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Reviews Beauty, Skin Care Dermstore

379 customer reviews of

Delivery was so late and WORST Customer Service Experience
I'm not one who normally posts negative reviews, but I will NEVER, EVER EVER order from this company again. I've had the WORST Customer Service experience from them. I've called because my first order with them was 3 weeks late and I couldn't even Track it because Dermstore use Newgistics which is another negative experience regarding order tracking, etc. I can only say that after speaking with them at least 4 times to find out when I am getting my delivery, I've only been treated nicely ONCE. The other reps who I've talked to were super rude and talked over me and made me feel like I was the one inconveniencing them. I was willing to give them another chance today after my order STILL HAS NOT ARRIVED after 25 BUSINESS DAYS, and the CS rep talked over me AGAIN and was SOOOO rude! Despite the rudeness, I remained calm and just got my refund and hung up. I wanted to remind her who the customer was and that I could have made a new order and give it another shot but after talking to her, it reminded me of how nasty these CS reps are and I did not want to give this company my money anymore. This is not about my order being late anymore, it's not about the money and time spent wasted, it's about how a customer is supposed to be treated. Because of the people who work here, I will NEVER do business with this company again. Please stay away, not worth the product discounts. The CS reps are horrible!

I have shopped from dermstore for many years but after...
I have shopped from dermstore for many years but after my last experience I will NEVER shop from them again. I purchased an expensive retinol product, it was left out on the heat by the delivery carrier for 10+ hours in 85 degree heat. This however, I did not blame dermstore for- I called customer service and explained the situation, Dermstore very nicely sent me a return label and said they would exchange the product once it arrived. Before shipping out the product, I examined it and found a dot on the bottom label (a slight "stain/mark" that is not part of the packaging) so that I would know if I received the same bottle back. I shipped out the package right away, shipping took over a week and on 6/11 it stated "picked up and processed by agent". I gave it another 5 days before calling CS. They stated it was received and would be processed in a day or so. 2 days later, I called CS again- they NOW state the package is still in transit and not received by their warehouse yet. 2 days later, I called again and expressed my frustration at being told different things by different agents, and also the fact that almost 3 weeks has elapsed. The agent says they received the return and offered me a gift card and told me to use that to repurchase the item. She explicitly stated I would receive a brand new item using this method and not the same bottle I returned. 1 week later, I receive my product and it is the EXACT bottle I returned (with the mark on the bottom) in a newer looking box. I believe they took so long processing my order because they wanted to ensure I received the same item I returned because they had agreed it was "damaged by the heat". Never again

I finally splurged on myself during Covid and purchased over $500 worth of products. I called in June 16th livid asking where my order is? There was no eta listing on my tracking nor could Dermstore give me clarity when I called. I said, had I known you are using a snail to deliver my package, I would have ordered from Sephora. She told me if my package does not arrive by Thursday they would give me a refund. I then called on Friday to find out if my refund was processed, and scheduled a call back due to the long wait time and the call back never came. So I call this morning and ask if my refund processed, he said it shows your order delivered today. I said I am not home and that is not the point. I don't know if the package was delivered, I just know I was told my refund was supposed to be processed Thursday due to it taking exes dice time to ship! He said, but you have your product. I said, not the point!' You told me the refund would process Thursday so why didn't it process?!?!?! DONT TELL CUSTOMERS THINGS AND NOT FOLLOW THROUGH! If you want a luxury experience beyond the products do not use this site! For $500 I could have shopped at Sephora, Skinceuticals, or a million other places that would honor their promise and deliver products in a timely fashion. I am still waiting for a supervisor to reach out... and they told me someone will email me and not even have the decency to pick up the phone and call. Clearly they are a all flash on their site and running on a shoestring budget. I am so upset. As a single mom, I tried treating myself to something dieciséis and look what happens.

Absolutely AWFUL!
I've been a Dermstore customer for many years and was delighted until the last 9 months when Dermstore have gone completely downhill. I've placed orders, no shipping status, contact customer service and get a promise of remedy and then... nothing.

After a 3 month hiatus I placed another order 10 days ago. No updates. Contacted them today because there was no shipping status and the chat person I was told "I'm sorry for any inconvenience. However, In order to provide further information I will have to escalate this issue to our upper management team to review. They will be reaching out within 48-72 hours with a resolution to your email" - this makes zero sense! When I asked why they didn't reply. It's the same email, shipping address, and Visa that I've used for years. And the order was under $100.
The only reason I keep trying to order from them is that I have a load of points, which translate to $$$. Just want to use my points and move on to another provider. Total bummer because they used to be great.

