tasks a day. Every new client he books in doesn't realise they are paying 30% more to the company. My partner has not been paid about £5,000 for all his work over three months. He has attempted to contact task rabbit and is met with automated voice calls and emails sent to him three days later. He has time and time again tried to make contact with this business and their attitude seems to be that his lack of pay is 'not an emergency'. Do not use task rabbit. Instead it is better to find someone privately and pay the money directly to them. That way you know the money isn't going to a company, much like Uber, who pay the CEO's and managers big money and screw the people doing the hard work. AVOID.

TaskRabbit Review
Across the board, my experience using TaskRabbit has been great. I've used their service at least once a month for the past four years or so. I struck gold with my first Tasker. She was great, and I used her for a few years, until I couldn't afford her prices anymore. When my initial Tasker would become unavailable from time to time, I would try other Taskers. All were great, but I wanted to keep my first Tasker. When I eventually had to find someone cheaper, I was skeptical about the caliber of Tasker I would get. I am thrilled with my new Tasker, and have used him going on a year now. I have never had any problem with any Tasker. Because I want to tip my Taskers more than the site will allow, I've had to contact TaskRabbit almost regularly to have them add the tip themselves. TaskRabbit have always responded quickly, and in a friendly and professional manner. This is the only time I've ever had to contact TaskRabbit directly. I've never had any problems with their operations or web site. I am very happy I found TaskRabbit. They have been a tremendous help in my life. I do miss their discounts, though (hint, hint).

We've completed around 30 tasks on this platform, NEVER AGAIN! There's ZERO quality control over the workers. Very common to have people overbill you, not complete the task as agreed upon, ask for more money, perform atrocious workmanship, take jobs they're not qualified for, show up late, etc. i'd estimate around 30% of projects have MAJOR problems, requiring you to re-book another worker (and of course, waste more money).

The issue is there's little/no recourse! If you try to get in touch with this task rabbit, TaskRabbit simply ignore the problem. They will suspend YOUR account without warning/notification, and when you inquire as to what's going on, they simply say "there's an issue, we'll contact you in a few days" (which of course never happens).

You have to end up disputing the charges with your bank.

Been burned by these idiots far too many times. Hire a professional company instead, it'll cost you FAR less time/money/headaches than dealing with these amateurs.

Terrible business who is biased against the taskers. One unreasonable customer will ruin your busine
Taskrabbit relies on two systems - one set called business metrics, which is how often you respond/accept/show up and complete tasks. Another set is "customer reviews" where customers can give you thumbs up or down and write a paragraph about their experience.

All it takes is one bad review, left by an unreasonable customer, to permanently damage the customer review of you. TaskRabbit thinks "a difference in opinion is not grounds for removing bad reviews", even when the client is rude and unreasonable.
Every contractor runs into these customer. You know that one unreasonable client who tasks you to assemble one piece of furniture, but when you get there TaskRabbit want to assemble 3 for the price of 1? I ran into one of these. The client left a bad review when I refused to be paid for 1 job when I'm doing 3. And taskrabbit wouldn't do anything to remove the tasks as it's "matters of opinion, our clients are entitled to their opinions." which leaves a huge dent on my ratings that drastically reduced my earning by more than 50%! All it takes is one delusional and self centred client and your business goes down the drain.

The other thing is, if you do this full time like I do, you have to constantly answer and respond to tasks. On a typical workday I'm out from 8 am to about 8 pm. 12 hours of my day where I'm occupied by work, drive a work vehicle, dressed in work clothing and can't do much with the downtime in between. The jobs on the platform are small and don't tend to let you use the client's microwave for your own food. Sometimes on a busy day I would drive to 4 different places to do 1-2 hours at each place. On average, for the 12 hours I spent out of my day to focus on working for TaskRabbit, only half of them, around 6 hours, is actually billable.

Taskrabbit does not want you to be late for jobs and want you to build time buffers in between. Which is fine. But realistic jobs are not math equations. Each house and each client is different so there's no way to time things accurately every time. But when you are late even for legitimate reasons, such as going to a 2 person job to have the other guy not show up, and you end up doing the 2 man job on your own, the bad review and metrics from the client are still permanent and would greatly harm your business.

So you when you factor in all the driving, wear and tear cost to replace tire/brakes/earlier oil changes on the car, depreciation from all the miles you rack up, fuel costs, and lunch cost, you are not making much more than minimum wage, and spend a lot more time doing it. At least minimum wage jobs only require 8 hours of your day. TaskRabbit requires at least 10 hours you take out of your day to schedule enough tasks to break even with your costs.

Taskrabbit charges 30% on top of your rate to clients, which is a contributing reason why client feel they should get more than what you are doing. This is simply too much to take from each and every job.

