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Reviews Jobs, Resume ZipJob

50 customer reviews of

Excellent experience and 100% satisfaction.
I signed up for ZipJob because of the unlimited revisions that you're allowed. I was paired up with a writer within 24 hours and he immediately asked if I had an existing resume to work off of. I uploaded it and told him what I wanted to add and change. He sent me the first draft with a very short turn around time and we exchanged messages on tweaking and fine-tuning for the next few days. The whole process took less than a week. His writing and phrasing of my job experience and skills were excellent and the resume looks 100% better than my old one. I'm happy I used ZipJob and I would recommend the service to ANYONE looking to tweak/update/or start a brand new resume.

5 stars for Zipjob!

The worst service I've ever received!
I don't normally write reviews but this experience has been the worst I've had with any company I've ever dealt with. So I paid for there premium package which was $299 and on top of that I paid an additional $100 for extra services for a total of $399. I picked that package for there 3 day turn around time, the promise it would go to on of their top writers, and guarantee. That was a huge mistake. I called them after 5 business days because I hadn't heard anything from them. After talking to them ZipJob told me that my resume had just been assigned to a writer and to continue to wait (two days after I should have received it) and that they would offer me $29 back for the inconvenience. After going back and forth with them they finally agreed to comp me one of the additional services I had paid for. Fast forward another couple days without hearing anything from them I called again and was told that it was still not assigned to a writer and that they would escalate my situation but to continue to wait. Finally after 12 days of me calling them and hearing the same thing over and over I asked for a full refund and for them to please get my resume done because at this point there delay already cost me the job I was looking to get. The response I got was the manager could submit for a full refund but did not think it would get approved. The next day, Day 13, I called them back to get an update. The response once again was my resume had not been assigned to a writer and that my refund had just been submitted to their internal team for review. They said they would have a supervisor call me back and I never received a call back. No surprise there though. All that brings us to today, day 14. I called them this morning and my resume has STILL not been assigned to a writer and my refund request is still waiting to be reviewed. I've paid $399 for their best top of the line package and more but what have I received after 14 days? Absolutely nothing, no resume, no refund, not even any progress in my resume getting started. I spend the time to write this review so that maybe I can spare someone else from having to go through all this and waste their time and money. There are several other resume services to use, that's what I would suggest doing. You can't get any worse service than zipjob.

Good at converting tech language to a form that the people in HR can understand.
I had what I thought was a good resume. Very structured and detail oriented. Unfortunately, I just wasn't getting much action. The gentleman I worked with at ZipJob took my existing resume and basically re-wrote it. He neither added anything or took anything away and yet it looked like a totally new resume. He explained that my resume was impressive and made perfect sense to someone who worked in cybersecurity. However, it looked like a bunch of gobblygook to the average HR type. With the new resume, I started getting calls and requests for interviews within the first couple of days. Companies that had ignored my handmade resume were seeking me out.

Seriously - Look Elsewhere
1. What customer service? I've left multiple messages, multiple phone calls, sat on chat for over an hour and NO ONE responds.
2. The resume was full of grammatical and spelling errors after multiple iterations.
3. I want my money back and no one will take my call or respond to the messages left.
SAVE YOURSELF THE HEADACHE - find another service!

Great Products, but follow up needs improvements.
The products that ZipJob provides are second to none. The writer contacting you is a whole other story. I never once received any follow up or feedback from my writer, I always had to call the customer service phone line to see what the progress of my order was. Going forward ZipJob needs to provide service after the sale and keep your customers posted on the status of the package that ZipJob purchased.

Resume Review - quick turnaround and awesome feedback
I've had a nonstandard career and was worried about how to put my best foot forward with potential employers. The opportunity to get paired with a great writer (Jean M) with experience in my industry was invaluable in terms of gaining her feedback on my experiences, how best to present them, and how my candidacy stacks up against what she sees in industry. Working with Jean M was a breeze, she was lightning quick in her turnarounds on different drafts, and I greatly appreciated her feedback and suggestions. Would definitely recommend ZipJob to anyone looking to juice up their resume.

Service is ok with a few points for consideration
If you are not good at writing a resume, ZipJob can help you with the format and finding the right words to put things together for you.

However, my experience is:
1. I was assigned a resume writer who is not familiar with my field. The first draft I received was extremely disappointing. It seems he just took my resume and reformat it.
2. You will need to review the resume and raise sensible questions to improve the content.
3. The good news is, my resume writer is patient and answer the questions. He made changes requested. But I still hold my doubt in the final resume whether it could have been done better. I think it will be different if it is written by someone who knows my expertise and fields.

It is ok, but why would I pay for someone who does not know my field at a higher price.
I pay for a professional service expecting someone who is skilled in resume writing and know my field but end up with feeling having a graduate who knows to do the right thing, but still learning.

Kathleen was amazing
I researched about 30 different resume sites and Zipjob had the best customer service reviews on BBB and I was really happy with how ZipJob handled the 2 complaints they had. Nothing tells me more about a company than how they handle customer service. This company went above and beyond to make these people happy which is why I choose them and they did not disappoint. Kathleen took my minimalistic resume and turned it into a professional resume. After asking a few questions she had me the first draft within 24 hours which was perfect and I had the completed product within 3 business days. It was an amazing experience and well worth the money.