I ordered a skin cleanser from this site in the 6 oz...
I ordered a skin cleanser from this site in the 6 oz size, when I received my package it contained a 2oz sample size of the product (I had paid for the full size) along with a skin moisturizer that I did not order but assumed was a sample owing to its small size (more on this later). I called customer service, and I did get speak to a live and easy-to-understand person pretty quickly, so kudos for that. The representative said that she would send me the full size product. So... cut to a week later and my package arrives from the DermStore. I opened it, and AGAIN Dermstore sent me the 2oz size of the product. I didn't call them that day, I was too annoyed. I ended up not calling them at all because the next day I tried the skin moisturizer accidently sent to me and I really liked it, so I looked up the product online. Come to find out that the product was actually full sized and pretty pricey, more than what I paid for for the cleanser. So I decided to let it go and just never order from them again, all's well that ends well, amiright? No, I am not. Because today I get home from work and check my mailbox (snailmail) and there is a copy of More magazine in the box addressed to me. I was like wth? Called More magazine and spoke to a very nice person who explained that I received my subscription "free" with my dermstore purchase. I told her to cancel it. Whenever I order ANYTHING online I always opt out of all "free" offers, so I have no idea how this happened, but it really pissed me off first of all because I did not order the mag, second because you KNOW that turns into a paid subscription after a certain peroid of time and third (and this is my own vanity, I know) I am in my TWENTIES! The end.

Counterfeit or old products? And broken seal
I recently went to a spa and was introduced to a Naturopathica peel during a half hour facial treatment. I walked out with a super clean tingly and nicely blushed face.:-) (two days after I saw subtle skin with a nice glow). Anyway, right at the spa I decided to buy the peel despite the steep price considering the (at the time only anticipated/hoped for results). I used the peel a few times in the next few weeks and was convinced enough so I decided to give a couple more Naturopathica products a try. I came across Dermstore and it looked legitimate enough to order there. Very excited when the products arrived only a few days later! To my dismay one of the seals was broken and a considerable amount of the product had leaked all over the package. Considering the price point and that Naturopathica has a good reputation that was the first thing that made me suspicious. Next, I noticed that the lot numbers on the products were in entirely different formats, print and size. Odd. Next, I noticed that the blue color of the newly ordered containers was lighter than the container I had purchased at the spa. Further, the stickers on the container were placed slightly differently than the original and the brand name was in slightly differently sized font. Not sure if this means Dermstore are simply old or returned products or are counterfeit, but I won't purchase again at Dermstore. My skin is too important to take the risk. The company is supposedly owned by Target which makes it even worse. I'd recommend that Target look into this.

I've had really good experiences with Dermstore
I've had really good experiences with Dermstore. I've ordered roughly 10 times from them, over the past 1 and a half years. Every purchase went smoothly. There were sometimes minor delays because the system sensed an "Address Problem", because I address my package to a shiping forwarding company, as I'm not a US resident. But those delays were quickly sorted out by the customer service.

The products are genuine and high-quality. U can get at least 10% off each product, by saving that item into your "Favorites" list. There's free 2-day shipping, which is really fantastic. And the customer service is SO AMAZING. When I email them, Dermstore quickly solve any problem. Twice I had to call them, and the customer service representatives were polite, cheerful and helpful.

Dermstore has truly great service. I have a hard time believing a few of these negative reviews. Someone said she left items in her cart but didn't checkout, and got sent the items and charged for those items. REALLY? I'd bet a significant amount of money that that's a lie, because I've left items in my cart many times after deciding not to order at that time, and I've NEVER been sent those items or been charged for those items.

I recommend dermstore. :)

Initially, I thought that the products I ordered from...
Initially, I thought that the products I ordered from were good deals. However, I ordered a product that Dermstore didn't have in stock. Instead of telling me this, they sent me a similar product for sensitive skin. I don't have sensitive skin, and I don't want to spend a lot of money (about $30) to get a random product that they selected to replace the one I wanted. I emailed with no response for 2 business days, then called. They told me they would send the correct product, and I would need to send the old one back. This is a hassle because, not only did I not receive what I wanted, I had to run an errand to correct their mistake. I returned the item in the middle of June. It is now August 7 and I have not received a refund. I called on August 3, emailed on August 5, and called and emailed again today to find out why I had not received my refund. I finally received a response today, saying that I would receive a credit for a random amount- almost twice as much as the product costs. When I noticed the mistake, I notified them, and asked if they intended to do that. I thought it was possible that, since I have had so much difficulty with this store, that they had given me my refund, and also refunded the other item that I ordered for my trouble. But, they emailed me very soon after I told them of their mistake, and said that they would ADJUST THE CREDIT BY CHARGING MY CREDIT CARD THE DIFFERENCE. Please keep in mind that this company took my money for a product they never sent me at the beginning of June. They forced on me the responsibility of shipping the wrong product back to them, and if I hadn't remembered to look for a refund on my credit card statement, I speculate that I would never have received a dime of my money back. Now, they have issued a credit for an incorrect amount and intend to CHARGE ME AGAIN! At best, this company's highly regarded customer service department inadvertently overlooked my situation. At worst, they are intentionally substituting incorrect products into orders and deliberately forgetting to issue refunds, ripping off the customer. I am generally a patient customer, and I understand mistakes. However, I expect them to be rectified quickly, and I am generally appeased by an apology or some type of consolation prize- like the offer of a gift card. After a series of emails and discussions with customer service, when I asked them for some incentive to ever shop at again, they gave me a 15% off coupon, that negates any other offers, such as free shipping. I will never shop with this company again.

