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Reviews Shopping, Daily Deals Zulily

50 customer reviews of

Please avoid this company
I waited to write a review on this company because I ordered some plant seeds and I wanted to see if Zulily sprouted. They didn't. I ordered many products from Zulily. I got so tired of trying to resolve issues with them I decided to quit. I ordered clothes, decorative items and outdoor products. I realized the companies they were procuring their products came from a foreign company that has no quality control. I have a swimming suit that was advertised on their site as a first edition "Miraclesuit". It was not. The sizing on the suit was. 14 and bottom of the one piece suit fit beautifully and the top of the suit was a size 4. I purchase a beautiful jacket that was labeled size 16 but was a size 8(I normally wear a size 14 top and a 12 pant). Time and time again I had to work with their customer service people. Many of the Zulily personnel were wonderful but the majority of them were tired of dealing with angry customers because of the problems with the products the customers ordered. I spent an enormous amount of money on shoes, clothes, electronics, outdoor items and most of them I received were seconds, thirds, in other words, factory rejects. I notified Zulily on several occasions that they needed to really look at the companies they were buying from but Zulily never responded to me. I understood then, they did NOT care. I quit returning the items that I had ordered that did not fit. I used my credit that was in my account. I stopped ordering from them because they advertise first rate designer products at a discount price but what they should say is this company sells designer rejects and when we give you credit for the items that aren't as advertised you have to pay more for shipping costs than the original product cost. Thereby, you are actually losing money when you return something.
Bottom line the few products that are satisfactory are not worth the loss of money, the aggravation and the time you lose. The company can't manage their suppliers quality control and their customer service people that are in entry level positions are overwhelmed with dealing with the complex issues of the returns. I decided ordering n line is like gambeling at a fixed game of cards-you don't get a deal... DO NOT count on Zulily providing you with what they promise you. Buyer beware.

So many reviews based on ignorance/stupidity
*******caution, this review is based off the zuliliy app, not the actual website, so some experiences may differ*******
I have been reading through these reviews and so many of the bad ones are based on their own ignorance/stupidity. I've been using zulily for years and it's a great shopping site but you have to be a smart shopper. Yes, there are going to be bad reviews because you can't make everyone happy and no business is perfect, however, so many of these reviewers' problems could have been avoided if Zulily had read the policies and understood what kind of site zulily actually is! The best way I can think of to explain the type of shopping they offer is to compare it to a flea market. A flea market is just a single place you can go to find a multitude of different sellers selling a multitude of different items but are not linked to each other. That is what zulily is. It is a convenient site where people can browse through lots of different items/brands being sold by many different brands/companies/boutiques. Zulily itself does not actually make or sell these items. So, every single item is being sold by different organizations with their own policies, sizing charts, etc., but each item lists these things in their descriptions which you MUST READ to avoid confusion. I will say that the majority of items sold are not eligible for return, but that is listed in the description. Also, each clothing item you buy is made by different manufacturers, so sizing differs between brand, but every item has it's own sizing chart, which is very simple to find since it's located right next to the "add to cart" button. You MUST check the sizing chart for each individual item and most items will tell in the description if the sizes run big or small. Also, yes shipping can take a long time. Each seller will have their items available for a specific time period, which is clearly stated, so no items are shipped until the sale is over. After that, I don't know if zulily even has any of the items and ships them out themselves, or just hands over the orders to the company selling them and the company takes care of shipping everything out.

Now, as far as quality is concerned, you have to do your homework. Lots of times the items that are being sold are popular name brands that people are familiar with, so you have a good idea of their quality. However, there are many sellers that are small companies, boutiques, or even sellers that handmake the items like on Etsy and possibly even Chinese factories. That's when you need to Google these companies and read reviews to see if you think you would or would not be happy with the item BEFORE you purchase it. So, if you order an item from a brand you don't recognize and you did not research the brand or check the sizing chart for that individual item, if you're unhappy with the product when it arrives, that is YOUR fault, NOT zulily's. Now, obviously you could have done your homework and referenced the sizing chart and still the item you receive could be crap, but that happens everywhere and it's frustrating and you have every right to be upset and try to get the issue fixed. My experiences with customer service have been good but, once again, some people could have a bad experience and have every right to be angry and leave a bad review, but you shouldn't leave a bad review when it's your own fault for not checking policies etc. As far as zulily being a front for Chinese ripoff crap, I think that's ludicrous. I'm sure there are plenty of items made in China being sold on there, bust most things are now days and I've purchased several made in the USA items from there. This concludes my rant for stupid people. I would definitely recommend zulily to anyone because I've found some amazing deals on there, just remember to make informed purchases.

Be informed
I have really gotten in to Zulily over the past few weeks. To date, I have received 2 pairs of shoes, a shirt, a dress, and academic workbooks for my children. I have had really good experiences so far; nothing unexpected. I think my success has been largely due to the fact that I have made sure to do my homework. 1) I do not expect for shipping to be fast and I would not order something that I have to have in a certain timeframe. As others have mentioned, Zulily has to wait to receive your items and then ships them on to you. Zulily ship to me from in Ohio and I live in Ohio so I am sure I receive things more quickly than a lot of others do. 2) No Refunds. It states this everywhere. If you get what you ordered and it doesn't work for you then I would not expect a refund. To this end, I try to be really! Really sure that An item will fit me and look good on me before I buy. I try not to rely on Zulily's size chart and try to find measurements for the brand other places online. I try Google and if I can't find it there I search the brand on ebay. A lot of ebay sellers list the clothing's exact measurements. I am short, so I look for length measurements on dresses. Sometimes Zulily has these and sometimes they don't (and I can never tell by the models because they are so tall). When in doubt, I don't order it. I wait for something I like that I am more sure of. Zulily sells a lot of items that are similar, so you can be pretty sure they will again have something you like. Others have commented on the quality of the items sold, but I have gotten pretty much what I expected. You can get some information about a garment's material in the description, but again, don't take the chance if you don't feel really comfortable with it. Of course, you can always resell on ebay to recoup some of your money if the item doesn't work out. I would suggest listing measurements if you do try to resell. ;) I really like browsing Zulily's inventory and I like anticipating receiving my packages. Just know your risks before you dive in.


1) I have had many orders with them thinking they're stuff is really cute. It is!
However when I order a pink dress and it turns out purple, it's disappointing. I got my daughter brown boots that came in this awful off white color. I didn't even want her wearing them!

2) "Ships within 5-12 days" BS! I had 3 orders take over a month before they even processed it! This was September 1-10th I placed the orders, did not receive any until October 20. I have no problem waiting but do not advertise that kind of shipping.

3) When the website was down (no problem! I understand it happens!) I politely called and placed my order over the phone :) got a confirmation number and was excited for my husbands birthday present to come in the mail! Until I got the email. The woman used an old outdated bank card on my account NOT the one I gave her and she even read it back to me! It was sold out at that point and that was the one thing I wanted to get him, it was rare to come by, and I did not find a replacement for his birthday. I was disappointed. But they did credit my Zulily account. I thought maybe I would get him something for Christmas from there.

4) I placed an order with my store credit and got an email that the order was placed charged to my bank account not the store credit. I patiently call in and the man helped me cancel my order and place it with my store credit.

5) With that order placed I then had free shipping until Sunday at midnight, right? WRONG! It even said "Free shipping" on my account but it was no where to be found when I was checking out!

6)! Since I NEVER placed that "free shipping" order, I thought I was dodging a huge bullet if I never shipped there again! WRONG! WITH NO ORDERS PLACED, I found my bank account in the negative. I have a bank statement showing all kinds of attempts from ZULILY> :( for amounts from $15 to $8 to $2! I never imagined zulily would have 10 attempts of collecting all kinds of amounts from me for NO ORDER! In the end this costed me $70! That's $70 I do not have! That's $70 I have nothing to show for! ZULILY IS A RIP OFF!

