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The First Group

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54 customer reviews of

• Sep 13, 2024

Thank you for taking out time to reach us and sorry for your lost, We regret to know you’ve experienced such an issue and hardship where you try and make some trade and option to do investment  trading and you end up running into loses with companies guilty of embezzling and depriving investors of their money and profits sadly that how the trading world is now it what it turned into but there a way out and that by you getting to recover all your lost funds back, your profits included and probably charge them with a lawsuit for Illegal Embezzlement of funds. All this can be done by contacting HARPER JAMES via: harperjamesplatform   @   g   mail   com

• Feb 09, 2024

It’s a scam
In December 2022, The First Group enticed me to invest in Dubai real estate, promising a Dubai Golden Visa and support for our U.S. business. After completing a 20% payment in February 2023, the company failed to deliver on their promises, including benefits and the title deed. Efforts to resolve these issues were met with delays, inadequate responses, and unkept promises, causing additional financial strain.

During a trip to Dubai in April 2023, I requested to cancel the investment and sought a full refund due to unmet promises and misleading information, notably about supposed affiliation with the Dubai Land Department. The First Group had one of there employees present themselves as one of Dubai Land Department employee. Had us sing a lot o paper work and everything disappeared. Despite the clear failure to fulfill their obligations, The First Group refused to refund our significant investment, resulting in substantial distress.

This ordeal has diminished our trust in The First Group and affected our outlook on future investments, highlighting the company's inability to honor commitments and effectively address customer concerns.

legal advisor
Ready to take over all claims in this regard against TFG.
contact me at [email protected].

I am with The First Group since 2016 as an investor
I am with The First Group since 2016 as an investor. I have invested in one of the properties and my experience with The First Group has been more than expected good.

Generally if you invest with any company The First Group are more interested in your investments but The First Group's priority is services and satisfaction. Only if you're satisfied with the services then only they move ahead. But they stay with you always.
If I say the relationship between the first group and I grew over the years and getting better because of the services, Returm on investment and personal attention.

I hereby would like to mention "Olga" who had been a great help during my stay in Dubai and now I am planning for my second investment in The First Group. I know I delayed my decision it's my loss. I should have made my second investment earlier and now I would have been discussing my third investment with The First Group.

Very satisfied... great Investment. One of my best decisions.

Abhimanyu Singh

The process was great and swift but the sales person...
The process was great and swift but the sales person that contacted me is dishonest. When I asked him about visa and airport pick up he said the travel agent will do it don't worry. When I receive the certificate it was clear that visa and airport pick up were exclusions

Still waiting for a response

I purchased a office space from The First Grout in the solo, The Bridge, Sports City for 100k with a expected return of 7000 to 10,000 per year. It has been rented out for 3 years now and my return is 700.00 per year. TFG say that this is the best return that The First Group can give on this even with Regus managing it. To me it looks like all the rent is going on fees and charges. They offered to buy it back at my purchase price it I invested into one of their hotels. What can I do about this? Its a bad investment for me and the other Solo investors. Would you invest in a company that promised that and delivered this?

Quick update on the original review I posted a year on the First group (16th August 2019). I was contacted by a lady who kept promising her manager would contact me to resolve the issue. After waiting weeks, the said manager never called or emailed. After much back and forth with the original person that contacted me, the First group resorted to their "hide and seek" tactic which The First Group know to do so well. Months and months after, it was all silence. No one resolved my issue, no one reached out to me.

