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The First Group

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54 customer reviews of

My contact person, Fauzia, was very helpful and accommodative especially when lockdowns all over the world resumed. The First Group allowed me ample time to complete my payment. She also responded well and promptly to any issues I raised. Looking forward to an amazing holiday with the First Group. I must add it'll be my second holiday with them. Absolutely loved the first one that's why I booked again this time.

The First Group: A Leopard Never Changes its Spots
TFG is a like a leopard that never change its spots. The First Group are so deep necked in fraud and criminality such that repentance and changing course is not an option for them. They rather continue to cheat and deepen the sorrow of their victims while using the proceeds of fraud (stolen money) to obstruct any process of adjudication. It is very important for TFG to know that those of us who have become victims of their fraudulent and criminal enterprise are not stupid. We trusted and expected that they are law abiding. However, now we know they are lawless with influence to obstruct administrative and judicial redress process, a betrayal of the country that issued them license to operate a legal enterprise.
As if TFG has not done enough damage, they are using the money they stole from their victims to launder their image to attract more unsuspecting people to fall into their fraudulent and criminal enterprise trap. We see many fake positive reviews by people who did not invest with them but referring to meetings with TFG sales representatives. It is ridiculous for those who have financially committed and become victims of fraud and criminality to share same rating opportunity with those who did not invest a dime. This is absurd and defeats the purpose of reviews.
As for my victim colleagues, I urge that we should not relent in our efforts to use all available means to ensure that we retrieve our money from this gang of criminals masquerading as real estate company.


Be careful with The First Group
The agreement with The First Group Team: after 30% down payment we get the owner's certificate and after that we can sell with price increase. The First Groupe will take care of the sale. We don't have to do anything.

The truth after 30% down payment we still did not get the owner certificate, we do not get replay from the seller Team since several months. No sale progress so far and no support for it. I advise very careful. If The first group team reads this, I request for supoort and solving these problems. We need our money back.
Purchaser Appartment Dolphin Tower
S. Ahmed from Germany


It happened by chance but ended on a fantastic note...
It happened by chance but ended on a fantastic note that led us to our property ownership in Dubai. Hopefully as the COVID 19 situation stabilises and we are attuned to the post-pandemic new global reset, our property (AVALON 210) will yield good returns. It is an honour to be associated with TFG which has very strong financial standing. Our transactions have been professionally handled every step of the way. The site visits, the meetings prior to closing the deal went smoothly and were definitely up-to global standards and exceeded our expectations. Must thank Vanessa Franulovic for handling the financial services and Muhammad Farhan Ali our Portfolio Manager for keeping us updated in handling all matters including our subsequent trip to Dubai. We wish TFG all the very best - also for our own peace of mind! Looking forward to a very fruitful and enduring partnership.

They are just trying to impress to get your money. Scammers
The lack of respect, the pressure of the salespeople who want to push you to make a decision the first time The First Group see you... the bling bling, trying to impress you to impress you... the recital of their markting even refusing to skip steps when you want to get to the point because you don't have all the time and you're in a hurry...
You don't invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in a hurry, no serious business is going to push a client to do this unless it's a scam. I'm not even unhappy after reading the reviews.
Their behavior towards me is nothing compared to those who have lost a lot of money


After years of hoping for the best, I fear the worst. After investing over $500,000 in the first group, I am yet to receive a title of the property and a single return. At this point I have lost hope in the first group doing what is right. I am also grossly disappointed in the investment environment that UAE has Created. It is appalling that many foreigners have lost millions to this excuse of an investment. It is important for those of us who have been scammed to come together and seek justice. I am dedicating the next few years of my life to this fight. It's not going to be easy but we shall prevail. Anyone who is interested in a class action lawsuit should pm me. And for those who are remotely thinking of investing here, my advice is to spend that money lavishly on yourself cause that would yield a better return than investing with the first group. To the first group; We are coming for you.