Never again!
Do NOT order from Dermstore, and expect great customer service, fast shipping, or a good buy. I placed an order on Black Friday, and still didn't receive my order in time for Christmas! I received an email December 7th saying my order FINALLY shipped. What a lie. Even though my credit card was charged in full, my order NEVER shipped. After sending an email inquiry requesting a tracking number, or confirmation it shipped, I received DAILY 'automated' emails, explaining how Dermstore were so busy at this time of year, and IF the matter I was inquiring about was resolved, to 'cancel' the email inquiry. Not once did anyone from customer service even look at my email or respond. Finally the day AFTER Christmas, I received an email THANKING ME FOR MY NEW ORDER, and advising me that my credit card had been charged for $20 plus dollars more than previously. Seriously? I finally CALLED customer service. I requested to speak with a supervisor. The CS reps can't patch calls thru to a supervisor. No, they will take your phone number, and have customer service call you back! Surprise, surprise, that never happened! I would NEVER recommend Dermstore, and I would NEVER shop on their website again. The absolute WORST online shopping experience I have ever had! THE WORST!

Disturbing business model
As with the other reviews, I can attest to the fact that during checkout, after clicking "confirm" or "pay" or whatever the typical last step of the check out process is, Dermstore displays a rectangle advertising some supplemental product or beauty device for a discounted price, with two buttons below it, one that says "im interested" and the other "im not interested" or something like that. It was a product that I was indeed interested in, but in no way wanted to purchase just yet! I clicked interested, and next thing I know, it was not only tacked onto my shopping basket, but my order was actually COMPLETE. I have been dealing with bad customer service experiences all day (today is not my day), so I sent an immediate email to cancel the order and ended up removing both products from my order and cancelling my order entirely. I wanted to make a new order for just the one item I had intended to purchase originally, but my promo code had been "used up" after this ordeal, so now Dermstore lost a customer.

I know that Dermstore claims those supplemental products are just suggestions, and that buyers are free to decline them or remove them from your order "easily." First of all, it is not clear at ALL that by clicking "interested" it means you will be charged the cost of the item. Dermstore seems to have great products, but their business model is seriously endangering their company! It's unprofessional and unwanted to force customers to have to go through the hassle of removing a supplemental, unwanted item from the order once it has been placed, and doing so also removes any and all promo codes (I was trying to use the new subscriber one). I really urge Dermstore to reconsider their approach, for it is very off-putting to see that kind of thing going on! It may be legal, in a loop-hole filling way, but it is off-putting to new customers.

Orders skipped often!
I contacted customer service today and the lady I talked to hanged up the phone on me because I asked her to speak with a supervisor.
I was not rude at any moment. She was actually rude to me.

My question was why the orders dont come every month. We ran out of the potion for two weeks before we get the next shipment. The lady told me the orders skip the month of October. I asked her why and she said I dont know.

I placed two orders for the potion on different dates so that we would never run out and when the orders skip a month its imposible not to run out.

She said she didnt know and kept telling me the November orders will ship soon. We have been out of the potion for 2 weeks. I have 4 kids and Dermstore all use it.

This is not the first time it happens. The orders are sporadic and skip often. She kept telling me that the orders will ship soon over and over without giving me an explanation on why the orders skip.

When I ask her to get me to a supervisor so I could find out why this is happening she hanged up the phone on me!

What a great customer service you have! You need to find out who is this lady and re-train her. She does not know what it means to be a good customer service rep.
I work with customers all day long and my job is to make them happy because we want their business. The customer is always right no matter what. This lady can cares less if I take my business somewhere else. She is not a good employee if she does not care to keep your companys customers happy.

Her treatment towards me is unacceptable. Shame on her!

Very upset customer!