Out of the blue in the last few weeks, I've had someone contact me from First Group claiming their department was set up specially to help people like me. For a moment, I breathed a sigh of relief hoping that finally, I would be dealing with a real person. He proposed he would work on First Group moving me to another unit which was more profitable, in a good location. He even went as far as doing video calls with me showing me the site. When he started making me promises I've heard before, I told him in several messages and calls that I am retired, I can't take on any more major financial commitments. He is still pestering, trying to sell me another unit that would involve me shelling out more money to First Group. There is still no recourse, no resolution, and no safety net for investors. The only option First Group is giving me is to up my current investments and pay even more money to them. They are not offering a refund, a re-sale which the promised initially.
For those who are yet to invest with First Group, count yourself lucky. Don't bother just STAY AWAY. For people like me who have fallen victim already, don't be deceived by whatever attractive investment or opportunity they bring up in the guise to get you out of things. It is clear that reselling their units is not an option, it is also clear that they don't guarantee returns. My stance on First Group remains the same, they are not transparent, and they are difficult to deal with. If I could give a zero or no stars at all I would. Another whole year has gone past, we are still singing the same song.

To investors like me out there, let us all look at creating a Facebook group as suggested by someone. This brazen, outright scam should not be allowed to continue, not in these difficult times. If this Facegroup has been set up already, please reach out to me on details. Thank you.


I got a message when I was in the middle of a stopover...
I got a message when I was in the middle of a stopover in Istanbul. A member of the hotel was concerned about our arrival, all this to discover because Nour planned for us a romantic set up decoration to surprise us, Nothing to say it was an impeccable suite as in the photos. I was there in July, I would simply like to say thank Ms. Nour who also speaks fluent French in addition to listening from our arrival until our departure. If I come back to Dubai it has to be this hotel. In addition, the view from our suite was simply magnificent and this balcony. Thank you to the whole team of this establishment. Without forgetting anyone!
Experience with Enhanced Health and Sanitation Measures Nothing to say everything was impeccable!

We checked in for a weekend and left very satisfied...
We checked in for a weekend and left very satisfied with very good memories. The hotel was suggested to us by some friends who stayed here before and were satisfied too. The rooms were super clean, the view was super and I got a cake for my birthday too. Would like to thank the team for their hard work mainly Nour because she extended extra care to us attention and compassion during the whole stay, we felt precious and this was definitely something. Thank you again for all

My experience with TFG for the past 20/25 years has...
My experience with TFG for the past 20/25 years has been excellent and very encouraging. I have always been treated with respect and like family.
My main contact and current relationship manager Mr Nader Aberdeen is a gem and a great asset for TFG. His responses are prompt and to the point. I have dealt and known him to the past many years and he is always there when I need him. I live in the USA and distances always matter but Nader has always been in the forefront to resolve my problems and issues always to my satisfaction. I wish there were more employees like him in TFG. Thank you Haider Jalal

Can safely recommend to anyone
Had a lovely experience with The First Group team. Really enjoyed all the communication, from the initial contact to the contract signing. What I appreciate the most is constant support and readiness to help, whatever issue I have. Im yet to see the financial results, but Im sure I wont be disappointed. Really thankful for the kind help!

I have 3 units now
Several years ago I invested all the free money I had into TFG project. I almost didnt even hesitate, and as the result I have 3 units now. I can say I plan to invest some additional money into new projects being in construction. The company works flawlessly, and the staff is comprised of true professionals. Every time my friends or business partners ask my advice on investing in Dubai real estate, I gladly recommend them to consider TFG

The hotel was exceptional right from the start
The hotel was exceptional right from the start. The room was beautiful with great views of Dubai Marina. This hotel operates like a 5 star with great attention to detail and exceptional service and care. The staff were exemplary, The First Group took care of all our needs and wants.

Nour, our relations executive welcomed us with open arms and a big smile and made sure we felt right at home. A special thank you goes out to Rohan who cleaned our room beautifully with little gestures of sweets and dates. The breakfast was so satisfying with a good and wide selection to choose from complemented by great service.

We highly recommend this hotel.

Waste of tourist time... Incorrect info to entice you into their schemes
In emirates mall, One executive enticed us for a free ride to 3 picnic spots in one hour with a halt for coffee/ juices for 5 minutes. But The First Group made us sit for one hour 30 mins in their office. Started selling timeshare sort of package. When we asked what's going on, then told that they will take us to their hotel properties and not picnic spots.

