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50 customer reviews of

"Pay Registration Immediately and Do Training... But We'll Approve Your Account Someday."
I signed up to be a tasker a week ago... probably not the best time, considering they'd just experienced a data breach in their app. I heard it was fixed though, and wanted to check it out, and since I enjoy assembling furniture, why not get paid for it?

So right at the start of signup, TaskRabbit charge a $25 registration fee. Oookay... I probably should have said never mind right there, but figured if I can charge $20 an hour for work, then I'd pay for it in two hours.

After that, you have to complete a 45-minute to 1-hour training course involving videos and quiz questions on how to use the app, how to behave as a tasker, etc. They give you a deadline of a few days to do this, and during this process they claim they will review and approve your account within a couple of business days and get you going!

(Side note, the last section of the training course becomes text only, and offers a link to the Help Files for additional information on the subject, but the link is broken, and the questions were just vague enough that I got them wrong and had to repeat the quiz about five times to get it right!)

So I finished this process and waited three days. Today I checked their Help files on "When will my registration be processed?" and found this:

"We receive a high volume of registrations, and we process registrations on a rolling basis as marketplace demand increases, opening up space in the Tasker community.

We cannot provide an exact timeline for when your registration may be processed. Additionally, not every registration is processed in order to prevent over-saturation of the marketplace. However, rest assured that you will receive notice as soon as your registration is processed or if we need additional information. Thanks for your patience!

Because our Community Team handles registration processing, our Customer Support Team is unable to provide you a timeline or update on when your registration will be processed. You will receive a notification from our Community Team as soon as your registration is processed.

For these reasons, we ask that you kindly do not contact our Customer Support Team for registration status updates. Your cooperation helps ensure we are able to answer Client and Tasker urgent issues in real time."

Riiight... so "we can't say when this process will be done, and don't ask us about it!" And they may not even complete my registration if there's not enough demand in my area? But they're perfectly willing to take the fee from me immediately!

Screw this, I demanded a refund and will be deactivating my account ASAP.

They don't check out their employees.
I booked a tasker for some repairs to my deck. With my money he purchased $1500. Worth of untreated lumber then left it outside in the rain when he disappeared for two weeks. Home Depot said it was too damaged to return. He also bought plumbing and electrical supplies that had nothing to do with repairing the deck. He also charged me for a ladder ($150.00). He was completely incompetent. I have had to take down the entire deck because he did not properly connect the deck to the house and inspectors said it was now a safety hazard. At one point he said he would return the next day to finish the deck (it was nowhere near being finished). He then disappeared for two weeks. He did not call or e-mail me during that time. When he finally emailed me he said his child was ill and he would be unable to finish the job but his girlfriend would complete the deck. My tenant also saw (and took pictures) of him loading up his car with wood that was purchased with my money. I thought that it was safer to hire someone from an agency like this because TaskRabbit would carefully review a taskers qualifications and only send reputable people to do the job. I don't believe they check out the qualifications of their taskers at all. I wouldn't be surprised he had a long criminal history. BEWARE! I would never hire from them again.

Awful service
I booked a tasker to assemble my flat pack yesterday. After 3.5 hours I was told that the cupboard was damaged and that he wouldn't be able to complete the task. My walls were damaged in two spots in the process. We both had to call a U.S. number who said TaskRabbit would be in touch and call us back. They didn't. I spent money on 4 calls to the U.S. Each time I had to explain the situation over again.
In the evening I exchanged 5 emails with a rep at Taskrabbit UK, who kept asking me for the same information, information that was documented on my chat with the tasker and including pictures. They kept sending me the same email over and over again, hardly changing it and told me that they weren't responsible for paying me back for the damage.
That's I would need to be insured. Why the help would I need to be insured for a flatpack? I communicated that to the rep who still hasn't been in touch. I've sent 4 follow up emails. My cupboards were worth 3250 but that was apparently too much money for them to reimburse me for. I tried the emergency number this morning but the only options available are to leave a voicemail or send emails. Neither of which have got me anywhere. The service I've received has been nothing short of disgusting. Even after the tasker officially took responsibility of everything, they still won't respond and reimburse/ resolve the situation.