Implications of The First Group's Dubious Activities
In my previous reviews, I narrated how The First Group (TFG) used fake contract (Sales and Purchase Agreement) to receive payments in pretense for "selling" a property to me. After sharing my experience on this platform, The First Group attempted to dubiously use a fake "Settlement Agreement" to consolidate the fraud.
The First Group is operating a dubious enterprise, which is against the purpose of the license granted them by Dubai and UAE authorities. They use the success and reputation of Dubai to assure people of investment safety. However, once a person invests and make payment to them, they deploy various dubious tactics to seize the invested money.
You purchase a property, but you have no official or legal link to it because TFG deliberately ensured that the contract is not registered with the relevant agency as required by law. This enables them to "sell" the same unit of property to many people with none having legal claim to the property, except if one buyer has been officially and legally registered. They claim to do rental management on your behalf and tell you funny stories why you are not getting income.
They have established a strong network of legal and institutional arrangements that helps them avoid being held to account by law enforcement, administrative and judicial institutions. They intimidate their gullible victims with the courts while using dubious arrangements to avoid being taken to the court. Most (if not all) of their victims are non-UAE residents who were visiting Dubai on tourist/visiting visa in addition to those they meet at their makeshift outlets in other countries, mostly airports. They deliberately target these group of people because it is easier to deny them access to law enforcement and judicial processes.
The dubious activities of The First Group have the following implications:
1. Damage to their own brand. This is obvious from the reviews. In addition, each reviewer has a chain of relatives, friends and associates that spreads the message through informal wide-ranging relationships. I don't know if TFG have any long-term business ambition, but it appears they don't appreciate the value of reputation and goodwill.

2. Other Dubai-based Companies will be affected. Both the victims of TFG and those who become aware of TFG's dubiousness will be discouraged to do business not only with TFG but other companies as well, including those who do decent business.

3. Reputational damage for Dubai. Undoubtedly, Dubai has established international reputation for very good practices, which is why most of us trusted but became victims of TFG. As victims of TFG continue to grow and share their experiences, more and more people will become skeptical about visiting or doing business in Dubai.
4. Degrading the Rule of Law. To the best of my knowledge, Dubai has strong law enforcement mechanism with very strong police as well as sound and reliable judicial system. However, if TFG can avoid being investigated and held into account as well as preventing its victims from reaching the court, there is possibility that other dubious people will adopt TFG strategy. If people who feel cheated find it difficult to avail law enforcement and judicial path, the purpose of the rule of law is denigrated.

The First Group is deep neck into this dubious business and appears to feel they are above the law; hence they are not ready to repent and follow legal, moral and honourable path.
I suggest that we (the victims) form an association to discuss how to bring the attention of the Dubai and UAE authorities about the damaging implications of the dubious activities of TFG and request investigations and refund of our monies fraudulently taken by The First Group.


Really bad choice of investment
Having worked for the company... I got to know some of the ins and outs of the company. My main concern would be that we were taught to sell the product using strong lies and manipulation towards potential investors. A lot of the reviews are within 2 years because during this time scale investors have not started to get their returns yet. With promised ROI of 5%+ many investors do get disappointed about the casual 2.5% ROI. IF YOU WANT TO INVEST YOUR MONEY IN DUBAI THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU INVEST IN #THEFIRSTGROUP. Good luck.


You are changing my life
Its an honor for me to be an owner of a hotel unit in Dubai. This is the place where everything is possible, and when you live and breathe this incredible city, you just feel youre changing. Dear The First Group company! Please accept my sincere gratitude for giving me such an extraordinary investment opportunity and for changing my life completely.

Complete waste of time
I went to one of these sales presentation things after being approached by someone from The First Group at Dubai airport a few months ago, he promised a free tour of Dubai, lunch and there was even talk of an Emirates Airways Gold card. The tour was to building sites only, lunch was a coffee and the gold card never happened. The presentation went on and on for hours despite me telling them numerous times that I was not interested, to wrap it up The First Group asked if I could provide them with a good review, I refused but was told I wouldn't have to write it, they would do that and post it in my name.

Now I have a lot of time on my hands due to the lockdown, I decided to have a bit of a look around various review websites to see what was on line about them, I found their rating is a lot higher than what they have earned and that they have a long history of writing their own fake 5-star reviews on this and other review websites. They actually have 2 of their own fake review websites. If you google Dubai Property Reviews and Dubai Investment Reviews they will be easy to find and they are blatantly fake. So, they are lying and cheating their potential clients before they are even clients. This would be a clear indicator of what will happen if you invest with them.