Don't get cheated if they say free ride.


L met a very pleasant girl at the mall of Emirate her name was Michelle and her team supervisor and colIegue and thats how l ended up in the office where l was taken and talked to the gorgeous and wonderful Roxane in English which she kept aplologising but her vibrance and enthusiasim makes everytning so interesting. Shes lovely. It was my first night in Dubai and that gave me a good start though very sceptical about the holiday but l took a chance. L am looking forward to my holiday and whatever else that might be affordable to me hoping my membership will be a benefit to both of us.

Follow Up: The First Group is VERY DANGEROUS
I posted a review on this site on 12 November 2019 titled "Unending Terrible Experience with THE FIRST GROUP". I had posted same review on another site on 29 August 2019 after which the social media team of TFG requested I provide my contact, which I did immediately (all same day).

On 19 September 2019, I got a phone call from Arthur Rangel, previous Compliance Manager and now Corporate Client Manager, expressing anger over the review I posted and but also said that he understands. He mentioned that The First Group offered to give me the property unit they claimed to have sold to me without having to pay the remaining three instalments. He questioned my integrity for saying that I did not know about this offer before I posted the review. It was amusing to me that a TFG official will question my integrity. Anyway, I told him if the offer was in writing, there would have been no basis for any denial by anybody and integrity question would not have arisen. I then advised that he send the offer by email and I will respond to state my position.

I received the offer by email on 26 September 2019 in form of "Settlement Agreement" and requesting me sign immediately so that I can receive my past, current and future rental income. I acknowledged immediately and requested for time to consult. Exactly one week after, on 3 October 2019, I replied to accept the offer in principle but raised some points to be taken into consideration to ensure effectiveness of the "Settlement Agreement" and to achieve closure of the issue. The points were broken into six, but they concern three important principles as follows:

(1) The new SPA to be signed by us will be in accordance with the laws of Dubai and affirmed at Notary Public in Dubai;
(2) I will take full possession of the property with full rights of ownership including right to decide who or which company will do rental management on my behalf;
(3) Past rental income amount be included as a clause in the agreement with calculations attached as addendum.

Arthur replied immediately to say their Legal department will review. After one week without response from TFG, I concluded that their so called "Settlement Agreement" is fake and reminiscence of the proverbial poisoned chalice. It was meant to neutralize all my past and ongoing efforts to seek redress and making it difficult for me to initiate any process of redress in the future. For instance, the two most detailed clauses in the "Settlement Agreement" relates to preventing any party (of course me) from using any method/approach in case of dispute except the Dubai court. The key question is, if they are serious about settlement and closure, why are they anticipating dispute. I gave them one-week ultimatum and extended for another one week to refund my money and thereafter we negotiate compensation. They are yet to refund me.

Ironically, TFG is the one afraid of Dubai court not me because they know they are on the wrong side of the law. When I stopped instalment payment after establishing that the SPA was fake, they sent me a letter dated 3rd May 2016 threatening to go to Dubai court to get judgement to seize the instalments I paid without getting the property and in addition, be forced to pay all outstanding instalments. I replied to say that the SPA has legal validity question and it will be good for them to go to the Dubai court to enable me to explain my side of the story and I will abide by the judgement of the court. They did not go to the court up till today.

Rather, when I took my case to Dubai court through a law firm, they did all sort of things (I believe including threats) to prevent the law firm from going on with my case at the Dubai court. The law firm even refused to give me the legal report they requested on my behalf through the Dubai court even though I paid for the service. It took a harsh email before the law firm sent me scanned copies, they refused to send me the original copy up till now. I tried several other law firms and realized that TFG has built a strong network of legal and institutional accomplices that ensures that no case against them reaches the Dubai court. So, they use the court to intimidate their gullible victims while building a dubious barrier to avoid judicial accountability by the court. This is tantamount to making mockery of the legal/judicial system of the country they are licensed to operate and do business, which is VERY DANGEROUS.