Clothing made of cheap fabric and poor construction.
While Zulily is great for quality children's clothing/shoes and handbags, it is terrible for adult clothing. I was embarrassed to find things I bought for Christmas and had sent directly to gift recipients were all low quality beginning with use of cheap fabric from China and poor construction/sewing. Fabric was 95% polyester/5% Spandex. Zulily were sold under the labels of Reborn and Lbisse and many others. The same companies sell under different labels on Amazon. If it looks like a deal and is from China, it probably isn't. There is no way I would wear this stuff. When I go to department stores I always choose by style, color, quality of fabric, quality of construction. Sometimes I buy 95% polyester/5% synthetic but it is a heavier weave - you can't see through it, the clothing hangs better, has a better "hand" (feel) and drapes beautifully. Not like the fabric sold to me on Zulily.

The problem with all these clothing manufacturers in China is they cut every possible corner in all areas except for style and color. They can make clothing look good so that it sells but things fall apart quickly after laundering. While China produces fabric for top design and fashion houses, the fabric they use in cheaper products is poor quality. Often it is transparent, so thin it does not keep its shape after wearing, sitting and moving around, laundering or dry cleaning. China takes advantage of unsuspecting American customers with alluring low prices and Zulily helps perpetuate this fakery.

If there was a way to demonstrate the shortcomings via a photo I would be happy to post several but you can't see the movement of the fabric or the light showing through that screams CHEAP FABRIC HERE. Construction is usually sufficient until you launder the thing then you find strings of hemming coming undone, mismatched seams. My advice is if you care and want to make an investment in the quality of your clothing buy elsewhere or even go to the second hand stores and you will sometimes find better quality there. No more buying online unless I can return for free for a full refund, not a store credit.

There are a lot of really cute items on the site
There are a lot of really cute items on the site. The quality varies depending on the brand, but most of the brands I have tried have been good or average. A few were low quality. There's a few that have very nice quality clothes, but the quality is not what I would have considered high end. The quality seems comparable to items I've bought at Kohl's, Macy's, T. J. Maxx or Marshall's, but usually not as good as a high-quality store like Gymboree. I've googled some of the brands and most don't usually sell for much more than the prices on Zulily. For some of the toys, the prices were better on Zulily than elsewhere, but I've gotten a couple of damaged toys. Their customer service has been good to me. Zulily actually refunded me the price of all of the damaged items I've received. I would never recommend buying a gift from this site because it does take a while for shipping and when you order something, there's no guarantee you'll get it. I've ordered a few items that got "canceled". They say that they bulk order the merchandise from vendors and sometimes the vendors don't send enough items to fill all of the orders. I don't understand how a company that seems to be doing well and is well-known can't contact a vendor who frequently sells items on their site and request more of an item so they aren't disappointing customers. Many of the brands I googled don't seem to be sold at many places, so I would think they make a lot of money off of Zulily and should want to meet their customer's demands. Usually the prices aren't really a steal; clearance prices elsewhere are usually more of a deal. It's a fun site to shop because of the way they display the clothing and many of the items are cute and unique. If you order from the site, buy for yourself or your own children and just keep in mind that you'll almost definitely wait almost a month or more to receive the item and there's a real possibility your item(s) will be canceled. Also remember when shopping that they put a hold on your credit card for about three days and then take it off. A month or so later when they item actually ships, the amount is then charged. It is hard to keep tract of and I can see how it can lead to trouble. Overall, I've bought a lot of clothing, toys and maternity/baby items from Zulily that I loved and I do really like the site. It's just a site that you have judge in its own category instead of like a regular store.

Beware-Size Charts Way Off!
I made my first purchase with Zulily. Not very happy and probably won't order from them again. I was ordering a shirt by Lbisse for my sister. Before ordering I pulled up the sizing chart for the actual item that I was ordering. I carefully measured her a few times to make sure that I got it right. The chart indicated that I should order her a size x-small and there was no mention that the item ran large or small. I was also thinking of ordering the same item in a different color for myself. The sizing chart said that I should order a size large for myself. I decided to hold off on ordering for myself to see how her order went. When the order finally came in for my sister who ordered the x-small it was enormous. Not just a size or two off, but at least 4 sizes off. I tried it on, remember the chart indicated that I should order a large and this was an x- small. The x-small was still too big for me even though the size chart indicated that I should order a large. So this item was at least 4 sizes off of what the sizing chart indicated. If I had actually ordered the large I would have been stuck with some giant mumu looking thing that I could not wear and according to their return policy, could also not return. I ended up keeping the x-small for myself. I have a sewing machine and figured I could take it in a bit in the waist. The shirt was pretty, but so far off in size. Shipping is another thing I take issue with. So when ordering I did notice that shipping does take quite long. Zulily say that is so that they can consolidate shipping to get a cheaper price. That is just crap! Their shipping for just the one item was $5.95! That is not cheap at all. That is about the same as other stores that I order from charge. I took the item to the post office to see how much it would be to ship it all the way across the country (I live on the east coast). They told me it would be $1.60 and it would arrive in 3-4 days. Not the 21-24 days that Zulily takes to ship. As for the quality of the item, it was OK for the price of the item. Fabric was 95% polyester and 5% spandex, not a particularly expensive blend. However, their description said it was 65% off. There is no way that shirt would ever have been worth over $65! I will say that the color was exactly as the website showed it, but it did have a bad smell. I am hoping that it comes out in the wash. If you asked me if I would order from Zulily again, I would say most definitely not. If their sizing is that far off on other items, who know what I will get stuck with.

BTW I did notice an awful lot of items from Zulilly showing up on eBay for cheaper than Zulilly has them. You can return on ebay and most of the items offer free shipping or $1.99 shipping. Either they are selling those items cheaper on eBay or there are thousands of people trying to unload the Zulilly crap they are stuck with!

I have placed many orders through Zulily and have a...
I have placed many orders through Zulily and have a mixed opinion of them.
-Zulily have a lot of super-cute clothing items at amazing prices (sometimes, see cons)
-Their customer service really can't be beat. Every time I've received a wrong/damaged/defective item they return the money and give me a $10-$20 credit depending on the customer service agent I get and how many items I'm complaining about. I've had them, on one occasion, refund me for things that were just fine as an "I'm sorry" gesture. I've also had them re-send out one item that they did have in stock currently instead of refunding the money and I received it only a few days later instead of the standard 3 week wait.
-The refer a friend money is a nice little bonus.
-I have gotten many, many items that I've been over-the-moon happy with.
-Though I have had a LOT of messed up merchandise sent to me, I have eventually ended up with stuff I like a lot and CAN use... In fact, I only continue to order through Zulily because they do the $10 credit as an "I'm sorry" gesture. I've come out far ahead in the end so long as I was willing to follow up with the e-mails complaining about things that were actually defective.

-I have received a LOT of items that have either worn out terribly, come with holes in seams, are the wrong item, are the wrong size, are not as described, or are very clearly merchandise that didn't make the cut from quality control by the maker. As in, I've had about 15 items that I've had to complain about BUT all but one were returned in full, given a $10 credit for, and I was able to keep the merchandise. Some of the merchandise was usable, but wrong or damaged. For instance, I have a pair of pants that came with a hole in the seam. I was refunded for it, but the hole is in an area that, though the material is not one that I can just repair it, you cannot see the hole and it is stable. So I can still wear the pants. Or, I was sent the wrong color dress so it was refunded but I was able to keep and wear another, pretty dress.
-Shipping takes a long time, but they say that flat out. I dislike how long it takes but when I make purchases I keep that in mind. If I want a bathing suit for my daughter, for example, I assume I won't have it for a couple months so I would only consider purchasing that season's bathing suit no later than April and if she is getting ready to outgrow a size, I size up.
-Some "great prices" aren't so great. I know for a fact the B. (Battel) toys are FAR cheaper at Target. I found a couple other outfits that were cheaper on Amazon and they sell Alva diapers that have been rebranded (which is allowed by Alva) and sold at much higher prices than Alva's alone. sells their diapers for about $5 a piece with an insert (cloth diapers) and always has completely free shipping. Zulily will sell them for $10-25 under different names and charges shipping...
-Which brings me to another con: shipping prices. No matter what you buy, the shipping is $7.99. That's not a big deal if you spend a ton of money on there but it's ridiculously irritating and limiting if, say, I wanted to buy some cut hairclips for a couple bucks. Well, I can't, because I refuse to pay $8 in shipping charges for something that could be tossed in an envelop and mailed with a regular stamp.
-Lastly, I'm fairly certain that everything they sell is not the same quality you can find in the stores. Sometimes seams are off a little, sometimes there's something uneven or unbalanced or wrong. Their descriptions could be much more informative and accurate on the website and you don't always know the brand of what you're buying.