Don't expect real tracking or ANY customer service
Been hung up on 3 times, all tracking given are fake tracking numbers - Dermstore simply say 'we can't help you' My money has been taken w/ no product. I have used them once before and they were good as far as delivery, (I had not delt with their customer service yet) but this last time was AWFUL and given from recent reviews I have read, I am not the only one paying for items and not receiving them. I ordered $500+ worth of items received confirmation of order then waited on the 'shipped' confirmation e-mail. Instead 4 days later I get an e-mail asking me to confirm my billing and shipping address. Which I had clearly already given them during check out. They said if I did not respond within 48 HRS, the order would be canceled - I responded but then realized it was after the 48 hr window, so I logged onto my account and the order was canceled - checked my bank, I was not charged - no big deal I simply re-ordered the items. Checking a few days later - they processed BOTH orders, one says it shipped - but has NO tracking and the second one had a FAKE UPS tracking number, because I put it in the UPS tracking site and it was not a proper tracking number. Then for the first order the lady on the phone gave me a USPS tracking which ALSO was not a valid tracking number. ALSO, I paid EXTRA for 2 day shipping, with the understanding there may be a day or so delay due to Covid, now their site says my package will arrive over two weeks later (16 DAYS Later) - but still both have no valid UPS or USPS tracking, this is just what their personal site says. When I called customer service, one of the ladies told me that I just had to wait, even if I had no tracking, that they could do nothing - but thing is I was not going to be at the shipment delivery location 16 days out, then she pretended to not hear me anymore and told me I had to wait and hung up. Second lady said the same thing, gave me a BOGUS USPS number, then I asked to speak to a manager and she said 'sure one moment' and HUNG UP ON ME. I was polite to both ladies, only time I got heated was with the second lady who said it was out of her control and not to be mad at her. Needless to say I am not the only person who is having this issue with Dermstore - JUST READ RECENT REVIEWS on any site. This company is going down hill. I will be pressing charges if I do not get an answer or items that I have sent money for and I will NOT be returning to this site unless they get rid of their awful and caddy set of customer service reps AND fix their shipping process.

Pretty shady and deceptive
I have made two separate purchases on Dermstore now and am extremely iffy about them. Yes, Dermstore have good sales and "free shipping and returns," however, if you return something using their free return label, they only give you a store credit. If you want a refund, you have to pay for the shipping yourself. And they have the most horrible practice of (what THEY even refer to) as "upselling." After you complete your purchase, a pop-up comes on and they offer you a reduced price on something that is "a special promotion after you have checked out on our website." They make it seem as though your purchase has been completed, but if you click "Yes" on this offer (thinking it would go into your cart for a future purchase), it automatically adds it to your just-completed order and charges you for it. They did this to me and I attempted to contact customer service immediately to cancel it before it shipped (as they tell you to do), but not surprisingly, my order was shipped before I could get in contact with them. Suspiciously fast, too - within a few hours (which I highly doubt actually happened without them seeing my message).
It's been 2 days now and customer service still hasn't contacted ME, so I got online to chat with a representative (strangely one that is personally named in a really bad review on this page). She wasn't rude to me like the other reviewer, but I told her that the product they pushed on me was supposed to come with a free gift with purchase and since they charged me for it, I wanted my gift. She told me that since the promotion was already such a good deal, it wasn't eligible for a GWP. I asked her to show me where it says that because there were no restrictions listed anywhere. She LITERALLY said this to me: "It doesn't say it anywhere, which is why I am informing you now." SERIOUSLY? They could really get into actual trouble for such deceptive practices - and they SHOULD. But they obviously don't care.
She told me that she would go ahead and start a return process for the item for me so it would be faster when they received it, and I pointed out that because of their policy, I would have to pay for shipping. Now to her credit - she DID email me a return label (without me asking) so I wouldn't have to pay for it and would get my money actually refunded. We'll see if that happens - which is why I saved the chat transcript if they try to store credit me.
Like I said - I'm iffy about them. They do have a LOT of nice products and good sales on things that normally don't ever go on sale, but they do say that some companies don't let them give the discount on their products, so the sales don't include everything. Overall, I don't think they're a really bad company (and so far their customer service is still WAY better than Sephora's), but if you order from them, just be VERY careful what you click on.

I'm going to stop shopping at this site and you should too!
So I set up an auto order shipment of a product and it shipped before I could stop the order. This was my fault because I didn't keep track of how often it would be shipped to me. So no biggie, I can just return it. I did return the item in which I chose store credit as the option because it was free according to the site (and I would use it for cleanser eventually). I called today to see if I can use my credit and Dermstore said it was sent to me in an email. The two addresses in which I use did not contain anything from Dermstore. So I asked the representative which email and he said my college one. Apparently when I logged in using my FB account it linked with my college email. I found you can't use your school email after you graduate bc I totally tried to hack into it (and it didn't work obviously bc it's been 10 years). I have another account with Dermstore using my gmail but the representative said it wasn't possible to send it to that one bc its not the account I purchased the product with. Such BS and now I'm out 25 and some change. That may not be a lot to some but it is to me! So word of caution when you place your order make sure your email is set to the one you use everyday.