Service is deteriorating while their rates keep rising.
I am disabled so when I first discovered TR, I was thrilled. I booked them several times to pick up groceries or run small errands. I have a smoker in my home so often I'll have them pick up cigarettes for them. Today I scheduled a tasker to pick up some grocieries and threw a pack of cigarettes on the list. As I had been advised by their customer service department in the past, I told the tasker he could check with customer service to verify my identity and age as TaskRabbit notated my account, The tasker said it was no problem, he would be leaving shortly to go get my groceries. We had a few chats in between and about the time I was expecting him to show up, TR sent me a message they I had cancelled. WTF? I called and was told that they couldn't deliver cigarettes so they cancelled the whole task. No phone call, just an email, after they cancelled, with a lame explaination. I had already waited an hour and a half and now they wanted me to reschedule to reorder the groceries and wait another hour or so. For $40 an hour, you'd think that would buy the client the courtesy of a little common sense and a quick phone call to at least give the option of fulfilling the rest of the task. Their timiliness, customer service and always increasing and very high hourly rates have finally become too much. As a customer who used to love the service, I can say they have deteriorated to the point I will no longer be using them. I am researching alternative services in San Jose, Ca, but I may just have to do without the extra little help.

Appalling service
If I could give zero stars, I would. We booked a tasker to put up several large shelves. He was here for a very short amount of time but the shelves appeared to be fine, so we didn't mind. The next day I woke up to find one of the shelves on the floor, surrounded by chunks of plaster and paint. There were also several holes in our wall. The brackets had not been secured properly at all.
It's been a nightmare to deal with TR's "customer services". After several days of trying to get a response, TaskRabbit finally emailed back to offer us a discount on the cost of another mounting/installation task. There was no mention of fixing the damage caused. They clearly expected us to arrange it and pay for it ourselves. We rejected their voucher and demanded they pay for the repair costs but have been met with silence. Another shelf has since fallen down, causing yet more damage.
I have no faith in their complaints procedure so although we are out of pocket, it looks like we'll have to cut our losses and move on. It goes without saying that I will never use TR again and would strongly discourage anyone else from doing so. They are complete charlatans.

Hired a tasker who completely botched the job he was hired to do - supposedly had experience (and was in the construction and carpentry section with decent reviews) but he did a terrible job with click-lock flooring (which should have been simple to install - no glue, underlayment already attached, etc.). Gaps, areas that weren't covered that should have been (and couldn't be filled later, given the nature of the click lock and the bad flush cuts he made), areas that were not square, chipped materials rendered unusable. Cost me a ton of time and money for the materials he wasted, because I had to pull it all up and start over. Jerk argued that it couldn't have been done any better. Ridiculous, because it was done better by US just a few hours later. And TaskRabbit customer service is NONEXISTENT. TaskRabbit are very, very not helpful. I put a freeze on my card to avoid getting charged - I definitely got an e-mail about THAT from them, but nothing to resolve the huge issues I had with the work. BAD EXPERIENCE.

Athough TaskRabbit may be the idea go to solution for people on the go, TaskRabbit are lacking plain ole professionalism. Professional etiquette is of great importance not only today, but everyday. As a customer service applicant for TaskRabbit, I was put through a grueling interview process, I was asked to pick three possible time slots for each one of the 5 interviews I had. Not to mention that on my final interview I was asked to meet the interviewer in a lobby of a local hotel where he had to look for a "quiet" spot to conduct the interview and when it was all over, I had to pay parking. Here's a clue, when you are a company who is making millions, you should conduct yourselves as such. Your applicants are obviously looking for a job, considering there is no guarantee who you will select, let's make sure that are spared any expense. Paying for parking is only worth it if you know you are going to start work within the week. I have had the privilege of working jobs that require security clearance and have never been through such a exhausting process. I would advise that you narrow your interview process down to reasonable. The interview process was not only physically draining, it was emotionally draining as well. When you are in the hiring stages, your applicants hope to become employees. I think it is ok to stop your interview process before it gets to the level of obsessive. As an entry level employee two maybe three interviews are more than enough. Anymore after that should remain reserved for applicants seeking positions as executives. Last but not least, it was evident by the interviewers statements that I was not the one. As I previously mentioned the interviewing process was extreme, in that case once your selection has been made, extend a note of why this particular candidate was not chosen. A substantial amount of time was given to the TaskRabbit team over the course of two weeks, I don't think understanding what eliminated a top candidate is too much to ask. With that being said, when a up and coming business handles their internal affairs this way, it makes you wonder what makes best suited to serve the world externally.