So I guess my overall impression is that they are not scammers, but they make money by selling subpar merchandise and hoping no one complains about it. But they do stand by the merchandise and refund it when you bring up the problems.

By Zulily's count I have ordered 109 items. Several...
By Zulily's count I have ordered 109 items. Several times I have received an item that was different from what I ordered. While this is inconvenient, when I sent an email to Zulily (I always attach a picture of the incorrect item that I had received) I was always offered a refund, given an apology for Zulily's error and been asked to donate the item to charity. This made sense to me because the error was Zulily's, not mine, so why should I not only be left to try and find a replacement item, but inconvenienced by having to return the incorrect item that Zulily had sent me?

Today, once again I received an item that was not what I ordered, not even close to it. When I wrote to Zulily with a picture of the incorrect item Zulily had sent to me the response email from Zulily was very different from what I had received in the past. I was told to print out a return address label and send the item back if I wanted a refund.

While that may seem easy to Zulily's representatives, it is not that easy for me. I am a handicapped woman with a very serious bone disease. Shopping in the retail world is something I am unable to do. In fact, I am scheduled to have surgery again on July 10th. So not only am I inconvenienced by having to scramble to find a replacement and pay expedited shipping to get the time to me but in addition I'm being told that I have to find a way to get this item back to Zulily if I want a refund--a refund only needed because of Zulily's error.

After reading the email I called and spoke with a live representative who put me on hold for almost ten minutes and came back to tell me, in a unfriendly tone, that they would make an "exception for me THIS time" and refund my money. It was presented as if Zulily was doing me a favor, not as if Zulily was sorry for the error on their part, or the inconvenience they had caused me once again.

I was so upset and shocked by the tone of the conversation that I asked to speak to a manager. I was put on hold for an extended period of time yet again only to speak with a manager who had the same attitude as the first Zulily representative I had spoken to. When I explained my situation to the manager, her response was that Zulily couldn't be aware of each person's medical situation. When I asked about the subject of quality control I was told that the people filling the orders had no way to know that the wrong item was being sent. From my point of view that is a problem and that is most certainly not quality control. If the person filling the order truly has no way to know if they are doing so correctly then how can Zulily expect to keep its customer base?

Yes, my purchase price is being refunded, but that is not the only issue in customer service. How you treat your customers largely determines if you keep them or not. Zulily's prices are good, but not good enough for this customer to put up with being treated poorly.

If Zulily is growing quickly and experiencing growing pains that is understandable, but if the people in charge of customer service continue to make customers pay (monetarily and/or through inconvenience) for mistakes that Zulily makes then the growth will most certainly cease.

1. I ordered several pairs of shoes that sort of fit. But Zulily are a wear one night and hope they don't fall apart until you get home shoe. They'll have to do something about one pair though as the base of shoe is curved so improperly that when you put it on only about 1/4 of your foot is on shoe, the rest of your foot hangs over the edge. This is actually DANGEROUS as it destroys your balance.

2. The next transgression is the mini blacklight sold with other children's things. The ad says " For children 8 and above". And it is made by a company called TOYSMITH. The box itself is one big warning label. "THIS IS NOT A TOY". "WARNING; This product is not a toy; Do not use in or near water; Risk of electrical shock exists "and once again, "Keep out of reach of children". Does that say it all? Nope. It doesn't work!

3. I ordered two tops that were adorable in the pictures. The ad said slight variations in pattern may exist. You've probably seen it. It was an ad that followed me everywhere on the internet and I fell in love with it. Red tunic with a white, navy and light blue pattern on bottom of shirt and sleeves. Polyester and spandex and it looks light as a feather over jeans. NOT. First of all the blues are greens. Second, the fabric is SO heavy you could use it to recover your couch. Now, the one I just described is Haute Couture compared to the other one. Described as "Navy and Mint Geometric" the print again is arranged toward the bottom. CLOWN SUIT! First it is black and turquoise with orangey-gold curly cue embellishments around the shapes. Next the geometric shapes are BIG, BIGGER AND GINORMOUS. Lastly, (thank God, right?) the fabric is so heavy you could where it outside in an Alaskan winter with no coat and be sweating.

To all of you who read this, "Consumer Beware". If it sounds too good to be true, RUN. It's most obvious that they make a prototype with the right materials, made perfectly then photographed on thin, adorable young ladies.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is known as Bait and Switch and is FRAUD. I guess I'll forward this with a note and pictures to the FBI and FTC as mentioned below.

Have a wonderful day and I hope this gives you something to think about as well as a chuckle or two. Who knows? Maybe we'll get our money back!

Disclaimer: That one star at the top is one star too many. But they won't put your review up without one.

I am a Canadian customer, or at least I was. At Christmas time I did a lot of shopping via zulily. I had ordered several items from them in the past and was usually pleased with the items. But i always made the assumption the price I was seeing & agreeing to on my order checkout & confirmation page was the price I was being charged. NOT SO. It seems zulily will give you a price of (for example) $58.19CA for 2 pairs of sandals, that's including shipping, taxes& duty charges to Canada. But if you look closely to the EMAIL order confirmation, the prices of the items have been changed to US dollars, and although the numbers are still the same, for shipping, taxes& duty, your order total of 58.19CAN has suddenly become $58.19 USD; a year or more ago, that exchange rate wouldn't have really been noticeable. Today though, that's a difference of 58.19=$72.55CAN. Suddenly that great deal just became a rip off. So in November 2014 when I discovered this has been happening, to my account, for at LEAST the previous 3 months! I instantly began having it corrected. I spoke to my card company, Zulily confirmed it was over charged. I was able to work it out with zulily directly rather than having the card company doing an investigation. You'd think that would be the end of the problem, that they'd have it corrected so no other customers would have to go through this...

So now it's April 2015, tonnes of time for the problem to be fixed. I figured why not, hope for the best. I even paid with PayPal this time, versus credit card. Just to rule out the card as being the issue. Ordered 2 pairs of wonderful sandals, totaling $58.19CAN, And yet again when I got the email confirmation of the order, the currency had been changed to $58.19USD. Makes a great deal of $58 for 2 sandals, no deal for $72.55 for 2 pairs of sandals. I wouldn't have even ordered them if it hadn't been for the money I was supposedly saving...

Their products are acceptable, most of the time. I never had the return issues other ppl had, they'd always credit my acct, and since I knew I'd be ordering something else in the future, that was never a problem for me. Some of the items were cheap quality, crap. But I've ordered enough items online from around the globe that I've learned you can sometimes buy a lemon, live & learn. If you want Quality, go to the store, inspect the item in person. Just beware of your a Canadian customer, watch your process, watch the currency charged to your card!