Website is very buggy during checkout mainly, doesn't allow you to enter line 2 of your address. Because of this I emailed them to ensure my address would show correctly on the parcel, however what I received back was an email saying my order had been successfully cancelled, which I never requested?

I then placed a new order (as Dermstore had cancelled my first one) which I never received a confirmation email for, then today (a few days later) I get an email saying Dermstore has cancelled my order as they no longer ship to freight forwarding services - why should this be their concern?!

UPDATE 15/08/2016 - it has now been 9 & 10 days respectively since I placed the orders and Dermstore STILL have not cancelled the payment authorisations. Very frustrating as since they won't let me buy their products, I would like to purchase them elsewhere but can't because the money for both cancelled orders is still frozen in my account! I phoned PayPal to ask about this and PayPal told me that Dermstore needs to cancel the authorisation on their end. When I requested this Dermstore replied back saying that the authorisation should release by itself within 5-7 days... it has already been 9 days now and I'm just supposed to keep waiting for the authorisation to expire on its own because they won't make the effort to go in and cancel it? I am not happy at all and based on the service I received I can not recommend them.

Also I would just like to note that I went back to double check the "Shipping restrictions" section on the site and there is zero mention of not posting to freight forwarding addresses - maybe this should be updated to prevent wasting people's time like this

Two bad experiences in a row
I placed an order from Dermstore which I never received (Post Office showed as delivered, so it may have been stolen & not Dermstore's fault).

In any event, I called to tell them and Dermstore kindly said they would re-ship the items. A few days later I got an email asking me to respond within 24 hrs to the email if I wanted the item reshipped and if they did not hear from me they would consider the case closed. I immediately responded asking them to please ship the item. They in turn responded and say they would reship on Sept 7. On 9/7/15 I wrote back to the customer service agent asking her to please send me the tracking info. NO RESPONSE. I waited a day and wrote her again. NO RESPONSE. I waited another day and called their customer service line and got a new agent who looked into the notes on my account and told me that the case was closed on Sept 4 because I had never responded! I told her I had the email trail that I would be happy to send her. She put me on hold, apparently talked to the other agent, and came back on telling me they would re-ship that day.

When I finally received the package one of the items had clearly been tampered with (package was damaged, seal was broken) and, THE PRODUCT WAS EXPIRED. I immediately called them to complain and they said they will re-ship the two items. Let's see...

The saga continues, but I will not order from Dermstore again and will warn friends against it too.

Double charged for an order
Was sent my original order, then 3 weeks later received an email that another order was shipped. I called right away and Dermstore told me they couldn't cancel it as it was already shipped but I could send it back once I received it. WTH! Thought it was ridiculous since they clearly shipped the same order TWICE! Also why was it 3 weeks later?! How was that even approved? SO confused and they have no explanation either as to why I was sent/charged twice. Such a hassel for something that was not my fault. A month later still waiting on my refund so I do a quick online chat... oh yeah we'll refund it right now. Umm excuse me, why did it take you an entire month to complete my refund in the first place? Where you hoping I would forget and not issue one? Seems super fishy. In the end I did get refunded however It was a huge hassle for something that didn't need to be that complicated. And I might add poor customer service through out the entire process. Won't be ordering from them again!

Products are used and shady
I recently purchased a few items from Dermstore, including a T3 hairdryer, a deep conditioner and a toner. When I received my products, I checked the deep conditioner first. I noticed that the seal on the product was broken and it was only 1/3 full. I thought perhaps someone accidentally twisted it and it was supposed to be like that. Next, I opened my T3 hairdryer... I've never been so shocked or disgusted in my life. First of all, the hairdryer was not in any sort of packaging inside the box, it was just thrown in there with some of the parts. Second of all, it had hairs stuck to the back and side of the hairdryer, and there was a lot of build up on the handle. My last hairdryer of 5 years didn't even look like this! I didn't even bother checking the toner that I had purchased, and threw everything back in the shipping box. I can't believe such a company would allow for something like this to happen. Now I have to deal with the nightmare of shipping all this back and waiting around for them to receive this before getting a refund, even though Dermstore were QUICK to charge my card for purchase. Be sure to thoroughly check each product that you purchase from this site, or just not purchase anything from here at all.

SCAM - stay away from this company. I wish I had read these reviews before placing my order.
Total scam. I ordered products on 11/14/19. I received no shipping notification. I then called 11/29/19 to see the status on the order and Dermstore said it was lost at warehouse. They then re-ordered the products. Same thing happened. I call again to see when it would ship - they cannot give me a status on when it will ship. I then asked to cancel my order and they said they cannot and will not cancel my order...

