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Reviews Jobs, Resume ZipJob

50 customer reviews of

Rushed to complete resume
When purchasing zipjob package it gave the impression that you would have time to review your resume at your pace and have unlimited opportunities to message the person your working with in order to perfect it. This is unfortunately wasn't true, you have a 7 day period to finalize your resume with only 2 opportunities to make the appropriate revisions with the individual your matched with. ZipJob company only tells you this after the fact you have paid for there services. When getting my resume back the final draft looked rushed with noticeable errors. I regret going with zipjobs for my resume and would advise people to look at the complaints that have been posted on better business burrow (BBB).

Terrible Service
Lori, my writer, took my old resume and changed a few words, adding on my current position. She got several things wrong, gave me an attitude, and closed the account before I was ready. I guess so she could get paid. I emailed and chatted twice with staff who said ZipJob were waiting for me to tell them what was incorrect, after I pointed it out to them. I got frustrated, rightfully. The cover letter brings nothing unique to the table as its just a synopsis of the resume. I didn't even bother looking at what she wrote for my LinkedIn bio.

Besides that, the resume was bulky and used way too many words; nothing was consolidated. The format looked like an old word processing program. There was nothing attractive about it. As my friend said, it was overwhelming to look at. Any employer would have given up after one glance.

I'd take into consideration that companies pay for positive reviews on the internet and really look for a lot of reviews on several sites. Don't be fooled, Zipjob does not perform.

Terrible Service
I also had a terrible experience with zip job services as if ZipJob was trying to rush my resume through. I sent in detailed instructions on what my resume should look like, in terms of applying for government jobs and it send like they cut and pasted my resume. As one of the customers has said, I sent my changes to my writer and I received an email, stating that they didn't receive it and I should resend it. The next email that I received before sending back my resume for changes, is your case has been closed. They never got an approval of satisfaction before closing my case. So, I'm out of $189. This service really sucks and should get a score of 0.

Disappointed, No Communication, and Rude Writer
I was very excited to get a new resume written. ZipJob had me upload my old resume and answer a few questions. In my summary I informed them that my old resume was TERRIBLE as it had been written by another company that butchered it. When I got my first draft a day later, not only was everything basically copy and pasted despite my statement, the writer informed me that we had a remaining six days to work together. I marked up the resume and highlighted areas that didn't make sense. He said he directly got it from a job post I submitted. I can copy and paste too! Also, not every job post has been grammatically edited. Then I was met with quite an alarming attitude where my resume writer, Nathan, berated me about how he pulled right from my submitted resume and job submittals. If I liked my current resume and it was awesome, why the hell would I change and submit it? I have now sent three emails to the main email address asking for the policy where it says I have one week to work with them. Also, I was sent two paragraphs and some information on how to do my LinkedIn. UM, I paid you to do my LinkedIn, I can google information on how to do it. If I was skilled at resume writing and LinkedIn, I would do it myself. I was hoping from some creativity with my resume and have a writer who is friendly and actually likes their job and is wanting to make their people stand out. I am SO disappointed and in reality I do NOT get unlimited revision, my resume is going to be half done and my LinkedIn isn't going to be done at all before the end of the day which is my final day working with my writer. Good luck getting a new job with this. I should have read the reviews. This meant a lot to me, and I had to work really hard to come up with the money to get it done. Now I am devastated with a resume that is terrible and writer who is detached, rude, and unskilled.

Beware: Cookie-template piece of crap, doesn't listen to your needs!
Their ambiguous webpage doesn't tell you that ZipJob won't listen to your needs.

Their approach is to cookie-template your old resume for THREE SPECIFIC JOBS only.

If you are hoping to have a good, all-around resume that can be slightly tweaked for various other jobs or industries, forget it!

Customer service will NEVER get back to you under the guise of being "super busy with other clients", according to their form reply email.

Lost over $500. Get the word out: The people at Zipjob are crooks preying on people desperate to land decent work to feed their families!

May bad karma unleash onto them 1000 times!