SCAM - Do not use this company
Ikea Buyers BEWARE - DO NOT under any circumstances use Task Rabbit to assemble your furniture! Ikea passes these people of to be licensed contractors who can assemble your Ikea furniture for cheaper than their delivery company XPO. DONT FALL FOR IT! Pay the extra money and use XPO at least if TaskRabbit do something wrong you can get help and get it fixed by Ikea. Once you book with Task Rabbit, Ikea is no longer involved so if you have any problems with the services you receive you are out of luck. Task Rabbit raised the flat rate price Ikea quoted me from $323 TO $568 and told me that Ikea made a mistake on their end quoting the price. The Task Rabbit installers came out to my house and installed my $3000 Pax Ikea Closet Wardrobes incorrectly. I tried several times to contact Task Rabbit to explain what happened only to receive several auto response emails telling me to review their Happiness Pledge and fill out a resolution form and in 10 -14 days someone would content me. I tried reaching out to the installers who did the installation and was told I have to go back through taskrabbit. Needless to say 1 week has gone by and the closet is unusable and I have heard nothing from Task Rabbit thus far. They will TAKE your money even if the service were done incorrectly. Do your self a favor and hire a licensed contractor or an experienced handyman on your own and STAY AWAY from Task Rabbit! You Will Regret It!

Makes life harder, not easier
I thought the idea of TaskRabbit was to make your life easier - subcontract out the tasks you don't want to do. But what happens instead is that you replace the task you didn't want to do with a HUGE HASSLE in dealing with TaskRabbit, and sometimes you end up doing the task you didn't want to do because you run out of time to find a TaskRabbit.
I used TaskRabbit on-and-off for a few years. In the early years, I loved them. Then TaskRabbit changed the process (and changed it again) and it has never even approached "okay" since then. All the "taskers" I've used have been between "adequate" and "great" (although I've heard horror stories), but I've also had multiple tasks canceled because the assigned tasker didn't want to do it, and sometimes I spent more time on TaskRabbit trying to get someone to clean my house than if I would've just cleaned the house myself!
The platform is horrible: taskers hate it, clients hate it... I have no idea for whose convenience any of this is designed.
Their customer service is unimpressive. After reading other reviews, I feel lucky that they even responded to complaints. I had one rep who was, um, not very bright, as she thought a $10 credit that was issued months *before* the task I was complaining about, was actually the $15 credit I had been promised. Yes, they have credited me multiple times for tasks that were overcharged, or just such an omnishambles that they felt they had to make it up to me. Again, judging from the other reviews, I'm the lucky one, in that I even got a credit for my fiascos. Still, I've decided that it's not worth the hassle of dealing with TaskRabbit - I'd rather just do my task myself, or take my chances with Craigslist.

I'm a "Tasker" and I feel SOOO unsafe!
As a measure to protect my safety, I do not take tasks from people who request my services if TaskRabbit do not have a profile picture. It is scary to be expected to accept these tasks without even knowing the bare minimum of what they look like. It seems as if they are purposely hiding their face to get away with something bad. When I accepted a task without a profile picture the client openned the door completely naked and asked if I could clean for him while naked and then blow him. I of course rejected and went home. I was so shooken up I told myself I wouldn't take another task without a profile picture ag as in. Unfortunately, many people request my services without bothering to post a profile pictures and I frequently get requests for services with no explanation of what they need done. For instance, if someone hires me for cleaning and the only thing typed under what to do is "Airbnb". I'm left wondering if they need the bathroom + living room cleaned, or living room + take out the trash with no bathroom cleaning necessary, or etc. I have reached out to TaskRabbit about enacting background checks for those that request Tasker services but have gotten no reply. It's been a month since my original email notifying them of the dangers Taskers face. They don't care. My account is not accepting requests anymore.

Big big big lies in reviews on a Delivery by a client named shawnna b. In brampton
It was a delivery task given to me from a client situated in brampton. I stay in mississauga, pickup was in woodbridge, so i asked client to start after an hour and she was agreed on to this. I started the task around 3:40 pm and finished delivery around 5:45. I charged her for 2 hours and she left me a long wrong review on my profile that my task was finished in 37 minutes which is next to impossible as someone can calculate the distance from mississauga to woodbridge and delivery in brampton. But she was counting only minutes i took delivery from pickup, but still it was 40-45 minutes not 37. On the tasker app my rate is lowest on delivery, so on the charge of half and hour i wont get even 10$. Is it worth it for spending 2 hours after someone's task? Really? Delivery tasks cant work on the time as TaskRabbit can calculate with distance and time both. Also she wrote in review that i made her waiting for 1 hour before starting the task, where she was agreed to wait but she knew this tasker cant explain or write in reply on review she had done everything wrong on the reviews!

I have clearly mentioned on my profile that charges outside of mississauga, oakville and etobicoke shall be differ as i knew that there are some cheap client's like this will do something like this. I've pushed my all efforts for doing that task as soon as possible but still because of cheap clients like her it left me with bad review and problem of my future other tasks.

I tried to complaint to task rabbit people but they didnt help me for anything on this topic. Even i asked them to not pay me on this task and just to remove this wrong kind of review but as always they're only thinking about their customers and earnings. They really dont care about the workers/taskers on the app who are working for them with real ethics and honesty.