I called six times customer service throughout the past 2 weeks and now have filed a complaint dispute through my credit card company to get my money back (hopefully). In the process I was lied to by customer service. Here are the lies I was told. I was told one day when I called that my package would arrive by 8pm the same day. She said that just to get my off the phone. There was no tracking number. I was also told at some point the package was delivered, and I asked what day that was, and they said it was the next day after I ordered it. Ha ha ha. That would be remarkable. ;) There was no tracking number associated with said "shipping." And if it had shipped, why would they reissue the order and say it was lost in the warehouse?

I ordered $291 worth of products on 11/14/19 and it is now 12/5/19 and no indication of shipping any time soon.

Do not buy from this company. Total scam and employee actually tell lies to you. LOL!

First and Last Order from Dermstore!
I ordered a Skinceuticals Gift set on November 30,2020. When there was no email notification from Dermstore that the order was shipped I called customer service and spoke to Heather. She said "that gift set is no longer available, would you like me to cancel the order"? Of course I said yes and she put me on hold to cancel the order and came back to tell me it was cancelled and then I ordered the products from another company! I was surprised to get an email on December 11,2020 that my order from Dermstore was Shipped and my credit card charged. When I called customer service Dermstore said it was back in stock and the shipping overrode the cancellation. You must have alot of unhappy customers with this happening! Now I have to wait until I receive the order to ship it back and get my money back! Especially unhappy that I have to go to the main post office to get a receipt that I sent it back! Making matters worse it took 14 days to arrive on December 24,2020! Then when I mailed it back it took 13 days to arrive back to them. I can see from their shipping label that they use the cheapest USPS shipping there is and it wouldn't even pull up tracking. I finally got my money back the middle of January 2021! I don't know how a company like this stays in business, they really have a problem with their shipping! I ordered the products from Skinceuticals directly and they came UPS in 3 days. I would never order from this company again! Check out all the bad reviews on the Better Business website!

My first time ordering from this fraudulent online store. I ordered one item from this store and order 2-day express shipping. Never received product, despite UPS claiming a "no-signature-needed" delivery. My home has video surveillance. No UPS showed that day. I called, chatted online and emailed Dermstore. The representatives were rude and said there would be an investigation and the "tracer" would take 7 days to let me know status. No apology from them! Didn't even offer to send me another package. What store treats its customers so poorly? Never experienced such poor service from any store before, online or in person. So I informed Dermstore I will never order from them again and will discourage my friends and colleagues from patroning them. Two weeks later, still no package. I didn't hear a word from Dermstore. So I alerted my credit card which refunded my account back for my Dermstore purchase. Dermstore then emails me a nasty message that Dermstore discovered I asked for charge-back from my credit card and I would not be getting a reshipment and cannot order from them again. Crazy, disrespectful store with horrendous customer service. NEVER BUY FROM THEM. Go with Amazon Prime. You get your packages with next-day delivery! Prompt and courteous Guaranteed next-day delivery/customer service or they give you a discount or cash-back! And prices are about the same or less.

Doesn't truthfully represent their own on-site banner coupons or products, won't be back
Chatted with a chap named Calvin W. Concerning a site-wide coupon (shows no restrictions next to the coupon banner like other legit stores do) I wasn't ordering $150 moisturizer that IS included in the offer, I wouldn't consider this excluded product a prestige brand at all. There is absolutely nothing on the product pages that states a restriction and I was ordering a few items, different brands some were included and of those not included, you didn't find out until you went to checkout, entered the code and I noticed the discount was off. And at that point and in very small print, under the name of the product appeared this message "Promo code ineligible: Restricted Brand."
The CS response was that info is in the banner and I said no it isn't, it says exactly this "Save 20% sitewide during Friends & Family Sale with code FRIENDS. SHOP NOW" At which point I was told we should go down to the footer, click on FAQs and read all of those to find the coupon details. I dumped my almost $300 cart and will order from a more reputable company. What a crap experience. I did ask to have my just created account deleted, last thing I want is emails from this crap company.

Now owned by company that owns Skinstore!
Dermstore was once a reliable business, but it has now been sold (by Target) to the same UK company that owns Skinstore. That is bad news, indeed. Skinstore is one of the most unethical companies I have ever dealt with! What made me research whether something had happened to Dermstore is the message "Thank you for your enquiry" came up after I messaged Customer Service. "Enquiry." That is British usage. So, I scrolled down to the bottom of the web page and saw that The Hut Group is listed as the parent company. Uh oh, that's Skinstore's parent company! Dermstore once stole $600 from me. I don't have high hopes for resolving my issue with Dermstore now.