The latest attempt by TFG to use fake "Settlement Agreement" is not too surprising. It is a proverbial case of a "A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots". For the past five years of seeking redress, I have obtained a lot of information about them. One of the several lawyers I contacted exclaimed when I mentioned their name and said: "They don't sell property, they sell papers". Even though I had already established that they did not sell any property tome but used a fake contract, that statement perfectly described my experience with them. I can also see that it resonates with many of the reviews I read about them.

The business strategy of TFG is VERY DANGEROUS, comprising of the following:

(i) They use the reputation of Dubai, promise good returns with assurance full refund if you change your mind and project famous personalities as their brand ambassadors. One of their brand ambassadors is Michael Owen, a former England footballer and now public commentator on football affairs.
(ii) Once a person agrees to invest with them and make payment, s/he becomes a victim of fraud. They will keep twisting issues and, in most cases, victims get frustrated and forego the money if the amount is not much (may be only reservation deposits). For some other victims, TFG put them in very difficult situation to make them concede some percentage of their investment as settlement. For some, TFG will use legal threat (as they did to me) and if the person is scared, will rather allow them to take the money. In some cases, they will insist they sell the property on your behalf at a loss to you and pay you the amount. What many of the victims do not know is that, TFG did not sell any property to them in the first place, they sold them papers and took their money. That is why many of the reviews I read is bout not getting returns or enough returns.
(iii) If a victim tries to seek legal redress, they use the legal fence I explained above, which I believe they maintain with the proceeds of fraud they get from their numerous and growing victims.

A lawless enterprise that operates in an environment that has developed a reputation for decency, preying on unsuspecting victims by exploiting the weaknesses of the system is a VERY DANGEROUS enterprise.

In my next posting, I will analyze the implications of the activities of The First Group to various stakeholders and why each of these stakeholders need to do what is necessary to tackle this VERY DANGEROUS criminal enterprise.


Great work of managers
I want to express my gratitude to the managers of company The First Group. The First Group accessibly and understandably explain all about investing in real estate in Dubai. I already have little business in city but I want that my sons inherits immovable property. I know laws and taxes in Dubai good but I never earlier invested in real estate in abroad countries and I needed advices.
Even if your English is as mine it is okei. Company managers work with many people in different countries of the world so I dont worry about communication and documents. In reality, they even help get visa and invite you in Dubai to watch at their projects. You can get a privat tour and spend some nights in a good hotel. But most importang thing is consultation managers go with you to every project you like and tell you about them everything you want to know.
What I liked personally was a hotel complex very near to water. It is popular at tourists and is always occupied. Difficult even to imagine how many money it produces. The First Group showed me all financial calculations with predictions for several years. Like this they give you guarantee that your money is safely invested. You can never lose money here and real estate is a thing that stays forever. Solid investment, I recommend everyone who thinks of taking money out of our country.

My experience with The first Group
It was a pleasant experience in the company of Susan, who was courteous and articulate in explaining as we were on a tour of the facilities of the First Group. She is a real asset to the company. Credit must also be given to Miss Manka, who approached me first at the airport and also Mr Atsu Ago who is going to be my concierge after convincing me to buy into the holidays experience.
My regret is that I have been left on my own transportation wise after buying into the holidays package. This is not good at all for one who does not know his ways around town. It is a minus to the First Group. Get transportation included in the package.

We didn't get any product or service yet but we did...
We didn't get any product or service yet but we did purchased a vacation deal offered to us by you and we hope we'll be able to execute it and really experience Dubai as you describe it to us.

it was explained to me that if i won't reserve a vacation now i may not find a place in your hotels...