We decided to stay in this hotel after reading different...
We decided to stay in this hotel after reading different reviews about it, we were not sure especially regarding the location which is often completely blocked with traffic, the breakfast which is not up to guests' expectations but we decided to give it a try for a night. Surprisingly, it was amazing! We decided to extend our stay for 7 more nights, we felt very much privileged to be looked after during our stay by Nour the manager, she made sure cleaning was done everyday, that everything is working properly and she even set up a meeting with us few minutes before check out to discuss our stay, this is very much appreciated to feel that our feedback is really valuable. Ivory the restaurant manager did as well an amazing job welcoming us with a smile and serving us as if we were at home. In general the staff behavior is one of the best I encountered for so long, I have no complain. I would like to extend my gratitude for making this vacations a success, it was very important for us to take a real break and we are glad it was in Wyndham.

We had a staycation at Wyndham Dubai marina along with...
We had a staycation at Wyndham Dubai marina along with one of our family friends. Since we went there on Eid holidays, it was crowded right from reception. But Nour was very helpful and even though busy, she tried to provide us the room which were according to our requirements. It's a hotel with around 300+ rooms but the elevators and all have access card services, so that only the guests can check in. The rooms and corridors were very neat and a 5 star can be given for this. Coming to the breakfast, it was pretty nice and had a variety of options. When I asked the person who served us, if there are any options for Indian food, he guided me to a catering staff who was very quick to inform the kitchen and The First Group provided us with 2 masala dosas and 2 ghee roasts. I very much appreciate this service. There are mini supermarkets and other restaurants and shops nearby, so it's not an issue if you would require something.

Evasive Answers!
It was As expected! Similar to a ‘Time Share Presentation, being Grilled by One Sales Exec? Before a further 3 more came and Quizzed my Reason for being there? Obviously I passed the Mustard! Then the Suttle Invitation to see the ‘ Potential on offer! Not actually Given any Hard Factual copy of The Building! Hotel I'm being offered to invest my money in!
Just a Model and a Video Helicopter ride over the Skyline of Dhubai!
A little dubious as to whether I wad being ‘ Suckered ‘ in?
Then came the Sales pitch? Still I had to drag out what the investments required were! Still didn't get any figures as to what 3/6 Monthly payments would be returned over what period! Nor as to whether I actually owned this Hotel Suite / Apartment/ what and when I could use it myself, or was I just funding its building?
Was it Leasehorld or Freehold, over what period of time, would I realise returns!
Would I actually own the hotel / Apartment from day
One of my investment?
No details as to management Annual Fees and Costs if the Building to an investor.
Or will this come in the next Visit! To follow up? After being Buttered up with the Freebees offered now!
I'm on holiday at present so will not, nor cannot open and read documents now! But on my return to U. K. next week.
I have to be convinced that this is the right deal for myself in the first instance before I give you access via myself to my personal friends and business colleagues, to invest with your company, especially as it's offshore from the U. K. not covered by Any U. K. legallybinding financial U. K. protection against Mis- selling. Nor Cooling off protection.
A few answers would have been enjoyed, like who regulates these Contracts in UAE
I will indeed scrutinise the said confirmation emails sent to me after my initial Payment to you!
Yours Sincerly
David L Preece
2 Somerville Way
England UK
Ps even the Advise not to print off these documents / to save Trees /Green awareness. Etc.
Will you be sending me a portfolio Prospectus with these Questions made ckearer, in Writing!
Or is it just a numbers game! For your Company? Bums on / in seats!
Who are The One Group - Where are their Assets listed, on what stock exchange!
Just a few answers Outstanding required please that need addressing!
DLP 24/09/2021

My Experience with The First Group suggests it is a Criminal Organization
I trusted them but after paying over 74 percent for a property, I realized The First Group used a fake contract and did not sell any property to me. They have rebuffed all efforts I made to get them refund my money and gone to the extent of blocking any attempt by me to seek redress.
In a nutshell, TFG used false pretense (deception) to steal my money and they are determined at all cost to keep my money illegally and immorally. Stealing is a terrible act, but it is more terrible if after being caught stealing, you insist you must keep the stolen money and deprive the owner. That is robbery, which is a very reprehensible conduct.
My experience suggests that The First Group is a criminal organization masquerading as real estate company and conducting themselves as if they are above the law.
Apart from putting their victims in bad situation, their criminal activities will cause serious damage to the reputation of Dubai and UAE as more victims continue to share their experiences. It could erode confidence of investors and tourists.