What happened is I received a defective cosmetic product from Dermstore. Customer Service brushed it off instead of offering to send a replacement product or requesting that the bad one be returned ("I will report this to the Team and they will get back to you," said the person in Chat). This is precisely the tactic Skinstore used. They would take the information and never get back to you. They always had some excuse (I need to consult the team!), but would just bin your request. Stay away from Dermstore if you value your money and time.

Even if you file a dispute through your payment service, the company will find a way around your payment service's customer guarantee. That is part of their business practice. With that other online cosmetics company they own, when I got deep into a dispute with them over an undelivered shipment, they required that I sign some dodgy "legal forms" before they would proceed. The Hut Group is a UK company, based in Manchester (headquartered at the airport!). Keep in mind that even if it appears you are ordering from a once-reliable US company that has been around for decades (Dermstore), you are actually dealing with an overseas business that is nothing more than an e-platform. Your items with ship from the UK.

Stay away from this business!

Order from here if you never want to revive your order, don't want your money back, and want to consistently speak to customer service with no resolution. TRUST ME... shop elsewhere!

If I could give it 0 I would!
I purchased some products from Dermstore on Cyber Monday, when I ordered the items it allowed the products to be discounted using the 30% off cyber Monday code dermstore provided. I ordered the items, gave my credit card and paid for them and even received order confirmation emails confirming my purchase with the discount. A day or so later when the products where shipped I received a new order confirmation email from dermstore, this confirmation had removed the discount and charged me the full amount, an un-agreed upon amount. I contacted Dermstore to make them aware of the mistake, and I was told numerous times by email and phone that I was wrong and that I could not get the discount and that I wouldn't get a refund for the difference, finally I provided them with pictures of the discount and order confirmation and Dermstore finally conceded and provided me with a refund of the difference. Then when my order finally arrived, upon opening up the package it was clear that the curling iron was a used/ returned product that I had been sold under the guise of it being new (the packaging on the iron was ripped and obviously had been opened before). As someone who works in the consumer products industry this is incredibly troubling, as we would never sell used/ returned product as new, we are upfront and honest when someone is buying used product and never pass it off as new. I contacted Dermstore and stated that I would like to make a return, as I had been incredibly unimpressed with the customer service I had received so far from Dermstore. That return took weeks and many emails back and forth from me and dermstore, with them trying everything from not acknowledging what I am asking for, refusing my return, to saying I can only have a store credit, quite frankly it was the worst customer service experience I had ever had.Do not believe their claims on their website about 'easy returns' returns if your not happy with the items, it's completely false. Finally I was sent a return-shipping label, I told them that I lived in Canada and that would not work, they stated that I would have to pay to ship their used product back to them if I wanted a return. Finally after calling the customer service line yet again, we came to an agreement that I would have someone drive to the border and drop the package in the mail and upon receipt I would be given a refund. Now months later I have decided to try again ordering as I really wanted the products and Dermstore is the only place you can purchase them, again I waited and used a discount code I was sent, in the checkout phase it allowed the products to be discounted again, but yet again when I received my invoice a day or so later it had removed the discount and charged my credit card an un-agreed upon amount, when I called customer service they're playing the same game of insisting that I was not allowed the discount. After checking online reviews this is very common with customers being offered coupon codes and then having them pulled away after their payment and purchase, specifically with the 'favourite item' sales. Again after checking online this is quite a common occurrence for Dermstore to send out product which has obviously been opened/ returned to customers, and making it incredibly difficult to return items. Dermstore's customer service and business practices are unethical, fraudulent and truly atrocious. I thought I would give them one more chance and yet again they blew it, I am telling everyone I know to stay away from Dermstore at all costs.

Accused of reselling sunscreen
I had been using dermstore for about a year and had placed numerous $100 orders. I use a lot of sunscreen and I like to have one in my gym bag, at my boyfriend's and at my own house. I would order a couple of them a month or every other month. I was using the elta MD clear sunscreen. I placed an order and it was never sent to me, when I called to see why Dermstore told me that they had canceled my orders because they thought I was reselling the items because of my frequent purchases. I asked them how on Earth they thought I was reselling it when I literally only bought a couple bottles of sunscreen every month or every two months, if you apply sunscreen like you should which I apply it about 3 times a day in the winter, four times a day in the summer, you will go through sunscreen quickly. They said they would not allow me to purchase any more sunscreen. They didn't even have the decency to contact me and tell me why they never sent my order, I had to call them. I now place all of my orders through lovely skin. I will never do business with dermstore again.

Erratic service
I've ordered from Dermstore three times -- the first two times, I was in a bit of a skincare crisis and paid an extra $6.95 for 2-day shipping. Dermstore used FedEx and it arrived in the two business days they quoted.