Fraud company, be careful.
The first group - Dubai, In my opinion, is the worst real estate broker company ever. Many innocent investors have lost big money and I strongly discourage people from investing with this company. This is an honest review from a person who invested with The First Group. My recommendation is a big NO!. Do not invest in the first group and do not fall into their false promises. The company uses pressure sales, hypnotic marketing to lure investors, The First Group promise unrealistic returns on your investment. They told me I could get a full refund if I change my mind but when I did, they said no refunds. After a long fight they agreed to refund half but after 2 years, they did not refund anything. Now they say they will not refund. Be careful of this company


The deal sounded exciting and worth trying out.
It was quite impressive and convincing. Your team took their time to explain everything to us. The First Group appeared friendly, polite but businesslike which made their approach convincing to want to participate. The discounted service and offers too are very good. We will by all means come back to Dubai very shortly to experience this deal.

I trust TFG as a company is working diligent and honest
I trust TFG as a company is working diligent and honest. Since I and my wife purchased a hotel room, the company has honestly kept the promise and shared the rental income based on the agreement

The company has been good to my family and the TFG employees are so friendly and work in professional way

Big up!

Exciting Investment Opportunities
Met the First Group at a promotional event, and was invited to a tour of their office and properties.

Great treatment, and some very exciting investment opportunities in the impressive Dubai skyline. The First Group have plenty of great options, and were extremely cohesive and passionate about explaining them!

Good experience, will consider working with them in future

Biggest fraud ever...
Biggest Fraud ever? I suggest all European investors to avoid investing in TFG projects.
We were explained by the sales manager that we could re-sell our hotel apartment with profit after first increase (20%). But after the contract, the person from legal said that re-sell is not possible.
We wrote mails to the sales managers... no reply.
Now we are running out of our savings. We will never invest in Dubai again!


I am very satisfied
Its the 5th years of my familys partnership with TFG. As of today, we own several units in TECOM and Dubai Marina. The money flow is more than nice, and the whole working process of the company is nicely organized. Our manager keeps us updated on all the news, and we can get in touch any time we consider necessary. I highly value such a great customer service.

All good
All the items have been received;
• 7-Nights accommodation for two at a 4-star hotel by The First Group
• Breakfast for two for the duration of your stay
• VIP Hotel Benefits including room upgrades, early check-in (subject to availability) and late check-out
• Weekday beach club access for two days
• Two x "Buy 1/ Get 1" Spa Treatments from Dreamworks Spa
• Three x Members-exclusive Dining Experiences at Masterchef, the TV Experience, Ikigai and The Blacksmith
• Two x Tickets to a Dhow Cruise
• Two x Tickets to a Desert Safari
• Two x Tickets to The View at Palm Jumeirah
• Membership with ‘The Entertainer' allowing you to enjoy numerous Buy 1 Get 1 vouchers during your stay
• Travel concierge to accommodate your every need
• 25% off at any restaurant by The First Group for 1 year
• 25% off at any hotel by The First Group for 1 year

A huge thank you to The First Group company
Wow! TFG staff is so nice. I just got back from their office. My husband took me with him because he doesnt know Dubai as well as I do, and I spent nearly all my internship there. He wanted to buy a hotel room either in Dubai Marina or in Jumeirah Village, and boy, thats a really tricky question even for me. Both are thriving, both are tourism magnets, and both look fantastic.
Thanks for the TFG manager who was nice enough to tell us about future city prospects. The company surely knows the market and the city. Strategic plans, ways of government support, transportation networks everything is considered. Weve chosen Jumeirah Village in the end, and Im sure we made the right decision.

Purchase of a hotel package
I was impressed by the promotion and have now bought a package
Thanks Mr El Baad Ahmed.
Look forward to use the package
Hasmukh Mistry

No one answers the phone. I am not trying to contact Dubai tourism to report the matter
Name is Hasmukh Mistry phone contact is +44. *******666
Email *******

Run away from The First Group. Very fast!
I invested $300,000 in 2010 in First Group's Grand Central Hotel. Today I don't know what it is worth. Maybe less than 20%. I sweated all through that year to pay for the investment. The result? Less than 1% return. As I write, the management of the property is mired in fraud and incompetence by TFG. This is the worst investment ever. Their properties are overhyped, overvalued, their asset and investment management zero. Please don't take my word for it. Ask them to tell you about Grand Central. I tell you, The First Group will shut up. Worst of all, they promote false customer reviews. Fraudulent company!