Be careful about schedule
I met the sales guys in MOE and we agreed to make a meeting next day at 10am. He told me that I will get a call an hour earlier to confirm it. Then next day at 9:30 I got a call saying that do I confirm my meeting at 11am ( an hour later than scheduled) I said no but 10:30 is ok I can make it. The lady said, probably she can make it, will talk to his colleague and turn back to me. Until 10am I didn't get a call, I called them. Again The First Group said there is not that I want to reschedule my meeting. I asked to cancel it of course. Such unprofessional people, bending the words and taking notes as they like. Good I know before spending more time. I don't know the management part of the company but people on the first step don't respect your time. So I would say there is something wrong about company culture. Avoid them I can say from my short experience.


100% great decision
I actually was really insecure before making this property investment, but The First Group team cleared all my doubts. I already had a pleasant experience of talking to them during a professional exhibition, so naturally the company was my #1 choice for investment. The First Group helped me get familiar with Dubai property market and with the local hotel industry, and I appreciate this a lot. Thanks to their guidance, I was able to choose a project in a promising area, and the first financial results are quite impressive. I hope the tendency will stay for long.

My Experience with TFG
I would like to make a positive review but unfortunately since investing with The First Group I have never been told the truth about my investment and still to date when I've been reasonable with correspondence and payments I'm no further forward. Read the reviews investors especially the lower score as The First Group are a better reflection of the truth.


Terrible experience
I have been contacted by the group after collecting my contacts during a visit to Dubai. An agent called * contacted me over the phone to offer me a trip to Dubai for 2 persons to see the locations and samples of investment. I explained to him on the first day that I have to have my young kids with me whose age are 10 and 7 years old. He tricked me that it will be no problem to include them at special rate. He offered me a trip including accomodation at AED 2,600 for the 2 persons. When I asked about the rate for the kids he told me that he cannot give me an offer unless I pay for the 2 adults first and I should not worry because if I decide to cancel, my credit card will funded immediately. On 28th of Jan 2018 my credit card was charged with the amount and the next day I was offered for the 2 kids the very special rate of AED 7,200. I decided to cancel formally by email and by phone and I was promised on 3rd Feb to refund my credit card. On 4th I received a phone call from * to check if I am on plan to the trip. I expressed my surprise and told her that I have cancelled the trip and I was expecting a refund. I then contacted * to express my concerns and he confirmed on 4th of July that it a matter of few days before my card will be charged. On 17th of Feb I contacted * again to complain about the refund of payment by a message. I received a call from * and she was asking why I cancelled the trip and confirmed that no action has been done on refunding my payment. Then an hour later I received an email from * copying * of First Group asking me on my bank account details. I responded that The First Group have my credit card in their records. I received no response. Then I contacted * again then he confirmed that the refund was done. When I asked about the transaction date and the transaction reference, he started to talk about it is a bank to a main account then to my bank head office then to an account as if I am a small child who has no experience in credit cards transaction.

On 20th of Feb, I sent an email here with my complain. On 21st of Feb I received a phone call from a representative who introduced himself with name *. He apologised and assured me that he made the request for fund on the same day. Also, he explained that the number he was calling from was his direct number in case I need to contact him in the future (No is *)

On the same day I received an email message from * confirming that she is the point of contact to respond to my complaint

On 1st of March after having no information on the refund I sent an email to * requesting information. The following quoted message was sent by her:
Dear Hussein,
I manage a different department and I do my best to follow up and get you through to the right people.
I do not have the information you ask for as it is completely out of my scope of work.

I have already communicated your messages to the Senior VP, so you should not be worried about your refund.

Once again, I do my best to help you.