TaskRabbit - valuable item thrown in the trash
We hired a TaskRabbit Tasker (Matt F) to help us load a truck for a move in NYC. He was tasked with loading the truck and then returning the next day to remove any waste items, a broken down bed, some old garden chairs, packing materials.

Matt F failed to load a mirrored cabinet that contained jewelry despite the fact that it was already packaged up and left in the middle of the room to be loaded. The next day when he returned to throw away the waste items he found the packaged mirror and sent a message saying that it had been missed off the truck. Before we had a chance to respond he threw it in the trash at our apartment block and it was removed by the city sanitation guys. He did not ask what was to be done with it, nor did he leave it with someone at the front desk in the apartment. He took it upon himself to make the decision to throw it away.

We have since been in a long and protracted claims process with TaskRabbit who claim to have a 'Happiness Pledge and insure jobs up to $1 million. A full inventory of the items lost was sent across to them and copies of the messages with Matt F in which he ADMITS he knew the item had been left off the truck and that he threw it away without asking consent to do so.

TaskRabbit says TaskRabbit wont cover the loss because its 'a miscommunication between users. There was zero miscommunication. Matt F was tasked with loading the item. He admits he failed to load it. He also admits he threw it away without asking permission to do so. We provided them with the evidence of his admission of guilt. Its a clear example of negligence even by their own terms and conditions which we have read carefully.

The company is a joke. If they promise to insure tasks to protect the users from idiots like Matt F then they should do so. Most of the items are irreplaceable but they should at least pay out towards the cost of replacing them. They were provided with a picture of every item that was in the cabinet and what it looked like when it was packaged. Cant be much clearer evidence than we provided.

Horrible experience
I hired a task worker to assemble a bed. I gave details on the size and structure (queen solid wood bed) the task worker accepted. He was courteous and polite however he requested I help him a few times. I could not with a 18 month old running around, besides if I could do it myself I would have. To top off the stress the headboard fell hard on the bed frame and it broke the headboard in 2 pieces. In summary the task worker went to the hardware store bought a few screws and hooks and pretty much screwed the damaged wood back together. Of course I allowed him to because I needed some where to sleep however I reported the incident and expected a resolution compensating for the damaged item. Taskrabbit only offered reimbursement on the services charged. I am currently now questioning what exactly was the resolution to my damaged item. I do not recommend them for any job and believe their policy & procedure in regards to damaged items is false advertisement.

If you like being GOUGED, by all means, use Task Rabbit!
This is a review of the COMPANY, not the helpers I hired. They've been great. But beware that the company gouges you coming and going. First, TaskRabbit take 20% off the top of the helper's charges. Okay, fair enough, they provide the helpers with marketing and access to a client base.

But THEN, when the customer gets the bill they add a 15% "Trust and Support Fee." WTF? On a $458 bill -- of which they deduct 20% before they pay the helper -- I got whacked with a $68 fee. REALLY? So on a $458 bill, they get $159 or about 35% of the total charges. Complete and TOTAL GOUGE. Going elsewhere.

I am uniquely qualified to this a label this as a rip-off because I've been a Rover sitter for years. Rover takes 20% of what I get paid. Period. I get marketing support, guaranteed payments, liability insurance, an emergency assistance hotline (which I've used), training, tools, a pretty good app, and quite a bit more. At the same time the Customer know exactly what it's going to cost them.

Too bad I'm not using this service again because the helpers I've hired have been really good.


Charged for incompetent Tasker
On May 31,2018 I hired a Tasker to move a buffet to my home.
Prior to the pickup he requested information about the piece regarding size, wood species, etc. I gave him this information and told him that it was not only large but heavy.
He showed up totally unprepared to move the buffet and we had to tell him to leave without it. I immediately received an email stating that since I did not cancel 24 hours in advance that my card would be charged.
I tried calling but their phone is permanently overwelmed with calls according to the voice message and you are directed to their web site.
I sent numerous emails to them with no response to this day. I even had the bank investigate and the response from the bank was that I had approved the transaction therefore I was responsible for the charge.
Today I tried to sent them a message through their web site and it was thrown off 3 times after 3 rewrites and attempts to send it.
I have no other recourse and was wrongfully charged for a service that could not be performed. I will never recommend this company and will do everything I can to stop other people from being ripped off by them.

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TaskRabbit Rating

Based on 50 reviews from TaskRabbit customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Help at home is a click away.

With over 2 Million tasks completed — find safe, reliable, local helpers today. Payment is cashless and all Tasker's pass background and ID checks.

From grocery runs to major cleaning to minor repairs, choose from hundreds of categories.

To book —
Visit or download our free mobile app, TaskRabbit.

If you have any questions along the way, contact our Support Team at the number for your region:

US +1 (844) 340-8275
UK +44 20 3808 4515
Canada +1 (647) 800-4789
France +44 113 320 7255
Germany +49 898 899 7015
Spain +34 518 880 945

Happy tasking!

Address: 94107


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