A terrible experience and product
I paid $350 for the "premium" package, the first draft and writer just sent back a generic template that had copied and pasted from the resume I put together my self but made zero sense when read, I sent it to recruiter friends and ZipJob were shocked at the quality of even a first draft and how much it had taken a step back from the resume I already had.
I complained and was told that I would need to pay $180 for what was obviously 15 minutes work if I wanted to cancel my order (with a no refund policy you start to understand that they don't have confidence in their own service).
I was therefore forced to go with a second writer, his first draft came and when I had the $50 phone call, it was over in 15 minutes he rushed me off the phone and I didnt get many of my questions and points answered. He then sent a second draft with some changes but still A LOT of mistakes and no where near what I wanted but 2 days later I get an email saying my order is no closed, it has been a TERRIBLE experience from start to finish, even the Linkedin work they just send you a document and you have to enter it all yourself.
In summary I have paid $350 and am back to using the resume I originally had. DO NOT USE ZIPJOB, I am now looking into options to try and get my money back and then going to another resume writing service. I will of course put any updates here on my case but I do not expect anything to happen with this terrible below par, almost a scam service.

I haven't use the packages yet of even the upgrade order. And I asked for refund. Andno one response to me. I guess as soon as the got your money the talk it and run away. Not only that the first draft of my resume it is empty totally empty, ZipJob even not take a look at my note at All. And my original resume version that I wrote by my self is more better than their work.

Great resume writing service
I would definitely recommend Zipjob to anyone needing an extra boost in their job search. My writer Michael was thorough and detailed in his revision of my resume and took the time to answer my questions throughout the process. I definitely feel that my new resume showcases my credentials in a much more convincing and professional manner.

Will work hard to make you happy
This is an update to my original review that was very negative. I originally worked with an author that produced typos, copy/paste errors and portions of someone else's resume. Within two hours of posting that review I was contacted by one of the Co-Founders to make the situation right. ZipJob provided some suggested changes and also had another writer contact me with additional updates. I'm left feeling like the company truly cares about doing top tier work, but I experienced one bad apple. My advice to folks using the service is that if you are not happy with the work you receive, reach out to their support team. As a company they truly want to offer a great service.

I was going thorugh a confidence crisis and couldn't bring myself to apply to jobs /send out CVs, I thought the $400 package was a good deal given the price of these type of services elsewhere and the additional perks. I regreted it next day and tried to cancel the order, I was given the option to cancel, but ZipJob would keep a $75 cancellation fee, or could give it to a friend or family menber as a gift...(I was also pissed to find out that the next week - and now looking at their prices, the package I had gotten was $100 less... fml) they offered additional services, a phone call with someone to go over my objectives (as I also explained I had realised maybe I needed a career coach and not a cv writing service) and a phone call with the writer... I decided to keep it, and ended up using the service a few months after, once I had more clarity on my career path.

I provided my current 'documents' (CV and cover letter), answeres a questionnaire, and got the first set of docs ina few days (they are very responsive). However:

- the formatting of the documents are crap, they look unpolished, boring, the colors between them did not even match the cv was all gray and boring, and the cover letter was green. I pointed this out to the writer, and got the same copy-pasted response twice, i ended up doing my own formatting for my own sake. I asked the writer for his opinion and got nothing back.

- the documents did provide something that I was missing, and that is a language that better sells my skills and is in tune with those cvs you see online where the person looks like a super heroe with tons of 'achievements' and whatever. The bad thing, is it looks exactly like other 100000 cvs online, and really, for my taste is too much - too much selling.

- for my second revision I provided a specific job i relly wanted to apply to (the package i got has unlimited revisions) and asked to include more skills that were previously included in my cv and/or cover letter (problem solving, analytical thinking, etc). I event sent specific text from previous cv versions to better showcase my skills for that specific position, he only added a bit to one of my positions and told me that adding more would make the CV too long (my cv was originally one page - after being told many times that 2 pages was too long, and the one I received on the first draft was 2 pages...)