I wonder if she is not able to give me information why was she assigned to be my contact person. Ironically * phone number was a big lie as I only have a recorded message every time I try to call him

All I want is when will I receive the refund and what is the transaction reference of the refund?

If this is the case with just refunding a trip charges, then there are a lot of doubts about your dealing with cases with hundreds of thousands

You can contact me for any further informatin
Hussein Mansi
Email address: *******

*Personal information redacted by admin


Riham was quite patient with me throughout the process. I did however, express my displeasure in the beginning when it seemed as though I was being pressured into jumping on board. I think that if TFG allow potential clients a little time to think through the offer, they'll have a much better success rate.

Excellently Fantastic
It was a great experience for my family and I at your first group office. Ahmed and the whole team did a fantastic job. The First Group kept to every of their promises. I initially thought it was just a marketing promises to get customers until our expo 2020 visit with the voucher from first group, the free train tickets and finally a dinner at MasterChef. I lack word to express my feelings but my family and I were blown away. It was an el Dorado of some sort. Looking forward to doing more business with you.
Thank you so much.

Stay away!
I bought 2 different hotel rooms from them, both are finished and sit vacant for about 8 months. When you make a payment The First Group will be happy to take your credit card/wire and it takes a few seconds, but when you need to get a refund, i haven't received it after months and numerous phone calls and emails.


Tackling The First Group Menace
In my two previous reviews, I explained how TFG is using the reputation of Dubai and other methods to deceive people to invest with them and immediately after payment, becomes victim of fraud. The First Group actually don't sell property, they take the money and use all sort of tricks, including legal intimidation to stretch and force victims to surrender their money. I used to be wondering how anybody could have any good experience with them until I saw an analysis that the positive reviews about them are largely fake. So they are orchestrating fake reviews as one of their several methods of deception.

In my own case, I have established beyond reasonable doubt that they took my money without selling any property to me. For more than five years, I have been requesting them to return my money but they refused. They have tried all their tricks on me but I refuse to surrender my money to them. Now, they have run out tricks yet refused to return my money. Stealing is a terrible act but it is more terrible if after being caught stealing, you insist you must keep the stolen money and deprive the owner. That is robbery, which is a very reprehensible conduct. I have been pursuing various measures and still ongoing.

Based on my experience and the reviews I have read about them, The First Group appears to be a criminal organization masquerading as real estate company and conducting themselves as if they are above the law. THE FIRST GROUP IS A MENACE. Apart from putting their victims in bad situation, their criminal activities are capable of causing serious damage to the reputation of Dubai and UAE as more victims continue to share their experiences. It could erode confidence of investors and tourists. I read some of the reviewers stating that TFG's fraud spoiled their holidays and will never visit Dubai again.

How do we tackle the TFG menace? We (the victims) can come together and articulate our experiences into a strong petition to the ruler of Dubai to request for investigation and every victim given back his money and possibly, compensation. It is not easy to reach the ruler of Dubai but with collective determination, we will be able to crack the hard nut.


Hello. I also found myself in a quandary with The First Group. write me a message at [email protected] I support you on joint actions.

Professionals at theft
Don't lose your money and invest with the first group
The First Group are liars and there are no real profit
At first they receive you at the airport and book for you in the best hotels and transportation, then they take you to their office and you see the beautiful views of the projects, and then the story of the swindle and fraud begins.
Beware everyone not to be deceived by the false scenes and to sign together with them on any project
Unfortunately, I invested in them from 2015 at 189,000, and now I have nothing but false promises

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The First Group Rating

Based on 54 reviews from The First Group customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, The First Group (TFG) is a dynamic, integrated global property developer with a fast-growing portfolio of upscale hotels, residential properties, F&B brands and real estate asset management services. Since launch, TFG has carved a highly successful niche offering unrivalled property investment opportunities to clients from more than 70 countries worldwide. TFG investors also gain access to exclusive loyalty privileges, ranging from complimentary hotel stays to discounts on restaurants, lifestyle experiences and other exciting benefits. To learn more about The First Group and its unique investment opportunities, visit

Address: Tameem House, Barsha Heights, United Arab Emirates, 24573


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