Incompetent and Unprofessional
I hired someone to mount two televisions in my apartment. The job took a long time (5 hours), but was quoted $470 by another service and TaskRabbit only charged me $200 for the job, so I was fine with it initially. Two days after I was charged another $200 for the same work. Called phone support. They shut it down due to "cyber security issues". So, I try chat support. Took me 6 times to get a live chat support agent online. I found out later that if you have to wait more than 5 minutes in the queue, then it automatically logs you out. Was suggested later by an agent to type in "hi" occasionally to circumvent this protocol. (You think they'd give their agents a little more time to get through 5 people, that was the average queue length for me). Finally, got through and they said the second charge would drop off while in pending status before becoming a sale. A day later the pending charge went through asa a sale. So, i get back on chat support. After 5 more attempts to get through. They ask if i called my bank to make sure the charges were confirmed. Then they asked for a screenshot of my charges. Email bounced back on my 1st try. They received on my 2nd attempt. They then stated a "senior" team member would get back to me within 24 hours. And here i write waiting still... Worst customer service ever. They acted irritated that I insist they deal with my double charge and ended chat both times rudely. Surely because they had 20 people on hold due to the lack of phone support. I'll nevef use them again and will certainly share this experience on any review portals that I can find.

Horrible Customer Service/Zero Accountability
I booked a large task two weeks out, with a check-in the day before, only to have the person assigned to my task cancel less than an hour before showing up. The person I'd hired didn't give me an explanation and once he canceled the job, and I wasn't able to ask why, as the chat feature disables once the job is canceled. Also, I am unable to leave a poor review since he never did the job. This "tasker" has 100% positive reviews, which is obviously completely inflated. I tried to find any sort of accountability on the tasker's end, but all I could find was the client's responsibility, which was to give 24 hours notice before canceling, or pay a one-hour fee penalty. In addition to the tasker being a flake, the customer service is a joke. TaskRabbit claim to respond to all inquiries in 48 hours, but I've heard nothing back since well past that timeframe. Outside of "emergencies" customer service won't accept chat or phone calls. I have zero confidence I'll hear back at all.

Taskers are also clients
It's not a scam like so many people are saying. If a tasker really cares about their business, TaskRabbit will do their best to gain and keep good clients. BUT...
Someone said it in their review as a tasker and I'm going to agree.
All it takes is one bad review and they won't send new clients to you. I've been a tasker for about 6 months now. I mainly do cleaning jobs. I have some recurring clients and I never had an issue until my most recent request with a new potential client. I'm planning on leaving the platform because people don't look at taskers as professional business people. They look at them like a cheap alternative to getting someone professional. And my problem with that is, Taskrabbit doesn't seem to be doing anything to change that image of their contractors. Therefore my business will be limited.
If you're thinking about becoming a tasker, make sure that you document EVERYTHING DISCUSSED between you and the client through the chat. That is your only proof if something goes wrong with a client. If they want to talk on the phone, still confirm everything in the chat.
From my experience, usually when a client wants to discuss the job on the phone rather than chat, they are trying to manipulate the task and get extra work for little or no cost.
I canceled this task because the client would not confirm anything via chat. While talking on the phone, she asked if laundry could be added to the general cleaning and she wanted to see if I wanted to work for her off of the Taskrabbit platform in the future. She warned me that she will be reviewing me honestly and that I shouldn't take it personally... ( like I haven't even stepped foot in your house yet...) She tried to make be go over her house a few days before the scheduled appointment so that she could explain everything that I tried discussing in the chat and whatever she was keeping me on the phone about for OVER 30 minutes.
I had bad vibes about her because I felt like she's the type that would end up nitpicking at every little problem that they think was made and end up giving me a bad review. But long behold, because I canceled, Taskrabbit still allowed her to review me, of course, not much to my surprise, she gave me a bad review because I canceled on her.
I was just about to make elite on the platform, which would have been a good benefit for getting more request, but suddenly my metrics went down. I requested a dispute, but Taskrabbit declined because " clients are encouraged to leave honest reviews ", but the funny thing is in their explanation, they mentioned that they won't remove it because the negative comment was based off of the tasker and not the Taskrabbit platform... they also mentioned that the reason why my metrics went down is because I canceled and that can prevent potential clients from returning to Taskrabbit in the future. So basically they are all for themselves.
Taskers are also clients and if they lose taskers, they loose business.

Unaccountable and Unprofessional
I had recently moved, and was using task rabbit quite frequently for handy man work around the house. I was extremely disappointed to find out that most "taskers" were not experienced, and often dishonest about their capabilities. However, I was most disappointed with task rabbits overall lack of accountability when things went wrong. I had hired someone to install tracking for a sliding closet door. The person who accepted this task ended up unnecessarily ripping my newly installed carpeting. He assured me that Task Rabbit's insurance would cover the repair of my carpet. At first, task rabbit support was responsive and guaranteed that TaskRabbit would make this right. After sending them the quote to have my carpet repaired, they became impossible to get a hold of. Even telling me that they "don't have a phone number" and all support communication is done "strictly through email". That not only extremely inconvenient, but also hard for me to believe. After this negative experience and their lack of accountability, I will never use this service again.