- by giving them specific job positions i was hoping they would help me tailor my cv to that specific job, and do the same thing for others until i'd built a library of skills and sections that i could freely use to apply to future positions, i told them that was my expectation but of course that nver happened, the second revision for that specific job just added an extra section of ' professional hghights, on top of a summary, on top of core competencies (i know, i know, very naive of me to think they would help me do that, but at least help out tailoring for ONE job? It was $400 after all...)

- i asked many specific questions about what should a cv and cl showcase, since it was my understanding that the cv and cl were supposed te be opportunities to shw diff skills, expericne, traits. Etc... the CL is good. But again, looks like the same CL has been made for 1000 ppl, there's nothing about me that makes it stand out. It just has 3 bullet points (text copied from the cv) taht are specific to my experience.

- i also got the linked in profile package, it is the SAME CV! It has an additional about me section that is super long and doesn't even fit in the linked in space so ppl would have to click to view more, and very few points that are not in the cv...

- never got the call with the first person, she never even replied to my email, never got the call with the writer either

BOTTOM LINE, DON'T hire them if you; re expecting them to work with you to really make your CV, CL< linkedin stand out. It's just templates, copy-pasting for a 10000 templates they must have, and they will sort of edit some parts (which for tehm should be super easy).

If you DO hire them, don't bother getting any extra features

Paid for service, NEVER heard back! Beware
I purchased a package for over $300 online and uploaded my resume. There was zero contact after that. No resume, no return call, no return email after my continuous outreach. I "chatted" with Vincent online before my purchase and he assured me a writer would be in contact right away. This is absolutely outrageous. This company stole my money.

Hope you don't make the same mistake.
I do not recommend Zipjob if you already have a resume or know how to read and write. Zipjob's professional writers simply "create" resumes based on their standard template, using your existing resume, with absolutely no attention to your specific needs at all.

Here are a few learnings based on my experience.
1. Do not delivery on time. ZipJob advertise 4-6 days to first draft delivery. I heard nothing from them, until the 7th day, when I followed up.
2. They do not provide any creativity in writing to showcase your accomplishment, as their own ATS recommends. Their writers simply ignore all the recommendations as suggested by their own website.
3. If you already have a resume, they simply reformat it to their standard template as shown on their website.
4. The writer I was assigned wasn't even remotely familiar with the field I am in. He simply had no clue even the most standard acronyms used in the field. If you call in, they don't even try to assign someone else (have they even got another writer?)
5. Do not expect your writer to add style to writing. They either copy what you have provided or substitute it with the most mundane verbiage.
6. The most unacceptable part of the service is that upon delivery of the resume, they claim that it will go to ATS for screening. However, they do not share results with you whatsoever. The 1 line you will get is "your resume passed ATS". What the heck does that mean? They are not even willing to share results on keyword analysis and general summary based on the new resume.

Zipjob is a hoax for me. I would not recommend Zipjob if you already have a job and have some sense in your life. It's a waste of money!

Stress free, professional resume update
Submit your current resume, answer a few qualifying questions about your career path and a writer will take it from there. The simplicity of messaging my writer about changes to the draft made it extremely easy and I was responded to timely. My results are such that I am beyond impressed with the service. Far exceeds my expectations.

DO NOT USE- Poor product and even worse customer service
I retained Zipjob to create a director/ VP level resume, after a 45 minute initial conversation and plethora of supporting documents for the writer to use, the first draft I was provided was terrible. The layout, experience content, vocabulary, and length were lackluster and far inferior to the product that is expected at the Director/ VP level. The layout was a generic layout pulled from Microsoft Word and the content was just filled with buzz words without information to support those buzz words. The cover letter was even worse, far too generic and didn't even remotely outline why I would be a quality candidate.

I sent several emails to the company expressing my discontent and my request for a refund was sent for "Review." That review came back and I was told that ZipJob have a final sale policy and that they would not be providing a refund. I spoke with an individual in their customer service department and I was told that the review was final, and that no one in the organization could override that. I was also told that I could not speak with anyone on the internal review team to discuss why my refund was denied, or plead my case as to why I wanted a refund.

Zipjob does not value their customers and certainly does not do the right thing when handling unsatisfied customers.