Long But worth the read...
Long But worth the read... Be Very Very aware of ANY sheets with no labeled company name that you try to order from Zulily. I received my order yesterday put them on my bed just before going to sleep. I'm not allergic to anything but while putting them on I started coughing and sneezing, the cough was a strong tickle nearly a choke, but I didn't think to think that it was from the sheets! Then I laid down and kept itching, and the room filled with a very strong TOXIC SMELL. I laid there for like 30 mins or so trying to sike myself out that it couldn't be the sheets! So then I put a blanket on top to avoid the itching and said I would take them off and wash them in the morning, sure enough the itching stopped instantly but the smell was still there and getting worse. I started getting paranoid and feeling sick all at the same time. I had to remove all sheets and pillow cases and put them in the next room until the a.m. Then had to air out my room. This is RIDICULOUS, it's now 2 a. M and the feeling it gave me kept me up researching reviews to see if this has happened to anyone else. It's very sad that Zulily would sell something soooooo TOXIC and risk a person's health over a few $ profit. I never take time to write a review whether good or bad and I am a frequent online shopper so take my word this is a (Very Serious issue). I will be contacting Zulily in the a.m. With prayers that Zulily refund my $ for these sheets and I throw them far far away. I wouldn't even take the risk of washing them then using them. Their lethal in my eyes and I'm being very serious. In fairness I placed like 5 orders with in one month. YES shipping is horribly LONG but I did expect that based on what it says in the site. I have yet to receive a lot of the items but waiting patiently. Also I ordered some super cute leggings with crystal like buttons on the sides in two different colors. One pair was missing a button and it was so obvious. I called Zulily, the rep was beyond nice, she said she would give me a refund to my credit card, also a credit to Zulily and also to keep the leggings! That was great! I haven't received the refund yet but that was only a few days ago so I will stay in high hopes. My #2 complaint is if you pay with a credit card. They charge your account to make sure the funds are there, then reverse the charge back to your bank account until it is ready to ship, then recharge your account which could be a month or so later, but the second time around they don't charge it as the total amount for that particular order as they did the first time. They charge per item shipped so if you have 20 items on that one order and they all have different shipping dates, then Zuilily will charge your bank account 20 separate times! REALLY? They don't inform you of this in advance either! So here I am looking at my bank account with about 10 different charges and It looked like someone had hacked into my Zulily account and started making unauthorized charges. I called about this and they said by law they can't charge the account before shipping? Hmmm never had ANY problems with Amazon? Or the likes of any other company for that matter... I was still willing to give them a try after that because customer service was extremely nice. BUT after this smell and my life and health being at stake, I'm soooooo over it! I'm sad about it lol. I really wanted them to work out, but after reading reviews after the fact (Shame on me) seems like there hurting people more so than making Satisfied Customers, to create longevity within their business. Oh well God exposes all things in due time! If they are purposely selling low quality unsafe products and portraying selling it as brand items at a discounted price then they might just find themselves with a class action lawsuit! Especially if they end up selling these TOXIC products to hmmm lets say an ATTORNEY or a DOCTOR! Sad thing is I would have never wrote a review over the other mishaps, but I refuse to get sick or die from some sheets nor let anyone else! It's hours later and I still have a headache uhhh...

I have a Zulily addiction!
Zulily has been a great shopping experience in the past but the quality has declined and shipping time has gotten to an issue. Waiting over a month to find you have waited for a thin dress that, after the first wear has holes in it is not great. Their marketing is genius. The way Zulily rotate products/lines are clever and it keeps you coming back. I really liked having unique clothes and got great compliments. Some product lines are very notable and sell out quickly. I love Suzanne Betro and White Mountain for example. Quality and reason pricing and items get shipped quickly. Love it.
Recently OXO was featured. Lots of their items sold out quickly so I checked Amazon, only to find the same products a good $10-$15 cheaper and with 2 day shipping vs Zulily's week+, it planted seeds of doubt.
I have also purchased a few dresses that were a polyester material and were fine, but the material was just okay. Now I see the same material in so many dresses in different styles I really don't like my dresses anymore and the polyester annoys me when I wear it. Some things only come in (forgive me) European or Asian sizes now so one has to be careful and check the sizing, particularly if the model's face is half cropped out and she is tiny. If she's on a rooftop the quality is most likely inferior. The descriptions are vague and many people learn by experience, like me. I now check the material on things I am interested and scrutinize the pictures.
Apparently Zulily wised up to this and is now asking for consumers to review products. With competition from wholesalers like Asian company AliExpress now selling directly to consumers, if you know these products you can see the similarities and know the long shipping time means it's being shipped from somewhere like China to Zulily first, then onto the customer, me. I don't want to wait over six weeks for a swimsuit or jacket.
I will say their return process is easy and wonderful. The caveat is if your order is six things and they all come over six weeks and the return window closes, you may be screwed unless you call and let them know. It costs $8-$9 to return items, so you want to wait until you have several to make it worthwhile. If not, I just sell mine on Facebook Marketplace for the price I purchased it.
Overall I love Zulily and I have an addiction. I shop and put things in my cart and sometimes I wait and see if they are still there the next day to curb myself. Or I will "favorite" items and see if they comeback around. You have to be judicious, but if you really, really want something unique-you better snatch it up quickly! It may never come back and then buyers remorse sets in and you want to fill that sadness with something else that you probably don't need.
I do need a clothes drying rack.
Did I mention I'm a Therapist?

Don't Waste Your Time
The reason this company gets a "1" is both due to the "quality" of their items and their atrocious customer service. I've placed about 6 orders with them total and after this week, I'm done.

Products: Their clothing is cheap.
- I ordered about 4 things with embroidery and all of them are unraveling.
- I purchased a yellow shirt that came with a stain (looks like a blood stain) on the shoulder.
- I ordered two other shirts for my friend and her daughter: one in a plus size, one in a regular size (both sizes were 'free' and part of Ananda's collection) and Zulily ended up being the EXACT same size.
- I ordered three posted that were supposed to be 16" x 20" which is a STANDARD size and easy to buy a frame. They sent me three posters that were 17" x 21" which is IMPOSSIBLE to frame without buying a custom frame at Michael's or Joann's.


The last thing I ordered was over 5 weeks ago: a small hand-held radio from Crosley. It was stuck on the status of "shipped to Zulily" for the last month. I contacted customer service: They said it will be shipped within 5 days. The next day I went online to check the status and it showed CANCELLED. Some employee cancelled my order. They already have my money.

I've contacted customer service about this FIVE TIMES with no reply.

In the past they've also accidently messed up my email address with my account so I couldn't receive any emails from them or order confirmations. They tried to fix it four times and corrupted the account to the point where I couldn't navigate the site: it just brought me to a broken index page.

Just yesterday when they decided to cancel my radio order, someone else did something and my 'newer' account is now corrupted as well.

My friend used to be a huge fan and warned me that items can take 5-6 weeks to ship (regardless of what the site says) but this is WAY worse than the delay I expected.

If you attempt to submit a inquiry via email, expect that they will not read your email and send you a pre-written email instead. You cannot reach the same customer service person twice and most of the time, they stop responding.


This site presents itself so nicely
This site presents itself so nicely. It draws you in to the point of near addiction in some cases, including mine. I had the alarm set on the app (or maybe it did it by itself) that goes off at 9 am and says "Time to shop Zulily" in my phone screen. I'd check the site 5 or 6 times a day, and find ALL the ways to shop.

Everything is professionally photographed and it all looks so lovely, of such great quality and you just gotta have it! I bought several shirts, a jacket, a step on trash can, a toilet paper holder and two pairs of Toms shoes.

I have gotten the toilet paper holder and one pair of the Toms. I'm still waiting on the other pair. Why didn't Zulily ship together? Who knows?

I found this site yesterday and my heart just sunk. I don't have money to lose on ill fitting and ill made items so I picked up the phone and called them. I said that I had read this site and was horrified to see that the quality of clothing was poor, and that most times they didn't fit and that I was on a fixed income (who isn't?) and told them I wanted to cancel all clothing items. I'd take the trash can if it will ever get here and I want the other pair of Toms.

To my amazement they cancelled the clothes and my refund is processing. Amazing... simply amazing. And better yet, the Toms that I've watched stay stagnant on their "way to Zulily" are magically preparing for shipping! As for the trash can, well, it'll get here eventually. I wish it would hurry up tho---I got it to keep my kitten out of my bathroom trash!

So, all in all, Zulily has it's good and bad qualities. They did accommodate me in my time of hysteria and they did magically get my shoes moving. Some things are priced fairly and some are crazy bad. I can do better with my prime account on Amazon. It just depends. Like with anything else you have to shop around.

I will say this... if you didn't know about their policy and how they acquired their merchandise, and that it was a long wait to get your things, it's your own fault for not reading! This is not Zulily's problem, it's yours. You must read all the fine (or in your face LARGE) print!

So, just be a savvy shopper and don't let them sucker you in by their pretty pictures and magical words. And if you get something that is of poor quality or doesn't fit, CALL THEM and tell them. What have you got to lose?

Although I am not as enthusiastically angry right now...
Although I am not as enthusiastically angry right now as some other reviewers were when Zulily left their comments, I still very much feel their pain. Zulily really rides the "scam" line. You think it's great to pay 40-50% off on some really nice items, but the headache of the transaction is really not worth the savings. Trust me. Find coupons or wait until the actual company has a close-out or clearance.