HOWEVER, the third time I ordered from them, I decided to go with their free standard shipping. I mistakenly thought that because their service was so good with the 2-day shipping, I would receive my order within a week as well. WRONG. I placed my ordered on a Friday. I wasn't expecting them to send my package out right away but it took 2 full days (Mon and Tues) for them to finally send my package out. They used a parcel company called "Newgistics", which I quickly found was known for their poor shipping service. For 8 DAYS my package was stuck in one place, before it finally arrived at my destination post office.

I honestly would pay the extra 7 bucks for the 2-day shipping. Newgistics has been known to lose packages and Dermstore does not have a good policy on lost packages.

Horrible customer service, Beware "free returns" are not free.
Do not buy anything from this store. Let my experience be one that you can benefit from. I was in the market for a new blow dryer. After reading numerous reviews, I decided on the Josh Harry Pro one and saw that Dermstore was offering it at a great sale price. I purchased the Josh Harry Pro blowdryer on 5/18/18. I have been using it 2-3x/wk. I noticed that it wasnt blowing out hot air as well as my Conair 1875 or my T3 featherweight travel hair dryer. I wanted to give it a chance but it continued to underperform. It took 2x as long to dry my hair. I do not have thick or thin hair but in between. After using it for almost 3 weeks, I was still dissatisfied. There were so many good reviews that I figured I may have gotten a lemon dryer. I contacted Dermstore customer service to exchange the lemon product but was told that I would have to pay $9.95 for their warranty, and then Dermstore will ship me a new dryer. WTH. Its only been 2 weeks! You sent me a lemon product and now I have to give you more money to send me a working one that should have been sent to me in the first place? Is this even legal? Fraudulent wouldnt you say? I asked to speak with the manager because this made no sense to me and was told by the CS named Candice that she will forward my request to a manager. I should hear back in 24 hours. They have a lot of managers so she couldnt tell me the name of the manager who will be contacting me, but yet, none was available to speak to me and that I would have to wait 24 hours for one to give me a call. This again makes no sense and a lot of run around.

I was put on an automatic order status without my permission and Dermstore kept send ing me the items monthly. This added up to $400 and they were still sending them, I could not complain through the website (not functional) or phone (please hold) click. Or email, no response and non existant email address furnished. They are a fraudulent company, no online business can have that many problems "by accident". I actually had to stop my credit card in order for the charges not to be put on automatically. The credit card company said that there was no explanation of what the charges were for nor were the charges in a recognizable name. Nor did they have a contact mumber for them. I have no recourse other than to start down a long road of effort to get back my stolen money. I sent back everything I ever recdeived from them so they have my $400 AND their products and I am forced to do all the work to report them to consumer boards, police depts credit card companies, and small claims court. Most people probably give up. No telling how much money thay have taken fraudulently! I am shocked they have not been shut down!

Fraudulent and Rude
I placed an order 8/17/21. On 8/25 and 8/27 sent a message asking about my order. Tracking for Pitney Bowed said it was updated 8/10/21 GA, 8/17/21 IN, 8/19/21 IN, 8/26/21 GA. Nothing else. Tracking for USPS says waiting for the package to come to them. Note the order was placed 8/17/21 its impossible to be first dated 8/10/21. Customer service by message said I have to wait 8 business days for my replacement or refund but it had been. Called today. A man asked me to verify my account by name, email and address. After my name was given he argued I was not me. I was unable for 3 minutes to answer anything because he was talking over me loudly and repeating himself over and over in poor English. Saying the company can get sued if Dermstore give information to someone else. If I am not *** he can't talk to me. I attempted multiple times to give my identification details and he refused to stop talking and was the rudest person I've ever heard speak. Was unreal. I believe by this experience and reading others that DERMSTORE is fraudulent. I ended up having to disconnect the call. No resolution. No refund, no replacement, no order received. Given one star only because 0 isn't an option. Contacting BBB and my bank for help.

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Based on 379 reviews from Dermstore customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: • We offer over 700 brands, including physician-strength formulas and hard-to-find specialty brands
• We have over 100,000 product reviews from real customers…and counting!
• We offer free shipping on all orders all the time
• We give you free samples with every order
• DermStore is a 8 year Bizrate Circle of Excellence Award Winner for Customer Satisfaction
• We have licensed estheticians on staff reviewing products and personally answering questions submitted by our customers
• DermStore was founded by a Board Certified Dermatologist
• We only sell products that are 100% authorized by the brands we carry, which means they are real, safe, in code and certified by the manufacturer!
• 24/7 Customer Service

Address: 1200 Worldwide Blvd, 41048


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