TaskRabbit deceptive practice of adding-on fees undisclosed at time of booking
I hired a TaskRabbit (TR) tasker in San Diego for 4+ hours of task. The only payment information given by TR website at the time of booking was tasker's hourly rate. After the task was completed, the tasker charged for 5hours of work, about $250. However, my credit card was charged by TR for about $270, with a previously undisclosed "TRUST" fees tacked on to the bill. And, just so you know, this extra "TRUST" fees is on top of the 15% cut TaskRabbit takes from the Tasker hourly rates (in this case the tasker would have received only abou $200) from TR!).

Even though TaskRabbit lists a phone number on their website under contacts tab, the answering machine just informs to mail or email the concern. I did email them to ask for a refund of the "TRUST" fees, but there hasn't been any response in last week.

The facts that the TR provides no direct way to customers to approach them with concerns, or file grievances, does not respond to emailed complaints all point to TaskRabbit wanting to operate in a shady/deceptive way and, hide their ratings/reviews from reaching potential customers.

Tasker cancelled at the last minute
We had a very bad experience with Tasker Santos C. We had to pick up three pieces of office furniture and move it to our house. Santos agreed to do this job and we scheduled at a time convenient for him. On the day of pick up, he was supposed to arrive at 10 am at the pick up location. When we didn't see him at 10:05, we called him. He apologized at that point that he was going to be half hr late. This was already unprofessional as we had to apologize to the folks at the pick up location who had to leave for another errand. We continue waiting until 10:50 and give Santos a call again, at this point he let's us know he cannot make it as his truck broke down! This was extremely frustrating as we planned this task 2 weeks ago! It was irresponsible of Santos and I will not recommend him to anyone. Task rabbit should hold responsibilities on ensuring tasters don't cancel task at last minute! Also please note, you cannot write a review on the Tasker once the task is cancelled!

Absolutely Criminal Company With No Accountability
We hired a plumber to fix a minor issue in our bathroom. Did all our due diligence by hiring someone with positive reviews and who was licensed.

We came home to find that this plumber had left the shower running ALL DAY LONG, causing massive flooding and thousands of dollars of damages in our home completely ruining our downstairs living room ceiling. We of course contacted Task Rabbit who claims to have insurance against these types of issues that were caused by their Taskers. After over a MONTH of waiting and emails, TaskRabbit claimed that it "does not qualify" under their insurance policy.

Let me make this very clear - Task Rabbit's "guarantee" or "insurance" is completely fraudulent. They WILL NOT protect you in the event that someone destroys your property. How on earth does hiring a LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ON TASK RABBIT, to do a simply bathroom plumbing job, who then proceeds to be insanely incompetent and cause THOUSANDS in damage to your home not qualify under their insurance? So what is covered, Task Rabbit?

Avoid this service at all costs. Their customer service reps may talk like they empathize, but the actual people in charge of making sure your home is kept safe and people are held accountable for damages simply don't give a flying f*!@.

Insanely disappointing.

Life threatening mistake caused by Tasker - AVOID!
I hired a handyman to hang artwork around my apartment. The artwork was all very light and needed minimal mounting, but I hired an "elite tasker" to ensure TaskRabbit were centered and straight. The tasker I hired was not using a stud finder. He was also using an electric drill, which was extremely unnecessary, and ended up drilling right into my building's gas pipe, causing gas to spew into my apartment. We are SO incredibly lucky that this did not cause an explosion from the pressure!

This issue happened back in August and I am still in the process of reconciling it with Task Rabbit Support. I have never in my life seen such a poor business model with absolutely awful customer service. The only way you can reach someone is via their general "help" email system, where it takes 3-4 days for someone to hopefully reply. I am going on 4 months of trying to resolve the damages that were caused the payments that are due from the damages. Task Rabbit has been inconsistent with their responses and are refusing to refund for the damages caused by the tasker.

AND - this guy is still employed by TR and is still being hired. His name is Ionut C. He charged me in full; when I reached out out to him the day after, he refused to refund me. This guy is SO RUDE and is a joke. DO NOT HIRE HIM! DO NOT USE TASK RABBIT!