My story is so extremely similar to almost every other negative review here (hm, coincidence?). I had been a member of the site for months before I decided to purchase anything. There was a nice sale on some Crocs, so I decided to pick up two pair - one for myself, and one for my son. A month after I placed the order, I decide to email customer service as I had not received the shipment, nor any notification that it was on its way. I was originally told the items would be shipped in 10-14 business days. The customer service rep emailed me back and so poignantly reminded me that it is "business days". And just like most everyone has said here, that translates into about 3-4 weeks. And you pay something like $8 for shipping, too! (What a rip!) Anyway, that would be one thing, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't totally mind that if you actually received the items, etc. What's interesting is that they process the transaction (i. E. take your money) right when you order the items, not when they ship them. (Like I said, painfully close to the scam line here.) Now here's the kicker, I wait about 5-6 weeks before I receive one pair of shoes, my son's. Great. Finally. Thank you. (And as most people have said - yes, by the time we finally received them, he had nearly outgrown them.) But now where are the other shoes I purchased? I had gotten the habit of checking my order status daily by now, so I sign into my account to see that the other shoe order's status was "canceled". Weird, I never received notice of that. So I emailed customer service once again. A response came back, assuring me that my order was not canceled. Another few days go by and I receive an email from customer service. "Unfortunately" they were not able to obtain the shoes I originally ordered so they were sending me a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT pair. Really? Who the hell does business this way? So I can order something, pay for it immediately, wait a quarter of a year and THEN find out that they can't give it to me and thus send me something completely different? That's gambling, basically, and nowhere on their site am I told that that is how my money/order would be handled. I responded back to this email with just about the same tone I am using here. They apologized and did refund my money and even said I could keep the (really ugly) replacement shoes that were being sent to me. I was surprised at this since they clearly state that your order is non-refundable. So they get one star for responding to my emails in a timely manner and actually resolving matters (for the most part). But overall, buyer BEWARE. Steer clear of this company unless you actually enjoy frustration.

My first purchase from Zulily went fine
My first purchase from Zulily went fine. I ordered a bag, it came as expected a few weeks later. The second purchase was a metal spice rack and some other organizational products. Some metal pieces on the spice rack were welded crooked, so the spice jars didn't rest in the grooves. (And what good is a spice rack when it cant even hold the spice jars that accompany it?) I called Zulily and was told it was a final sale and I could not exchange it because it was no longer offered. So Zulily offered me a $10 credit, which would be nice if it covered a fraction of what I spent on the spice rack. I waited two months for them to ship a spice rack that didn't even hold spices. Great.

Since that didn't quite fill up my BS meter,... I fell in love with a duvet cover, and Zulily just happened to be offering it, so I placed my third order with them. I then ran across the exact same duvet on the Bed Bath and Beyond website ten minutes later, for the same price after BBB's 20% coupon. I went back to Zulily to cancel my order, as BBB's shipping is much faster and FREE. Zulily hadn't even processed my payment, but the response on their website when I cancelled was that it would take "several days" to process my refund and they also shorted me the freight amount. Even though the item was never even ordered from their supplier and was never shipped anywhere. So they went ahead and charged me, took days to give me a refund, and I'm still out freight costs.

So, here's what I've found out. Their prices are NOT special. Many other online sites offer the exact same discounts. I still subscribe to their e-mails, and when they have something I want, I google the item and it's usually offered by a big retailer for about the same price. And big retailers aren't going to take two months to ship it to you and deny refunds and returns for crappy items. If you sign up for e-mails most retailers will send you coupon codes that put their prices on par with Zulily. Zulily isn't some kind of exclusive buying website. These retailers are trying to offload overstock, season's crap, and items they can't sell elsewhere, and any store with buying power can and does offer the exact same prices. And if I buy something I don't like from BBB, or it arrives broken, I can march up in the store and get my money back the next day. There is no legitimate company that denies returning a broken item.

I've been shopping with Zulily since April of 2011,...
I've been shopping with Zulily since April of 2011, and from that time have had 12 orders either completed or processing (I just placed another order last week.)
Most everything I've purchased from them, understanding that the process is much like drop-ship, has been either excellent or satisfactory. Knowing that it might take a while to get the goods, or that the order could be cancelled, I have never ordered anything I need right now.
I said most. I've had two exceptions to this, and I'll explain how I approached them and how Zulily responded.
A couple months ago I ordered some blow-out sandals for my daughter, which were advertized as sueded leather. That's getting harder to find, and I don't dig pleather. It doesn't hold up, and I resent paying leather price for plastic shoes...
These were VERY inexpensive, and exactly the style I knew my daughter would love. Ordered. Turn-around was within a month or ordering, might have been the third week after placing my order. That was fine... but upon inspection I realized that the description was wrong. Synthetic, not leather. DAMN. Well, she loved them and even with shipping, came out cheaper than what I could have found locally, so I kept them.
Most recent order that has shipped - ordered an unusual item not found in the States, one of the funky Eco-Euro brands, and something I'd wanted for my kid but hadn't quite come to appreciate the price, even at a discount. Finally, when it was the only size left, and the only one left, I ordered it.
That came rather quickly - I think it was within two weeks of ordering, though part of the order is still pending...(that's alright - it's for winter.)
The item seemed fine, looked it over and decided to launder it according to the label. Solid, faded black garment. After washing, a splotchy faded black and light brown garment. NO NO NO NO. Gentle soap, careful cycle... no bleach... this isn't right.
I contacted them immediately, and without anger but concisely explained to them what had happened to this item, and in addition about the leather sandals that weren't.
I really didn't expect much since this was a final sale, but I left it open, "Please advise."
I received a response within 24 hours, full of apologies, and although they would not authorize a return, told me to keep the damaged item (I'd explained I would try to redye it) or donate it, credited my card back for the purchase amount (I had other things shipping) and gave me a store credit for the sandals my daughter is wearing... and another $10.00 merchandise credit for my troubles.

So, yes, I would prefer that the order had gone smoothly, but either my way of communicating was effective, I lucked out and got the right CS agent, or they've had enough complaints that the company is starting to modify how it handles merchandise issues.

I will continue to order from them, but as I mentioned above, also with a caveat - nothing I need now, and not for anything I can't live without.

Misrepresentations, Broken Promises, and Incredibly Bad Service
Zulily used to be a great company. Not now. I used to shop with them a lot, finding unique and interesting things at great prices, and Zulily had great customer service, really going out of their way to make the customer happy. Not now. I recently ordered two sets of neck gators, or as they call them, convertible scarves. When they arrived I discovered they would not go over my head. I looked back at their statements regarding measurements and materials. I measured what I received and found the ones I received to be significantly smaller, and the materials label did not match what Zulily claimed. What should have allowed it to stretch wasn't there. So I contacted Zulily. Repeatedly. While they agreed to approve the return, they expected me to pay the return shipping charge of $8.99.( I think they may even add on tax to shipping, at least for shipping out orders. And that in itself is somewhat deceptive. They claim additional orders ship for free on the weekends, and yet they charged me $9.84 for the second order, something that they did refund at that time with my earlier complaints.) Anyway, after numerous emails from me asking them to cover the return shipping charge since they indeed misrepresented what they were selling, a nice customer service agent agreed, telling me I would not be charged for using their return label. Here's what he wrote: "In regards to the return label, you will not be charged for this return." Simple and straightforward, right? No ambiguity. So what happened? They charged me the $8,99 shipping fee they promised me they would not charge. And the refund for my items was only issued in store credit which I really don't want since I don't think I want to ever shop with them again. They may have saved some money on shipping, (although I would argue that scarves are light weight and could be shipped for far less) but they have lost me as a customer. I have contacted them yet again, telling them that they charged me for the return shipping after promising they would not. And I received a totally inept response to my most recent complaint: "I am sorry to hear that you were charged the return shipping fee. I went ahead and added $5 store credit to your account which is ready to use right away to cover the shipping cost. I want to assure you that we continually strive to make things better, and are focused on what we can do to make your experience as effortless and enjoyable as possible." Are you kidding me? How does a $5 store credit equate to an $8.99 refund which I'd assumed was going back to my credit card? They make it sound like they are doing the customer a favor when clearly they are not. I'm totally fed up with their meaningless assurances that they care about customers and their feelings which they do nothing to satisfy. Earlier, a different customer service agent wrote an almost identical line, thanking me for sharing my feelings: "Thank you for letting us know how you feel about this. Your feedback is very important to all of us here at Zulily. I want to assure you that we continually strive to make things better, and are focused on what we can do to make your experience as effortless and enjoyable as possible." What nonsense! This must be some standard spiel that they tell their agents to say. None of it means anything if they do not listen to the complaint that is made and respond accordingly. No one appears to be home and conscious at Zulily. I don't know if this all has to do with Covid and not being able to hire people who are literate, or perhaps, they have sold themselves to another entity that doesn't care about its customers and is out to make every last dime they can. They certainly do not cross check their descriptions, and a lot of their products seem directly manufactured for them, like under their own brand, cheaply made in China. I'm not totally sure about that part, but I do know that with a lot of what I've bought from them recently, it doesn't seem like the quality is there anymore. Like I said, they've really gone downhill. And I'm not traveling with them anymore for that jerky, bumpy sled ride banging into countless issues that they refuse to fix. I've now opened up a possible case with Paypal, so I will see where that goes Since the opening of that complaint against them, I just received three more totally inadequate emails from Zulily. One simply addresses my feelings and how thankful they are that I shared those with them, again, not addressing the issues, the second one claims that they sent the $8.99 shipping fee back to me through Paypal; however, I checked my account and there isn't any refund, on, or near the date they have cited. In the third email from Zulily sent to me on 10/4/2020, they state:" It looks like your $8.66 refund was posted to your Zulily account as store credit on 02/10/2020." This makes absolutely no sense. What happened back in Feb of this year, about 8 months ago -- when Zulily was a decently run company -- does not pertain to the current issues whatsoever. Both the date and the amounts are entirely wrong. I really don't think these people know what they are doing. I'm not sure if they are deliberately going out of their way to be annoying or not, but they are successful in that regard even if they are not trying. It's incredibly frustrating to try to have an intelligent conversation with some one who is not home and doesn't care. I do not wish to do business with them ever again. They do not make my days "delightful;" instead, they add on layers of stress and frustration. Worst customer service department ever!