Response to The First Group
The First Group reported my previous review on another platform claiming that my allegations are baseless. I summarize my issues with The First Group as follows:
1. The First Group deceived me with a fake contract of sale of property in August 2014. After paying 74.4% of total sale price (6 out of 9 installments), I discovered I don't have any official and legal link to the property.
2. I made several efforts to get them return my money, The First Group refused, and continue keeping my money up till now without any moral and legal justification.
3. As I make efforts to seek legal redress, I realized they have invested in a strong network that block victims from seeking legal redress, hence they feel they are above the law. That is why they don't care about the complaints of their numerous victims.
4. Ironically, they threatened me with a court action in 2016 to seek judgement from Dubai court to seize my money and be forced to pay remaining 3 out of 9 instalments without getting the property. When I replied to accept the court process, they backtracked because they know their fraud will be exposed at the court.
5. When my first review was published on Trustpilot platform in August 2019, they contacted me by email on 26 September 2019 and offered a "Settlement Agreement" to give me the property and replace the contract with a new one (their own admission that the existing contract is fake).
6. I replied on 3rd October to request that the process of the "Settlement Agreement" follow legal process of Dubai and UAE laws. They replied that their legal team will review.
7. A decent company will follow a lawful process on its own. A moderate indecent one will accept and change to a legal process when reminded. Instead, the legal team of The First Group is reviewing continuously without end to decide whether to follow the law or not.
8. The existing fake contract did not follow legal process, that is why I have no official or legal link to the property. Why do they want to replace it with another fake contract? The "Settlement Agreement" they offered had a clause that prevent me from using any other means of resolving dispute except the Dubai Court.
9. Their game plan is to trick me to sign and use the clause to prevent me from seeking redress because they have a fence of immunity that blocks any attempt to file a case against them at the Dubai court, "above the law" status as I mentioned in (3) above.
10. Obviously, the "Settlement Agreement" was meant to consolidate their continued hold on my money while I am restricted from doing anything about it including the sharing of my experience on this platform. They adopted a never-ending review of a request to follow the relevant laws to come up of new tricks of deception.
11. When I realized their review will never end, I sent my own proposal for settlement by email on 10 October 2019, comprising a full refund of my money (not negotiable) and a discussion to agree on compensation (negotiable). No response from them up till now.
12. The bottom line is they are still holding on to my money for more than 5 years (6 years coming August 2020) without attachment to any property or investment and without any moral and legal justification. Thus, they used inappropriate and illegal means to deprive me of my own money for almost 6 years.
13. They have now adopted a strategy of blocking reviews to prevent sharing of experiences by their victims. From all indications, The First Group is not ready to repent and change to a moral, ethical and legal path.
This is a summary of happenings between The First Group me since August 2014. The full details are voluminous and potential for book publication. I have documentary evidence to support all my assertions. I continue to seek redress from all possible options.

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The First Group Rating

Based on 54 reviews from The First Group customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, The First Group (TFG) is a dynamic, integrated global property developer with a fast-growing portfolio of upscale hotels, residential properties, F&B brands and real estate asset management services. Since launch, TFG has carved a highly successful niche offering unrivalled property investment opportunities to clients from more than 70 countries worldwide. TFG investors also gain access to exclusive loyalty privileges, ranging from complimentary hotel stays to discounts on restaurants, lifestyle experiences and other exciting benefits. To learn more about The First Group and its unique investment opportunities, visit

Address: Tameem House, Barsha Heights, United Arab Emirates, 24573


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