Great Experience - Fast, Great Quality, & Innovative Strong Resumes
I purchased a package at noon on a Thursday and within 24 hours I received my revamped resume and cover letter. I had very little edits, which was revised and returned quickly. Not only did I receive the updated resume quickly, but there was explanations as to why things are no longer applicable or outdated. Overall, wonderful experience. Highly recommend!

This company is AWFUL!
This company is AWFUL! Seriously. Go with another company! The writer was awful and when I told them about how it was written ZipJob said I'd have to pay more money to get another writer. The job interview piece, sold separately was a joke. They told you how to dress and use eye contact. When I told them I know that I thought we would go over questions and how to best answer she said she doesn't do that and it would be more $ for more time.
I called and complained to no avail. DO MOT GO WITH THIS COMPANY! You will be so sorry and dissatisfied. WASTE OF GOOD MONEY!

Waste of money!
Cam company! Do not work with them.
I wasted over 300$ for NOTHING.
ZipJob assigned me a resume writer that didnt even understand the difference between IT and software industry and argued with me that she knows better and if I was a software developer in a software company abroad I should write that I am an IT person. Whaaaaatttt? Then she completely twisted all my original resume and anything I told her and as a result my job description was too far from the reality. When I called to complain I was reassigned to another writer but did not get to talk to him directly. He reviewed the resume again and rephrased the same thing. So I contacted them again – never heard back.

Complete waste of money!

Great customer service and surprisingly good product
I have had my resume professionally done before, but I haven't had much luck with scoring interviews. Dave, my ZipJob writer, however, took my old, three page resume and reworked it into an attractive, concise, and informative document that got me 2 interviews within a couple weeks.

Thank you, Dave, for your quick and informative input and for helping put my best foot forward.

Excellent service
Quick turnaround time, writers are easy to work with, excellent resume. It's worth every dime to have such an updated professional resume written. ZipJob took years of jobs and what I had as lengthy descriptions they updated with shortened and precise wording that catches the eye. All their work landed me my next job! I would highly recommend their service!

Fairly poor initial directions lead to merely a rewrite of your existing resume, not a writing of your resume. Then there are factual errors that one of their best writers (which is what I paid for) should know better than. Then, when I was delayed in responding to a resume and CL draft because a) I have a job and b) I had a minor surgery, ZipJob closed my file though "don't worry, we'll still work with you," by which they mean they'll respond but won't actually do anything. I had purchased to have my LinkedIn written. Writer didn't even bother to read the existing LinkedIn. And what I was given was a terrible LinkedIn page. The writer clearly had zero idea what they were doing. When I told the writer to read mine, then asked for input/changes, they responded since I changed theirs I should just make whatever changes I wanted based on what was provided, confirming my suspicions that they never read it in the first place. Absolutely terrible customer service. Only reason I'm not giving a 1 is because I'm reasonably happy with my resume.

Zipjob Resume+Cover Letter
The order process was interesting and easy to follow. I think that the questionnaire ZipJob made is almost perfect for the resume writer to know what he needs to lay it down on the documents.

My resume and cover letter were written by Adam G. I can recommend him, professional and polite writer. When he needed more information about me, he asked very politely. And when I did provide him with the required info, he put it on my resume perfectly.

Overall, I'm more than happy with my new resume and cover letter, ready to send it out.

I found this to be very time consuming and in the end have a resume that still has not produced interviews. I am an older workforce candidate and have a wealth of knowledge. I requested a skills resume and received it of push back on that request. Instead I have a chronological resume which does not represent me well. When I asked for a revision the end result was a resume with job history moved around... Do your research for the best bang for your money.

Helpful in creating a resume that got attention outside my niche
In applying for jobs in new career directions, my resume wasn't getting much attention. ZipJob rewrote it in a way that still outlines my specific job responsibilities and skills, but which also highlights the skills that might translate to something new. The format is also much better than what I was working with before. I would definitely recommend if you're serious about improving your resume.

Horrible Service, Don't Waste Your Money
The first author assigned to me was not American and was unable to write. The second writer was better but still did not have any expertise to lend me. The presented service is nothing like the service delivered. The cover letter, despite precise feedback, continued to come back with the verbatim comments I was making. There was no thought put into it the only regurgitation of the same information I was providing. Their service is not full of experts but low wage employees abroad. I am 100% unhappy with the service.

Outstanding Resume Service!
Lori was my appointed writer. She was very helpful throughout the entire process. From the time that I purchased, I was contacted by her with a warm greeting. She introduced herself along with her writing history and she further discussed her writing style and the approach we would take to ensure I received a home run resume, which I did. The process was painless and well worth the money. I would definitely recommend.