I've didn't think a company could stay in business if Zulily scored the highest for lying employees(" we don't charge your card until it ships"- they actually charge your card on Day 1 and then at the latest Day 5 9 to pay the Vendors-mostly from China... They do not return phone calls, i've had reps hang up on me for various reasons: I was inquiring about a shipment, I wanted to cancel something or an order.( this is the kiss of death with them, they either won't cancel it at all but will say they did, if they cancel they will not refund your money even if you threaten to sue them, they do not take returns even though they say they will if something is damaged/defective. I went for months trying to send defective stuff back and could never get them to call me. They said "send us photos", which I did... then nothing. Finally I sent a whole box of things to them ($900) and even then they kept talking in circles and said hey didn't "approve the return". I placed many many orders with them but don't have the clothes or the refunds from things I cancelled... Even if you get a refund, they make it impossible to reconcile your bank account because they take the full order amount out at the beginning, but then they refund like $9.99, $29.99, $14.99, and you can't determine which order it relates to. Try getting help? Forget it. They get paid to lie, commit fraud, and outsmart the customer. I thought Haute Look was a disaster but Zulily makes them look like a reputable online company, and they aren't either. My banker couldn't even figure out what we should do so we shut down all my accounts so they had no way of accessing my cards anymore. There were several orders where they charged me more than once for the SAME ORDER, just varying the numbers like, $1204. 50, then $1201. 34... They should be reported to some kind of online authority that monitors fraudulent behavior and acts but I never could find out who that was and I just gave out and gave up... and out a BUNCH of money but I just had to let it go.If you decide to order from them, watch your bank cards for multiple charges... don't worry about finding your refunds because there won't be any, I'm sorry to say. Despicable company and employees... LS

Caveat emptor
Zulily is a mixed bag. I know of no other retailer that operates the way Zulily do, so it's hard to find a comparison. I am a regular customer, and all in all, I think they're worthwhile, but it helps to understand how they do business. I don't have any inside information; this is just from my own experience.

--They sell stuff they don't have -- yet. Few if any other sites do this. If you order something from Lands End, and they don't have it in stock but expect to get it, they'll offer you a backorder and won't charge you until they ship your order. But Zulily routinely sells stuff it doesn't have. They make the sales -- and collect your money -- and give you a projected ship date. Then they use your money to order the goods. Their supply chain is far from perfect, and some suppliers probably are dodgy, so there are often glitches with orders. They are decent about communicating with you about this and will offer to cancel your order and refund your money if they don't meet their own projected shipping date. When this happens, they'll give you a $10 credit toward your next order.

--Quality of goods is extremely uneven. While they regularly carry well-known, quality name brands (genuine, as far as I can tell), their bread and butter is cheap brands you won't find anywhere else. The thing about the cheap stuff is it's often very cute and unique compared to what you can find at Macy's or Lands End. I have a tissue-thin tunic/dress from Zulily, and everyone loves that thing. I got like 8 compliments on it yesterday. It cost about $25 and really wasn't even worth that unless you love the pattern and shape as much as I (and many of my coworkers) do. (I wear a camisole and leggings with it, so the thinness isn't a big deal.)

--They officially don't take returns. But that doesn't mean they never take returns. I got them to take one when their description of the item was inaccurate on a key point. I sent Zulily customer service a polite email, attaching relevant screen shots. They took my return, paid the shipping, refunded my money, and gave me a $10 credit for my trouble.

* * *

So, do shop at Zulily, but consider these rules of thumb:

--Stick to known name brands whose quality you trust and whose size charts you know or can look up. (Zulily's size charts aren't always accurate.) If you aren't sure about a brand, type it into Google and see what comes up. If nothing much appears, be careful. If you decide to take a chance, order a size up. Third-World apparel often runs small, and remember the no-returns policy.

--Don't buy special occasion gifts on Zulily unless they are familiar name brands and you're ordering months ahead. You don't want to give a loved one something that feels thin and cheap, and you don't want to have to find a last-minute replacement gift. Likewise, if you need a dress for a special occasion, don't order it within less than 60 days of the occasion. You need time to find something else if the order is canceled or the garment isn't as described.

--Don't assume Zulily's price is the best available and its descriptions are 100% accurate. Search the Web for the item, read other descriptions, try to find the manufacturer's size chart, and always check Amazon for reviews and/or a better price. Sometimes Zulily's price is a dollar or two less than Amazon's, but Amazon will ship free and Zulily is going to tack on $6+ shipping.

--Don't order anything from Zulily that you need by a date certain. The exception to this is their "Ready to Ship" category. I don't have any experience with that, but I assume it means what it says. I suspect Ready to Ship is comprised of stuff they ordered too much of, or that their suppliers made too much of, and probably their returned items.

Bottom line: Zulily isn't Lands End or Macy's. It's not even Chadwick's. But there are some great deals to be had for a savvy consumer. Just know who you're dealing with and do your homework.

Love zulilly it's fun n great items@great prices love shopping zulilly!
I love zulilly. When I 1st saw it online and having to register, I didn't like that but actually that's important because on any site to save items in a cart you have to register w them. Once I did, I didn't realize when you see something you like you better buy it then.
Then go fast on zulilly. I ordered shoes in summer and it's a perfect fit. And I'm hard to fit, wide foot
Then before Christmas, I ordered several things for my lil girl and every thing arrived on time. As expected, quality items.
One issue I had was I had liked a lot in my cart and I accidentally hit submit button without realizing it and it went through to my PayPal and attempted to take out of my account. I got 2 overdrafts from my bank and I called zulilly and Zulily were great. I removed paypal from my zulilly account and I highly recommend using child mode on Zulilly to prevent submit button accidentally being pushed on bottom of your list
Child mode is a # digit code before submitting order or making changes
Customer service is A+++++. Great service
An order I canceled, a doll arrived anyhow and I called them to make sure the cancellation went through. It had but items are sent directly from company that makes it zulilly does not stock items. Customer service said no problem keep doll, it's on them.