DO NOT USE ZIPJOB unless it is for an entry level position.

Worth It
My resume writer was awesome. She was very responsive and offered great insight. She captured all of my strengths and was able to showcase them in my various jobs. She took my experiences and focused in on my strengths. I liked the way she reformatted my resume. I was happy with my LinkedIn makeover and cover letter as well. Even though I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to specifically do next, she did my resume in such a way that I could apply for different positions outside my former ones because she highlighted my skill sets and strengths which matched these new positions. I was fully satisfied with her work.

ZipJob is great
I work as a manager in the insurance sector. My wife and I recently made the decision to move to another city and I realized that my resume hadn't been updated in a while. Knowing the importance of a well written resume (and how difficult it is to write a concise one when you have so much experience), I figured I use ZipJob. Couldn't be happier with the result. Highly recommend this service to anyone applying for jobs.

Best money I've spent in 2021
Signing up for the premium package at ZipJob was the best money I've spent in 2021! Before using ZipJob, I had refined my resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile as much as possibly I could after hours of revising and seeking advice from Google and professional friends. When I compared what I had created to what Jacob at ZipJob created for me, I was blown away. The formatting, language and sentiment became strong, concise and professional. I now feel confident sharing my resume rather than embarrassed and uncertain.

I would not recommend ZipJob
I would not recommend ZipJob for resume writing. I had two drafts and from the beginning, the process in which ZipJob used wasn't working for me – 20+ years in marketing in leadership roles and also running my own business. It appeared to be shoehorned into a template of creating a summary statement by tying together various responsibilities (which in my case didn't connect) and then pull out two random data points. I called after draft two to express my concerns. An editor reviewed and the writing did improve, however, 2/3s of it was still off. I then began emailing as you aren't able to speak with someone on the phone in the "escalation department." I was told I could receive a 10% refund, so $18.90 on $189, even though I didn't have 90% of a resume completed. I was then told I could work with a more skilled writer. I wondered why I didn't start off with such a writer? And by then, I had lost my confidence in their capabilities. I was willing to pay 1/3 or even 50% of the cost. This wasn't possible and then I was told the first draft was actually acceptable to them so I would need to document all of my feedback. I explained I've done this via the email thread with the writer. I also sent a summary to the escalation department with dates and associated activities. I also sent a picture of the last draft I had with my markups. After two weeks of battling back and forth, I chose to see this as an unfortunate and expensive lesson learned. Do not pay in advance if you don't understand the policy for dissatisfaction. For ZipJob, it states until you're satisfied and that's not what was offered.

Great experience, and will use again
I really appreciated the experience that was brought to the table by ZipJob, and Christy was a great fit for me, and after we chatted over the phone, she made some recommendations and direction for my resume. I would recommend to anyone, not sure of what you want your resume to reflect; then purchase the phone chat option. I found it was really great to connect and relay what I was trying to achieve with my resume. Well worth the extra few dollars. I am extremely happy with their service, and found them after searching the internet for a resume writing business. ZipJob came up as #1 and I decided to take the plunge. The process was seamless, well worth the money spent, and why they are considered #1 on the market.

Stellar Performance
Judy reviewed my old resume. It was in need of a lot of work. I chose their Premium service. I was assigned Ashley. She worked to get my resume in to a proper and professional document. She also made a Cover Letter, LinkedIN Profile, and Thank You Letter for me. She hit the nail right on the head and made these documents perform on their own. I recommend ZipJob to anyone in need of a professionally constructed resume that will land you the right job and get you job opportunities. Cheryl offered various services during the whole experience that helped shape my resume and get it in to the hands of hiring professionals. Once I received my first drafts, I realized I was in the proper hands and spent my money wisely. If you are in need of an updated resume, look no farther. ZipJob is the right place to be. Thank you to all of the staff throughout the whole process. You've done amazing work.

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ZipJob Rating

Based on 50 reviews from ZipJob customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: ZipJob's professional resume writers, and our resume scanning technology, provide you with the best resume writing service possible. Get started with a professional resume today!

Address: 90 Clinton Street, 10002


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