You are better off (and save money) by just using a word formatted Resume. I paid for a professional re-write of my resume, what I received was a stripped down, one page, same bullet points I provided resume. There was no 'Professional Profile' no job descriptive paragraph for each position and no accomplishment bullet points (action verb, task, quantifiable result) When I questioned the writer, ZipJob stated it was 'based on industry standards'. I asked what standard they are referring to? The reply I received was 'if you are not happy you can request a new witter'. This company misleads consumers to believe they are providing a 'service' which in fact it is a total scam! I demand a total refund and will never use the 'resume' they provide.

Better than I could have hoped for
I was having difficulty getting callbacks on applications, even when my own qualifications were dead on for the things I was applying for. I did not want to pay for a resume writing service but bit the bullet and tried it out. I could not be happier with the results. I had the initial draft in 3 days, with a few minor edits I had the 2nd draft on day 4, with the 3rd and final draft being ready on day 6, as well as a cover letter. While I have not accepted a position yet, it hasn't been from a lack of response to the new resume. The resume looks so good I have to remind myself that it is actually describing me, and not somebody more qualified!

Don't waste your money, go else where
I hired ZipJob to rewrite my resume, LinkedIn, Cover Letter, and Thank you letter. ZipJob overpromised and under-delivered. I was trying to invest in myself and put my best foot forward, and I missed a lot of opportunities because I was holding out for them to deliver. When I received it, there were grammar errors and seemed to be a non-english speaking person whom just compiled by current resume into a new format. I didn't use any of what was sent to me because it was poorly written. I tried to dispute with my bank and it was declined because ZipJob jumped into action because I did dispute it. Take your money, time, and efforts some where else. They are not worth it.

Very Happy!
Overall I had a great experience! I have been a stay at home parent for 16 years, and working on reentering the job market. My biggest issue was getting my resume done correctly and to current standards. My writer did a fantastic job with very little to work with and I will be sending resumes out this weekend! Thanks to zipjob I can hopefully get some attention with my new resume!

Stay away! This service sucks!
I requested a resume and LinkedIn profile to change careers. I provided samples for the types of jobs I was applying for and my achievements. The resume written for me seemed like a middle school student wrote it. I added samples of changes I thought was needed and the writer basically used what I wrote and sent it back to me... so basically I paid $300 to write my own resume that the writer copied and sent back to me! I am so disappointed in this service! If you value your money DO NOT use this service! This is a SCAM! A total ripoff! I did not use any of it and wrote a completely new resume fo myself! A waste of my time and my money!

Very easy and great quality product
I was in the market to update my resume and after doing some research and looking at reviews I decided on zipjob. I was very pleased with the service. My writer, Mike, kept me in the loop and used great communication to keep me in on what he was doing. He did a great job of explaining things and overall I was very happy with my final product.

Quick Turnaround - Great Job
Jessica is awesome. I have been trying to rewrite my resume by looking at online examples and tips - just did not have the patience for it. Had my resume and cover letter both back and completed in 4 days including a revision. I feel a lot more confident applying for jobs now. Thank you for the great work... I will be referring some colleagues.

Upset at support
I payed on Sunday for new resume to be written as well as thank you letter and cover letter. I have not heard anything from Zipjob. I was told I would be introduced to my writer and have a rough draft today. I haven't heard anything. Sent email to support and no response. I'm going to call tomorrow on lunch but if I don't get an answer tomorrow I'm contacting my bank to dispute it.

Premium customer - Deceiving promises
Purchased their "Premium" product promising "Future resume update for changes in your career. Never expires!"

Well thinking that I may have a fork in the road career-wise down the road I foolishly thought it would future proof my purchase by buying the Premium package for $299. Well, it turns out that means ZipJob will add whatever current job I am at to the end of the resume they created for me.

RIP OFF. Frankly, their resume and cover letter were average at best as well. Don't waste your money.

Confused / Not Impressed
I chose Zipjob primarily for the reviews. Now, I'm starting to wonder if those reviews are bogus. My writer, Tynisha, not impressed. Zero communication. I requested an ETA from her. I had to call to get her to respond. Then her response was, "What can I help you with? I believe my initial letter explained the time frame for your resume. I was notified by Support that you have contacted us a few times." Well yes, I did. Once, to get a writer assigned, because that took way too long. Second, because I sent her a note requesting an ETA. Last week I called because I sent a revised draft back. Crickets, again. Today I called and chatted with support (because no one answers the phone). I submitted by revised draft to her on 03/14. Cricket, again. I purchased this service around March 2. It is the 24th and I have received only one draft copy.
Communication = 0
Service = 0
Response Time = 0
Value for Service = 0


Waiting to be WOW'd

Satisfied Beyond Expectations
This is the first time that I have used this kind of service and I am very pleased. The finished products (resume and cover letter) are much more impressive than I could of ever developed as Marsha was able to market my skills in a way I had not considered. She walked me through every step of the process in an easy to follow manner. She left me plenty of time to review the drafts after each edit, but also offered suggestions that were very helpful along the way. She never rushed me and made sure I was completely satisfied and ready before we finished the process. I have already recommended Zipjob to two of my colleagues.

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ZipJob Rating

Based on 50 reviews from ZipJob customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: ZipJob's professional resume writers, and our resume scanning technology, provide you with the best resume writing service possible. Get started with a professional resume today!

Address: 90 Clinton Street, 10002


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