I compared prices before buying items and they are lower priced and some loved lil girl dress and clothes brands like jly the pug and Matilda Jane etc.
There are significant price discounts but buy when you see it or it may be gone. At Christmas a lot of items we're in 2 payments! Unknown brands on there for women. I wear 2 x n if you read on some unknown brands it gives you a size chart check it. A lot of x it says they run smaller and clothes in. Other countries often run smaller than in US
On known major brands great prices and fun unique items
It gives u wait times that's expected

On bedding sets n sheets
Some are cotton, Some are polyester, Some microfiber. I don't like microfiber or polyester
These items are cheaper. Walmart sells them too and I don't buy them at any place

The key is to pay attention to item descriptions and the size charts etc and realize there is shipping times from prospective companies etc
If you particular brands or categories, Zulilly will send you alerts wen back or back in stock
Categories and items often come back
Zulilly customer service is fantastic

Dishonest Pricing
I have not shopped at Zulily. I have frequently browsed the site and have found tempting items, but their delivery time and no return policy is off-putting so I have always hesitated about placing an order. Recently, I read a Zulily review that advised to only order brands that the customer was familiar with as far as quality and sizing are concerned. I liked that tip, so when I found Lolë merchandise I was pleased. I know this brand; I have purchased a number of items from them and like the quality and price point. I also am familiar with the sizing. So imagine my surprise when I found a number of items that showed regular prices far beyond what I had previously experienced when shopping at Lolë. So I decided to search the Lolë website for the same article, to see first, if Lolë had that article and second, what the regular price was and if there was a sale price being offered. On the Zuiliy website, a Lolë product called Black Heather Ananti Cardigan was offered for the sale price of CAD $95.99, marked down from the regular price of CAD $224.00. On the Lolë website I found a Black Heather Anati Cardigan being offered for the sale price of CAD $84.00, marked down from the regular price of CAD $140.00. Please take note of the one different word in the cardigan name from one website to the other: AnantiAnati. However, it is the very same cardigan, being modeled by the very same model. Why the difference in name? A spelling mistake or a deliberate attempt by Zulily to mislead? Zulily obviously lifted the photo of this item from the Lolë website to use on their website. I took a screenshot of each from the two websites. Zulily advertises itself as a place to shop brand names at great prices. But in this case, Zulily inflated the regular price of an article, to make the sale price seem attractive, yet in reality, the customer would pay more for the item than what is offered on the Lolë website itself; plus Lolë was offering free shipping. That is not any kind of good deal. It feels like an out and out scam to me.

Honest to Pete. I have officially learned my lesson. Never ever again will I place an order with an online company that seems too good to be true. I had been sucked into what I consider scam sites before - ones like Rosegal & Modlily - where Zulily had really cute clothes at great prices. Weeks & weeks went by before anything arrived... and the clothes were never what I expected... either several sizes too small or of poor quality. Too late I realized the pieces were not coming from a domestic company but were coming from overseas... usually from China.

I fear I've gotten sucked into the same thing again with Zulily. I thought I had covered my bases by google searching Zulily & seeing that it was based here in the States in Seattle Washington. I SHOULD have also checked online reviews. Instead I trusted that this was a reputable site that would ship my purchases quickly and that they would be quality pieces that fit me according to the size I ordered.

Well, it yet remains to be seen what the quality of my purchases are because as of today, January 9, I have yet to receive any of the 12 pieces that I ordered on December 28th. In fact, only ONE of those pieces is showing as having 'shipped' - although technically, according to tracking, it's been in a processing facility in Hong Kong for almost a week now. It hasn't even arrived in the States yet! And, now that I google the brands/ companies that each of my pieces originate from, they ALL appear to be from China.

I understand now that Zulily is only a hub center that does not actually store inventory. I feel like an incredible fool to have fallen for this kind of ridiculousness yet again. Maybe my clothes will arrive when they are still in season & maybe they won't. Maybe they will fit and maybe they won't. Who knows?

I don't often spend money on clothes. In fact, I need to watch my spending very carefully. I am really afraid that I have totally just thrown my money away. What do I do if those clothes arrive & they don't fit... Do I return them and wait another gazillion weeks for the appropriate size?

Trust me. I will absolutely warn people against using Zulily. I have learned my lesson. From now on I will use sites I know I can trust and can expect my orders to arrive expediently... sites like Amazon. And, at the VERY least, their site should list the expected shipping times when people place an order. If I had seen that it would be weeks, I never would have placed my order in the first place.

Hot Mess and Managed to Screw Up My Paypal Account!
I started out liking Zulily. I did. The shipping was slow, Zulily packed things in an unprofessional manner and there was a 50/50 shot that anything glass or ceramic would arrive broken and something in your ordered would be wrong. Hats arrived crushed. Their clothing sizes were all over the place and their size charts were inaccurate to say the least. They were pretty cool about returns, but it was a hassle. They had some good deals and I gradually learned what brands fit and which ones didn't, so I put up with it. Gradually things started going downhill and their prices steadily increased. In July they sent me the wrong shoes. I followed their new return procedures to the letter and sent them back with several other items. The items I sent other than the shoes were all credited to my account. The shoes seemed to be missing from any refund. Since I payed by Paypal and was having no luck getting a response from Zulily, I contacted Paypal and filed a dispute. Zulily rapidly refunded my Zulily account, but not my Paypal account. I dropped the dispute because I felt this was an adequate solution and I was tired of fighting with them. Today, several months later I went to purchase something from another online vendor and I was unable to use my Paypal account. No idea of why. I contacted Paypal and my account was negative $19.99 and I needed to transfer money from my bank account to Paypal or I couldn't use the account. Why? Because Zulily put in a claim for $19.99 because I dropped the dispute. First they sent me the wrong shoes, secondly they refused to refund said shoes until I filed a complaint with Paypal, and now my funds were tied up that I wanted to use in another store because they wanted $19.99 from my Paypal account! I guess they were punishing me for filing a complaint. So, today was the day I had enough. I closed my account with Zulily and requested that everything on order be cancelled and refunded to my Paypal account. I've bought a lot of merchandise from Zulily, however this was the last straw. I will not be bullied this way for $19.99 by any company. Zulily is a hot mess. Use at your own peril.

I've been ordering from zulily for the last year (May 2014) and have had an overwhelmingly positive experience. I just looked in my "Closet" on the site and counted 148 items that I've purchased--which may mean I have a problem, but that's neither here nor there.

Out of those 148 items, I've had 2 instances of cancellations, and 1 item which arrived damaged (cosmetics--I let them know it arrived broken and it was refunded). 1 pair of $10 shoes was too snug. 1 pair of $13 "jeggings" was unfathomably too small and 1 dolman-sleeved tunic was massively, massively big (but I admit I don't think I looked at the size charts so my fault). Otherwise, I have loved everything I've gotten from there, and have been exposed to some awesome small brands that I now follow closely.

Here's the thing: are returns nice? Yes, absolutely. But the reason that zulily offers such low prices on things like TOM'S and Levi's and Crocs and other unique boutique vendors is because Zulily don't provide returns. A returns program is extremely expensive and in the end you'll end up paying more for every single product you order to cover some other customer's exploitative returns.

Secondly, is timeline for them to ship your package after you order it inordinately long? Absolutely! Compared to every other e-commerce site, YES. However, that's again why they're cutting the prices by 30-80%--they don't mark the prices up to cover overstock.

That said, here are my tips for success on zulily:
1. Review the size charts carefully and know your measurements. Be wary of juniors sizing on clothes that may appear to be women's sizing.
2. If there's not enough information/pictures, or the quality is questionable, you owe it to yourself to not risk it.
3. Plan ahead and pay attention to the shipping timelines that are listed on the site. Don't bother if you're buying that cute dress for that wedding that's happening in 3 weeks, it's not worth the stress of not getting it in time.
4. Research items on another site (like Amazon). I often read all the reviews/look at additional pictures on other sites, and then take advantage of the screaming deal on zulily.
5. Call Customer Service if you ever receive something that was wrong or defective. They will always work it out for you.

Good luck!