16 of 28 screws unused
Jan 29 ‘21: I hired someone from TaskRabbit to assemble a small kitchen island-type piece of furniture that I purchased from Wayfair. The tasker whom I selected had a bio that said she was very experienced with all types of furniture from Wayfair, IKEA and other retailers. And she had dozens of reviews. When she arrived, she was pleasant and seemed eager to work. Took her 2.75 hours to assemble something that should have taken 1.0 hour. I should have known something was wrong because every time I passed by the kitchen, she looked frustrated and wasn't making the kind of progress I thought she should be making, seeing as how her bio said she was experienced and all. I work from home so I was glad when she finished so I could get back to the conference calls I had scheduled. I gave her a $20 cash tip and she was in a hurry to leave, but I didn't think much about it. That afternoon when I inspected the assembly job she did, I realized that the island is not stable, the drawer doesn't close so that it's flush with the base of the island and the two small doors don't close. And... she apparently used only 12 of the 28 screws included with the furniture. I checked the assembly instructions to make sure that those screws weren't just extras. TaskRabbit are not extras. I've written to TaskRabbit and have not gotten a response. I paid $178 for a piss poor job and I am not at all happy. I will be contacting my bank to reverse the charge and hopefully that will get the attention of Task Rabbit customer service.

Unskilled workers in San Antonio
Hired 3 different taskers, none had the skills needed to do the work. The guy doing electrical work could not install two recessed lights and took 7 hours to replace 5 light switches, change out one coach light, replace a box on an outdoor outlet, and changed two of four halogen bulbs - he broke a $5 bulb and could not get the fourth to come back on. He also rewired the outlet incorrectly and had to take apart another box to figure out how to rewire.The tasker hired to do exterior work ignored instruction to replace rotted wood and a panel of broken cement board siding before painting. He over sprayed leaving the finish chunky and wasted 4 gallons of Sherwin Williams paint without getting much done in 6.5 hrs. Without asking, He used new cedar shake planks and my plywood to cover the patio, driveway and grass. He also cut 15 fronds from a mature palm tree without asking. Didn't have a ladder to paint the top of the fence. Waste of $400 plus $200 in paint. Done with Task Rabbit.

Fraud. Beware.
Where does one begin. First of all - stay away from TaskRabbit, their charging system is beyond faulty and you will be blamed and scolded by customer service (for me it was a manager named Leo) for what is clearly their fault. I am currently reporting them to the RCMP (Canada's federal police) and the local municipal police fraud unit. I will also be in contact with the better business bureau. This review is the first of many.

I initially attempted to book a simple plumbing task through the task rabbit app. The next 48 hours were a nightmare of ineptitude and poor customer service. Let me explain and break it down for everyone.

When attempting to book said task, I hit confirm and book, only to get a "failure to authenticate card" error. This happened seven times. But wait! Each time a $1.00$ Authentication fee was taken from my account. After a few conversations with live chat support, it was explained to me that the fee would be refunded. No explanation as to why it happens seven times. As of the time of this writing, I have been refunded $3 out of the $7, which in itself is suspect (as told by my bank's fraud division).

I was finally able to book the task on the 8th attempt after using a browser instead of the app. The day of the task arrived and at the exact time the task is to start, the entire amount is deducted from my account and then I get a text message saying "YOUR CARD HAS BEEN UNABLE TO BE AUTHENTICATED, THE TASK HAS BEEN CANCELLED". This, after the money has been taken from my account. Also, this means that I cannot communicate with the tasker/plumber, who also lost his income from this erroneous cancellation. Moments later, the entire amount is refunded to my account inexplicably.

I call and am finally able to speak to a person, after having to demand a number from a live chat agent. The complaint gets escalated to a manager who gives me a 20$ credit and tells me that my bank probably blocked the transaction after the 7 attempts at authentication, which might look suspicious. She tells me she will send me an email, which she has not responded to after several attempts to reach out.

I call the bank. Keep in mind that through all of this I have taken time from my day and lost income in order to wait for the plumber. The bank tells me that there is nothing blocking it on their end and that the fraud division has asked me if this really is a legitimate business. I bank with a major Canadian bank, who knows what TaskRabbit are talking about.

So I try to book the task again - stupid me, right? I should have given up after the 8th attempt. I should have reported TaskRabbit then and there.

This time the task is booked and the amount is deducted from my account RIGHT AWAY despite being til it would only come out on the date and at the time of the task. And better yet - there is NO record of the task being booked in my account. Just $54 gone from my account and no task booked to show for it.