Common sense works here.
I have been using and now for about 2 years now.
I have been happy with them and decided to write a review now because of what happened yesterday.
I ordered a well-known brand's bag.
I knew the brand name but I have never seen their products in real life so I was little apprehensive but because the price was below $50, I thought I would give it a try.
I received a bag and noticed the color at the bottom is much sharper and more vivid than the rest, it looked like it was bleached by the Sun, except the bottom, it was consistently faded.
If the bottom was also faded, then I wouldn't have guessed the color is off since I have never seen it before.
Anyway I thought about the hassle of returning it, it was not-returnable to begin with and it's not like it's not usable.
I thought I will just email them and see what happens.
I got a response within 24 hours and Zulily gave me a store credit and told me I don't have to return the bag. She said I can do whatever I want with the bag.
I was very surprised. I wasn't upset that they didn't give me refund since it saved me the hassle of returning it.
I mean this is I am talking about.
However, I used before too.
There was this one time they emailed me and said one of 3 items I ordered couldn't be delivered by the time they said that would be delivered.
And they gave me options. Either they refund my money or I wait. I asked for refund and it was processed promptly.
I am very surprised to find so many bad reviews and low rating of the site since my experience has been nothing but good.

I would like to say few things that I learned about the site so far in case it could be a help;
I don't buy women's clothing since I sew and make my clothes myself so I have no opinion about the quality of women's clothing people are talking about.
I don't buy Coach/Michael Kors/Kate Spade because their price is more than outlets.
I recently ordered my 4 year old son's winter coat but haven't received it yet.
So many people said about bad quality of children's clothes.
What I ordered was $18, it said the retail price is like $200 but what I paid is $18 so my expectation isn't that high.
I don't order brands that I don't know well since then the chance of dissatisfaction is higher.
For my son, I have been ordering osh kosh mostly since I actually buy their clothes from stores so I know exactly what I will get.
If I am interested in a brand that I haven't heard about before, then I google the product before I place an order.
I read all the descriptions before placing the order.
Sometimes they are good deals, but then they have only one picture of the product, especially then you really need to read the description.
I noticed sometimes, they put wrong pictures.
I wouldn't have known that if I didn't read the description and compare, like a bag with a same picture but their price is different or one says it's small and the other, medium.
Then I go with the description because their dimensions are different in the description.
Yes, they should do a better job at posting correct pictures with correct description, but people make mistakes.
And by spending a minute to read description, I save myself a lot of hassle.
Delivery time that people complain about. Each product has its expected delivery time frame. And in my experience, they are really correct.
If they said it will take 12~ 15 days, it really takes that many days. Believe them and save yourself a frustration.
They ship as soon as they can even when that means they have to ship all 3 items I ordered separately! That's not how they charged me shipping and I didn't particularly asked them to do so. To me that's a very good service.

I am so happy about the service I got yesterday. I would have stopped using the site if they didn't do something about a "defective" bag, because nobody can beat their shipping rate!
Their shipping rate in/to Canada is the third on my top 5 list, #1 is Gap and #2 is Costco.
With their great shipping rate, and their deals on the brands I like and occasional pleasant surprises, this is my favorite online retail therapy store.

Gamble with Quality or Damage or Missing Items
I've been a loyal shopper with Zulily for several years. My experiences with them have continued to get worse. Over the past year I've received 8 shipments with issues ranging from damaged and destroyed product due to inadequate packaging, defective items, incorrect items that weren't what I ordered and items being missing from shipments.

The latest incident has caused me to vow to never purchase another product from them. I work for an online distributor so I know that finding a solution for your customer isn't instant but Zulily actually expects a customer to wait 10 business days for a simple update on what is happening with your order. This is unacceptable. I purchase two Personalize Wall Art Signs from them. I received shipping notice that both shipped via the same tracking number. When the shipment arrived there was only one item in the package. I emailed Zulily immediately sending them photos of the packing slip that showed only one item included, photos of the box to show that it was not possible for a 2nd item to have been inside and a photo of the shipping label on that box. The customer service rep emailed me back stating the package had been delivered to my address and to check with the UPS driver. Clearly Zulily didn't bother reading my email or viewing my attached photos to see that one item was only received. After replying back to them again to explain the situation again they said they would send this to their Resolution Team who would contact me in 7-10 days. The following day I viewed tracking for the shipment again and it was updated to show that one package was returned to the sender because they used duplicate tracking numbers. It was clear that my 2nd package had been returned. I notified them again of this and they just responded to wait for the Resolution Team to contact me in 7-10 days. What could possibly take 7-10 days to determine a solution when tracking clearly shows what happened with the shipment. I'm now on day 8 and no one in customer service will provide me an update. Horrible customer service. No one should ever have to wait this long.

Zulily LOST my package and gave me a runaround response for a week! NO RESOLUTION! These guys are thieves in my book. See Below for their responses. Zulily are asking ME to call USPS and deal with their mistake. This is deplorable! I will NEVER order from Zulily again.

Was this order lost in transit?
UPS looks to have sent it to USPS on Oct 2 but hasnt updated anything since that date.
Check the tracking number: XXX
This is taking a ridiculously long time. Please advise.
Thank you

Hello Jennifer,
I'm sorry to hear that you haven't received your order as yet. No need to worry, I'll look into this for you.
Your items are still on their way, please wait an addition 6 days for the delivery process to complete. If not updates after the 6 days, please let us know so that we can further assist you.
I hope this information helps, have a great day.
Wayne H.
ZSR - zulily Service Representative
5am to 8pm Pacific (M-F)
6am to 6pm Pacific (Sat-Sun)

I called usps today and they have no record on their end of the package ever being in their hands, only that a shipping label was created.
Can you resend what I ordered?

Hi Jennifer!
Sorry to see you never received your item!
Sometimes carriers' systems are updated before they are actually delivered.
Did you try to contact them in regards to your package?
I would give them a call and see if they have the package.
If they can't give you the information that you need, you can call or email bank in and we can definitely help you out with that!
Sorry for the inconvenience! Hopefully the carrier has the package!
Sean B.
ZSR - zulily Service Representative
5am to 8pm Pacific (M-F)
6am to 6pm Pacific (Sat-Sun)

Called USPS again,
NO record of an actual package on their end, just that pre-shipment info was sent to them on October 2nd.
PLEASE do not give me another runaround response this time am I getting a refund? Are you resending the products I ordered? Ive never had to work this hard to track down a package from a huge company and this is so upsetting! Your customer service is usually quite good but this time around its been deplorable.

Hello Jennifer,
I'm sorry you haven't received your order. I'll be happy to assist you today. I have checked your order and it was shipped. Please check with the local post office its in transit by them.
Hope this helps!
Have a great day.
Annamaria H.
ZSR - zulily Service Representative
5am to 8pm Pacific (M-F)
6am to 6pm Pacific (Sat-Sun)

If I could, I would give this site a 3.5-star rating,...
If I could, I would give this site a 3.5-star rating, but seeing as they're not 4-star quality, I will settle for 3-stars.

The offered information on the shipping when you're placing an order is misleading, seeing as Zulily don't ship until 10-14 business days AFTER your order is placed. The package tracker didn't really help at all.

I actually got an email from the website telling me to redo my payment information. When I called, even though it took a bit for a customer service rep to answer, the customer rep was VERY nice, polite, and helpful and assured me that my payment was accepted and my orders processed, so I would give them 5 stars for their customer service!

I do like the quality of the garments, mostly; some things are on the translucent side, and I'm not a big fan of sheer clothing. The shoes were my favorite part and I'm still on cloud nine from them - I have trouble finding shoes in my size (10-11 in womens) and these 10's fit perfectly.

I will say that the fit of some of garments don't match the size charts even within the same company sale; I bought the same three sizes from the same company, and one was a tight fit, the second was a bit on the loose side, and the third is way too loose in the chest and I have a rather large chest.

My final note is on the pictures and descriptions: they do not accurately depict the clothing and shoes you order. Because there is only one side shown, you can't really tell what the back of your garments will look like; for me, this aspect was a pleasant surprise because the entire back of my pullover was lace and it looks awesome. Some of the colors, too, are misleading. I bought a bra that was described as "azure" and the photo showed it being a light turquoise, almost a cyan color; the actual bra has a yellow cup with a blue lace overlay, making it more blue-green-yellow than I initially anticipated. The fit of it was pretty good, especially since I was staking a stab at which size would fit best based on the measurements, but still a bit tight.

Overall, my experience with zulily was okay. I would shop with them again, sure, but I'm not sure if I would buy clothing other than shoes and tights/leggings simply because of the sizing issues.

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Based on 50 reviews from Zulily customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Zulily is a daily deals site for moms, babies and kids which sells clothes, shoes, toys, products for the home.

Address: 2200 1st Avenue South, 98134


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