I call TaskRabbit again understandably livid. This is the first time I have had an interaction so confusing, frustrating and so dishonest.

I reach a manager named Leo, who responds to me by telling me:

1) I pressed the confirm button too many times
2) perhaps the connection was bad
3) on their end, the message they receive is "do not honour" and therefore my bank, again, a major Canadian bank and its fraud division, are lying to me. Not giving wrong information, but lying.

The interaction disintegrates as Leo tells me, like a child, that I am "always" putting words in his mouth. He is speaking disrespectfully and trying to blame and shame ME for their obvious and just hideously and confusingly poor billing system and customer support.

At this point I need to issue a warning to all of you: STAY. AWAY.

For all I know this could have shut down my whole account for suspected fraudulent activity, leaving me without access to my money. I STILL have not been completely refunded the entire $7 that was taken at the beginning of this nightmare from all those erroneous authentication charges.

I had tried to remain respectful and calm and did so considering the circumstances until being spoken down to and belittled by a SUPERVISOR.

I will be, as stated above, approaching the fraud divisions of the RCMP and my local police and will be reporting this to the better business bureau.

Bottom line. No task is worth this much frustration, humiliation, carelessness and possibly fraud. None. -10 out of 10.

Ripoff for taskers
I applied to be a tasker on 1/5/16, the company stated that it only hires a small amount of the thousands of applications that TaskRabbit receive. So I waited & waited after several months I found a job and forgot about task rabbit. Oh but low and behold I see a charge to my bank account from the company.
I called the only number available for customer service and it turns out to be the emergency number. I stay on the line and tell the associate my issue. They quickly dismiss me and say that an email will be sent and my issue is not an emergency. I would love for that to happen to them and have someone tell them that same exact thing "I understand that we took money out of your account without permission but we don't consider it an emergency just wait for the email"

Then the company emails me and says it is for the background check I honestly do not remember agreeing to pay for my background check. I told them I am no longer interested in the job and to refund my money they wrote no can do because I am already registered
Okay so I said fine I might ad well attend orientation and take a job so that I may get my money back. But nooooo, the app that the have for IPhone is not trusted so unless you over ride the system and allow it to be accepted you can't use the app. I'm sorry that is a big red flag. If you are a reputable company why would your app not be trusted. So I will have to take a lost on my money & I have deactivated my account so I will not ever be dealing with this company again

Sry away from Taskrabbit
My tasker Joseph B was totally inexperienced he had no clue how to mount furniture. Am I supposed to spend more on mounting than all the furniture cost? He had the wrong drill all along so he damaged a wall with 6 holes on each side. To put a simple rope for bedroom curtain which are standard sizes. He destroyed the wall did not use anchors and all nails gave in. Furthermore he used a 1"x 1" square foam that comes to protect furniture to hold it even. How long did he think that and nails without anchors were going to hold? The rope collapsed on me the first time I tried to close the curtains. I asked for a refund of the 4 hrs he spent to money by it twice he sent 0.50 cents and insulted me. He asked to work off the platform after first day to save the task rabbit commission so task rabbit can not help. Task rabbit NEVER can be reached over the phone, always e nails and the fact that such a scammer can still remain active on their takers platforms is the reason why I want to deactivate my account and there is not link as TaskRabbit said to click on to deactivate. So my profile is active with all my info because the option to deactivate account doesn't exist. We have gone at least 10 e nails on this. I am computer savvy and there is no deactivate account option. You will be better off finding your own handyman. Ikea also doesn't take any responsibility, they claim task rabbit is an independent company and I need to call them. If you call their number there is ALWAYS a record that says that due to the volume of calls they can not answer but you can e mail. The truth is that they never ever are to reach other than via e mail. A total SCAM Each time I tried to upload pics it leaves me on the mode of progress and the screen freezes and don't manage to post the review but gladly will send pics if asked

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TaskRabbit Rating

Based on 50 reviews from TaskRabbit customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Help at home is a click away.

With over 2 Million tasks completed — find safe, reliable, local helpers today. Payment is cashless and all Tasker's pass background and ID checks.

From grocery runs to major cleaning to minor repairs, choose from hundreds of categories.

To book —
Visit or download our free mobile app, TaskRabbit.

If you have any questions along the way, contact our Support Team at the number for your region:

US +1 (844) 340-8275
UK +44 20 3808 4515
Canada +1 (647) 800-4789
France +44 113 320 7255
Germany +49 898 899 7015
Spain +34 518 880 945

Happy tasking!

Address: 94107


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